Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

I recently had a tick bite that needed an excision to completely remove the tick.
Oh Bobo08, how awful for you!!

For future prevention of ticks, you might like to try an essential oil called “Pelargonium graveolens” or Rose Geranium Oil (sometimes called ‘Cape Rose Geranium Oil’). I bought certified organic. I recall that it comes from a bush that grows in South Africa.

(Note - don’t buy ordinary Rose Geranium Oil, not the same thing.)

Years ago I was having a nightmare experience with ticks and did some research online. I discovered a post from a woman who lived in the County of Lyme who used to go bushwalking a lot. She and her dog were just smothered in ticks. She started using this oil and experienced a complete change in their experience. I’m not sure who was happier - her or the dog! 😂

When I tried it, I found this amazing at preventing ticks, they absolutely cannot stand it. Other friends have also tried it and had brilliant success.

I applied a tiny amount on my fingers and swiped it around my sock/ankle area, on my footwear, on my belt/waist area, on the collar of my top and at the back of my hairline/neck area (my worst problems were when they ended up burrowing into my head), and then just kinda lightly rubbed what was left all over my clothes.

You could probably make it up into a spray and concentrate the mist it certain areas on your body/clothing.

Also used a tiny amount on a friends dogs (with their permission) around the neck and base of tail, they were astonished at the result. Used it on my cats at the back of their neck and under the jaw. Amazing result.

FWIW. :flowers:
Thank you. I only have ferritin tested, which is 194 ug/L. I understand that it is high, but didn't know that it is related to cholesterol. I will make an appointment for blood donation shortly.
If they allow you, yeah, it's a way to unload excess blood.


I started my first unloading yesterday, Didn't want to be rejected so, had to tell them I DID eat before coming even though I was "fasted" as I only eat on the evening at home. I felt fine though.

I made an appointement for the plasma donation in 2 weeks.
On their website (EFS), there is the following about the interval between donation :


It means, I could in theory unload some every 2 weeks, alternating like this : Full Blood > Plasma > Platelets > Plasma > Full Blood > ...
Is there some contra indications to doing that way ? I worry a bit if I give to much to quick, I might get some tiredness.
I worry a bit if I give to much to quick, I might get some tiredness.
If you get too low on blood, they should alert you. If you feel weak or that you gave enough, just cancel the appointment.

Usually they should alert you not to donate blood if you get too low, but they might be a bit desperate these days due to lack of donations. Sounds crazy, but I knew at least of a woman who ended up anemic from donating so much.
If you get too low on blood, they should alert you. If you feel weak or that you gave enough, just cancel the appointment.

Usually they should alert you not to donate blood if you get too low, but they might be a bit desperate these days due to lack of donations. Sounds crazy, but I knew at least of a woman who ended up anemic from donating so much.
Thank you Gaby. :flowers:
Little update :

So today I wanted to do my third donation : platelets. It didn't go too well. They stopped it all during process because it was very painful during the return phase. Afterwards, nurse said my vein was too thin. It's funny because I did felt a bad feeling about the particular nurse as she kept chatting with her other colleagues and wasn't as caring and aware as the previous one during the plasma donation, she must wanted to get it done quick to go eat.

It's annoying because now they said I must wait 2 full months, that I should only give full bloods, even though the plasma donation 2 weeks ago did go very fine.

Question : Is there some thing I should do to help about my "too thin" vein ?
Question : Is there some thing I should do to help about my "too thin" vein ?

I don’t think that ‘too thin veins’ really are the problem. Veins come in different sizes, and of course the smaller the vein, the thinner it is, which increases the risk of it ’blowing up’ when cannulated, or increases the pain/ restricts the backflow when collecting.

It is almost always possible to find bigger veins - sometimes an ultrasound machine is needed to access bigger veins that lie deeper in the muscles and are thus not visible from the outside. Another trick is to warm up the arm (with heat packs or warm water bottle) prior to cannulation so that the veins are more prominent. Stress also tends to make the veins disappear as the increased sympathetic tone constricts them and they seemingly disappear.

All that is mostly ‘operator dependent’ (aka depends on the skill of the person cannulating).

My advice would be to see what happens next time and take it from there - another nurse might be able to place the cannula in a better spot.
Another trick is to warm up the arm (with heat packs or warm water bottle) prior to cannulation so that the veins are more prominent. Stress also tends to make the veins disappear as the increased sympathetic tone constricts them and they seemingly disappear.

All that is mostly ‘operator dependent’ (aka depends on the skill of the person cannulating).

Thanks for the tips about heat. Now that you mention it, It makes sense as I recall having really visible veins during very hot temperature or during exercices and I'm really skinny so it's really sticking out. I'll try warming exercices next time.

I did felt very stressed out (also it seems I have trapped energy in my body, have involuntary movements and micro shaking) and the nurse kept adding to it when she tried to check my blood "numeration" on the other arm beforehand as she kept sticking in the cannula and out several times and ultimately couldn't get it right and surrendered. Was a bit nerve racking watching it. :umm:

Hopefully I'll have better luck next time.
Another trick is called the ‘reverse Esmarch technique’.

The Esmarch technique is a surgical technique to push the blood out of an arm with a tourniquet to render it bloodless for surgery. You basically take a long rubber band and wrap it from the hand back to the shoulders, which pushes the blood out of the arm, then you inflate the tourniquet to prevent it flowing back, and you’re on your way.

Now the ‘reverse Esmarch technique’ just does the opposite. You start bandaging the arm from the shoulder down to the hand. This pushes the blood down into the hand and makes even tiny veins pop out and easier to cannulate (while you leave the rubber band in place for the cannulation). It’s not a widely know or applied technique, but I often use it in difficult cannulations when an ultrasound is unavailable. Works in most people.
Have been on the carnivore diet for awhile. As someone wrote above there is no magical recipe thats for everyone. As far as I have realized the issue lies in fat break down by the body. The problem is not even the glucose or carbs but the plant poison and antropy of fat use of the body as fuel due to modern day eating habits placed from ancient due certain planetary conditions. I have found that breaking down of fats is less taxing and much shorter break down process which leaves more energy for the body that can be spent else where. Modern time humans most often have such a big problem breaking fats because of atrophied organ functions that are responsible for it. Thats why there is a degree of adaptation because the body needs to build up the muscle. After 4 - 5 months of being on carnivore diet my body breaks down fat much better than I started. I started to introduce some raw honey here and there and it didnt stop ketosis of course if I dont over do it by replacing fat. I agree that when it comes to optimal human diet which is in a way paleolithic lies basically in the protein, fat, carbs ratio. The times before ice age definitely had much more to offer when it comes to animal food that it was natural for us with high quality protein and fat food with some seasonal WILD carbs like fruit, berries, wild honey. In modern days most of agro products would go extinct without constant human care and attention. And I think that it constrains human freedoms and become prisoners of their crops and cattles. Maybe what I wrote is not the whole story but it makes logical sense to me.

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