Killary Clinton, The Donald, or Jill Stein: The US Election

Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Timótheos said:
So, when I heard Trump's comment that he may not necessarily accept the results of the US presidential election, it occurred to me that perhaps he was coached to deliberately plant that remark in order to foment some kind of internal revolution or civil war in the US if the rigged results show that Killary wins. And perhaps this is the real goal of the puppet masters behind the scenes, to provoke an armed uprising of the the fundamentalist, right wing conservative prepper-militia types against the sitting US government. Chaos, anarchy, bloodshed, military crackdown, martial law, FEMA camps and all that follows.

The same thing occurred to me. It's already in the minds of Trump supporters and from what I hear from them, they are pretty angry already. If he 'loses' the election, people may express their anger in the ways you mention - a full totalitarian state being the result.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Menrva said:
Timótheos said:
So, when I heard Trump's comment that he may not necessarily accept the results of the US presidential election, it occurred to me that perhaps he was coached to deliberately plant that remark in order to foment some kind of internal revolution or civil war in the US if the rigged results show that Killary wins. And perhaps this is the real goal of the puppet masters behind the scenes, to provoke an armed uprising of the the fundamentalist, right wing conservative prepper-militia types against the sitting US government. Chaos, anarchy, bloodshed, military crackdown, martial law, FEMA camps and all that follows.

The same thing occurred to me. It's already in the minds of Trump supporters and from what I hear from them, they are pretty angry already. If he 'loses' the election, people may express their anger in the ways you mention - a full totalitarian state being the result.

A Trump supporter I know is of the same mind. He said if Clinton gets elected all bets are off as to how conservatives handle it. It was quite chilling as his attitude was only a rigged election could give Killary the Presidency. A more liberal friend of mine said the conservatives won't accept a Killary outcome and are going to riot. I said the same could be said for protestors who are left-wing should Trump win. My liberal friend couldn't conceive of Trump being President and would protest and commit public disobedience at every opportunity.

Good Lord. It's gonna be ugly no matter who wins at this point.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

NormaRegula said:
A Trump supporter I know is of the same mind. He said if Clinton gets elected all bets are off as to how conservatives handle it. It was quite chilling as his attitude was only a rigged election could give Killary the Presidency.

Thing is, it's probably true! I mean, she rigged her nomination...
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Niall said:
NormaRegula said:
A Trump supporter I know is of the same mind. He said if Clinton gets elected all bets are off as to how conservatives handle it. It was quite chilling as his attitude was only a rigged election could give Killary the Presidency.

Thing is, it's probably true! I mean, she rigged her nomination...

Can't disagree with that. I'm sure Killary and her minions are working on an election fraud scheme, especially if poll data is actually leaning towards Trump. Hillary's MSM toadies won't cover such actions even if smoking gun proof was to be had. The ends justify the means.

God, what a mess.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

House of cards: "Clinton vs. Trump" - a new game from Russian developers

October 21, 2016 - Fort Russ

Russian RT - Translated from Russian by Kristina Kharlova

Russian developers Yury Ammosov and Alexa Tronina are promoting their project on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter. They offer to participate in the creation of a mobile app, which is a card game based on the election campaign in the United States. RT talked to the authors of the idea, who explained how anyone can take part in political games.

The rules of the game are as follows: two players are competing, trying to win and go for the presidency. Each player has 54 cards: blue — for Hillary, red — for Trump.

The "presidential candidates" have cards which either give bonuses or, on the contrary, take them away. Those who will take part in the project - will come up with the design of the new cards, help with writing the codes, or will come up with a new idea — the developers promise to give in-game currency or printed decks of cards.

One of the developers of the game, Yuri Ammosov, told RT, how the idea for the project came up: "We followed the election and at some point noticed that it provided unprecedented amount of jokes and irony. It was a sin not to use it."

The authors of the project drew attention to the fact that the current election campaign is marked by particular tension, which is reflected in the passions in the game.

"Russia usually occupies a very insignificant place in the priorities of Americans, they are much more concerned about taxes, gasoline prices, health care and other domestic issues. The use of Russia in political campaigning, and even as a total puppet-master where Putin supposedly easily manipulates politicians and makes public the innermost dirty little secrets (and, of course, threatens American interests in Syria and around the world) - is an event so unprecedented that you just have to follow it, as the saying goes, stocking up on popcorn. It will be fun and scary!", - said Ammosov to the RT.

Each player starts with a certain amount of supporters and undecided voters. The player loses when he loses all the supporters. For example, the card "Snowden" at once takes 15 votes away from each candidate.

Cards with bonuses are updated in line with the ongoing campaign. For example, Hillary has a card "Crooked Hillary". Trump has a card "Praise Putin", Clinton - "Blame Putin" and "Blame everything on the Russian hackers".

In the future the developers are going to team up with mobile games makers around the world and to develop joint apps on elections in other countries, to collectively laugh at politicians.

"Let's play cards with the candidates, before politicians start playing with countries" - is the motto of the creators of the app.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition October 21, 2016
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Paul Craig Roberts

Do Americans have a memory? I sometimes wonder.

It is an obvious fact that the oligarchic One Percent have anointed Hillary, despite her myriad problems to be President of the US. There are reports that her staff are already moving into their White House offices. This much confidence before the vote does suggest that the skids have been greased.

The current cause celebre against Trump is his conditional statement that he might not accept the election results if they appear to have been rigged. The presstitutes immediately jumped on him for “discrediting American democracy” and for “breaking American tradition of accepting the people’s will.”

What nonsense! Stolen elections are the American tradition. Elections are stolen at every level—state, local, and federal. Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley’s theft of the Chicago and, thereby, Illinois vote for John F. Kennedy is legendary. The Republican US Supreme Court’s theft of the 2000 presidential election from Al Gore by preventing the Florida vote recount is another legendary example. The discrepancies between exit polls and the vote count of the secretly programmed electronic voting machines that have no paper trails are also legendary.

So what’s the big deal about Trump’s suspicion of election rigging?

The black civil rights movement has fought vote rigging for decades. The rigging takes place in a number of ways. Blacks simply can’t get registered to vote. If they do get registered, there are few polling places in their districts. And so on. After decades of struggle it is impossible that there any blacks who are not aware of how hard it can be for them to vote. Yet, I heard on the presstitute radio network, NPR, Hillary’s Uncle Toms saying how awful it was that Trump had cast aspersion on the credibility of American election results.

I also heard a NPR announcer suggest that Russia had not only hacked Hillary’s emails, but also had altered them in order to make incriminating documents out of harmless emails.

The presstitutes have gone all out to demonize both Trump and any mention of election rigging, because they know for a fact that the election will be stolen and that they will have the job of covering up the theft.

Don’t believe the polls that say Hillary won the Q&A sessions or the polls that say Hillary is ahead in the election. Pollsters work for political organizations. If pollsters produce unwelcome results, they don’t have any customers. The desired results are that Hillary wins.
The purpose of the rigged polls showing her to be ahead is to discourage Trump supporters from voting.

Don’t vote early. The purpose of early voting is to show the One Percent how the vote is shaping up. From this information, the oligarchs learn how to program the electronic machines in order to elect the candidate that they want.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

NormaRegula said:
Menrva said:
Timótheos said:
So, when I heard Trump's comment that he may not necessarily accept the results of the US presidential election, it occurred to me that perhaps he was coached to deliberately plant that remark in order to foment some kind of internal revolution or civil war in the US if the rigged results show that Killary wins. And perhaps this is the real goal of the puppet masters behind the scenes, to provoke an armed uprising of the the fundamentalist, right wing conservative prepper-militia types against the sitting US government. Chaos, anarchy, bloodshed, military crackdown, martial law, FEMA camps and all that follows.

The same thing occurred to me. It's already in the minds of Trump supporters and from what I hear from them, they are pretty angry already. If he 'loses' the election, people may express their anger in the ways you mention - a full totalitarian state being the result.

A Trump supporter I know is of the same mind. He said if Clinton gets elected all bets are off as to how conservatives handle it. It was quite chilling as his attitude was only a rigged election could give Killary the Presidency. A more liberal friend of mine said the conservatives won't accept a Killary outcome and are going to riot. I said the same could be said for protestors who are left-wing should Trump win. My liberal friend couldn't conceive of Trump being President and would protest and commit public disobedience at every opportunity.

Good Lord. It's gonna be ugly no matter who wins at this point.

I think this may be the real purpose for both Trump's bumbling narcissistic ethnic group alienating and rabble rousing character traits and Hillary's smooth queen's english lie with smile style.

Bringing out the worst in everyone works fine no matter which liar you choose you are still believing lies.

Laura's intuitive remark was one I couldn't shake off.

Laura said:
I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.

My Ra Material search brought some of this out here if anyone is interested.
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Trump's performance makes me think of the movie Being There, even Hillary. In fact, all Western politicians XD

"This profound and humorous commentary on the pervasive effects of television features Peter Sellers, who portrays Chance the gardener, a man who views the world as he would TV - watching and reacting. His simple solutions make him a national celebrity and an influential man."

Why Trump's puppet master would choose an unpredictable person with such character to save the country from collapse? if that if the case as several articles said. Even someone from the likes of JFK could do nothing against the military complex and Trump is the last hope? :scared:

I have two options, the most apparent, no one behind Trump's candidacy wants peace or he doesn't really have any puppeteer behind and nobody believed he was going to get that far. I saw a video that showed several fragments where Trump talks about being president since many years ago
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

On a more humorous/symbolic note, zerohedge reports that:
In an act that some have said reeks of symbolism, the tour bus of the Clinton campaign was caught dumping human waste literally on the street.
more here: _

The most bizarre is allegedly this response from the DNC:
This was an honest mistake and we apologize to the Lawrenceville community for any harm we may have caused. We were unaware of any possible violations and have already taken corrective action with the charter bus company to prevent this from happening again. Furthermore, the DNC will work with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, as well as local and state officials to determine the best course of corrective action
Really? Is there anything not to know about that?
goyacobol said:
I just found this Full monologue: Donald Trump roasts Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner on YouTube. It is so surreal that I don't know what to say yet except psychopathy has a strange sense of humor.

The full video with Hillary is here.

I just viewed a shorter version of this as well and it is jawdropping to say the least. Trump goes from somewhat pointed barbs to sharp jabs w/ Killary sitting just a few feet away. Boos from some of the audience may have been a combination of disagreement over his words and/or the lack of propriety in unleashing them in that particular setting - it wasn't a Trump rally after all. It certainly took a lot of gall to do what he did - although that confirms what most people think his true persona is - which will probably find favor w/ his supporters & further inflame his detractors. It does give pause as to how this over-the-top personality will conduct himself w/ representatives of other governments in regards to contested issues should Trump actually become President.

I've now watched the rest in which Hillary gets her turn and I have to say, she gave just about as good as she got. The woman is indeed a pro - and if you knew she wasn't, in fact, a lying hypocrite w/ blood on her hands, you might be swayed to believe she really is worthy to be a President. This event was indeed very much surreal.
JEEP said:
goyacobol said:
I just found this Full monologue: Donald Trump roasts Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner on YouTube. It is so surreal that I don't know what to say yet except psychopathy has a strange sense of humor.

The full video with Hillary is here.

[...]it wasn't a Trump rally after all. It certainly took a lot of gall to do what he did - although that confirms what most people think his true persona is [...]

I've now watched the rest in which Hillary gets her turn and I have to say, she gave just about as good as she got. The woman is indeed a pro[...]

I don't think that any of them needed much galls, to say what they did there in the video. First, the jokes were most likely written by others in both cases and second, this dinner is callled the "Al Smith charity dinner", were it has become the costum for both presidential candidates to give those "funny speeches" before the election, in the last years and decades. In fact "funny speeches" are the essential ingredients of that dinner.

See wikipedia: said:
Since 1960 (when Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy were speakers), it has been a stop for the two main presidential candidates during several U.S. election years. In 1976, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter spoke; in 1980, Carter and Ronald Reagan; in 1988, Michael Dukakis and George H.W. Bush; in 2000, Al Gore and George W. Bush; in 2008, John McCain and Barack Obama; in 2012, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and in 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Since 1945, only two presidents have not spoken at the dinner: Harry Truman and Bill Clinton.[4] Candidates have traditionally given humorous speeches poking fun at themselves and their opponents, making the event similar to a roast. The 2008 dinner raised $3.9 million.[5]

Since 1980, this custom has been affected by friction between the Democratic Party and the Catholic Church over abortion.[6] During the 1980 dinner, Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter was booed.[6] In 1984, Ronald Reagan spoke, but his opponent, Walter Mondale, opted out, saying he needed time to prepare for an upcoming presidential debate.[7] Amy Sullivan suggests that Mondale's decision was motivated by "tensions between the Catholic Church and the Democratic Party."[6]

In 1996 and 2004, the Archdiocese of New York chose not to invite the presidential candidates. In 1996, this was reportedly because Cardinal John Joseph O'Connor was angry at Democratic nominee Bill Clinton for vetoing a bill outlawing some late-term abortions.[8] The organizers' explanation was that the candidates had been unable to commit to attending the dinner.[8] The vice-presidential candidates spoke instead. In 2004, Archdiocese spokesman Joseph Zwilling explained that the candidates were not invited because "the issues in this year's campaign could provoke division and disagreement,"[8] but some speculated that the decision was due to Democratic nominee (and Roman Catholic) John Kerry's pro-choice stance on abortion.[9]
I'd like to bring up another aspect of this whole spectacle - the economic situation. I'm not sure I understand all this correctly, so fwiw.

Yanis Varoufakis, in his book The Global Minotaur, argues that the US deliberately set up the world economic system in a certain way, which he calls the 'Global Minotaur'. The two horns of the creature symbolize the US's twin deficit, i.e. the gigantic trade deficit and the gigantic debt, which both have risen most dramatically since the 70's.

Here you can see the ever-rising US debt ceiling:


And here the trade deficit, i.e. the fact that the US is importing way more goods than it is exporting:


According to Varoufakis, the system worked like this: The surplus (exporting) countries of the world (China, Germany, Japan etc.) need the US as a huge market for their products. This is the reason they invest most of their profits in Wall Street, which could re-invest this capital in the US, again leading to demand for foreign goods, thus closing the cycle (see attachment). However, Wall Street started creating imaginary 'private money' in the form of CDO's and such and thus guaranteed high returns and ever-growing US demand for products, but also built its own demise into the system.

However, Varoufakis says that this mechanism, the Global Minotaur, suffered a serious blow during the financial crisis, and is kicking and screaming ever since. V. thinks it is actually dead now and offers some arguments for this hypothesis, namely that the US lost a large amount of its capacity to generate demand for the products of the exporting nations, and that non-US residents significantly reduced their investments in US assets (see attached pictures).

Here's the hypothesis in Varoufaki's own words:

The Global Minotaur said:
The Global Minotaur Hypothesis: a summary

Since the 1970s, the United States began absorbing a large portion of the rest of the world’s surplus industrial products. America’s net imports were, naturally, the net exports of surplus countries like Germany, Japan and China; their main source of demand. In turn, the profits earned by the surplus nations’ entrepreneurs were returned, daily, to Wall Street, in search of a higher pay-off. Wall Street would then use this influx of foreign capital for three purposes: (a) to provide credit to American consumers, (b) as direct investment into US corporations and, of course, (c) to buy US Treasury Bills (i.e. to fund American government deficits).

Central to this global surplus recycling mechanism (GSRM), which I have likened to a Global Minotaur, were the two gargantuan deficits of the United States: the trade deficit and the federal government budget deficit. Without them, the book argues, the global circular flow of goods and capital (see diagram below) would not have ‘closed’, destabilizing the global economy.

This recycling system broke down because Wall Street took advantage of its central position in it to build colossal pyramids of private money on the back of the net profits flowing into the United States from the rest of the world. The process of private money minting by Wall Street’s banks, also known as financialisation, added much energy to the recycling scheme, as it oozed oodles of new financial vitality, thus fuelling an ever-accelerating level of demand within the United States, in Europe (whose banks soon jumped onto the private money-minting bandwagon) and Asia. Alas, it also brought about its demise.
When, in the fall of 2008, Wall Street’s pyramids of private money auto-combusted, and turned into ashes, Wall Street’s capacity to continue ‘closing’ the global recycling loop vanished. America’s banking sector could no longer harness the United States’ twin (trade and budget) deficits for the purposes of financing enough demand within America to keep the net exports of the rest of the world going (a financing process that, until the autumn of 2008, tapped the rest of the world’s surplus profits which these net exports produced). From that dark moment onwards, the world economy would find it impossible to regain its poise – at least not without an alternative global surplus recycling mechanism that replaces the wounded Global Minotaur.

This was, in brief, the central hypothesis of the book’s first edition.

In other words, the US-controlled global recycling mechanism is dead, which may be part of the reason for the worldwide economic turmoil. This also sheds some light on the developments surrounding BRICS I think: for example, China desperately needs to get access to new markets for their products, most notably the emerging markets. Also, it would be very important for exporting countries like Germany to replace US demand with new markets (such as Russia), but this is obviously not in the US' interest. Varoufakis was skeptical if the emerging countries will be able to establish a new recycling system (replacing the US Global Minotaur), but maybe what we are witnessing with BRICS is exactly this: a new world economic system, established out of sheer need because the old system died (and most countries were probably fed up anyway with the US empire).

So what does it have to do with the US elections? I think we should keep in mind that the whole US economic system is a house of cards, a ponzi scheme as it were, which is dying. If Varoufakis is right, then all it needs is a little flame to set the whole thing on fire. How will the markets react if Trump gets elected? Will it cause the 'big crash'? What will the highest PTB do - let the whole thing burn and descent into overt fascism? Was the plan to let the US take the whole world with it? Maybe BRICS can establish something like a new equilibrium, at least partially, before that happens - kind of like in the article Joe wrote: Russian Actions in Syria Part of Radical Remaking of Global Order: A New World Awaits?

Here is another bit from the book relating to Europe, which might be another piece of the puzzle, especially regarding Germany's position:

The Global Minotaur said:
Interestingly, one of the great secrets of the post-2008 period is that the Minotaur’s death adversely affected aggregate demand in the eurozone’s surplus countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Finland) more than it did the deficit member states (like Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece) – see Figure 9.6. While the sudden withdrawal of capital from the deficit countries brought about their insolvency, countries like Germany saw their ‘fundamentals’ more grievously affected by the Crash of 2008. [That is, Germany really needs to get access to new markets, an orientation towards the east and the emerging markets would make a lot of sense] This fact, in conjunction with the terrible squeeze on German wages (discussed in the previous chapter), explains the deeper causes of the animosity in places like Germany that so very easily translates into anger against the Greeks and assorted Mediterraneans – feelings that are then reciprocated, thus giving the wheel of intra-European animosities another spin, favouring the rise of xenophobia, even Nazism [meaning: the crash and the change in global economic affairs can easily be blamed on weaker countries, foreigners etc. - a great tool for the PTB to create fascism 2.0?] (in countries like Greece quite incredibly), and thus leading to a wholesale readiness to push all the yellow, as opposed to the red, buttons in sight.

So yes, a dire economic situation for the US and the world, which can easily be blamed on Muslims and what have you à la Trump. Fascism on the rise like in the 30's after the crash. Making America great again? No way it seems.

Anyway, these are a few thoughts.


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Pashalis said:
JEEP said:
goyacobol said:
I just found this Full monologue: Donald Trump roasts Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner on YouTube. It is so surreal that I don't know what to say yet except psychopathy has a strange sense of humor.

The full video with Hillary is here.

[...]it wasn't a Trump rally after all. It certainly took a lot of gall to do what he did - although that confirms what most people think his true persona is [...]

I've now watched the rest in which Hillary gets her turn and I have to say, she gave just about as good as she got. The woman is indeed a pro[...]

I don't think that any of them needed much galls, to say what they did there in the video. First, the jokes were most likely written by others in both cases and second, this dinner is callled the "Al Smith charity dinner", were it has become the costum for both presidential candidates to give those "funny speeches" before the election, in the last years and decades. In fact "funny speeches" are the essential ingredients of that dinner.

See wikipedia: said:
Since 1960 (when Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy were speakers), it has been a stop for the two main presidential candidates during several U.S. election years. In 1976, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter spoke; in 1980, Carter and Ronald Reagan; in 1988, Michael Dukakis and George H.W. Bush; in 2000, Al Gore and George W. Bush; in 2008, John McCain and Barack Obama; in 2012, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and in 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Since 1945, only two presidents have not spoken at the dinner: Harry Truman and Bill Clinton.[4] Candidates have traditionally given humorous speeches poking fun at themselves and their opponents, making the event similar to a roast. The 2008 dinner raised $3.9 million.[5]

Since 1980, this custom has been affected by friction between the Democratic Party and the Catholic Church over abortion.[6] During the 1980 dinner, Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter was booed.[6] In 1984, Ronald Reagan spoke, but his opponent, Walter Mondale, opted out, saying he needed time to prepare for an upcoming presidential debate.[7] Amy Sullivan suggests that Mondale's decision was motivated by "tensions between the Catholic Church and the Democratic Party."[6]

In 1996 and 2004, the Archdiocese of New York chose not to invite the presidential candidates. In 1996, this was reportedly because Cardinal John Joseph O'Connor was angry at Democratic nominee Bill Clinton for vetoing a bill outlawing some late-term abortions.[8] The organizers' explanation was that the candidates had been unable to commit to attending the dinner.[8] The vice-presidential candidates spoke instead. In 2004, Archdiocese spokesman Joseph Zwilling explained that the candidates were not invited because "the issues in this year's campaign could provoke division and disagreement,"[8] but some speculated that the decision was due to Democratic nominee (and Roman Catholic) John Kerry's pro-choice stance on abortion.[9]
Thanks Pashalis for the background re this charity dinner - it was completely unknown to me. After viewing the vid of the entire event, one can see it is intended to be a roast. I don't watch celebrity roasts as they or the celebrities aren't of interest to me plus the fact that they are usually quite profane (not that I'm a precious snowflake that will melt from vulgar/curse words). I guess my problem w/ Trump's speech was that it was searingly cutting - and not necessarily an exaggeration of the facts - but being verbalized in that way in that setting 'tripped a program' of what I still cling to as common decency in regards to decorum/politeness/manners. Well, maybe that's really why I don't like roasts. But then, one has to look at what one is actually viewing. This dinner was a collection of the actual psychopathic NY elite comprised of the top movers & shakers - politicians & religious leaders - who's actions are very much part of the 3D/4DSTS antichrist Beast. These are the folks who were either in on 911 or continue the lie of 911. I'm sure Wall St. was well represented in this group, too, either directly or indirectly. And how can one not choke on the hypocrisy of the Catholic church w/ its horrific history of pedophile priests still ongoing. And the whole sanctity of life/anti-abortion tenent is particulary galling. How about the sanctity of life of the babies/children who are already born - who are dying from lack of food/medicine from imposed sanctions or all of our proxy war-on-terror wars? How about all the babies being born w/ horrendous birth defects from our use of depleted uranium weapons? How about the complete destruction of the villages/towns/cities - reduced to rubble worst than the worst earthquake depriving pregnant mothers/babies/children of any semblance of civilized life? Is it any wonder at the opposition to abortion by these players - got to keep the victims coming in order to continuing feeding off of them in every sense.

I have to think that more & more of the populace is getting the it's too surreal vibe from all that is playing out on the national & global stage. It's getting more & more nightmarish w/ only more & worst yet to come. And when I think of all the death & destruction the US Empire has inflicted for so many years and how relatively little of that has come back on us - that being the vets killed or physically/mentally injured & the repercussions of that/the obscene national debt to finance the MIC/government machine stealing real prosperity from the people - our karmic debt is beyond the pale. Americans have not had wars fought in their backyards since the Civil War & I'm not sure any still live from that time. Oh how the minions love to flock to entertainment depicting all manner of killing & death be it war portrayal, zombie foodfest, or apocalyptic doomsday. The closest to the real thing is our militant police brutalizing citizens in ever increasing instances. And, surprise, they don't like it much!

I've been on the fence re a vote for Trump being a vote against Clinton. Will I be giving my consent to the Empire/the Universe by doing so? Too many variables complicates the matter. Wait and see.
goyacobol said:
I can no longer support this sick system.

I vote for sanity:

I would sport that on a tshirt. I was talking last night to some friends about this whole train wreck and we were all in agreement about the pending sense of doom that is coming regardless of what evil wins. It feels like an annoying kid sibling poking at your soul on a horrible road trip and keeps saying I touched you I touched you ha ha. And the parents( evil PTB) are turning around saying just take it this all you got and don't make me pull this car over. Stuck in the back seat with a country of idiots :rolleyes:
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