Killary Clinton, The Donald, or Jill Stein: The US Election

fabric said:
goyacobol said:
Maybe they did restrict the embassy but you can still go home get use your own PC to connect? :huh:

I don't think the whole embassy is restricted, just Assange. And since he is confined to the embassy, 'going home' won't be an option for him as he will be extradited if he leaves.

I see what you mean. Maybe Assange can write some notes for someone to continue his work away from the embassy. Really sucks I think. :(
fabric said:
goyacobol said:
Maybe they did restrict the embassy but you can still go home get use your own PC to connect? :huh:

I don't think the whole embassy is restricted, just Assange. And since he is confined to the embassy, 'going home' won't be an option for him as he will be extradited if he leaves.
This temporary restriction of Assange's internet access might be protective to prevent foreign hacking.
I can believe it when Correa says he doesn't want to be involved in other countries' elections.

This way, they take the moral high ground over the US, after having already done lots of damage!
Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

The Los Angeles Times "Daybreak" poll is viewed as an outlier because it usually is out of step with most other national polls. The reason is due to several things:

1) It polls via a web-based system vs. phone call (studies have shown that the more anonymous the technique, the more accurate the results)

2) It polls the same 3,000 eligible voters (other polls are based on new random samples for each poll)

3) It updates the data each day based on the weighted average of poll responses over the previous week. That means results have less volatility than some other polls, but also means the poll lags somewhat in responding to major events in the campaign. On the other hand, this lagging behind may better reflect how new events actually “settle in” with voters’ previous opinions.

This poll provides the results for the whole group of respondents, as well as for these sub-groups: age, ethnicity, education, gender and income. Another great feature to their graphs is they show the margin of error zone.

See graphs here:

These are the 3 questions the voters in their poll are asked (with current results):

Who would you vote for?
We ask voters what the chance is that they will vote for Trump, Clinton or someone else, using a 0-100 scale. The overall level of support for each candidate reflects the weighted average of those responses.

Results for October 19 based on 2,171 respondents:
Donald Trump 44.7%
Hillary Clinton 42.7%

Do you intend to vote?
Turnout is a key factor in any election, but may be particularly central in this one. If one candidate’s supporters are less committed to turning out than the other’s, that could point to an important weakness.

Results for October 19 based on 2,469 respondents:
Donald Trump 86.2%
Hillary Clinton 85.2%

Who do you think will win?
We ask voters who they expect to see win, regardless of which candidate they support. Over the years, asking voters their expectation about which candidate will win often has proved to predict elections more reliably than asking how they plan to vote. That’s particularly true when the election is still many weeks away.

Results for October 19 based on 2,010 respondents:
Hillary Clinton 56.8%
Donald Trump 37.8%

What's striking to me is that more people intend to vote--and to vote for Trump, yet vastly more think Hillary will win. So it seems like the "reality" provided by the Matrix Media has over-ridden the actual reality of the voters-- hardly surprising, but sad.
Remember those fights that would break out at Trump rallies? And remember the media reaction? And remember how it made it seem that violence followed Trump everywhere, therefore Trump was inciting the violence?

It turns out that Democratic Party strategists hired black operatives, some of them convicted criminals, to pay networks of agitators to follow Trump (and later his running-mate, Pence) and start fights at Trump rallies precisely so the media would portray Trump in that light.

Here's Part 1 of a year-long undercover investigation into the Clinton camp's 'conflict engagement' policy...
Niall said:
Remember those fights that would break out at Trump rallies? And remember the media reaction? And remember how it made it seem that violence followed Trump everywhere, therefore Trump was inciting the violence?

It turns out that Democratic Party strategists hired black operatives, some of them convicted criminals, to pay networks of agitators to follow Trump (and later his running-mate, Pence) and start fights at Trump rallies precisely so the media would portray Trump in that light.

Here's Part 1 of a year-long undercover investigation into the Clinton camp's 'conflict engagement' policy...

That is really an eye-opener. My cousin's husband went to one of the Trump rallies (not sure which one but I think the DC one) and he said they were busing protesters in by bus. And as soon as the rally was over they bused them out. So, this is kind of a confirmation for me big time.

Thanks :scared: :O
Have you guys read this? This guy (based on "artificial intelligence"???) proposes, that the Democrats are actually the ones responsible for Tump's success, and now "the genie is out of the bottle", and they can't put it(Trump) back.

Seems kinda plausible, and there's some statistics (Tweets etc.) to back it up, but it's hard to say.




Analysts, political scientists, and other experts for several months are scratching their heads over his phenomenon. Many on both sides of the ocean call Trump "the shame of America", awarding other bad adjectives, constantly predicting his demise. But he is still trying to force his way into the White house. And where did he come from?

Where-where from? You know, from the camel [Russian idiom -FR]. Sorry, from the donkey. This animal is the symbol of the Democratic party of the United States. The experts might point the journalist mixed up the animals. Say, the symbol of his native Republican party is the elephant.

The fact of the matter is, dear citizens, that donkey ears are actually sticking out behind the extravagant hairstyle of the Republican Donald, says Russian scientist Vladimir Shalack.

Although Trump had nothing to do with it.

I met the doctor of philosophic sciences Shalack in September of last year. Then the main global event was the sudden pouring of a flood of hundreds of thousands of migrants to Germany. Vladimir Ivanovich conducted his own research and convincingly, with specific addresses, names, proved:

"The invasion of refugees into Europe was organized through Twitter by United States and Britain".

This article in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" made a lot of noise. As a source of information the scientist has selected a network of Twitter accounts. Those quickest to respond to all global events. In his research he adopted a strictly scientific method of content analysis based on the frequency of occurrence of words or phrases in the texts, headlines, etc. He got interested in this 20 years ago, working in the Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Pereslavl-Zalessky. Later he created special computer programs for this purpose.

Then Shalack told me he conducted a similar investigation of the US presidential campaign. Subjected to content analysis the Twitter headlines with names of candidates of 17 of the most popular American mass media accounts. And also received unexpected results.

From the start Republican Jeb Bush and Democrat Hillary Clinton lead by cash inflows. It would seem that the press over the ocean should write about them more often. After all, money talks.

Not so!

By the frequency of mention in 16 of 17 accounts by a considerable margin at the beginning of September 2015 Donald Trump was in the lead! Only Fox News mentioned Clinton more. In all 17 cases in last place, despite all the large cash flows, was Jeb Bush. In total 4.7 times more articles were devoted to Trump than Bush, and 2.2 times more than Hillary. Despite the fact that on the money he trailed behind, ranking 19th out of 23 candidates. That, in the opinion of the scientist, was devoid of any logic.

"No country in the world, and especially in democracies, has free media - said Shalack. This is one of the most effective levers of power, allowing to drive required thoughts into the heads of the masses and to control them. How to neutralize an undesirable political figure, especially a presidential candidate? Just stop writing about him, and if it is impossible, mention his name from time to time to give people the impression of marginality of this character.

The biggest marginal of the three turned out to be Jeb Bush, and the undisputed leader of the headlines – the bizarre Donald Trump! At the current stage of the presidential race his name is hammered into the heads of voters."

But by whom?

Shalack made a deep conspiralogical conclusion. "The real masters of the USA are tired of the Bush and Clinton clans. Experiment with Obama has been a failure and threatens to turn into a disaster. They made a bid for Trump."

Investigation "Forecasts – thankless and risky, but still..." with this conclusion Shalack published on his website back on September 6, 2015.

A few days later he conducted a content analysis of the headlines of leading UK media. "The election of the President of the United States. What do the Rothschilds think?"

The results were even more paradoxical. In total the foggy Albion devoted 9.8 times more articles to Trump than Jeb Bush, and 2.9 times more than Hillary Clinton. The popular magazine "The Economist", which is considered a mouthpiece of the Rothschilds, by the mentions in the headlines he was ahead of Bush by 72 times! Moreover! The header of the account of the magazine featured a puzzling picture: a helicopter flying in the sky with the words "TRUMP" carrying on the cable carries... Trump's wig.

Which further strengthened the scientist in the thought that someone is behind Trump! Britain and the United States, after all, are the Anglo-Saxons who consider themselves rulers of the world.

But even I, the master conspiracy theorist of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" considered Shalack's insights too ambitious and fantastic a year ago. And did not to publish the investigation in my native newspaper. I, as many analysts believed, then, that boisterous Trump was unleashed by the Republicans specifically at the start of the campaign to identify the weaknesses of Clinton, to make her tick. And closer to the primaries the respectable Jeb Bush will be released on the political scene in a white coat. A trusted comrade from a respected family. Father and brother were already presidents. Behind him - all the party leaders, the financiers, lobbyists, industrialists... Not the scandalous billionaire upstart. And Trump will give him the votes so Jeb can ascend to the White house. And Donald would score with favors in business.

But Bush was the first to expire, despite the political influence of the family, money, position in the party. As predicted by Shalack. And Trump became the leader in the primaries of his own party, although the leadership was dissatisfied with him. And continues the battle with Clinton.


The other day I called the scientist with an apology, that I didn't believe him a year ago. "Everything is going according to you, Vladimir! Your conspiracy theory was correct. Look at Trump today!"

- There is only one hitch in my conspiratorial conclusions, - said Shalack. – Trump was hyped ... by the Democratic party itself.

- Impossible?!

- May be. But I could not even imagine this. Therefore concluded about the owners of the United States. It turns out that the Democrats back in April 2015 contemplated about how to win elections. Some of them came up with the "brilliant" idea to assist in the media promotion of marginal candidates from the "enemy party" so those at the stage of the primaries pushed the real contenders out of the race.

The main real candidate of the Republican party, behind whom were concentrated enormous financial resources, was considered to be Jeb Bush. So with the help of the Democrats, the media, America and the UK hyped the Republican Trump.
Aragorn said:
Have you guys read this? This guy (based on "artificial intelligence"???) proposes, that the Democrats are actually the ones responsible for Tump's success, and now "the genie is out of the bottle", and they can't put it(Trump) back.

Seems kinda plausible, and there's some statistics (Tweets etc.) to back it up, but it's hard to say.

Yep, it's been reported by a few outlets that the Dems and Clinton's people were looking for a few "Pied Pipers" to serve as sort of controlled opposition for the election. Only problem is, Trump is not under their control and now Killary is looking worse and worse as each day goes by and more of what is going on behind the scenes is revealed through the Podesta email leaks.

The article you linked is up on SOTT:
For anyone that wants to tune in online to the 3rd episode of this terrible horror story commonly referred to as a presidential election debate, LifeHacker has an article that points out a few different ways. It's scheduled for 9pm Eastern Time, 1am UTC.


Edit: Also to be streamed on Twitter

Re: Presidential debates 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

An unusual story has come out (in some sectors) having a direct connection to Hillary. It begins with a suspicious death of a Maryland Doctor on September 30th, who was part of a team of Doctor's who operated on her to remove a blood clot in the brain.

Police are investigating the death of a doctor employed at a Frederick medical office who was the subject of a federal indictment announced last week.

Frederick police investigating death of doctor accused in kickback scheme

Sep 30, 2016 -
Police were called at about 7:15 a.m. Friday to the American Spine Center at 1050 Key Parkway, where a man employed at the center was apparently unresponsive, said Michele Bowman, a public information coordinator for the Frederick Police Department. Police and emergency medical crews arrived a short time later, but the man was pronounced dead soon after, said Sgt. Andrew Alcorn, a Frederick police supervisor.

Police did not name the employee, but the American Spine Center identified him as 51-year-old Dr. Sandeep Sherlekar in a statement released Friday afternoon.

“The American spine family is deeply saddened to announce the sudden passing of our own Dr. Sandeep Sherlekar on Friday, September 30, 2016,” the statement reads in part. “As a family, we are in a state of shock and grief. We ask that everyone please respect our desire for privacy at this time.”

Sherlekar was a board-certified pain management specialist and anesthesiologist who received his medical degree from Delhi University, according to background information in a lawsuit.

He completed a residency in anesthesia at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He then served as the chief resident in anesthesiology at Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia, where he was awarded the Robert Dunning Dripps Memorial Award for Excellence in Patient Care.

No obvious signs of trauma were evident when police arrived, and foul play was not suspected.
An autopsy is scheduled for Saturday morning at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore, Alcorn said.

A federal grand jury indicted Sherlekar and four other medical professionals on June 28 in a kickback scheme totaling around $1.37 million that was linked to the Frederick-based pain management practice. The indictment was unsealed last week.

Sherlekar’s arraignment was set for Oct. 7, according to online court records.

[...] Sherlekar’s death was reported before the center opened for the day. Police were still trying to determine what happened before his body was found. “There is video surveillance on the property and we are reviewing that, as well as employee access card swipe records,” Alcorn said of the investigation. “We’re looking at every possible angle and avenue.” (Article continues.)

Police investigate death of American Spine Center's physician accused in federal kickback scheme: 6 things to know

This article offers some background on Dr. Sherlekar:

The Clinton Body count seems to be rising. A Maryland doctor who was part of the medical team responsible for removing the blood clot from Hillary Clinton’s brain was found dead under mysterious circumstances.

Doctor Who Treated Hillary Clinton’s Blood Clot Found Dead

According to a report from Whatdoesitmean? Hillary Clinton has long been known to have grave health issues since she collapsed in December, 2012, and that led to her first operation to remove a blood clot from her brain—and that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, recently stated took her 6 months to recover from.

This past summer, however, this report continues, on 30 June, SVR analysts state that Hillary Clinton collapsed on her private plan while in route to her Washington D.C. home and was unconscious when it landed at Joint Base Andrews—which is the home base of the 89th Airlift Wing that manages the flights of all top American officials, including the President.

Once landed, this report notes, Hillary Clinton was rushed by ambulance to the US Air Forces Malcolm Grow Medical Facility located on this base and put under the “urgent/immediate” care of doctors assigned to the 79th Medical Wing.

Though many aspects/details of this SVR report relating to what exactly happened when the unconscious Hillary Clinton reached the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility remain to highly classified to write about here, what is important to note is that her security guards refused to allow her to be treated, and when US Air Force doctors objected to removing her from their care, they had “numerous” weapons pointed at them—after which Hillary Clinton was taken from this medical facility by her just arrived motorcade.

With this potentially deadly situation being observed by many people, this report says, a number of them alerted Joint Base Andrews security police who put the entire base on lockdown—but was later “whitewashed/covered up” by US Air Force Colonel Brad Hoagland who told the media that “the reports of a real-world active shooter situation at the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility were miscommunicated”.

Upon leaving Joint Base Andrews with the still unconscious Hillary Clinton, SVR intelligence analysts in this report say, her motorcade rushed to a nearby (57 kilometers/36 miles) private MedStar Montgomery Medical Center hospital in Olney, Maryland, where she was rushed into emergency surgery.

The reason for Hillary Clinton’s security detail rushing her to the MedStar Montgomery Medical Center, this report explains, is due to this hospital having advanced non-invasive technology able to find blood clots in the brain—like an instrument surgeons use to pick up light emissions from a digitized instrument, while a camera is placed above a patient’s head.

Performing the emergency brain surgery on Hillary Clinton at the MedStar Montgomery Medical Center on 30 June, this report continues, was the Islamic neurosurgeon Amjad Anaizi who is her private brain doctor whom she frequently visits at the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital near her home in Washington D.C.—and who, also, is the cousin of Hillary Clinton’s top aid Huma Abedin who is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood terror organization.

Attending Doctor Anaizi in his operating on Hillary Clinton’s brain to remove the blood clot that had rendered her unconscious, this report says, was Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar who was the on call anesthesiologist at MedStar Montgomery Medical Center—but who, exactly 3 months later, on 30 September, was discovered dead.

Latest Clinton Body Count victim: Dr. Sandeep Sherlekar (1965-2016)

Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar, SVR analysts in this report explain, was a deeply loved doctor by his patients who been in practice for more than 20 years before his death, spoke multiple languages, and had previously served as the chief resident in anesthesiology at Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia.

Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar, also, this report continues, was by all accounts deeply religious—and that led him, in 2012, to file a lawsuit against the Chief Executive Officer, Muhammad Ahmad Khan, and Chief Financial Officer, Vic Wadhwa, accusing them of financial crimes at the medical practice where he worked called the American Spine Center.

Working closely with agents of the US Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI), this report notes, Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar was able to aid in them, in 2014, in their securing a guilty plea against CFO Vic Wadhwa for receiving $459,000 in “kickbacks/bribes”.

SVR analysts in this report, though, note a “severe abnormality” in the events since CFO Vic Wadhwa pled guilty, due to Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar aiding the FBI, stating that as of yet he has not been sentenced for his crimes over two year later.

And in an even greater “strangulation/choking to death” of American justice, and immediately after Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar assisted Doctor Anaizi in his operating on Hillary Clinton’s brain, the same FBI agents he had helped in conviction CFO Vic Wadhwa turned on him—and on 22 September filed charges against him accusing him of the same crimes he had reported to them in 2012.

Eight days later, at about 7:15 a.m. Friday on 30 September, Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar was found dead at the entrance to the American Spine Center with local police stating that “no obvious signs of trauma were evident when police arrived, and foul play was not suspected. ”—or in “intelligence speak”, he was suicided.

With Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar being a devout adherent to the Hindu religion that considers suicide a murder and against the code of ahimsa (non-violence), SVR analysts in this report say, the local police reports suggesting this is why he died can be quickly discounted—with the more logical explanation of his death being simply that he knew more about Hillary Clinton then she was ever going to chance his telling anyone else. (Article continues.)
As far as I see it, there is really no choice because they both are the two sides of the same coin. If the electoral college makes the decisions as to who will be the CEO of the Corporation then the masses really have nothing to do with the (s)election. If we take into account the "Man behind the curtain", the trilateral commission, the foreign relations committee, the fact that the United States is a corporation, etc......then this voting business is also an illusion to keep the masses from revolting. I don't know. Continuous wars and suffering is feeding this/these entities. :evil:

Has anyone seen this, EXPOSED: 'Social experiment' showing black 'thugs' smashing car adorned with Trump stickers is a HOAX as filmmaker is blasted for 'perpetuating hate'

A 'social experiment' set up by a YouTube star showing black men destroying a car with Donald Trump stickers all over it has been exposed as a hoax.

Joey Salads set up the video, which has already racked up nearly 1 million views since it was posted on Monday, to show what happened after he got a car, put Trump paraphernalia on it, and 'parked it in a black neighborhood'.

After five black men destroyed the car, Salads made a gross generalization and concluded: 'As you can see from this video, the black community is very violent towards Trump and his supporters.'

But video footage from another angle exposed the 'vandals' as actors waiting patiently on the sidelines while a cameraman first trained the lens on Salads.

Salads, whose real name is Joseph Saladino, hails from Staten Island, New York, where he has repeatedly come under fire for his controversial and misleading 'social experiments' and prank videos.

Salads has been vocal about his support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and many of his followers on Twitter were quick to conclude the men in Monday's video were Hillary Clinton fans. Many expressed racist sentiments.

Others slammed Salads for falsifying the events, with one Twitter user writing: '#JoeySalads doing America another disservice by making fake a** videos to perpetuate hate.'
1peacelover said:
Has anyone seen this, EXPOSED: 'Social experiment' showing black 'thugs' smashing car adorned with Trump stickers is a HOAX as filmmaker is blasted for 'perpetuating hate'
But video footage from another angle exposed the 'vandals' as actors waiting patiently on the sidelines while a cameraman first trained the lens on [narrator Joey] Salads.

Salads, whose real name is Joseph Saladino, hails from Staten Island, New York, where he has repeatedly come under fire for his controversial and misleading 'social experiments' and prank videos.
Joey Salads from Staten Island sounds like a character out of Goodfellas or Casino. Twenty years ago small-time New York and Las Vegas mobsters were portrayed in movies, now they're making internet videos trying to save the country from the real - and really dangerous - mob that controls it.
I listened to the third debate yesterday and it seemed to me that especially at the end Killary had to fight hard to not get another seasure in front of the camera. There were quite a number of situations were she seemed to be just before another seasure with her eyes looking cross-eyed and again the over sensitivity to loud and abrupt noises and the comments from Trump.

I guess she was pretty worn out after the cameras went out, so I hope somebody filmed her this time as well, since there is a good chance that she had another episode right after the debate during which she was probably pumped up with drugs to get her through.

I found it interesting that this time again the moderator asked (this time only directly towards Trump) if he will except the outcome of the "vote" and Trump said that he will see then. What a psychopathic soap opera those "debates" are... I think Laura is spot on by saying "No matter who wins, everybody loses" (on facebook).
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