Knitting for the joy

Sewing is still related! I used to sew all my own doll clothes by hand when I was a kid! It was one of my favorite things to do.

I made a bassinet cover for my daughter by hand before she was born, but that's the only thing I've sewn in recent years!

As far as knitting I've really been wanting to work on my intarsia skills (knitting with multiple colors) because I was thinking how neat it would be to be able to knit the symbol for FOTCM.
Iarrthoir Firinne said:
Hi amd57432

Apologies for late reply - have only just seen your reply, hope I have done the 'pasting quote' thing properly! No, I haven't looked at Cashmere blends, didn't know there was such a thing, sounds like a fab option, will definitely make enquiries - thanks! Cashmere/Alpaca sounds like a lovely blend. Am thinking about embarking on a bigger project again, a cardigan maybe. Although sometimes I wonder whether we knitters shouldn't be furiously knitting socks and things and stockpiling them for everyone for the extra, extra cold spell that sounds like it might be just around the corner ......

Edit=fixed quote

No need to apologize. All kinds of fiber are being blended for knitting yarn. Animal based, plant based and man-made. Some are wonderful some are not. One thing you can do is use your favorite search engine and put in "cashmere blends, yarn" or knitting yarns and see what pops up.

Just to let you know there is a online knitting/fiber working community called If you aren't in it you may want to check it out. I really enjoy my time there.

Mod note: quotes added
Sewing is good, too! As I've mentioned elsewhere, I like doing lots of different things. Frankly, I usually have a dozen or so projects in progress at any given time; if I get bored with one, I can move to another for awhile. Sitting here within reach I have ~counts~ hmm, seven different projects right now, all of them quite different. I do have a half-done sock sitting here on my computer desk, out of the Mochi Plus yarn in Caramel Latte. Um, also have an entwined shawl I need to finish knitting, but I think that will wait until the heat cools off.
Even if I don't know how to sew correctly some years ago I went to a class with a group of women and to be there with those women and the machines and all the stuff for sewing was really fun, calming me in a strange way: the calming sound of the machines, the voices of the women, the sensation to be in friendly space where creativity was very present but in a way that was not intellectual but manual. I envy people who can sew and made their clothing. I am a zero in it.
Indeed, sewing is a very useful thing to know, although I was not good at it, I was taught by my grandmother, when I was a child, I mean by hand, not
by machine. Nowdays I almos forgot,which is a pity.
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