
I had a look at the first link. Really, there's not much there, but that's just my perspective as kind of an old hand at reading channelings. Basically, the piece seems to be persuasion to believe in dimensions beyond those of the physical senses. I would have thought that Kryon readers would have been well exposed to these ideas many, many times, as are the readers of lots of different channelers -- and you don't even have to seek out channeling for that kind of thing.

There are also some "revelations" about why the Hawaiian islands are they way the are, as part of a lesson about change being non-linear. But this kind of stuff, true or not, while mildly interesting (especially the never-before-revealed secrets [maybe] of Hawaiian geology), seems to be fairly pedestrian. At the risk of sounding snooty-snobby, it looks like part of a beginner's course in thinking outside the 3D (or, 4D, as Kryon says) box. Certainly nothing I'd email Laura about, :) and actually not what I'd expect from Kryon at this stage. Maybe it's the "repeating himself" thing that seasoned Kryon reader, April, mentioned above.
Just to give it a fair examination - and to archive it for future reference - here is a bit from the Montreal transcript:

Kryon said:
The Beginning of the Shift

The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 postured the new energy and prepared the earth for the shift, and you moved right into it. Things started happening quickly. In 1989, my partner allowed me to come in and begin channelling. The first information I channelled to him was released in 1993. I said that the magnetic grid of the planet was going to change… greatly. Indeed, it happened in your lifetime, yet it had not ever done so in your parents’ lifetime or your grandparents’ lifetime. I told you that against all odds you were going to see it move greatly... to move more in 10 years than it had in 100. Against all odds, in your lifetime, this was going to happen. Then it did. Measurable, it is, even today. It’s easy to do this with a compass. Against all odds, it moved, and your science took notice.

It’s a fact in the scientific records that the heliosphere of the sun has changed greatly also. It has diminished. There is a magnetic resource that is coming into your solar system that is part of the Galactic Alignment, which you are currently experiencing. All of this, on time, all on schedule, all appropriate, my dear Human Beings.

All of this is in alignment with what the Mayans told you: one of the highest vibrations the earth has ever seen is about to be developed in this shift. And it’s NOT going to happen in 2012. It happened in 1998! You are in the shift. The only explosion that’s going to happen in 2012 is the explosion of the mythology of the western world trying to make you fear a date! You sit in the shift right now and the magnetic grid is part of it, all part of it. I told you this 20 years ago, and now it’s here. Against all odds you experienced it.

There are those who would say, “Well, it would have happened anyway. It’s not that impressive to me since it’s an astronomical event.” Humans do that. Even after something very special happens, they will say that it would have happened anyway.

It’s true. The Galactic Alignment would have happened anyway, even if Humans were not on the planet to enjoy it. But the esoteric vibratory shift that accompanies it is palatable, and you are seeing it everywhere. Perhaps you need a few more “against all odds” episodes before you’ll start to understand that this is a unique time of shift for all of you. It’s different. You are seeing things that even your ancient ancestors never saw. It’s a time of change.

In the same transcriptions in the same year of 1993, I told you that the weather patterns would change greatly. I said that within 20 years, you would see it dramatically. Seen any? It’s here. You’ll also notice that certain key words were not spoken. I never said anything about warming, did I? Your warming is a natural cyclical occurrence to the coming cooling! It has to do with the water cycle of this planet, and geologically it has sped up. Time is relative and your best scientists have called it so. In a vibrational shift of this planet, you have sped up time – not the time on your mechanical clocks, nor the time measured by what your radioactive isotopes release… not that kind of time. Instead, it is the interdimensionality of time… something caused by an interdimensional shift. You have sped it up. It’s moving far faster, and your body knows it. You’re feeling it. You know it’s going faster, don’t you? And so does the earth.

Geology is speeding up. You are receiving things that the geologists did not expect to happen for another 100 years. That is the water cycle change, which is affecting the weather. We told you that, and you sit in it. Against all odds, the weather has shifted! It didn’t do this in your parents’ lifetime or in your grandparents’ or in their parents’. Against all odds, you’re here to see it.

Then there are those who will sit and say, “Well, it would have happened anyway. It doesn’t prove anything, Kryon. You’re going to have to show me more than that.” Well, I will. By the time I’m done, I want you to see this clearly. There are too many coincidences involved in this shift, and the fact that we told you about many of them years before they occurred makes it even more special, does it not? So, if you are going to sit and be intellectual, do so. But at some point, the intellect has to surrender to fact.

The prophecies of old all coordinated an Armageddon scenario. It all coordinated with the approximate time of your recent millennium shift. A confluence of energy was to come together with two great super powers on the earth, each one throwing atomic bombs at the other. Then you had what was called the end of the earth, or at least the end as you knew it. Many prophets gave this to you. This is not something Kryon made up for this discussion, and you know it. Scripturally it is there for you to see in your own religions. It is also there within the quatrains of Nostradamus. It is there even in the indigenous writings of the potentials of the future.

Then, against all odds, something happened; it was something that could not happen on a logical and intellectual level, but it did. Overnight, one of the giants in the scheme of Earth politically fell over. The Soviet Union ceased to exist. If you had asked your parents about that, they’d say, “Impossible.” Twenty years ago, if you had asked the Pentagon about the potentials of this, they would have said, “Impossible.” And if you asked the Kremlin, they would have said, “Laughable.” Yet, against all odds, it happened. It is part of the shift. It is part of this new age of energy that is upon you. The elimination of one of the super powers had to be accomplished. Not one bomb fell. Not one battle was fought. Consciousness did it, if you noticed.

What do you think about that, Human Being? Bringing down a super power just with consciousness? That’s the third one on my list, so how many events are you going to need to start to see that against all odds something is happening?

Three years ago, I gave you a prophecy that was not a prophecy, not a fortune telling attribute, but instead a report of one of the strongest potentials that existed in your reality. These are events that we could see coming because you are slowly creating them. This is the ability for us to see the potentials of what you are creating that you cannot see and I saw it, and I gave it to you and I told you. It was that the giant country just below your border [USA] was going to lose the stability of its largest corporations; the bastions of finance would fall over. I said it would start with insurance and it did.

When you look at those corporations, which literally were the American dream, which belonged to the United States, the ones that invented and created the automobile itself for the rest of the world… they’re out of “normal business” today. Against all odds.

If you had asked an auto executive 20 years ago if that could happen, he would have said, “No. Strong we are. Nothing could do that.” Against all odds, it happened. And it’s important you understand why. Dear ones, there’s no punishment here. These businesses didn’t fall over because they were corrupt. They didn’t fall over because they did something wrong. That’s not the way it works. If that’s the way it worked on Earth, many things would have fallen over a long time ago, wouldn’t they? That’s not the way it works. Instead, you had the beginning of the seeds of change in finance and banking that spoke of integrity. The consciousness of the masses decided to reinvent the way bankers work their banks, insurance companies work their money. The rules had to change and they are doing so! Many are still wondering what happened. There’s a financial pruning going on within this planet, starting in North America, and we told you so some years ago. Against all odds, it happened as we said.

Now what are you going to do with this information? This is the fourth in a series of six events I’m giving you. Against all odds, they happened. Are you starting to get the picture here? How many of you have the courage, the maturity, and the insight to celebrate the recession? Can you say, “Thank you, God, that we are moving forward with a little more integrity in these things that we thought might even sink us.” The conspirators will tell you that this and that are going to happen and you’re all doomed. And the proof, ironically, is the recession! There still is no understanding that what you’re doing is pruning the system for integrity.

Let me tell you some more about that country below you [USA]. Against all odds… all odds, they have a president of color. That wasn’t supposed to happen for two more generations. Ask a sociologist about this, for they run studies about potentials. There simply was too much hatred, too much bias, too many issues and too many problems between races to allow for this. Yet it happened. With all the racial strife, perhaps you wondered how they would ever resolve those racial issues? Yet against all odds, they elected a man of color. I would like to tell you this can only happen with a consciousness shift. It was way before it’s time, according to those who study these things.

These are not esoteric events. These are events around you in real life, and there’s a reason I’m giving you these things to examine. You can look at and see these because when you get to number seven you’re going to need to believe, because it won’t sound possible. This was number five.

Number six is barely starting to happen, and you saw the evidence of it this year. Again I gave you a potential, not a prophecy of the future as a fortune teller, just the potential of what was in the works that you couldn’t see. In the book The Great Shift, compiled by the very Human who organized this meeting (Martine Valeé), I said that there’s going to be a revolution in Iran. There was, and now I’d like to give you the rest of the story.

Did you see it? It began this year. The seeds are there for a major Iranian revolution. Oh, it was suppressed… or was it? It grows even as I speak to you right now. The very few control the many there in that country, which has literally been called an Evil Empire. Isn’t it odd? So were the Soviets, and look what happened.

Let history show what is going to happen for these are the potentials I give you now. It’s number six. The revolution in Iran will be called the Great Revolution. The removal of the mullahs will take place. You will see it. If the potentials are as strong as they are today, you will see it. And with the removal of the mullahs, you will find a young Iranian civilization that is mature in their faith, who knows what they want, and will create stability. In fact, so stable can it become – are you ready for this statement? – that the stability of Iran may eventually lead to a stable Middle East. The Iranian influence may actually lead to what we will give you in number seven (to follow), for the Iranians may very well start to bring about peace in Israel.

Here it is full circle: Twenty years ago I said, “As go the Jews, go Earth.” And I’m telling you you’ve been waiting for a solution and it won’t come from North America as many thought it would. They said, “The North Americans are the only ones who can put this together. The United Nations, the only ones who could put this together.” Watch how it gets put together! It will be Middle Easterners with Middle Easterners. As I have said before, a mature, stable Iran will make peace with those around them, perhaps even set up a union of Islamic states, and with their resources and their financial maturity, they will see that a one state solution* can work in Israel. They will desire to have peace in the region, for it will impact their own stability.

Doesn’t this start to make more sense to you? Oh, but I haven’t give you number seven. I even hesitate… too unbelievable when you hear it. Listen, my partner: this may not take place in your lifetime, but you’ll be here.

This is going to be meaningful to some of you and some of you will scratch your heads and say, “I don’t understand.” Listen: The final rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem will begin to proceed with the help of Islamic funding, combined with funding from supporters of Israel.


“Now you’ve gone too far, Kryon. That’s against all odds and a very naïve statement. It’s ignorant and a bit insulting to the Jews.” Really?

It’s really not that much of a stretch. Let me explain what they have at this moment. In Jerusalem at the moment there is a kind of static peace, for the reality is that you have three major religious players on the opposite ends of the hate scale, having to share the most hallowed, holy ground that exists for each of them. And it just happens to be the same exact place for all of them. In that place, where the Temple is to be rebuilt, is the place of the astral ascension of Mohammad, the profhet of Islam. The Temple Mount is the place, and it is also precious to the Jews and Christians.

The Jews would argue that Abraham’s son, Isaac, was almost slain there. Their history is clear on this. Even the Christians believe this. However, in the Islamic world, it was Ishmael, the other son of Abraham, who had that experience on the Mount. So they both share the same holy places and they coexist in a peace of necessity. Have you noticed? That’s not where the trouble spot is in Israel. It’s all around it, but they keep the Temple Mount sacred. By de facto, they have been sharing this space for two generations, you see?

Now, let me insert the new energy. What I’m giving you now is already under way and although it seems far-fetched that the Jews and the Arabs would get together and fund the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple, the seeds of this have already been presented. Think for a moment of the incredible resources of both groups!

This would be the third time for the Jewish temple, and in the middle of it would be an allowance for the grandeur of the Islamic Temple of the Mount. Together they would build something they could share and continue to share, but in the process, make it grander than ever… perhaps grander than anything that has ever been built! Together they would create ways where they could both visit each section of their own, and the Palestinians would visit their part for the first time, freely and openly. Even those who are not Islamic would be able to come in and enjoy the beauty of this sacred place, for the first time, without those standing by with weapons in case there’s trouble.

Against all odds, and for the first time in history, the Jewish nation and Islam would come together in a neutral area by their own agreement, and with Iran’s help. A stability would eventually take place. Who would be the real benefactor of this? It would be Iran, the largest and most stable nation in the Middle East.

There’ll come a day, my partner, when the Middle East and the trouble there will be a distant memory. What is your memory of Ireland and their problems? What about Germany, Japan, or Russia? Former enemies of half a century are now trading freely with each other and have economies that are intertwined. It’s time to see this same attribute in the Middle East. Impossible? Against all odds?

“As go the Jews, go the earth,” I told you. When you see the seed of this potential in Israel, you will know that you are headed for peace on Earth. In that potential attribute, you can see the beginning of what can happen on the planet. Enemies of thousands of years can look in each others’ eyes and say, “We don’t like each other, but let’s cooperate and build something special. Let’s make it unique so that we could both enjoy it. Let’s create a way. We don’t agree and we’ve had our wars. But this Holy place is too beautiful to let it exist in hate this way.” Expect clearer minds because the energy is changing, against all odds. That’s number seven.

There is a potential that before all this takes place, there will also be still another flare up in these areas… such is the old energy, and such are those who wish to move the planet backwards in energy. There are, and will be for some time, those who will willingly die to bring the earth back into darkness and a consciousness that is elementary, basic, and unenlightened. But I have given you a glimpse of a future time… somewhat in the distance, but close enough to be real to you.

What are you going to do with all this information? Many will laugh, point at the problems and current hatred and tell you that it’s simply “against all odds.” If they do, then you can smile, since that is exactly the issue. Against all odds is the energy of the day, and represents the shift.

What is it that is against all odds with your personal life? I know who’s here. Is it with family? Is it with your health? What is it you have said, “I can’t do”? What is it you have assigned to the impossible. It’s part of that three-dimensional list that humans have, the doable and the not doable. Humans treat these as they would laws of physics!

I’m going to ask you tonight to get interdimensional with me because I see who you are and I see the magnificence of those who sit in the chairs. I see the creative ability you all have. Throw away those lists of what you can’t do. If there is a number eight in this list, it is you! What is it you’ve decided you can’t do against all odds? You can have that healing. Maybe it’s the healing of love, and you know who I’m talking to.

What part of your family don’t you talk to anymore? Perhaps they’ve changed. Maybe you’ve changed? Did you know what love does on this planet? It is the creator of peace. Reestablish connections you think are gone. Impossible? Against all odds? Who have you met today in the synchronicity of this meeting, who don’t you know? Have you thought to yourself, “I’m going to go to somebody who I don’t know. Maybe they’re here with something I need? Perhaps I have something for them?” That is synchronicity! Do you know that’s why old souls get together?

There’ll come a time when that’s why you will come to a meeting like this. Oh, not to hear the speakers, but to meet each other! But you really haven’t recognized that yet, have you? Have you? There is so much here that hides. There’s so much potential, against all odds.

This is the Kryon energy. It is a feminine energy given by a male voice, but you knew that, didn’t you? It’s a Mother-Father energy. This is why we’re here, to help you see what is inside each of you. This is what we do to remind you of who you are, and ask you to begin to remember it all.

And so it is.

Laura said:

What kind of comments? I don't have any on the substance, but I can say that if I had listened to this instead of reading it, I probably would have been hypnotized. :)

I see a lot of general statements and hind-sight analysis, statements ending in leading questions, all of which reinforces the "I told you so" thing.

Toward the middle of the piece, the listener changes from 'human being' to 'partner', then 'human' and finally 'child who feels the love of mother and father(??)' to wrap it up. Both of them seem to share the same meaning and use of the phrase "against all odds".

What's up with that phrase anyway? At least 23 occurances. If this channeled entity can see so much, why the preference for "against all odds" when this entity would presumably have a Beysian sense of "all the possibilities" considering the problem domain in question.

Maybe I'm just too skeptical. I'm left wondering what's he getting at? What does he want?
Buddy said:
What does he want?

He wants us to believe that everything is on the right track.

USA has finally a president of color so all the children in Iraq and Afghanistan or elsewhere are saved now. He even won a Nobel prize.

The Iranian mullahs; the only evil left on the planet will be removed and peace will come to middle east since they are the only barrier in front of the peace, so Arabs and Israelis can go on a picnic and start to build sandcastles together from now on. ;)
Here are some things I note:

(1) The Kyron name seems to be a [space-brother-sounding]
moniker, and this raised a red flag for me. Sounds like something
to hide behind, wonder who it is? Cannot tell if this is "new-agey"
but smells like a twist of the same... Oh, right. I have no past
reference to verify against it.

(2) Repetitions:
"We told you 20 years ago" (and we were right, you are wrong [implied?]) "
"Event #7": Seems like a build-up and twist of history made
into the present plan, 8 paragraphs long. Oh, its build
[it] Solomon's temple [... and they will come]? Sounds like
this will make the {Zio-}Christians/Jews/Zionist/Judahist/...
happy but the Muslims and the Islamist - also? Really?
Do they all have a common ancestor to Abraham and let
bygones be bygones, lay down the sword for the plough
shares? Where did I read Z manifesto? Revelations?

(3) No references for verifications of the facts:
"Using a compass to verify magnetic changes w/ no reference as for data tracking"
[really? wow... that compass needle sure points north... must be something wrong with it]

"Mayan 2012 (nope, that is not the big kablooie)"

"Galactic Alignment" & "You are seeing things that even your ancient ancestors never saw"
[That's a wild claim: were they there to see it?]

"Inter dimensional clock", "time is speeding up"? [Maybe it's just me, but why do I feel like
the day is just too darn long?!?!?]

(4) The religious themes:
"Christianity", "Jews", "Muslim", "Islam" and the "bible", blah, blah...
[Sounds like an emotional bait & trap]

Seems like that is enough for me to stop right here. It sounds like a "space brother"
theme [I don't know if it sounds new-agey] and yet, there is nothing to say what one
is supposed to do (as for solutions), which implies at least to me a "holier-than-thou"
attitude (as if "we were right", "we warned you", etc, etc.)

Perhaps we should: "Wait and see!"

Well now... that is just my itty-bitty take on it...
but others might have a different take on it...

Besides what dant said about Kryon's seven predictions, it is hard to evaluate the ones which have already supposedly occurred without going back and seeing what he originally said in the past. I have never studied Kryon, but it might be nice to track down what he actually said and see if it really does compare well with what he is saying he got right now.

Otherwise, I agree with everyone above that he sounds like he's selling a package, and one that's rather at odds with the geopolitical info on SotT for example. Maybe there could be an Iranian revolution (it is quite true that Israel would love to see it, I'm sure) -- but if there was, I have a hard time not seeing the hands of the Secret Team involved. I also find it hard to see a strong Iran emerging from such a scenario -- a balkanized Iran would be the likeliest outcome. And I really doubt that Israel would be happy to receive the kind of help from them that Kryon describes. I find this quote particularly amusing:

Did you see it? It began this year. The seeds are there for a major Iranian revolution. Oh, it was suppressed… or was it? It grows even as I speak to you right now. The very few control the many there in that country, which has literally been called an Evil Empire. Isn’t it odd? So were the Soviets, and look what happened.

Iran isn't the first country I think of when I hear the phrase Evil Empire -- but empires do tend to fall ;)
un chien anadolu said:
Buddy said:
What does he want?

He wants us to believe that everything is on the right track.

USA has finally a president of color so all the children in Iraq and Afghanistan or elsewhere are saved now. He even won a Nobel prize.

The Iranian mullahs; the only evil left on the planet will be removed and peace will come to middle east since they are the only barrier in front of the peace, so Arabs and Israelis can go on a picnic and start to build sandcastles together from now on. ;)

Thanks, un chien anadolu. I suppose it's not the first time 'someone' has tried to sell the package to go back to sleep...everything's under control, but keep an ear out for what I want to say next.

I thought it was interesting to note my own reactions while reading the thing. I just thought it was unnecessarily manipulative.
I am familiar with Kryon and I used to post the Kryon channelings at my discussion board. Kryon was standard fare along with many other 'New Age' channelings.

Lúthien said:
This stuff might be interesting to analyse as part of the "Channel Watch" and channel debunking:


Live Kryon Channelling
Loveland, Colorado
Sept 26 , 2008
"Human Evolution"
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon

This channeling which contained about autism was one of the last Kryon channelings I had posted.

I would like, if I may, to write about my take from my before view concerning Kryon and from my now view as I have learned about New Age Cointelpro as in contrast. I have read over the guidelines as well as refreshed about objective and subjective.

I have some concerns about the comments made concerning autism and I will only quote a few snips:

anart said:
The take on autism is unsettling, considering the previous discussions here on pathology, indigo children and a lack of empathy evident in both - including autism. I think it's quite possible that autism is a sign of a 'change' - but it may be forced, and not the type of 'change' Kryon seems to be implying. Of course, this is just my personal take on it and I could be WAY off. Perhaps you see something different?

kenlee said:
Blessed is the autistic one who has come to this earth to show you what future Human evolvement looks like!

In other words follow the psychopath into 'creative' chaos?

It isn't that I am picking; however, I would like to reflect on the views concerning autism. Yes, I have experience, a great deal, concerning autism. I feel one truly must take care when commenting about autism and Asperger Syndrome as comparisons to pathology, Indigo, psychopathy, and lack of empathy; and yes, this is a 'hot seat' topic for me. In that, with the first Kryon channeling and tie into autism, I would like to share my take as I said above. It will take me a bit to gather together my thoughts and write them with clarity and cohesively.
kannas said:
I am familiar with Kryon and I used to post the Kryon channelings at my discussion board. Kryon was standard fare along with many other 'New Age' channelings.

I have some concerns about the comments made concerning autism and I will only quote a few snips:

anart said:
The take on autism is unsettling, considering the previous discussions here on pathology, indigo children and a lack of empathy evident in both - including autism. I think it's quite possible that autism is a sign of a 'change' - but it may be forced, and not the type of 'change' Kryon seems to be implying. Of course, this is just my personal take on it and I could be WAY off. Perhaps you see something different?

Hi Kannas, it's very important that you do not take my comments out of context. What do you think I was trying to say?

I was not saying that autistic people are necessarily pathological. My point was that there is a strong tendency in newage schools of thought to put a 'special and advanced' gloss on those who display pathological tendencies - most especially with the 'Indigo Children' discussion.

I think it's wise - if not absolutely necessary - to remove that gloss. I think the future of the human race may depend on it.

I have a niece who suffers from autism spectrum disorder and am quite familiar with that, as well as more profound autism, as well. My point in the three sentences you pulled out was that if we are to understand this phenomenon and what it really means then we must divest ourselves of this newage idea that humanity is advancing with no effort of its own and that children who act differently (especially in a negative context) are harbingers or future leaders in a brave new world.

Hopefully that clears it up a bit. :)
Hi anart,

Thank you for the clarification. Yes, I was unclear of your context in this context... thread... and concerned for perhaps in the totality and defining of autism in this thread.

I agree with you about the gloss as you described; however, gloss happens also, at times, in the perception of autism in discussion. Yes, I do not care to take your comments out of context or any other. Clarification does help, indeed.

anart said:
I have a niece who suffers from autism spectrum disorder and am quite familiar with that, as well as more profound autism, as well. My point in the three sentences you pulled out was that if we are to understand this phenomenon and what it really means then we must divest ourselves of this newage idea that humanity is advancing with no effort of its own and that children who act differently (especially in a negative context) are harbingers or future leaders in a brave new world.

Hopefully that clears it up a bit. :)

Thank you for sharing about your experience with autism as I didn't know. I agree with you here, definitely. Yes, clearer. :)
Also live channeling speechs in United Nations in chronological order give a clue about Kryon

[quote author=Kryon-Live Channelling - New York-United Nations -1995]

You have had prophets tell you that there are areas of the Middle East right now that should be running red with the blood of battle but in these very areas what is happening instead is that these "would-be" enemies are discussing how to share their water! You have leaders of countries right now who not too many years ago were in the dark dungeons and the prisons within their very own countries - now they sit in the high seats of leadership. What kind of global consciousness change does this tell you about? You have made such a difference in all of these things. Look around you - the specter of country against country has lessened greatly in these past years. Did you think this was an accident? And when the political walls came tumbling down and all the changes happened, did you think it was a mistake that they happened simultaneously with the changes of your consciousness - and the New Age messages and the channelings? No!


[quote author=Kryon-Live Channelling - New York-United Nations -1996]

Finally, we have a message for you that may appear cryptic. But those who understand the overview will quickly understand what is being asked. You, as the planet Earth, have moved far beyond where we thought you would be at this linear time. You have chosen peace repeatedly when given the challenge. Oh, you may see the strife around you and the suffering of many, and the many tribal wars. These are but a residue of the old energy. But the overview is this dear ones: PEACE IS NO LONGER AN OPTION. IT IS A NECESSITY. Those who are moving into a higher vibration totally understand this. This planet cannot exist in the vibratory state it is moving toward and also sustain war. This is why your very organization [UN] is still sustained - even with all those who are trying to eliminate it!

Look around you. All of the predictions of the ancient doom-sayers are void! You have broken the prediction paradigm that said you would not make it this far! Your Armageddon didn't happen when it was supposed to - did anyone notice? Your old energy of war is not acceptable, and the new millennium promises a time of peace and tolerance... and love. It's up to you to take it there, however. You are on the right track, and the timetable that many predicted for your demise simply has vanished. Even the timetables from New Age channels have been changed. Your future is changing almost daily, due to the vibratory change in the dirt of the Earth itself! Did you notice?

There is one major challenge left, dear ones, and it is an important one: MAKE PEACE WITH THE DRAGON - we will leave this message alone for now.

[quote author=Kryon-Live Channelling - New York-United Nations -1998]

We're going to take you to a future Earth-a future Earth. This may be startling information, but we ask you to wait until the end of this message before you judge what is being given to you here.

We're going to paint a vivid picture of your future Earth, and it's going to be very disconcerting for you.


In this very land (The United States) there is water covering both coast lines - with major cities being under that water. There is disease-there is confusion-the stores are empty-there is a civil war here in this great land, and within it there is a smaller four-way race war. There is a removal of central control from all. There are police forces which are surrounding the cities, trying to keep order for their own area. The return to the "city state" is at hand, and they let no one in or out. There are state lines which are no longer state lines. It is chaos. There are submersible boats in the ocean carrying great weapons, which out of the integrity of their own commands, have sunk themselves-because they could not decide which port to land in. Each port has its own agenda. There is horror and despair in this country, in this land.

This is a future of Earth.

If you go higher in the land you find the great country of Canada, which is divided completely in half and starting to arm itself. Two great cultures with differing languages are almost at war-unable to decide who is going to get the various parts of the land. The resources which are the most important reside mainly in one, and the other must share it to exist. As in the country below them, central control is all but lost. Culture and tribe awareness divide them.

This is a future of Earth.

We take you to just a few of the other continents to view what is happening: We find in the African continent there is a full reversal of consciousness-a return to tribal warfare, just as it appeared many, many years ago. The place where civilization had its seeds are beginning to be the place where it will be buried.

At the southern pole, Larson's Ledge has broken off, sending an enormous tidal wave sweeping across the southern part of the great Australian continent, covering cities, killing millions, putting the country in chaos and grief.

The great dragon (China) is quiet. A quarter of the Earth's population is quiet, but they are watching very carefully to find out where the power vacuum spots will be, so that they can sweep in and establish their culture. Most of them have anticipated this, for it was in their prophesy - foreseen by their ancients.

This is a future of Earth.

Ah, but that is not the worst. We take you to what you call your Middle East. Listen carefully: There, dear ones, in the energy of the most Holy of Holies, the beast has arrived. And the beast, with its glowing eyes, has raised 40,000 feet tall and has planted its feet firmly on both sides of the ancient tribal lands - and it's there to rule for 4,000 years-representing half its life. The metaphor of the beast, dear ones, in this context, is nuclear war-and it starts there-where Humans decided to destroy one another in the name of God.

This is a future of Earth.

I'm going to tell you what this is all about. We told you to listen to the entire message-this short message of today-for what is coming is profound! I'm going to give you the date of this future-the date of the future that we have just described to you.


The date when all this is to happen is October 1998!


"Kryon, you must have make a mistake! That date has already gone by. It's November 1998 now," some of you might say. We know. Yes, the date has gone by. Dear ones, I just gave you the prophecy of scripture. I just gave you the prophecy of the 400-year-old Nostradamus. I gave you the prophecy even of the New Age masters who had the visions of a "snap shot" of the Earth as it had been measured and foretold in 1962 [a spiritual measurement much like the 1987 Harmonic Convergence]. And what I gave you was REAL!

That was the Earth's potential then, yet here you sit. None of it happened, you see. Not any of it happened! Not the catastrophes-not the race wars-not the nuclear wars. The Beast has been voided, and I sit in the very place which is responsible for so much of the consciousness shift. Listen to this, dear ones, listen: When the cook is in the kitchen, he has no concept of how relaxed and how enjoyable the meal is being consumed in the other room. [A metaphor for those at the United Nations who constantly only participate in the strife and negativity and stress of the day-to-day existence, without being able to look at the overview of what they have done.]


And finally ...

[quote author=Kryon-Live Channelling - New York-United Nations -2005]

The event that happened not far from here, which has been called 9/11, should have validated what we told you in 1989 about the shift at hand. September 11 was not in your prophecy, and you won't find predictions of that event anywhere. It wasn't in the quatrains of Nostradamus (some said is was, and later this was shown to be a hoax). It wasn't in your Scriptures in this culture [The Holy Bible], and yet this one event will shape humanity's future for two full generations... and it's right on schedule. This may not be what you felt you wanted, but sometimes a stick must strike the nest for the awakening of those who are asleep.

How could something that will affect the earth so dramatically be absent from prophesy? The answer is that you're not in the future you designed when you were born! The shift we spoke of - the change of energy on the planet - is here for you to see. Look at the logic in this, and begin to see the truth of it.

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