Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Just you wait. At some point he’ll be right about something!

(But thanks for posting this, KJS. It is still informative in a kind of way and is getting funnier than most of the humor threads. I, personally, would miss it if I didn’t see at least one of these every couple of weeks. We all need a good laugh in the dark future of Jackowski World. And if I get blown to hell by a triton bomb I will be the first to apologize)
Frankly, I'm already bored reading this man.

Nothing positive ever happens anywhere?

No firefighter rescuing a cat or something?

He is tireless in pessimism.
Well, pessimistic predictions that never seem to materialise is fine by me. Better than pessimistic predictions that DO materialise! Having said that, look around and see if the world is becoming a better place: chaos is ramping up big time, and he seems pretty tuned in to it... in a manner of speaking 🤣

he associates planes that bomb an island or islets. The island will be attacked and those who attack will behave like a hunt. Taiwan in the Pacific will be attacked. Shortly after this event, World War III will occur. immediately afterwards, other ships from other military forces will sail towards Taiwan. Only these troops will be attacked from the air during their trip to this island. The army that will attack Taiwan will arrest important people there. At the same moment, Russia will intensify its attack on Ukraine. A huge number of people from Ukraine will flee to Poland, perhaps even more than at the beginning of this war. World War III will happen in February, March 2026.
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At the same time, I make everyone aware that the future cannot be predicted, as the Cassiopaeans have repeatedly mentioned. The fact that Krzysztof Jackowski solved over 700 criminal cases does not prove anything, because it was discovering events that had already happened, i.e. the past. I will try to find those sessions in which the Cassiopaeans mentioned that the future is inscrutable. We will certainly not miss the transition to the fourth density, i.e. the wave and related cataclysms such as comets, the Little Ice Age, plague, the polarization of the planet and many others.
At the same time, I make everyone aware that the future cannot be predicted, as the Cassiopaeans have repeatedly mentioned.
The future is open, but some things are much more likely to happen than others - and some people (including good psychics) can predict some of that. The problem with psychics is that 1) it is very hard for them to predict the timing of what they see and 2) it is usually unclear whether what they see is the most likely outcome or not.

Regarding timing, we already had a few examples where he was correct on what would happen, but was off by up to several years.
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I searched a bit but I found it.

session July 10, 1999
A: What is the point of predicting/warning about tragic changes?

Q: (L) Well, from my observations, such predictions are intended to distract people and keep them worried and upset so that they cannot concentrate on what is important.

session July 31, 1999
A: One of 329 decillions.

Q: Likely future?

Oh yes.

Q: That's a lot.

A: Up to a point...
Recently Jackowski wanders more into the territory of an analyst than a clairvoyant, wasting a lot of time in his videos just talking about the current geopolitical situation, and it appears to be due to the influence of his analyst... friend? Unfortunately, Jackowski is very impressionable, so what other people do he unconsciously tries to emulate. That impressionability is clearly what allowed him to be a medium and a clairvoyant in the first place, picking subtle signals from "this world" and from "beyond", but now, anytime he makes a video with that friend or reads mainstream news articles, it all seems to get drowned by mundane noise.

Personally, i think what is coming is influencing his state of mind. His predictions used to be fine when it was still "far away in the future" and he didn't think about them, when he was looking at the future with an open mind. But as it moves closer and becomes the present, rather than the future, the chaos and psychic noise generated by other people makes it impossible for him to detach from the situation and focus properly. So a lot of time, whatever he will see might not necessarily be future events or alternate timelines, but plans and ideas simply "floating around".

Ironic. He himself said many times that the logical mind is the enemy of clairvoyance, yet he also has problems shutting it down.

Fortunately not all is lost, as he can still detach from it when he really wants to, because whenever he tries to focus on the dead, on things like the pyramids or UFO, or just talks about random things in his life (so anything that is completely unrelated to politics), the entire video gets a completely different energy about it, and even the audience likes them more. So it's just a matter of cutting off from the noise, and from people driven by fear constantly asking him about current events.
Recently Jackowski wanders more into the territory of an analyst than a clairvoyant, wasting a lot of time in his videos just talking about the current geopolitical situation, and it appears to be due to the influence of his analyst... friend? Unfortunately, Jackowski is very impressionable, so what other people do he unconsciously tries to emulate. That impressionability is clearly what allowed him to be a medium and a clairvoyant in the first place, picking subtle signals from "this world" and from "beyond", but now, anytime he makes a video with that friend or reads mainstream news articles, it all seems to get drowned by mundane noise.

Personally, i think what is coming is influencing his state of mind. His predictions used to be fine when it was still "far away in the future" and he didn't think about them, when he was looking at the future with an open mind. But as it moves closer and becomes the present, rather than the future, the chaos and psychic noise generated by other people makes it impossible for him to detach from the situation and focus properly. So a lot of time, whatever he will see might not necessarily be future events or alternate timelines, but plans and ideas simply "floating around".

Ironic. He himself said many times that the logical mind is the enemy of clairvoyance, yet he also has problems shutting it down.

Fortunately not all is lost, as he can still detach from it when he really wants to, because whenever he tries to focus on the dead, on things like the pyramids or UFO, or just talks about random things in his life (so anything that is completely unrelated to politics), the entire video gets a completely different energy about it, and even the audience likes them more. So it's just a matter of cutting off from the noise, and from people driven by fear constantly asking him about current events.
That's beautifully describes what most people having at least remote grasp on clairvoyance think about Jackowski work
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