
m said:
Bricktal said:
But instead of reading others books on this subject..or critics of another author..and report it here as someone said this and that or that is it or not.. i would gladly prefer if another person have ever felt or went thru this i would gladly read their experience of this.

I went through something similar to what you're describing back in about 1993. Fairly intense, unmistakably in the body, certainly not a figment of my imagination. Without getting into all the nitty gritty details, it took me about 5 more years before I even began to understand that it was all a bunch of nonsense, most likely caused by my own doing and possibly with a little external influence from god only knows who and what, and none of it was in my best interest. It served entirely to vector me in wrong directions.

My advice about this experience of yours is this: Don't focus on it. Focus on learning to see objectively, focus on learning how to be present in the moment and how to remember yourself at all times, focus on figuring out how to realize that you really are not behaving as ONE person but instead your day to day activities are determined by hundreds if not thousands of different facets of your overall being and as such you're essentially out of control and your life is a long chain of 'accidental' events. THAT is important. Heat in your back is trivial bullcrud - unless of course it presents a real health problem.

In summary, wake up - because in my estimation you're dreaming a nightmare while thinking it's all lovey dovey. Wrong!

Not a figment of your imagination? you sure? As someone else said that i may be dreaming of all this, so maybe you were dreaming too you know.

Nitty gritty details(nice terms, will try not to forgive those).

Cause by your own doing? Wow.. but still searching myself What did I did wrong to provoke this in the first place?
Was it because i became a Vegetalian or some sort? That i did quit drinking colas, soft drinks, alcools or eating meat? WHAT?

Focus on it? On the contrary my friend, i do not focus on it. All i am saying is because someone never went in the water that he shall not tell me that the water IS not fresh in the first place. That's all.

To see it objectively? Am I not here on this forum to do just that? Perhaps!

I would gladly stop thinking about it if i could really get off the little widgets that came with this thing. Still asking myself if i am sane or not. Will ask Laura maybe... she will tell me that the energy that she is sensing coming thru her hands while doing reiki is just only a dream or someone is saying to her telepathicaly that she have to think that she is sensing something, then not to think that she is in fact dreaming all of this energy thing.

Thank you for your advice my friend.

Bricktal, please take a break from posting until you have a chance to read the suggested threads and learn what the purpose of this forum is.
anart said:
Bricktal, please take a break from posting until you have a chance to read the suggested threads and learn what the purpose of this forum is.
You can also use the search function to find many more threads discussing Kundalini related ideas and experiences.
opossum said:
anart said:
Bricktal, please take a break from posting until you have a chance to read the suggested threads and learn what the purpose of this forum is.
You can also use the search function to find many more threads discussing Kundalini related ideas and experiences.

And it might be a good idea for you at this point to read the forum guidelines, Bricktal, if you haven't done it already.
Alana said:
opossum said:
anart said:
Bricktal, please take a break from posting until you have a chance to read the suggested threads and learn what the purpose of this forum is.
You can also use the search function to find many more threads discussing Kundalini related ideas and experiences.

And it might be a good idea for you at this point to read the forum guidelines, Bricktal, if you haven't done it already.

Done it the second time Alana thank for the reminding me.

Is there a logical way out of this? there is one am sure, will see.

Bricktal said:
Is there a logical way out of this? there is one am sure, will see.


One way could be to ask the questions " how have these so called kundalini experiences changed me? Do I notice a change in my abilities to run my daily affairs better than before? Can I see things more objectively - discern the pile of lies which the media and society in general is foisting on us? Do I know myself better?"

If the answers are tending towards "not sure/can't say/don't think so" then the experiences are not worth anything as far as the goal of this forum - waking up - is concerned.
I received the following PM from Bricktal:

you would care to discuss this on messenger live?

i know that it is not the way as the administrators says this is not a good way of doing.

was only asking if.

if no..then will reply to your post on forum


We have these types of discussions on the public forum.
Patience said:
I received the following PM from Bricktal:

you would care to discuss this on messenger live?

i know that it is not the way as the administrators says this is not a good way of doing.

was only asking if.

if no..then will reply to your post on forum


We have these types of discussions on the public forum.

Thanks for telling Patience.

Bricktal you may want to have a look here before attempting to encourage members of this forum to have private discussions with you:
Forum Personal Messages and Predators
Ana said:
Patience said:
I received the following PM from Bricktal:

you would care to discuss this on messenger live?

i know that it is not the way as the administrators says this is not a good way of doing.

was only asking if.

if no..then will reply to your post on forum


We have these types of discussions on the public forum.

Thanks for telling Patience.

Bricktal you may want to have a look here before attempting to encourage members of this forum to have private discussions with you:
Forum Personal Messages and Predators

It seems from Bricktal's message that he/she is already well aware of the guidelines regarding pm's and has chosen to do it anyway. Care to tell us why you've chosen to do this, Bricktal?
truth seeker said:
It seems from Bricktal's message that he/she is already well aware of the guidelines regarding pm's and has chosen to do it anyway. Care to tell us why you've chosen to do this, Bricktal?

Perhaps a posting ban would be beneficial for Bricktal, to allow him to read the forum, get up to speed a bit and decide whether this material is really in line with his life/soul goals and to remove the temptation to violate forum rules?
Did Brickal described his experience as being "in a dream state instead"...?

What else is there to add? Dreaming of being awake....it HAPPENS all the time
[quote author=Bricktal]All I was trying to say is that in the quote he did not say that he did tasted the strawberry but for this he says even then that the fruit was bad or a bad thing.[/quote]

Proposing that a phenomenon can only be evaluated by experiencing it is transparently fallacious.

It seems you have stated an assumption of yours merely for convenience.

Imagine answering a child who asks if it’s OK to eat dog poop:

“I don’t really know, I’ve never tried it.”
Jerry said:
[quote author=Bricktal]All I was trying to say is that in the quote he did not say that he did tasted the strawberry but for this he says even then that the fruit was bad or a bad thing.

Proposing that a phenomenon can only be evaluated by experiencing it is transparently fallacious.

It seems you have stated an assumption of yours merely for convenience.

Imagine answering a child who asks if it’s OK to eat dog poop:

“I don’t really know, I’ve never tried it.”


This is an excellent point of view and i do accept it.

Christopher columbus asking his queen Isabella: why do you say the world is flat my queen?
Isabella> Because Our Greatest Scientist said us So and beleive it to be true!

Me: so this great scientist il telling not true, the world is flat.

And now christopher columbus is telling you that the world is not flat and that he will prove it to you.

So WE all glad that he did prove to his queen who was lying or not!

So in a way, yes he did taste this pooh, with all the dangers, sickness, great seas and everything else. But beyond the pooh there is a great land with great promises. And the Americas were born.

Fallacious? hummmm... then who decide who is right and who is not?

So i am not right, then, nor true either, but both are as well as you maybe?

A thought to ponder.
Alejo said:
Did Brickal described his experience as being "in a dream state instead"...?

What else is there to add? Dreaming of being awake....it HAPPENS all the time

I was for me in an awake time but not dream by my standards i cannot tell you in english what i understand in french as a lots of words are missing to explain myself here correctly.

But for this thing of sensing, if i am in a dream or i was doing this kundalini experience as : "sensing" this in my body, then what would not be to pretend also that all the energy work someone is sensing or doing is not in a dream state also as the famous Reiki done by a lots of people here on this forum.

Then WHO decide who is awake and who is not? excuse me here, but the equation do not add up, match. Read the wave again(first one) then see that someone inside, one of the female character is in the same state as I am...meaning sensing energies thru her body doing some reiki sessions onto others.

Care to ask her the question? Are you awake or in this dream? Were you dreaming you were in this book? Was I during this kundalini event?

You have your answer my friend.

What you are doing now Brictal is called wiseacring in Work parlance. You can search this term on the forum in case you are not familiar with its meaning.

As someone who has been there and done that; I wholeheartedly recommend that you take heed to moderator's advice, stop posting and start reading and getting up to speed with what is this forum all about and why are we here.
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