Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

Bluestar said:
GRiM said:
I found this too. First post is Oct. 22th.

Its kinda creepy because it links to the forum and the site.
Therefore for those that are really researching they can go to these two links and find out for themselves that this is not a cult. AND the works of Laura et al.

Defeats there purpose osit

Unless their purpose is to direct people to those two links so they can ffind out for themselves that this is not a cult. AND the works of Laura et al. ?? ;D
seek10 said:
I was wondering whether universe is telling some thing here. Creating the wordpress/blogspot blog and posting articles using sites clipmarks, Amplify is not that complicated. little more complicated than facebook posting.

Exactly, and Weirdner has been "blog seeding" on these same URLs for a year promoting himself and his works.
Laura said:
Well, well, well. Why are we not surprised to find the defamers in - shall we say - very questionable company and advocating very questionable ideas???

Lord, it shouldn't surprise me.

Fetzer fell out with Jones, and as a result, Kevin Barrett. The cause of the falling out was, mainly, Fetzer saying that Jones' fixation on "thermite" as the cause of the collapse is wrong, that there had to be some kind of 'exotic' 'pulsed' weaponry that caused the towers, a half million tons of steel and concrete to essentially vaporize. I tend to believe him.You can watch a presentation by Fetzer on this here:

So, it seems that, along with Guardian's details, that Steven Jones is part of a 9/11 disinformation campaign. Interesting that the site that is associated with a 9/11 disinfo artist is also defaming
Perceval said:
Fetzer fell out with Jones, and as a result, Kevin Barrett. The cause of the falling out was, mainly, Fetzer saying that Jones' fixation on "thermite" as the cause of the collapse is wrong, that there had to be some kind of 'exotic' 'pulsed' weaponry that caused the towers, a half million tons of steel and concrete to essentially vaporize. I tend to believe him.You can watch a presentation by Fetzer on this here:

I agree. What happened to that building was not just "nanothermite."

Perceval said:
So, it seems that, along with Guardian's details, that Steven Jones is part of a 9/11 disinformation campaign. Interesting that the site that is associated with a 9/11 disinfo artist is also defaming

We've learned to use that as a litmus test of COINTELPRO. We KNOW how they have gone after us and the covert, third party attackers they use, so you can pretty well figure out that if they attack us without doing their due diligence, they are part of the disinfo program.
Bud said:
Thanks, but it's probably too long and boring for most people to want to read. This one's not much better, but I worked on it awhile, so if you'll bear with me one more time just to get the possibly useful info out there for others who might be able to use it, then I'll make it the last one on the subject. :)

Let it sit a day or so and then go back and make it a little less esoteric - you know, all the mentions of the Wave and so on. Just be plainspoken with your points which are excellent. When it's finished, we may have a use for it!
I've responded on the 911blogger thread that started this discussion. I've also contacted what I understand to be the owner of that site. If it is resolved to our satisfaction, we can perhaps consider a little write up on 'Scholars for Truth and Justice" based on what Guardian has discovered.
And the response is????

911blogger discussion said:

Now I know for certain none us of should have anything to do with You've personally removed any lingering doubt there might have been.

"new-ager grifter-types and suspected pedophiles"?! Who the hell do you think you are with your threats?

I request that the moderators let the above comment stand, as a damning indictment of We needn't say anything else.

Note: I have nothing against Paul Craig Roberts. I can't decide for him where he wants to publish commentary nor do I want to.
Submitted by SnowCrash on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 12:45pm.

Methinks he protested too much. He obviously isn't aware of the links between Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner to Dan Winter and his really icky almost child porn writings. Nor Vincent's unusual interest in children and "star child camps." Nor that all the defamation began with that gang. So, it seems he assumes that the comment referred to him ... and boy, did he react. VEWY interesting.


Guardian's post said:

The Netherlands
About Me

Name: Michiel de Boer

Area of expertise: Informatics.

What really happened on 9/11 will always be relevant.


Member for
1 year 30 weeks


Mr. De Boer best watch his step. He is in the EU and he's sailing pretty close to the defamation wind.
Wow...this has been a fascinating thread to say the least...I think The Dot Connector should have a new column called The Lizzie Bake corner featuring a new Disinfo person or organization each issue. Right out of the oven and burned to a crisp...
911blogger poster SnowCrash said:

Is a crazed cult, and this is WELL established by the thread on Truth Action. I'm am really, really not interested in discussion on this issue, just as I'm really, really not interested in discussing No Plane Theory. I don't pause in the middle of the street to have a profound discussion with the scruffy nutter with a sign around his neck predicting apocalypse either. How I allot my time is my responsibility. And the decision is: I have no time for you and your ilk. Your threats and psychological attack on Victoria rank among the lowest of the low I have ever seen on this site. Get well soon.
Submitted by SnowCrash on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 3:10pm.

This nutter seems to have absolutely NO comprehension that he is describing his and Victronix's promoting the attacks on me, SOTT, Cass, etc. "The lowest of the low."

I think we need screenshots of the whole truthaction thread as well as this one.

I notice that I am accused of being a "no-planer" and that happens to be exactly the opposite of the truth. Unless, of course, one is referring to the Pentagon. I think the evidence is pretty clear that there was no Boeing jetliner that hit the Pentagon. See: _ and notice that the topic - entitled "How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents" is locked.

The "truthaction" people seem to have been particularly exercised by the "How to spot COINTELPRO Agents" piece. That, in itself, is interesting. The Devil succeeds usually by convincing people that he does not exist. Same with COINTELPRO. So, who has the most to gain by dismissing an article on "how to spot COINTELPRO agents"??? Why, COINTELPRO agents, of course!

So, then they created a topic entitled: "Laura Knight Jadczyk's Cassiopaea Cult" _ which references the COINTELPRO thread as its platform. This is a clear tactic of information spin and management. They quote extensively from Vincent Bridges and just generally tell a lot of lies of their own. They sensationalize anything I've ever said or written completely out of context, and don't bother to mention that everything is backed up by science and that I point out repeatedly that research is needed.

The thread goes on for 7 pages and now has posts referring to 911blogger:


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:03 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
SOTT freakout on blogger:

It is easy to fall for defamation and libel also. is not a hoax site. Please provide evidence for the claim that posts "hoax claims". is a news and news analysis web site, and nothing more. The defamation in the site that Victronix links to is just that, proven defamation and lies. Paul Craig Roberts has explored and is satisfied that allegations, like the ones Victronix makes, are false and indeed part of a long-term hate and censorship campaign against and its owners, conducted by new-ager grifter-types and suspected pedophiles. If you wish to align yourself with such people, go ahead. But be careful what you say. has already successfully defended itself in a Californian court against the kinds of allegations you make. Again, I would suggest that you take more care with what you say in a public forum, Victronix.




Joined: 14 Sep 2009
Posts: 22

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:31 am Post subject: Reply with quote
YT wrote:
SOTT freakout on blogger:

But be careful what you say. has already successfully defended itself in a Californian court against the kinds of allegations you make. Again, I would suggest that you take more care with what you say in a public forum, Victronix.

Sounds like veiled threats from cultists...any evidence of the alleged successful lolsuits?

Basically, it seems pretty clear that is a COINTELPRO site. Probably 911blogger is too, but we are waiting to see how they handle things.

It's interesting to see how they never deal with the issues, they just start flinging filth written by Vincent Bridges so that no one will pay attention to the substantive issues.
To summarize the Deepcapture story:

Patrick Byrne is CEO In the mid-2000s he began to suspect that naked short selling (illegal) on the US stock exchanges represented a systemic risk to the financial well-being of the US (and World). Overstock became a victim of naked short selling when large amount of “phantom” stock was sold into the market forcing the value of his stock downward. He was able to prove this on numerous occasions.

The short sale (most often conducted by Hedge Funds) is legal and consists of “betting” that a given stock will decrease in value. The MO is to buy or borrow shares in the stock, then write or buy options in the stock in hopes that the stock will go down. If the stock goes up, then they lose on options but gain in the stock price. The point is the short sale is “covered” by the stock shares. The naked short sale is similar but is not “covered” and “phantom” stock is sold into the market to forcibly drive the stock price down. This is usually accompanied with “bad news” (earnings, law suits, etc) about the company, thereby hiding the sale of phantom undelivered stock. [My description may lack some details but I think this is basically correct]

Company victims of the naked short sale show up on the SEC’s Reg SHO list (a result of some legislation years ago to track and “try” to correct these undelivered stock). SEC insiders suggest that as many as 1000 companies have been destroyed by naked short sales – but they just don’t know as they lack the necessary tools, access, and manpower. As Harold Goodman says, “NAKED SHORTING SHOULD BE ILLEGAL by every player and market maker in Every Commodity and Every Security in Every Market as it amounts to NOTHING MORE THAN COUNTERFEITING” [here Harold complains about the obvious naked shorting of JP Morgan and HSBC in the silver market].

There is huge “free” money in this and the cast of participants is amazing. Deepcapture found that the players are Politicians, organized crime (Genovese, Gambino, Russian Mob, etc), corrupt law firms, brokerage houses (and their market maker banks by extension), hedge funds, analytical houses, and a host of corrupt financial “journalists” (Cramer,, and their cronies). The politicians provide protection from Fed investigation. Law firms are used to file bogus lawsuits (class action – for news value) against companies targeted for naked short sale. The mafia provides “grease” money and muscle/hits if necessary. The brokerage houses conduct the naked short sales (counterfeit). The hedge funds manage and coordinate the attack and rely on corrupt analytical houses for any “dirt” that can be dug up (if there is no dirt, they make it up). And all of this would never work without the corrupt financial journalists to spin the lies and provide cover. All is coordinated through grease money – and these people/psychopaths walk away with billions. [The SEC can be considered complicit since the higher ups end up leaving and working for these banksters – just like the FDA and pharmaceuticals companies]

At one point Patrick was threatened by the Russian mob – someone close to him would be hurt if he did not cease his investigations through Deepcapture. Patrick delayed his answer for 2 weeks while he prepared and filed a lawsuit against some of those listed above for which he had evidence. The response of the mobster was, “nice raise”.

Throughout all of this, Deepcapture found that Gary Weiss got exclusive access to Wikipedia to write (as well as his own bio) about naked short sales declaring it to be a non-existent problem. This was a complete lie and cover-up. Wiki administrators just denied the facts and evidence. [There is no reason to believe that this doesn’t happen on a regular basis with Wiki.]

The Deepcapture team (including the Easter Bunny – see above posts) is what enabled a single CEO to stand up to Wall Street against the banksters, mobsters, and garbage journalists. It was a major battle and a very deep set of rabbit holes, and what they found has serious consequences for our financial system as well as that of the world. They “won” by not being destroyed in the process. And that truth stands documented for any that care to look.

Probably the central tool of Deepcapture was the website ( they used to document the evidence and tell the story. They logged data analysis, e-mails, taped conversations, podcasts, and blogs that documented every step of the way. They used a dedicated team (including lawyers) and insiders (Bunny). They used infiltration if there was opportunity. It looks like their biggest headaches were associated with the garbage journalists always running cover for their money-bosses – not unlike the subjects of this thread.

One idea is to create a similar website (say thereby aligning with a high profile example of confronting the lie with the truth. Laura has volumes of evidence that could be presented in compact hard-hitting form all in one place. Experiences of other folk could be added in blog form. In this way, any questioner could be directed to a single site where the truth can be found regarding the rainbow of attacks out there.

Such a site would be a big undertaking and detract from an already busy agenda, so I’m not suggesting this lightly.

Edit: paragraphs for readability
Laura said:
I think we need screenshots of the whole truthaction thread as well as this one.

Got'em ...they're large files for good res, so I didn't hotlink them ...just help yourselves :)
Guardian said:
Bluestar said:
GRiM said:
I found this too. First post is Oct. 22th.

Its kinda creepy because it links to the forum and the site.
Therefore for those that are really researching they can go to these two links and find out for themselves that this is not a cult. AND the works of Laura et al.

Defeats there purpose osit

Unless their purpose is to direct people to those two links so they can ffind out for themselves that this is not a cult. AND the works of Laura et al. ?? ;D

Yeah that was wishful thinking after just waking up. What I meant to say was when people go to this website and hit the links, they then can see for themselves what goes on here. Now of course not everyone has a rational mind, but those that do will proceed with researching for themselves.
Hi John,

Same for me here although it was working yesterday when I first saw it. Perhaps Guardian moved it. So just hang on till she comes online and re-do the links. :)
Vulcan59 said:
Hi John,

Same for me here although it was working yesterday when I first saw it. Perhaps Guardian moved it. So just hang on till she comes online and re-do the links. :) bad. I put an extra "_" in three of the file names. Should work ok now?
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