"Life Without Bread"

A few important highlights and some food for thought from http://jackkruse.com/cold-thermogenesis-11-paleo-fx-to-practice/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cold-thermogenesis-11-paleo-fx-to-practice


Question everything, learn something, but answer nothing.


My journey to optimal health started with a major speed bump. The day was June 2nd 2006 and it was a major wake up call. My wife and I were driving a UHaul Truck along I 75 passing through Atlanta GA when my cell phone rang. I picked it up and it was the dermatologist office in Miami with my results from the biopsy of a mole removed several days earlier. Exactly what we discussed I can’t recall – I actually can’t recall even navigating the truck through traffic for the next 10 minutes I was on the phone with the office discussing options as I wasn’t able to comply with their request of being in the office Monday to schedule surgery. I recall being very careful about my words and my questions I was asking so as to not pique the interest of my passenger (my wife) in the truck.

This was a call you never expect to receive – a diagnosis of cancer – Melanoma to be specific – one of the deadliest forms of cancer. After I hung up the phone, I was so in denial that I completely misled my wife about the content of the call stating simply that “I needed to go in for a follow up in St Louis when we get settled from our move.” What an understatement that was, for the next 7 hours as I drove the remainder of the way to St Louis, my mind raced with questions:

“How could I have cancer, I exercise 4-5 times per week?”
“How could I have cancer, I eat reasonably healthy, don’t do drugs, drink heavily, and have never smoked?”
“How could I have skin cancer? I don’t use tanning beds and certainly wouldn’t be considered someone who’s always baked or tanned?”
“There really isn’t a history of cancer in my family…so, how did this happen to me?” [note: we'll come back to this one later]

Step one in my journey required me to have major surgery and treatment for cancer in the summer of 2006 leaving my body free of the melanoma with the only momento being a large scar on my left neck that looks like I was in a bar fight or bad accident.

What was interesting about this initial step in my journey was my complete mis-understanding of what had happened and the biologic mismatches that were leading me down the path to being unhealthy and possible early demise. I was under the impression (based on conventional wisdom and treatment) that I had become victim of cancer due to things like sunburns, tanning beds and bad luck genetically. Some sort of ‘bad luck’ lottery result. Never once was lifestyle choices and diet/nutrition mentioned by my surgeon or any of the practitioners treating me. I never recall being tested for systemic inflammation or even counseled on risk factors other than being constantly reminded to cover up and use sunscreen.

Between 2006 and 2010, I went on about my life, heeding the conventional medical advice and continued working out (lots of chronic cardio), working long hours (I would sleep for less than 6 hours typically) and eating what I thought was a fairly healthy diet of low fat and ‘heart healthy whole grains.’

The next major wake up call in my journey was my wife’s ailments. She developed chronic issues with her gall bladder and in the summer of 2010 had her gall bladder removed in a surgical procedure. Again, we followed conventional wisdom and diet recommendations and thought we were on track for a healthy lifestyle. After surgery, when her digestive issues didn’t resolve, [ b]I queried the medical practitioners several times about diet recommendations and received limited to no help[/b]. I happened upon a Podcast by Robb Wolff in the fall of 2010 covering recommendations for someone without a gall bladder. I picked up a copy of the “Paleo Diet” book and read it cover to cover in one day. I was floored and shocked. It was such an eye opener for me about being off track from a nutritional standpoint for both myself and my wife. We began to ‘clean up our diet’ in the fall of 2010.

Again the phone rang…this time it wasn’t a wake up call for me. It was my mother talking about the fact that my father had been diagnosed with bladder cancer and was going to have it surgically removed. He had also been struggling with high blood pressure, his weight and Type II diabetes for years. My mother had been struggling with Ulcerative Colitis and had developed colon cancer and had her colon removed in surgery. This was not something that had previously been ‘disclosed’ to the kids in the name of keeping us from worrying. I asked about other incidents of cancer in the the family. Turned out my mother had cancerous growths removed from her throat when I was young and her mother and father both died from cancer. So much for my thoughts about not having cancer in the family.

My mind began to re-think/reconsider the neolithic thoughts from 2006. What if my entire framework for what I was doing in the name of being healthy was wrong? What if I was on the same track as my parents? Certainly after reading the Paleo Diet, I knew that my family was ‘typical’ and our diet/nutritional needs growing up as kids were way off track. What I was struggling with was whether this was just biologic bad luck and something that I was stuck being ‘at risk’ for based on my family’s history.

My wife and I relocated from St Louis to Austin in February of 2011 and I scheduled a follow up visit with a medical practitioner with full blood work scheduled. The results shocked me again. I was told that unless I made some significant changes I was on track to becoming a Type II diabetic. My fasting blood glucose and hA1C (90 day average) levels were way too high. I might have looked reasonably good on the outside (I wasn’t significantly overweight) however, my blood worked showed a different picture.

This was the news I needed to go heads down with a Paleo/Primal lifestyle change. Beginning in January, my wife and I cleaned up our diet and followed a fairly strict diet based on ancestral principals. The results visually were dramatic. My wife lost 3 dress sizes and the digestive issues began to resolve. My weight didn’t change significantly, however, my body fat % declined signfiicantly from almost 30% to 17%. Progress… From a ‘vanity’ standpoint I was the image of Ancestral Wellness/Paleo living and success – six pack abs and all!

The picture on the left was taken in the late fall of 2010 in St Louis – prior to moving to Austin and starting the Paleo Diet. Pictures on right were taken in August of 2011.


The final aha moment was in May 2011. The phone rang again while I was on a business trip out of state. The family was told that we needed to rush to the Bay Area as my father had only a couple of days to live as he had cancer again – this time in his kidneys. Being there at the hospital at Stanford University and observing what had happened to my father was shocking. He was merely a shell of what he had been and deteriorated dramatically since I saw him in the fall.

Here’s a picture of my father and myself at exactly the same age – 47 years old. Lifestyle choices and not genetics is the determing factor. He was on blood pressure and glucose medicine at this age.


What was even more shocking was observing the condition of my family vs. me and my wife. My mother was in poor shape and the picture of unhealthy. My younger brother and sister were both limping from chronic pain/injuries and certainly didn’t look healthy. I thought to myself, there’s something missing here? Am I doing enough to ensure longevity? I knew I needed to learn more about cancer as the prospect of going through what I had just witnessed scared the heck of our me.

I was bound and determined to take every step to avoid that at all costs.

More on my background and story can be found in a blog post on Being Primal and a Podcast interview I did with Abel James.

A Biologic “Fork in the Road” – with huge implications for longevity and long term wellness!

My quest to understand the mechanisms for cancer led me to several major ahas. The first was that inflammation was a significant factor in not only all cancer but also cardiovascular disease. Especially chronic long term inflammation. There are many factors that trigger inflammation. These factors are found in both our internal and external environments. Factors that trigger increased inflammation include excessive levels of the hormone insulin (insulin resistance), emotional stress, environmental toxins (heavy metals), free-radical damage, lack of sleep, obesity, overconsumption of hydrogenated oils, and smoking. Problems with insulin metabolism are a major contributor to cardiovascular disease.

Inflammation causes endothelial dysfunction and activated endothelium facilitates adhesion and migration of cancer cells.

‘Chronically inflamed tissues continue to generate
signals that attract leukocytes from the bloodstream.
When leukocytes migrate from the bloodstream into
the tissue they amplify the inflammatory response.’

Then the aha moment when the inflammation research tied into my challenges well beyond the risks for cancer and brought the discussion full circle back to my metabolic challenges with insulin regulation [remember my discussion that floored me with my Austin doctor about being 'pre-diabetic' in Feb 2011]:

Scientists at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, have bred a strain of mice whose fat cells are supercharged inflammation factories. “We can reproduce the whole syndrome (diabetes) just by inciting inflammation,” Dr. Steve Shoelson says. This suggests that a well-timed intervention in the inflammatory process might reverse some if not all the effects of diabetes. Some of the drugs that are already used to treat the disorder, like metformin, may work because they also dampen the inflammation response. In addition, preliminary research suggests that high CRP levels may indicate a greater risk of diabetes.

‘Whatever makes us become less efficient at using insulin is
going to aid in the development of diabetes. Treatments for
diabetes work by replacing insulin, boosting its production
or helping the body make more efficient use of the hormone.’

And a final aha moment, much more recently, was discovered as I researched some additional ways to reduce chronic inflammation:

‘Inflammation not only further damages the artery walls, leaving
them stiffer and more prone to plaque buildup, but it also makes
any plaque that’s already there more fragile and more likely to burst.’

A 2006 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition an article showing that as consumption of magnesium fell, the levels of C-reactive protein went up. C-reactive protein, or CRP, is produced in the liver and has emerged as a strong predictor of clinical events of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and stroke, even in cases where cholesterol levels may be normal. For this reason, CRP assays may become a routine part of blood tests for determining CVD risk. CRP levels in the blood are normally undetectable or very low; high levels are strongly associated with inflammation.

There are literally hundreds of physiological reasons to proclaim magnesium the ultimate heart medicine; its involvement in hundreds of enzyme reactions is just a start. Its use as an anti inflammatory makes magnesium absolutely indispensable to not only heart patients but also to diabetics, neurological and cancer patients as well. The treatment of chronic inflammation has been problematic for medical science because most of their treatments create more inflammation. Magnesium chloride does not do this.

Virtually all the components of the Metabolic Syndrome
of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and lipid
disorders are associated with low magnesium.

Dr. Michael R. Eades

Circadian ‘Man on Fire’ – Unresolved Systemic Inflammation! Why worry about this?

“Greater than half of all sudden death from cardiac causes have no history of cardiovascular disease. In fact, over 40% of all heart attack victim autopsies show clear coronary vessels. Clearly, there is much more going on than the simple “cholesterol kills” hypothesis. It is interesting to note that the first and most common sign of cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women is death. Yes, death. In other words, there are no signs or symptoms.” Doctor Michael Lam MD


Biologically mis-matched Paleo folks (especially the Crossfit set) are running around thinking they are healthy – showing no signs/symptoms and dropping dead as the first sign of any issue. This is not isolated today – Livorno soccer player Piermario Morosini died in April with no prior warning. This was the second incident in a month. Dr. Kruse referred to a patient who looked like ‘adonis’ and was a regional Crossfit competitor who presented with respiratory distress that was the first sign of cardio ejection failure. Clearly something is amiss with these biologic mis-matches.

Inflammation was clearly at the center of what needed to be addressed in my quest to avoid cancer, cardiovascular diseases and Type II diabetes. This was clearly at the center of what needed to be addressed.


I had identified a biomarker to measure and track systemic inflammation. C Reactive Protein (Highly Sensitive) was a great way for me to assess my progress in my quest for longevity and optimal living. Now, I also discovered a new player – Magnesium – the warranted some further research as a factor to remove chronic inflammation as well.


Well….the good news was I knew exactly what needed to be addressed (chronic systemic inflammation) and how to measure it (hs CRP). The bad news, despite my intense focus on following the principals of ancestral wellness (Paleo Diet) and exercising, my CRP test results revealed a chronic level of inflammation over time.

HS CRP Test Results

8/2008 – Pre Paleo Diet (look at my before picture) – 1.0
2/2011 – Start of Paleo Diet (‘pre-diabetic discussion) – 2.3
8/2011 – Bodyfat down to 16.9% – After Photo above taken – 5.3
10/2011 – Bodyfat down to 10.9% – 5.6
3/2012 – Prior to PaleoFX event – 5.4

If I showed up in your office as a Cardiologist with this trend line, you’re going to be highly concerned about systemic inflammation and my risk for a cardiovascular incident. Conventional wisdom would put me on the fast track for some sort of pharmacological intervention. My concern was the long term risk for cancer or a cardiovascular incident, let alone metabolic syndrome and challenges. Something was still off track with my level of inflammation.

Just Eat Real Food (JERF) like our Ancestors and all will be well, Correct? What the Ancestral Wellness as a concept doesn’t address about modern biologic mismatches.

Here’s the bad news in Paleo/Primal living. Despite delivering fantastic results from a ‘vanity’ standpoint for many (weight loss and lean good looking in shape folks), there are still unresolved issues with inflammation for many.

If you attended PaleoFX in March of 2012 and were present for the discussions about longevity vs. performance or several other masterminds, you heard first hand of Crossfitters and other ‘in shape’ athletes presenting with catastrophic failures – despite looking great. Lots of hand waiving from trainers and others from Physical Culture to just ‘listen to your body’ and from my perspective almost all of them were in complete denial of the issues of biologic mismatches. At one point, I stopped the discussion and asked the question “if the first time you have any feedback from your body you’re either dead or in such dire straights, you’ve permanently damaged your heart, is ‘just listen to your body a realistic approach?’ The response – a collective ‘gasp’ from the audience as they got the implications. Silence from the Physical Culturists on the Mastermind panel.

Back to Biologic mismatches and how Ancestral Wellness and the Paleo Diet is not the be all solution for everyone. What is amiss? My n=1 observation is its a function of biologic mis-matches. As neolithic humans, we think if a little is okay, then more is better. From my story above, you’ll see several references to this:

* Chronic over-training – My early training focused on chronic cardio and I was still overtraining until mid-2011.
* Sleep Issues – I used to pride myself on getting by on 5-6 hours of sleep and being a morning person.
* Technologic and lighting mis-matches – We think we can simply ignore Circadian Biologic cycles
* Magnesium and other mineral deficiencies [I - like most in Paleoland - had no idea about Magnesuim and mineral deficiencies until recently]
* Environmental toxins (metals, bpa, etc)

In August of 2011, I began to address each of these areas (save the recent focus on Magnesium and environmental toxins). I made a comment at PaleoFX that most attendees simply missed the implications of. From the end of July to the end of October 2011, the only major change I made in my lifestyle was adding in signficantly more sleep. That single change resulted in a drop in my body fat from 16.9 to 10.9% in less than 90 days.

From there, I focused on dramatically reducing the technology and lighting mismatches. This is the typical lighting (unless using a fireplace in the winter) after dark at the house. 100% of the computers have a program called F.lux installed. My wife and I use goggles that block inappropriate lighting after dark. We follow a very purposeful ritual at sunset and after dark to wind down and get ready for healthy sleep. Poor sleep is a chronic problem today that results in insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. Some might scoff and make fun of these steps as being excessive and silly. That very well may be true if you’re focus is on mediocre. When seeking optimal, intense focus on all the required steps is necessary.


Still not convinced that biologic mis-matches are going to get you off track? A recent study about shift work discovered some very interesting results when they subjected test subjects to biologic mismatches based on lighting and circadian timing:

“The study found that otherwise-healthy adults who were both sleep deprived and sleeping on schedules that put them at odds with their biological clocks — common problems for millions of people who work at night — made 32% less insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar, than they do when they are well rested.

As a result, their blood sugar rose significantly. In some cases, those increases reached pre-diabetic levels.

Despite all the aggressive steps, my systemic inflammation (based on my measured hsCRP) had not resolved as of March 2012. Something systemically was still producing chronic inflammation. Rather than trying to further tinker with my environment or going on a continue search for specific sourcing of the issue (environmental toxins, etc), I made a decision, that I was going to undertake an aggressive Cold Thermogenesis bio hack under the direction of Dr. Jack Kruse. The purpose of the biohack was to combine CT with my current lifestyle and the addition of aggressive Magnesium supplementation to put the “fire out” for good in myself.

Why Biologically aligned living combined with CT and Magnesium are your best friends for an optimal life and longevity – Super Charge Your Ancient Pathway!

So, I was ready to put the fire out and fix my chronic inflammation for good. Something was nagging at me to look into Magnesium further. After a close friend suffered a seizure a week after PaleoFX and almost died in a car crash with his wife and the resulting causative factor was severe Magnesium deficiency, I was strongly motivated to dig in and learn as much as possible. This person was also a very fit ‘Paleoite’ with a body fat below 10% as well.

Here’s my top 10 ahas about magnesium and how it super charges Cold Thermogensis and the activation of the Ancient Pathway. There is a strong feedback loop when you look at the research I’ve linked to in this post and below, in that most cold adapted subjects have high (above normal) levels of magnesium and are exposed (dietarily and environmentally) to sources of magnesium. The challenge today is our food sources (even from a Paleo/Primal diet) is not sufficient to provide optimal levels of magnesium due to soil depletion, lifestyle choices, . Magnesium in turn through its varied essential processes in your body ensures you get the optimal benefits of CT and your circadian biology.

1) Magnesium has been linked to optimized thermoregulation
2) Magnesium levels are tied to BAT functionality and BAT levels
3) Magnesium is needed than ATP and optimized cell membrane function
4) Magnesium is needed in order to properly metabolize EPA/DHA from Omega 3 oils – optimized O6/O3 level is critical for successful CT and cold adaption
5) Magnesium is involved in more than 300 key transactional biologic functions – you can’t be optimal with sub-optimal levels of Mg
6) Magnesium is highly anti-inflammatory
7) Magnesium is needed for optimized Hypothalmus & Pineal Gland function – Mg is essential for optimized circadian regulation
8) Magnesium optimization results in more optimized sleep
9) Magnesium optimization has been linked to resolving leaky gut & auto-immune issues
10) Magnesium optimization is not available by simply following a diet based on Ancestral Wellness (Paleo/Primal Diet) and requires supplementation to be optimized

Bottom Line: Optimized Magnesium levels critical to experience superior Cold Thermogensis results. Further, the biologic benefits of testing and optimizing your Magnesium levels are too critical to overlook. Its the difference between being mediocre and optimal. Why settle for an B or a C when an A is available.

My CT Protocol – 4 Weeks Post PaleoFX

As part of Cold Thermogenesis Bio Hack, I followed the Cold Thermogenesis Protocol designed by Dr. Jack Kruse with the following modifications:

1) Caveat one – and this is a big one – Cold Adaption is a very specific process to each individual. I have a background in cold water search and rescue from the Pacific Ocean. During a 10 year period, I spent almost every weekend and many nights immersed in the cold Pacific ocean in a mild hypothermic state. My mind/body have been exposed to CT before and as such I was able to skip ahead so to speak.
2) Based on #1 above, I started with 50 degree water for immersions @ 2 x day for the first week 60 minutes per session. I didn’t wear any socks or a hat and would immerse my hands/arms for the last 15-20 minutes of my sessions. I wore a compression shirt and compression shorts and placed a 20# bag of ice over my abdomen during the entire session. The ice pads – see picture below – were placed on my back mid-shoulder and remained there during the entire CT session (I used two pads and had my wife bring in the fresh one at 30 mins into the CT session). I did this for seven days straight.
3) Beginning in week #2, I shifted back to 1 X per day @ 60 minutes – most due to scheduling. Week 2 was another 7 days straight.
4) Weeks 3 & 4 continued daily sessions for 60 minutes – increased the CT ‘gradient/intensity’ by decreasing the water temperature down to 45-46 degrees as a starting point by pre-cooling the water for 60-75 minutes with 40#s of ice (see picture below).
5) I would always eat a high protein meal prior to CT and drink a glass of ice water as well.
6) Beginning in week 1, I began an aggressive Mg supplementation program as follows:

a) Daily am – Mg Threonate @ 200mg orally / Mg Chloride Daily pm – 60 minutes foot soaks w 2 oz / ZMA Supplement w 450mg Mg & 400mg Mg Glycinate.
b) I also have added Grass Fed Beef Liver (offal) and other sources of dietary Mg into my diet.

7) After Week 4, I moved into a maintenance CT mode @ 2-3 times per week at 60 minutes each session.
8) Additional supplementation of Krill Oil @ 750mg daily, Curcumin @ 750mg and Resveratrol @ 1000mg



CT – My HS-CRP Test Results and Summary

I found that I cold adapted fairly quickly – my supposition is that this was based on my strong familiarity with being cold/mildly hypo thermic previously. That said, I had (and still have) very strong bouts of muscle shivering. The initial week, these would last as long as 60-75 minutes as my body would re-heat/defend my core temperature and fire up my furnace. The muscle shivering returned again stronger and with longer duration as I increased the intensity of CT with colder water.

The results – per the HS-CRP test are ‘dramatic’ to say the least. After a 9 month highly elevated trend, the HS-CRP is down by more than 90% and a level lower than the first time it was ever tested!

3/2012 – PaleoFX event – 5.4
4/2012 – Post CT/Magnesium – 0.44

Note: I will be completing further testing for magnesium deficiency via hair analysis in May along with an RBC test for key minerals and ratios. Look for a future blog post/discussion on the results of that.


Magnesium and inflammation: lessons from animal models] Clin Calcium. 2005 Feb;15(2):245-8. Review. Japanese. PMID: 15692164 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE

Magnesium and thermoregulation. I. Newborn and infant. Is sudden infant death syndrome a magnesium-dependent disease of the transition from chemical to physical thermoregulation?

The Epidemic of Magnesium Deficiency – Magnesium Deficiency in Type 2 Diabetes

A Magnesium Deficiency Increases Cancer Risk Significantly


Magnesium Deficiency and the Mind/Body Connection – Glucose Regulation and Inflammation

Inflammation and Pain Management with Magnesium – Magnesium for Life

Magesium Man Blog – Morley Robbins

Magnesium Deficiency ‘The Stealth Bomber in Chronic Disease” – Podcast

“Magnesium Medicine” – Mark Sircus, AC., O.M.D

Identification and Importance of Brown Adipose Tissue in Adult Humans

Cold-Activated Brown Adipose Tissue in Healthy Men

“Brown Fat, Triggered by Cold or Exercise, May Yield a Key to Weight Control.” The New York Times, 01/24/12

“Brown Fat Furnishes Physiological Furnace.” Scientific American (podcast), 1/25/12

“How Now, Brown Fat? Scientist Are Onto a New Way to Lose Weight.” TIME, 01/26/12

“Brown Fat – Keeps You Warm And Keeps You Slim.” Medical News Today, 01/25/12

“Brown fat could explain why some stay toasty in the cold.” CTV Edmonton, 01/24/12

“Swimming with Brown Fat,” SwimmingWorld, 01/25/12

“How does brown fat differ from the other fat in your body? ShareCare, answered by Dr. Michael Roizen
Psyche said:
A few important highlights and some food for thought from http://jackkruse.com/cold-thermogenesis-11-paleo-fx-to-practice/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cold-thermogenesis-11-paleo-fx-to-practice

Very interesting case history - thanks Psyche!

Sounds like Mg and CT hack play quite the role in CRP-inflammation. Sure would be great to run some more folks (that are on the diet) through those CRP tests to see what does what for various people. Pretty inspiring case!
LQB said:
Psyche said:
A few important highlights and some food for thought from http://jackkruse.com/cold-thermogenesis-11-paleo-fx-to-practice/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cold-thermogenesis-11-paleo-fx-to-practice

Very interesting case history - thanks Psyche!

Sounds like Mg and CT hack play quite the role in CRP-inflammation. Sure would be great to run some more folks (that are on the diet) through those CRP tests to see what does what for various people. Pretty inspiring case!

Yeah, that was very interesting to read. I haven't read the whole article on Kruses' site yet (so I don't know what else it says), but I'm wondering how much of a difference eating grass fed vs. grain fed animals makes in the inflammation (particularly with HS-CRP as a marker). Also, the years of the wrong diet and disastrous agricultural techniques would point to a very large percentage of people being magnesium deficient. With the depleted soils combined with the totally wrong diets for humans, I think it's a really major issue. And it DOES take a while to correct the deficiency -- probably best to combine transdermal and good, bioavailable oral supplements for a good, long time.

Sleep problems over long years is another very common problem (related to everything else in the article including magnesium deficiency -- I think vicious cycles start that reinforce each other). So however important our current diet is -- and it is HUGELY important -- I think these other issues should be looked into and taken care of. I prefer to err on the side of having magnesium supplementation longer than I need than the opposite -- and I think the quality of the meat I'm eating, which includes organ meats, is superb as the pastures are totally wild and so don't have the type of soil depletion that mono-crop agriculture creates.

Still, I think the world we live in (and have all our lives) is so messed up in so many ways that we should be aware of how other issues could play a role in negative health, particularly chronic inflammation which is REALLY bad news as we've know for several years now.
LQB said:
Very interesting case history - thanks Psyche!

Sounds like Mg and CT hack play quite the role in CRP-inflammation. Sure would be great to run some more folks (that are on the diet) through those CRP tests to see what does what for various people. Pretty inspiring case!

Yeah, I'm planning to get my levels at some point. It will be interesting to see if people who get high CRP would improve with certain measures and then repeat the test to see if it goes down and if there is a correlation with subjective feelings of wellness and/or getting sick much less. For instance, some people might be so sensitive and/or very predisposed to dis-ease, that a diet of only veal for like a month might be the best option to calm down the immune system. After that, nutrient rich foods like offal or small seafood can be introduced and so forth depending on tolerance and progress of each individual. In my case, I certainly do much better when I take magnesium and vitamin C.

Perhaps all of you who have the means and the access could try making some control at some point, asking for CRP-HS, HbA1c other than the standard stuff keeping in mind that certain conditions can skew the reading of these results like being dehydrated and having a flu.

The diet has definitely made the difference, but paying attention to "biological mismatches" by respecting the sleeping cycle, doing EE and winding down from technology and artificial light before going to bed is also equally important. The cold adaptation concept, either by cryotherapy or cold thermogenesis protocol does sound very promising as well. With the data that is coming out from cold adaptation, it seems more likely that Ice Man is able to fight bacterial endotoxins injected into his blood more because he is cold adapted than it being due to his meditations. But certainly the meditation AND the cold adaptation might play a big role.
SeekinTruth said:
Still, I think the world we live in (and have all our lives) is so messed up in so many ways that we should be aware of how other issues could play a role in negative health, particularly chronic inflammation which is REALLY bad news as we've know for several years now.

Yeah, and perhaps sometimes we use the diet as an excuse to "abuse" the body. For instance, I'm guilty of disrespecting good sleeping cycles, after all "I'm doing this super wonderful diet and I have so much to do" kind of thing. That is definitely bad.
Psyche said:
LQB said:
Very interesting case history - thanks Psyche!

Sounds like Mg and CT hack play quite the role in CRP-inflammation. Sure would be great to run some more folks (that are on the diet) through those CRP tests to see what does what for various people. Pretty inspiring case!

Yeah, I'm planning to get my levels at some point. It will be interesting to see if people who get high CRP would improve with certain measures and then repeat the test to see if it goes down and if there is a correlation with subjective feelings of wellness and/or getting sick much less. For instance, some people might be so sensitive and/or very predisposed to dis-ease, that a diet of only veal for like a month might be the best option to calm down the immune system. After that, nutrient rich foods like offal or small seafood can be introduced and so forth depending on tolerance and progress of each individual. In my case, I certainly do much better when I take magnesium and vitamin C.

Same here on the CRP testing. The database from forum folk experience/testing might turn out invaluable. Those MgCl foot baths might be a good addition.

Psyche said:
Perhaps all of you who have the means and the access could try making some control at some point, asking for CRP-HS, HbA1c other than the standard stuff keeping in mind that certain conditions can skew the reading of these results like being dehydrated and having a flu.

I'll volunteer! Can you specify any other tests you would like to see at the same time? - Other tests that don't run up the cost too much? Might be good to start a new thread where we can dump the results (CRP-HS, HbA1c, others).

Psyche said:
The diet has definitely made the difference, but paying attention to "biological mismatches" by respecting the sleeping cycle, doing EE and winding down from technology and artificial light before going to bed is also equally important. The cold adaptation concept, either by cryotherapy or cold thermogenesis protocol does sound very promising as well. With the data that is coming out from cold adaptation, it seems more likely that Ice Man is able to fight bacterial endotoxins injected into his blood more because he is cold adapted than it being due to his meditations. But certainly the meditation AND the cold adaptation might play a big role.

Yes, I'm starting a new habit of shutting off the computer shortly after sundown and reading by low LED light before bed. Looks like preserving/protecting the circadian cycles is a key part, and EE may be too with the vagal stimulation counterpart.
Thank you for that article Psyche, it really ties in together nicely quite a few factors.

Psyche said:
SeekinTruth said:
Still, I think the world we live in (and have all our lives) is so messed up in so many ways that we should be aware of how other issues could play a role in negative health, particularly chronic inflammation which is REALLY bad news as we've know for several years now.

Yeah, and perhaps sometimes we use the diet as an excuse to "abuse" the body. For instance, I'm guilty of disrespecting good sleeping cycles, after all "I'm doing this super wonderful diet and I have so much to do" kind of thing. That is definitely bad.

Same here...it is the one thing where I lack most discipline. I love to be awake, and find all sorts of things to do in order not to go to sleep. It has been like that since I was a child. I HAVE to work on this, reading this article was yet another reminder of how much sleep plays a fundamental role in inflammation. How may reminders does one need before actually implementing changes?? :rolleyes:

LQB said:
I'll volunteer! Can you specify any other tests you would like to see at the same time? - Other tests that don't run up the cost too much? Might be good to start a new thread where we can dump the results (CRP-HS, HbA1c, others).

I can volunteer as well. As discussed a few pages back, in order to better understand whether high cholesterol levels can a sign of inflammation, and since my cholesterol is, in fact, high, I had already ordered a CRP test and am waiting for it.

The HbA1c is very expensive so I may get a blood glucose tester which is comparatively very cheap, 8 Pounds on amazon.uk.

LQB said:
Yes, I'm starting a new habit of shutting off the computer shortly after sundown and reading by low LED light before bed. Looks like preserving/protecting the circadian cycles is a key part, and EE may be too with the vagal stimulation counterpart.

I have just downloaded f.lux, the program mentioned by the author of the previous article, so hopefully that may make a difference.
Interestingly, I never tolerated bright light from the point the sun sets. It makes me very irritable and edgy, and since I can remember I have developed the habit of having very dim light at night. Sometimes my partner turns on the ceiling light, for example to clean the kitchen, but he always warns me he is going to do so because he knows I strongly dislike it and have to go to another room. Honestly, I feel like a bomb is juts exploding on my face when it is time to wind down, now I am beginning to understand why.
LQB said:
I'll volunteer! Can you specify any other tests you would like to see at the same time? - Other tests that don't run up the cost too much? Might be good to start a new thread where we can dump the results (CRP-HS, HbA1c, others).

I think that the most interesting ones will be inflammation and glycation markers: CRP and HbA1c. In hospitals, I never saw a HBA1c below 5.3, even in non-diabetic people. Heck, I don't even know my levels, I should probably check them... Dr. Davies from Wheat Belly reports levels of under 5 in some people who remove all grains from their diets.

I'm more curious on the highly sensitive version of C reactive protein which probably is more expensive than the standard C reactive protein. People who are feeling bad in health will usually have abnormal standard CRP levels. So if people are feeling in good health, it is more valuable if they check the CRP-HS version instead.

Other than that, standard blood tests usually check for basic stuff including fasting glucose blood levels and cholesterol panel which for our purpose will be interesting. With our diet, there should be a decreasing trend on triglyceride levels and increasing levels of HDL cholesterol. The LDL level might be higher than what is accepted but with a higher composition of anti-inflammatory LDL, keeping in mind that standard cholesterol panels never test for LDL composition (they just give you a total), but you can get a feeling of LDL composition just by looking at HDL and triglyceride levels.

For purpose of reporting this to a wider public, perhaps those of you who have the means and access for blood testing, could report them here on the forum. If something is abnormal, you can write a plan of steps to follow for health improvement with the help of forum members. Then when progress is reported, another control test can be done. Then, we can make an official study about our experience even though ideally we should have a control group and a more homogenous group and protocol to follow including doing the tests on the same lab... That will be impossible, but at least we could report it like the story of the guy in Dr. Kruse's website. For those of us who are willing to disclose images, we could do that as well, a "before and after" photo shoot. Hey, we might find out that we are the forum who lost the most weight with all people combined and improved their inflammation markers the best with our diet, meditation program, cold adaptation protocols, etc. With all the information of the forum, a pretty compelling picture will emerge once we organize all the information. It will also show that what worked for one person, was not necessarily the case for another person and so forth. So we can have a collection of "case studies" that will help people resolve best their troubleshooting with this diet.

In short, I think ideally people should have a standard blood test which usually includes complete cholesterol panel, complete blood panel (Hb, Ht, white red blood cells), fasting glucose levels, liver and kidney function and electrolytes. Other than that I would add Hb A1c (glycation levels), C reactive protein (the highly sensitive one if you think you are in good health) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (another inflammation marker) and vitamin D levels (which if low might reflect inflammation as well). If you are having your blood pressure taken or any other thing according to your health problems, don't forget to keep a tab on that as well. I know of several people who had high blood pressure and not anymore after doing the diet and EE.

If resources are short, I would focus on an inflammation marker instead. Usually social securities around the world will cover for the other standard blood tests, but with the current state of affairs, I would not be surprised if they don't.

Some people are already checking out their blood tests and some of you might have done other things like magnesium tissue levels and mercury levels before and after chelation and specific LDL composition levels. We could report that as well. If someone would prefer to remain anonymous for one reason or another but still be willing to participate, they can send the info on PM to me.

Quite a few us have kept a tab of this thread, so with several of us, we can organize the information provided by members in order to report the health story of this forum. It might still be best to fill down also a questionnaire which will help to organize all the info, keeping a better order of the progress before and after the following "markers": EE, diet, cold adaptation (either cryotherapy or cold thermogenesis protocol) and measures to improve "biological mismatches".

I'm thinking that all the info can be synthesized in general terms of how health conditions improved from a personal point of view (feelings of wellness, physical aspect, etc. and we already have enough data in this area) and/or through lab or other tests, but also have case studies to illustrate how sometimes it is not that straightforward and further measures and experimenting are needed.

We can tell the story but also obtain some graphs. Hopefully we would have volunteering and input from those of you who are statistics wizards. I know statistics but would definitely need to ask for help depending on the data we will manage to obtain.

What you all think? Wouldn't this be fun?
Gertrudes said:
I can volunteer as well. As discussed a few pages back, in order to better understand whether high cholesterol levels can a sign of inflammation, and since my cholesterol is, in fact, high, I had already ordered a CRP test and am waiting for it.

And improving sleeping cycles will help quite a lot, it always does.

I have often managed to ignore my body messages and it has been quite a lesson to be able to take better care of my health. It reminds me of Peter Osborne who said something among the lines that he always ordered the genetic gluten test because otherwise people would not find the motivation to stick to the gluten-free diet. But somehow, if they get the label of gluten intolerant in an official way, then, they can suddenly do the diet.
Psyche said:
I think that the most interesting ones will be inflammation and glycation markers: CRP and HbA1c. In hospitals, I never saw a HBA1c below 5.3, even in non-diabetic people. Heck, I don't even know my levels, I should probably check them... Dr. Davies from Wheat Belly reports levels of under 5 in some people who remove all grains from their diets.

I'm more curious on the highly sensitive version of C reactive protein which probably is more expensive than the standard C reactive protein. People who are feeling bad in health will usually have abnormal standard CRP levels. So if people are feeling in good health, it is more valuable if they check the CRP-HS version instead.

What you all think? Wouldn't this be fun?

My HbA1c was flagged as high at 6.0. last year it was 5.7 so it went up.

My C-reative protein, cardiac was also flagged as high at 4.90, but I had a cold. last year it was 0.35.

there is another thing just labeled as "protein" that was 7.3

VitD,25-OH,D3 was 30 ng/mL
VitD,25-OD,D2 was <4 ng/mL

So I'm low on Vit. D

There was something called MCHC which was low at 31.4 . I looked it up and it's something about anemia.

I also high an abnormal high B12 reading at 1021 pg/mL and the standard of 180-914.

TSH (thyroid) was 3.68

As for sleep, I just can't seem to sleep through the night without waking up at least 2-4 times, no matter what I try.
I think collecting the data and doing case studies, etc. with a final synthesis of overall health and wellness improvements distilled is a great idea. Still not totally clear on the details and how it will be organized, but all that can be ironed out.

I totally agree with the importance of not going against circadian biology and fixing any other "biological mismatches." I'm pretty good with my sleep, considering for most of my life, I had that pretty screwed up. From a young child, to my adulthood, when I was a chronic insomniac for almost a 15 year period in New York. I barely slept an average of 4 hours a night for that period.

Now I try really hard to get to bed anywhere from 9:15PM to 10:45PM and sleep in a totally darkened room. I usually wake up anywhere from 5 to 7AM. I've been sleeping in the blacked out room for quite a while (since shortly after that thread was started, so since the early months of 2011). I still could turn off the computer earlier though, and be in a very dim/dark environment after sunset. But I usually have so much reading to catch up on, that I'm turning off the computer at best at 9PM.

I haven't been able to methodically read Dr. Kruse's website, but from the not-so-methodical reading, I've gotten the impression that he implies once someone is cold adapted (permanently, so you would need to do maintenance sessions), the circadian cycle is replaced. In other words, temperature sensing replaces light sensing? Not sure how that works, but I've run into it in a few places on his site. But in any case I'm far from being cold adapted (I don't know if anyone on this forum is yet).

I've also gotten closer to his Leptin Reset recommendations. But not that close: I should eat earlier after waking, and probably be in darkness sooner in the evening, as I mentioned. I'm not sure if I'm leptin resistant. I'll check into if I can get the CRP (highly sensitive or otherwise) and the HbA1c test done here. I need to check into some other things as well, so maybe, if it turns out to be possible/practical, I'll also find out about leptin resistance (rT3, etc.), Vitamin D levels, tissue magnisium, cortisol levels, etc.

I'll see what happens, and if possible then, I'll also participate with blood/lab test results. Otherwise, I'll try to contribute to the project in whatever way possible. :)
Mrs. Peel, your CRP while you had a cold is probably not meaningful. If at all possible try to get it checked again. Your HbA1c being that high is not good (not sure how much it would be effected from the cold though). Do you still eat any grains or starches? Do you supplement with magnesium (and Vitamin C and other antioxidants)? Inflammation and glycation should NOT be ignored. Try to network and track down what's going on and then work on fixing it.
Psyche said:
SeekinTruth said:
Still, I think the world we live in (and have all our lives) is so messed up in so many ways that we should be aware of how other issues could play a role in negative health, particularly chronic inflammation which is REALLY bad news as we've know for several years now.

Yeah, and perhaps sometimes we use the diet as an excuse to "abuse" the body. For instance, I'm guilty of disrespecting good sleeping cycles, after all "I'm doing this super wonderful diet and I have so much to do" kind of thing. That is definitely bad.

I was about to post something about this when I saw that you already had. I think many of us are often faced with tradeoffs between safeguarding health and DOing. I know that my day job and various chores together consume most of my productive time. If I pursue any sort of volunteer project -- and I have two of those going at the moment -- it almost invariably pushes into my sleep time. If I were to properly wind down before going to sleep, there would only be a limited number of weekend hours in which to do anything.

I am not sure that "abusing" the body is such a big problem. Clearly, there is a cost for doing it, but I think it is important to consider the overall result. Too much focus on health and well being could lead to not much being accomplished. Optimum nutrition and health do not automatically imply optimum anything else.

I think it is important to use the knowledge about health that we are discovering, but to keep in mind that the ultimate goal is not simply "being healthy."
Psyche said:
What you all think? Wouldn't this be fun?

This is a great idea Psyche. I'll try to correlate my next lab tests with changes in diet and lifestyle and post it here.

For now, I have three measurements of CRP (not the HS version):

01/29/2011 - 0.04 - this was just before the beginning of paleo diet, but I was already taking supplements for a long time and I was also doing the Liberation Diet to some extent.

02/07/2012 - 5.87 - I had a very nasty C.Difficile infection. It was really bad, I had intestinal cramps for two weeks or more. I had to take lots of antibiotics. I also pumped up the Vitamin C and Magnesium supplementation during this phase, as well as n-acetylcysteine. I think it helped a lot.

03/21/2012 - 0.05 - doing adjusted paleo for a little more than a year. If I had to compare with the 2011 measurement, I would say that by now my sleeping schedule has improved a lot, I no longer suffer from insomnia as I did for years. Diet and melatonin surely helped, as well as greatly reduced stress from gaining knowledge and learning to better deal with the real world. IMHO the significance of the latter factor should not be underestimated.

Please note that both with the Liberation Diet and the adjusted paleo I still cheat a lot, especially with chocolate or other sweets at the very end of the night. For me it is one of the most difficult eating habits to leave behind, as it was inculcated since childhood, so I'm still struggling with it. I may go days in the full diet and then crumble down and eat some high carbs at night. I already know by being there that this is not good, I sleep better and wake up feeling much much better if I stick to eating just fatty meat and low carb and avoiding late night meals (it doesn't help that I get home from work after 8/9pm). My most recent attempt to correct this habit has been to adjust the quality and amount of carbs. When I try to go for almost zero carbs, I don't function so well and cravings go up. So I'm now eating some cassava (cooked or toasted flour) with my meats and it has been helpful. My goal is to eat a large breakfast and a moderate lunch both including cassava to avoid the craving for sweet late at night.

By the way, related to false rationalizations regarding diet, my program sounds somewhat like "ok, you did good the whole day, you worked long hours and managed to stick to the diet all day long, so now you may have a nice sweet snack before going to bed". A variation would be "oh, so you already screwed up and ate something that you shouldn't? So go on and eat more junk since the day is lost anyway...". That's the Predator playing tricks on me.
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