"Life Without Bread"

She must include a litle resistance( weight ) training also. Then combined with keto diet it will be ok.
Here is my story :
Since i was teenager ( now i`m 35 ) i like to tring in the gym with weights. Then few years later i quit the gym for a few years and i gained 110 Kg. Before that i was 75 Kg.
The mistake i made was in my diet. I eat a lot carbs. I eat one hole cake in one day, or few pica in only one meal, Hole box ( 1 Kg ) of Icecream a day a things like that.
Then with my 110 Kg i start to develop various strange symptoms. Firs it was the very bad Gastric reflux. I must drink some pils 2-3 times a day just to regulate the acid in my stomack.Then once i noticed that even when i just have a litle alcohol in my mouth , my neck and face started to burn and swallow. i had no idea whats wrong with me. I forget to mention that in that time i have no physical activity at all, and i tried to make my meals smaller but i was still gaining weight. Then i made blood test and when my doctor saw the results , she was amazed how i`m i still alive. Triglicerids were almost 4 times bigger then the limit, and cholesterol about 2-3 times. I dont remember the exact numbers. She prescribed me some pills for cholesterol and sad to eat only vegetables, no fats at all because my blood lipids were very high.
Then suddenly somewhere i read about importance of cholesterol and how bad the carbs are.I also dont remember where i read that. I was not in one simple text. I get this from various texts and many places. and i decide to test it on me. Later i found SOTT and then i get the real informations about right diet.
In that time i dont know that i should increase fats and decrease carbs. I only eliminate carbs but also the fats. I started to go to gym and for 8-9 month i loose 40 Kg. I was 70 Kg then and with new problems. I have never take the pills for lowering my cholesterol. Even then i knew they were evil. Everybody was trying to convince me to take them but i was strong in that.
Then with 70 Kg i have a diet which includes a lot of Fibers. But new problems occured. hemorroides. Then i start to investigate a little more and i think i found SOTT in that time and i decide to keep carbs down and increase fats a and eliminate the fibers. And again after few months i have all pass like its never been. Since then i `m on Keto diet, and i gained few kg of muscle , not fat.Now i`m about 77 Kg.
I forget to mention that in the time i was on high fiber in my diet i developed very intense polen allergy. Nothing helped me to reduce my snizing and itchy eyes. Then when i get on keto diet all simtoms start to fade. In mean time i take Reiki 1 and 2 , and now i dont have an alergy at all. I still go to gym and i have a very high amount of energy.

This was my story how i learned this lesson. On a harder way i guess.
jovichmk said:
This was my story how i learned this lesson. On a harder way i guess.

Oh yeah, fiber is evil and just imagining the whole world considering it as a healthy staple food despite the evidence is exasperating.
The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

Interesting comments about cured vs. uncured bacon. Good news for bacon lovers? Is he missing something?


Chris Kresser said:
There’s no reason to fear nitrates and nitrites in food. No reason to buy nitrate-free, uncured bacon. No reason to avoid cured meats in general, particularly those from high quality sources. In fact, because of concerns about trichinosis from pork, it makes a lot more sense in my opinion to buy cured bacon and other pork products. I do.
Re: The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

Megan said:
Interesting comments about cured vs. uncured bacon. Good news for bacon lovers? Is he missing something?


Chris Kresser said:
There’s no reason to fear nitrates and nitrites in food. No reason to buy nitrate-free, uncured bacon. No reason to avoid cured meats in general, particularly those from high quality sources. In fact, because of concerns about trichinosis from pork, it makes a lot more sense in my opinion to buy cured bacon and other pork products. I do.

I've seen arguments on both sides. WAPF is negative on it (I think, due to NO considerations). I have also seen the argument based on no discernible effects. Maybe there is a lack of studies and results.
Re: The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

LQB said:
I've seen arguments on both sides. WAPF is negative on it (I think, due to NO considerations). I have also seen the argument based on no discernible effects. Maybe there is a lack of studies and results.

I agree. That article is certainly lacking in citations. He says we produce nitrates with our own saliva. Is it the same as the kind used in curing bacon or that which is found in celery? Their's no way to know because the author does not cite where this information comes from. So, even though it's interesting, I'm still a little skeptical. I'm not going to just take his word and start buying bacon cured with nitrates. Why do we need our bacon pink anyway? Cure it with salt and smoke it, good enough for me.
Re: The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

Heimdallr said:
LQB said:
I've seen arguments on both sides. WAPF is negative on it (I think, due to NO considerations). I have also seen the argument based on no discernible effects. Maybe there is a lack of studies and results.

I agree. That article is certainly lacking in citations. He says we produce nitrates with our own saliva. Is it the same as the kind used in curing bacon or that which is found in celery? Their's no way to know because the author does not cite where this information comes from. So, even though it's interesting, I'm still a little skeptical. I'm not going to just take his word and start buying bacon cured with nitrates. Why do we need our bacon pink anyway? Cure it with salt and smoke it, good enough for me.

I second that. According to the way of the "simplicity" due to the future is maybe in front of us. FWIW.
Re: The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

MK Scarlett said:
Heimdallr said:
LQB said:
I've seen arguments on both sides. WAPF is negative on it (I think, due to NO considerations). I have also seen the argument based on no discernible effects. Maybe there is a lack of studies and results.

I agree. That article is certainly lacking in citations. He says we produce nitrates with our own saliva. Is it the same as the kind used in curing bacon or that which is found in celery? Their's no way to know because the author does not cite where this information comes from. So, even though it's interesting, I'm still a little skeptical. I'm not going to just take his word and start buying bacon cured with nitrates. Why do we need our bacon pink anyway? Cure it with salt and smoke it, good enough for me.

I second that. According to the way of the "simplicity" due to the future is maybe in front of us. FWIW.

And the simple answer is usually the right one. The nitrites/nitrates in curing seems to me to have the flavor of a processing shortcut.
Re: The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

I am still buying uncured and sugar-free bulk bacon, and I don't plan to switch. Maybe I will give the issue even less thought, though, on those infrequent occasions when I have to eat out.

I have some qestions about diet and I dont want to go of topic in your nitrate debate so where I should ask,please ?
I guess that depends on your question, vortex. Have you search the forum, maybe its already been answered somewhere.
Hey vortex,

Try keyword searches to see if your question has already been answered. Also, it would be a good idea to read the entire Life Without Bread thread (this one):

The importance of bone broth:

And finally the Ketogenic Diet thread (our current discussions on diet are mostly here):

I know these threads are long, but they're seriously worth the read!
Hi again

I am reading those treads ,I asked because I did not want to interupt in discusion.
I started with gluten free diet about a year and a half .It started good,I reduced my alergies on polen and dust and finaly they ar completly gone.I finded out that this way of diet fits me,but last year I had some big problems and traumatic expiriances and that efected me on a way that I losted apetite and I mostly lived on some meat and periodically some carbohidrates which I did not measure in grams becouse all that problems came in the midle of research about diet.That series of unfortunate hapenings couse me damadge which I now correcting .One of that consequences is that I lost about 13 kg mostly of muscles becouse I was in a wery good shape,now I would like to gain some weight and it looks quite problem with this type of diet.Now,does you know how i can do that.(even I read threads it goes too slow becouse english is not my mother language)

Thank you
Hey vortex,

Definitely read the entire Ketogenic Diet thread, which covers a moderate protein, high fat, zero/very low carb diet. One of the crucial components of the diet is resistance exercise, and another crucial component is regular intake of bone broth.

I have had the same problem as you and only now am I beginning to develop muscle again. One of the things discussed in this thread is that your body does not need anywhere near as much protein as is often suggested in fitness and bodybuilding circles. In fact, more than a moderate amount of protein per serving will result in glycation.

Explanation of glycation here:

You'll also find some recommended books throughout the Ketogenic Diet thread (and this thread too), including Nora's Primal Body Primal Mind.

Take the time to read the Ketogenic Diet thread, but don't make any changes until you have read everything! As frustrating as it may be to read so much in a second language, you don't want to be misinformed. And remember that this is still experimentation, not a one-size-fits-all that everyone should adopt. Every person who makes changes to their diet does so at their own risk. So it's up to you to be informed and make your own decisions. :)
I loose so many kilos since February when I started this diet that people think I am sick. At the beginning I was worried. It is very difficult to gain weight, although. Last week I went to see my homeopathic doctor for another reason and I asked her about me loosing weight. She told me that I have not to worry because there is a reason for that: my diet. Do I feel good? Yes. So for now I am not worried anymore. I do some Yoga everyday, is that considered "resistance" exercises?

I take also every day one or two glasses of broth.
loreta said:
I do some Yoga everyday, is that considered "resistance" exercises?

Although practicing Yoga have it's own benefits I don't think it would qualify for the resistance training. Resistance training would be much more like this:

That's just basics, you will likely as you progress include more weight and additional exercises.
Hope this helps.
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