Jedi Council Member
RedFox said:Laura said:Yeah, I'm struggling along with the sleepies half the day too! I'll be taking L-glutamine tomorrow morning before breakfast and then again, before my second meal of the day to see how that does. Also added back fish-oil.
I am really noticing all kinds of things going on with the body while I persist in moving it through these changes and I do wonder if some of it is incipient DNA changes? That's one thing that stands out for me in all the reading we've been doing: what you eat determines DNA activation or suppression. Who knows what we will discover in the course of this experiment?
I had some L-glutamine before bed last night (on an empty stomach). This morning I nearly had an attack of cramp in my legs (it seems taking it at night dehydrates me - so watch out for that).
However, despite going to bed late and being sluggish in the morning I've yet to experience the tiredness I've been having the last week or so.
As to DNA changes, you may be on to something. My body really is changing a lot (heck I feel like I can breath/get oxygen in more easily). But specifically the DNA changes, I had noticed pain in my right shoulder (and today my left). I'm sure the C's once mentioned pain in the right should as (potentially) being DNA changes.
I've also noticed a few 'shifts' in myself the last few days, almost as if reality has changed (I presume its my perception of it that's changed). Everything seems......easier?
Another thing to note (especially if some people are feeling 'stuck') is gentle exercise like a long walk (or carrying heavy object to the post office) seems to make a difference. Exercise has always resulted in fatigue and feeling worse for days for me, and initially I get the fatigue/feeling worse/lack of muscle strength.....but then things shift and I have an apparent abundance of energy/heat in my body.
Perhaps doing warriors breath would be another way to get this going.
I don't know about DNA changes but I have experienced that over the past couple of weeks it is as if I am stronger despite feeling tired in the muscles. I do a lot of back exercises every day and I started noticing the change when I was doing slow squats one day. Three seconds to go down, three seconds hold and three seconds to go up. Normally, I could do this for maybe 7 -10 minutes and then my muscles would be trembling. However, now I feel that the muscles get tired but somehow that doesn't matter - they can just continue performing. I now stop somewhere between 15 and 18 minutes when the ligaments of the knee become sore. This is a 75%-100% increase in performance and it has been replicable as I have done it three times with the same result.
Another thing that has been going on the last couple of nights is that my body is almost producing too much heat. I find myself waking during the night with the cover pushed off my body to allow more heat to escape the body. I've always been a terrible sleeper but the last three nights have been worse than normal. A couple of weeks ago I decreased melatonin from 4-5 mg that I'd been taking for the past 6 months to 3 mg. Tonight, I'll try to go back to 4 mg to see if that helps.
Lastly, the ligaments in my knee and on the back-side of the hip/sacrum have become much more flexible. I don't know if this is a result of the bone broth (I have it 4-5 times a week), the diet itself or the increased performance of the squats described above. I have been doing yoga daily for the past 4 years and been "stuck" at the same level of stiffness the entire time why this sudden shift is quite remarkable.