I certainly agree with the concerns/criticisms about Linda's channeling. I have them too. Definitely not Laura and the Cs. It's like going from a graduate school level of thinking/reading back to the basics that are explained in a rather verbose and simplistic way without reference to how STO/STS and densities etc. Another non-hit for Linda would be the July 25th session the channeled material states that virus originated in China. But just throwing it out there. Here's the rest of the July 25th session continued where I left off:
Question: how do we get around this?
You can't. They will even be able to monitor you when the phone is off. You will be forced into digital money, after all look how convenient those banking apps are. This is just the start. Your health records will be in your phone and all other personal information. This is how they control the money and your health.
So, what's the option here?
Don't spend your life looking at your phone. Do not have your finances or your health records on your phone. If they don't want you to do something, they just lock up your money or control the access to it.
So, what do you do about that?
Don't support any legislation that wants digital currency only. Do not put your health records out on the internet so if you want to go into a restaurant they have an app that reads your health records to see if your healthy enough or not to come in. Your travel will be restricted because of a health passport. You may not even be able to go to another state without proving you are healthy and have had all your vaccinations.
How do we get around that?
You cannot travel, maybe just drive back roads. But getting on airplanes, and trains and even mass transit may be difficult without this medical passport on your phone.
So will this just be a reality?
It will be something that they want forced on you but fed to you by something that makes so much sense and has a patriotic name for the program.
So that will be another way to hook people for the program? It sounds like they have a pretty good plan...
You could get rid of your smart phone and just go back to a phone that only makes calls. It's a technology that will encapsulate your entire life and you will have relinquished all your freedoms in order to get some app or program that they say is for your safety or your health when it's really for monitoring.
So, how do we get around that?
Don't put your records on your phone.
How long do we have before [we are forced to live this way or get shut out of society?]
If you do your own research you will see that the country of India has forced everyone to have a digitized presence on their phone. Their health records and their money is how they sold this since some people can't get a bank account or live in rural areas and it only took 1 yr before hackers broke into it and stole over a billion peoples' personal records.
[Laughter]. So what's the solution here?
There will be many sub-market or black market currencies that people will use to barter for goods and services and you won't have to have digital money.
How long will that hold up for?
If people are diligently non-compliant, the programs won't even get off the ground.
So is it about enough of us pushing back?
Yes, it's what happened when everyone complied before to everything and found out it wasn't what it was supposed to be?
What are you referring to?
Any new program.
Commentary about everyday tracking/spying via searches and advertising.
Can you run away from stuff that keeps you stuck? Many people are trying or thinking about it. Could we move to another country or could we move to the suburbs or out to a rural area to get away from violence? Yes you could but look at what's going to happen with real estate. The COVID virus has cost federal, state, local, county, city governments trillions of dollars. Where will they get that money back? Cities and states are already looking at new ways to tax home owners in order to re-coup monies lost due to the Corona virus. Some cities are even considering raising property taxes 30-40%. Everything will come with a tax or a fee in order to get back money lost. Several months or years of no building permit money coming in puts a huge dent in a city's budget. Having hotels lockdowned and not getting hotel tax and bed taxes and all the other fees puts a huge dent in any city or vacation spot. What's going to happen to all the empty real estate that small businesses could not keep up with and they are now out of business? They can't even go bankrupt because they took a second mortgage out on their home to establish their business and guarantee their business personally. Not only will hundreds and hundreds of thousands of businesses disappear but the people who built those businesses will loose their business and their home. They will be wiped out along with all the employees and their families that they cared for. Anything that is visible will be a target of new taxes. So, where you go and where you live and what you buy will certainly be something you must look at as "do I really need that?" It's not going to be just the initial expense but all the taxes that follow.
Comments about taxes etc/trying to find a safe place to be/fear.
And by disrupting the supply chains, people became even more fearful of not having food.
Comments about being jerked around and being exposed to plans of the elite.
Look not only at your exposure but look back on how you noticed the signs along the way. You felt something was wrong but couldn't put your finger on it. Everybody else was still living their lives the same way so you went along with them. How do you know you are being lied to? It has to do with feeling loved. When someone tells you "I love you" and you don't feel loved, they're lying. They're telling you what they think you want to hear. So when you listen to the news and it makes you feel funny or question and not feel loved--they're lying. It's a simple test that you can experiment with. Even when you talk to friends or stranger and they say something that doesn't make you feel loved, they're lying. Because truth and love are the same thing.
Closing message:
When the world changes, people fight hard to maintain the status quo that feels safe to them. When they no longer feel safe, they tend to give away their freedoms in exchange for a promise doing it for their safety, for their own good, for their country, for the children. Powerful cultural forces fight to preserve their hierarchies instead of figuring how to thrive with new ones. That's where the danger lies. You must stay present. You must listen to the guidance that is always available to you. You must use your free will to defeat the dark forces of this world. Above all, you must courage in the face of threats. "What is your purpose here" is a question everyone asks themselves. What if your purpose in being here at this time in history was to stop the evil intentions of a few. We speak for our infinite legions.