Seriously guys, I think you couldn't be more back-to-front with this. I think y'all
really need re-watch the youtube vids. Only this time, leave anti-Libtard-triggered emotional bias at the door.
After watching most (granted not all) clips here, from what I can tell, Kate Smurthwaite appears only to want to establish mutual respect between men and women - particularly in professional domains.
Her main focus is tackling the still-very-significant sub-culture of pre-Adamic males who have a genetic historic tendency to all too easily become over-familiar, rather too quickly, with women they are yet to established a proper rapport with.
Fellas: We have a penis!
Its an external penetrative principle and can easily become, even unwittingly, an intrusive and invasive force if we don't keep mind of ourselves in the company of unfamiliarized women! If we don't know the woman, then we don't know what she's been through or how damaged she is. Screw accepted cultural norms of nuanced foreplay. Its not cool and never was. Lets not fall into the trap defending excuses of the 'Old Guard' just to snap back against the twisted modernist ideals of Liberalism. Because thats really whats going on here.
Christ - and
how many times does she have to stress: "In the context of...." ? ? ?
Another thing: In all the clips here, Kate seems to be the one time and again coming across as the most logical down-to-earth and the more approachable of guests. She tries to be on a level with everyone she converses with and comes across level-headed and VERY emotionally balanced. She actually makes an effort to take on board what others have to say
. Meanwhile, the other 'guests' consistently take her argument out of context, are quick to condescend, resort to put-downs, and ridicule her for the camera. Case-in-point, Milo 'thrives-of-controversy' Yiannopoulos aka '
Speak to the Hand coz the Face Ain't Listenin!'... Pathetic
Every video clip I watch, I find myself rooting for Kate.
We may not like what *we think* she stands for or what she says, but its probably more down to not taking a shine to her somewhat clutzy persona and style of presentation (and yes humour, its a subjective thing). But that's not important. Whats important is her position. She's certainly NOT a radical by any stretch, nor in any way trying to whip up fanatic feminist furor. She's a moderate for crying out load!
She could go some way to steer back to earth some semblance of sanity within the dizzying surrealism of unhinged extremist feminism through her led example adapting a more nonchalant attitude in not playing the victim -
and to show many young women by way of example in not feeling so damn insecure!... She's clearly very comfortable in her own skin, and in being so, by default holds up a mirror to those Oh so well-opined superficial women clearly antagonized/threatened by a "feminist" that doesn't follow group-think. Lets face it, the other women challenging Kate are centered around superficiality pining for male attention. It so patently obvious their sense of self-worth as women is depend on
"get yer tits out luv!" sex-appeal... Yea... like they got
any intention growing old gracefully (which is its own beauty btw).
I think Kate sees things the way she sees things because that is what she is witness to in her life's experience. I have no reason to not believe her. And I don't see her once condescending in return, nor does she try to humiliate whomever she converses with.
If anyone disagrees, please direct me to any relevant clips for analysis.
We have here a self-proclaimed "feminist" (though she's not a feminist IMO - I don't care what she calls herself) standing up as a public representative within, apparently, the 'Libtard' camp -
but without the unstable pent-up aggression or neurotic hysteria of A Libtard! This is rare ! ! ! She is handing us an opportunity to engage with someone on the inside who's willing to partake in reasoned discussion.
In a Dionysian age level heads must prevail on ALL sides if we are to navigate our way out of the chaos. It would be foolish to shun any an opportunity to have an open direct line with an emotionally-balanced and relatively amicable representative from within the Liberalist camp.
Heck! I may go as far as to say she's one of the good guys!
I hope Kate Smurthwaite continues making an appearance in future Q&As debates. She needs to work on her articulation and on-camera presentation skills so she can get her point over more accurately leaving no room for abuse of misinterpretation.
Assuming she doesn't get blackballed out the public arena, I would like to see her and Jordan Peterson have a get together someday. I think we will be pleasantly surprised by their interaction. I'm certain they will both want to find some common ground for agreement and to attempt agreeableness with each other... A valuable lesson for all no doubt.
Sorry. I meant "right". So there is no confusion, it's the blond lady on the right for us viewing her.
I think the reason you got your left and right mixed up because deep down you knew something was amiss in your analysis here, and it caused a momentary conflict of conscience within your subconsciousness because you're inherently honest - and the subsequent internally-knowing error of judgement had to find its release somehow.
If instead of saying "...the lady on the left(right/whatever)..." you instead said "...the RUDE OBNOXIOUS woman...", we would all straight away have known exactly who you meant, without confusion.