Living without food

If you have an Aim, then everything that moves you closer to that Aim is good and everything ‎that distracts from that Aim is evil. ‎

‎( The main question is : why “living without food is distraction from the work/Aim” . ‎Let’s not forget it again ).‎

‎. . . can see no proof again but confusing the members and the Question as usual, . . . Anart, ‎the truth is : your problem is REIKI and Chi / Ki /Prana . That is the reason why you don’t ‎want to answer the question , . . . I have to explain it for members :‎

Chi (Qi) in china, Ki (in Japan), and Prana (in India, sanskrit word) are different names for ‎the secret energy that we generally call it “ Life Force, Vital Energy or God’s Energy ”. ‎It has long been known in the mystery schools / secret societies. Plato and Pythagoras ‎discussed it at great length. It is a non-physical, unseen, untouchable, omnipresent fluidlike ‎source of universal energy. Chi / Ki / Prana permeates everything in the Universe, . . . ‎sentient and insentient. Its different names and the word “energy” has been pretty enough ‎confusing every one of us. ‎

We use Chi / Ki / Prana for the benefits of healing physical body, spiritual enlightenment, ‎meditation, nourishment, distant healing, cleaning the aura, sun gazing, energizing or ‎cleaning water / body, opening / regulating / cleaning our chakras, and many more. The ‎existence of Chi / Ki / Prana has been proved by science. Hundreds of scientific experiments, ‎evidence, proofs and articles, . . . thousands of books / articles are published by Masters / ‎teachers and practitioners, many different schools and techniques all over the world and ‎millions of millions are using its benefits every day. If members have any doubt about Chi / Ki ‎‎/ Prana :‎

‎1 ) Ask Laura / experts‎
‎2 ) search engine for Chi / Prana or Reiki / Pranic healing
‎3 ) yahoo/google for Chi / Prana or Reiki / Pranic healing ‎
‎4 ) yahoo/google for scientific proofs and reserches, articles, events, scientific conferences, ‎scientist views . . . ‎
‎5 ) Ask Masters and practitioners . . . ‎
‎6 ) yahoo/google for books ‎
‎7 ) re-read articles to this topic ‎
‎8 ) or learn Reiki / pranic healing / Yogi etc. ( it depends on you) ‎

The truth is that Anart can not prove why “living without food is distraction from the work/Aim” ‎because she has to deny ( first ) the existence of Chi / Prana , and naturally Reiki, Pranic ‎healing, Pranic absorption for food and finally all scientific proofs, etc. , and that is ‎impossible.‎

Second, It is a fact that :‎

Man uses Chi / Prana for meditation , healing or nourishment, etc. We meditate by using ‎Chi / Prana the same as for Reiki or pranic healing, and, if someone knows how to ‎absorb and convert the Chi into nourishment it doesn’t mean he is distracted from the ‎Work because it is the same process as Reiki or Pranic healing, etc.

I wrote before that learning something such as painting or Reiki / absorption for food, etc. can ‎not distract us from the Work / Aim . It is not something complicated to understand.‎

‎“living without food is not distraction from the Work/Aim”.

Hope that it helps. ‎

You can fool some of the people all of the time ‎
And all of the people some of the time ‎
But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time


King said:
If you have an Aim, then everything that moves you closer to that Aim is good and everything ‎that distracts from that Aim is evil. ‎

‎( The main question is : why “living without food is distraction from the work/Aim” . ‎Let’s not forget it again ).‎

‎. . . can see no proof again but confusing the members and the Question as usual, . . . Anart, ‎the truth is : your problem is REIKI and Chi / Ki /Prana . That is the reason why you don’t ‎want to answer the question , . . . I have to explain it for members :‎

King, I'm not sure what your issue is with me, but it's gotten rather ridiculous at this point. The question has been answered, in this thread and on this forum time and time again. Because of the fact that it is not an answer you like, you get belligerent and arrogant. Really, enough is enough and I think it's quite likely that you'll be happier on another forum that is more aligned with your interests.
King, I've thought about this for a little while and it strikes me that you are deeply dissatisfied with something, and in that dissatisfaction, you are striking out at things you either do not grasp or that threaten your view of yourself. This is a rather wretched state for a man to exist in, because he can never be happy or get out of his own way to see the larger picture of life, the Universe and himself. It is also, unfortunately, not uncommon.

For this reason, you'll be allowed to continue to read the forum in the hopes it will benefit you. Your posting privileges have been suspended because it has become obvious that you are here to argue and tear down, not to learn and contribute.

For the record, since you seem so interested in me, I have received three levels of Reiki Attunement from the only Reiki Master I would trust with my 'energy field' and I am well aware of the forces that move through all matter, though always learning more. You see, King, your thinking on this topic is skewed, you are emotionally invested in it and this causes a lack of discernment and an inability to See. That is a condition you can remedy through the Work, if you so choose, but it is your life to do with as you choose.

Hopefully if you choose to continue reading this forum, you will read enough threads on the Work to begin to discern the difference between the path and the distractions - the doing what is before us to do versus keeping our head in the clouds, dreaming we are magicians. There is a subtlety there that is crucial to grasp. I wish you the best on your path, whether you choose to read or you move on.

If you've not yet tried the EE breathing and meditation program, I suggest it. You will likely find it quite beneficial.

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