Living without food

King said:


Additional Weight And Unknown Vacuum Energies Of Living Organisms

Dr. Amrit Sorli

In 1987 I carried out experiments that demonstrate an additional weight of living ‎organisms. Experiments were done in a closed [...]

~~~~ snip ~~~~~

[...] Accordingly, the formula E = mcc, by transforming 93,6 micrograms of matter into ‎energy, releases 2 X 10 E9 calories of energy. In the experiment, no such energy ‎release was observed. It means that energy that enters in living organisms and leaves ‎them at the time of death does not belong to known energies that are caring ‎electromagnetic, strong or week nuclear force. Momentary increasing of weight after ‎poisoning shows that organism is in active relation with this unknown vacuum energy ‎and that this energy is essential for its functioning.‎

Such a type of energy in Indian traditional medicine is called Prana, in Chinese QI. ‎Extended research will provide more data what is unknown vacuum energy that causes ‎additional weight.‎

Dr. Amrit Sorli



Amrit Sorli appears to be in the business of weighing souls.

As much as I think James Randi is jam-packed with emotional/psychological/ego knots preventing his being able to think clearly on many subjects, he does remain entirely capable of knocking down the low-hanging fruit. (Read his summary of Dr. Amrit Sorli's claims and his interaction with him here. . . which reference the article you posted above).

In any case, many other sources, the C's included, note that souls have no weight, and given the years of cross-examining various information offered up, it seems more reasonable to me to think that Sorli is off on his own somewhere. That is, this is one of those cases where I do indeed smell a genuine crank.

While I find the idea of "energy as food" an interesting topic, it seems to me that before pursuing it, one ought to establish some basic information filters so that time is not wasted on misleading data.
In reply to Truth Seeker -

I'm glad you read the Barbara Moore info. There doesn't seem to be much more about her. I intend to do a little further digging.

I'm intrigued by her claim that grass and weeds are nutritious, because I fear that at some point, our society's food chain could be disrupted. When I walk around my neighborhood it amazes me that people go to such an effort to grow ornamental plants and grass, yet they buy all their food at the grocery store. All of those beautiful yards could be growing food. The tree that is found in every yard here is the "Bradford" pear tree, which bears no fruit at all, but I have yet to see a single "real" pear tree, or even an apple tree.

Now, for the other subject that I mentioned in my last post - the odd eating habits of family members. My mother lived to be a very healthy 82, riding her bike, doing yardwork and using a Nordic track up until the end. She was a perfect size six and her hair was only partly gray. Besides rarely seeking medical advice, she hardly ate any food. In fact all I remember her eating for many years was a few saltine crackers spread with peanut butter small bits of ice cream. She firmly believed that peanut butter and ice cream were the healthiest foods you could eat. She also drank great quantities of strong black tea. I never could see how she kept going on that diet.

Another family member started out as a baby not being interested in either nursing or taking anything from a bottle. By the time she was a toddler, she discovered apple juice and for the next decade and a half, existed almost exclusively on apple juice, and "white" food - bread, french fries, sweets and pasta. No meat, no veggies, hardly any fruit. Finally in high school she added pizza to her list,. On this terrible diet, she managed to get straight A's in school and participate in a ballet company for many years, while keeping up a busy social life. All the while parents and grandparents were in a state of anxiety that she would expire from malnutrition!

The third person I will mention is now a teenager, and her childhood diet consisted of Coco Puffs, Piroline cookies and frozen chicken nuggets. She is also very bright, and her family also went through years of anxiety about her diet. If her chosen foods were not available, she would just eat nothing.

So my point is that I am puzzled by these situations, and question whether there is any truth to my assumptions about nutrition. I have recently been eliminating a lot of things from my own diet, reflecting what I have read here on this forum. When I decided to give up gluten, I had a lot of positive results, and I have given up most sugary foods and dairy as well. So I'm wondering how much and what kinds of food we really need. Maybe I should start looking more closely at the dandelions in my yard!
I have known alcoholics who survived eating hardly anything and definitely not anything nutritious when they did, and drank their liquor straight. Many of them had their wits about them until they expired, some younger, some quite old. My mother-in-law, an alcoholic, ate nothing but toasted white bread and drank black tea and survived like that until lung cancer finally took her life in her sixties.

However, the body of evidence that shows higher IQs when people eat higher nutrition and health hazards/diseases associated with poor nutrition cannot be discounted.

I would think the majority could not be healthy without regular nutrition (although regular fasting also has its benefits) and those who seem to be able to survive on little nutrition without serious side effects could be different than the majority, perhaps by virtue of having fortunate genetics, amazing luck, or even something we have yet to discover.

It would be interesting to see what is different.

People with low bodyweight usually have low caloric requirements.
For the girl that lived in white foods, they usually are very calory dense, and pizza on top of that has some protein and fat.
Its not the best, and the question... maybe they were running their engines sub optimally?
anart said:
King, did you have a point in posting this?

‎. . . good question, sure you didn’t forget the “distraction” when the main discussion started. In ‎brief :‎

‎1) : I just expressed my view points about the “ living without food “ and the reasons why we ‎are able to do it, and said to Eliansito : “your question is not “distraction” :‎

from me:‎

‎“Your question reminding me again the story of Galile and one thing I know for sure : your ‎‎question is not “distraction”.‎

‎2) : . . . then You answered : . . .
“it refers to a distraction from the Work”‎

from Anart :

‎“King, when the word distraction is used here, it refers to a distraction from the Work - from ‎‎'fusing a singular I' and awakening from the slumber and state of being food that is human ‎existence”.‎

‎3) : . . . then my reasons again , and after much discussion finally I wrote some of my ‎proof/reasons for Jeep saying that :‎

‎“Generally, . . . learning something like painting, basic psychology, dowsing, sacred geometry, ‎digital graphics, sculpturing or Pranic absorption for 10/15 ‎minutes a day can not distract ‎someone from the “Work/Aim/Goal”. ‎
‎ ‎
from me:

‎“We, as transducers, can absorb VE/Prana by our thoughts power/brain to convert ‎into ‎nourishment or for any other useful benefits such as Healing, Energizing . . . ‎and the price we ‎pay is only few minutes time a day. All above mentioned other advantages/benefits in this ‎topic such as :‎

‎“adjusting the mind and thoughts especially cultivating the virtue ‎principle . . .” and ‎‎“health of mind, body and spirit…” are good enough to ‎think about it for our unpredictable ‎dangerous future. Generally, it is very simple to understand that learning something like ‎painting, basic psychology, dowsing, ‎sacred geometry, digital graphics, sculpturing or Pranic ‎absorption for 10/15 ‎minutes a day can not distract someone from the “Work/Aim/Goal”. ‎Everybody is free to think about for himself/herself.”‎

‎4) . . . but no one has answered me yet that :‎

Why learning/knowing something like painting, basic psychology, dowsing, digital graphics, ‎sculpturing or pranic absorption, or reikie/pranic healing is distraction from the ‎‎“Work/Aim/Goal”?‎

‎5) I appreciate if You JUST answer the above question, your reasons/proofs and “whys”, . . ‎‎. but please no more discussion or anything else which detracts from my question or any kind ‎of confusion.‎

King, very, very simply, it comes down to this:

If you have an Aim, then everything that moves you closer to that Aim is good and everything that distracts from that Aim is evil. Are you at all familiar with the work of G.I. Gurdjieff? If not, then, it might benefit you to become familiar with it since the bulk of this forum is based on that Work.

If one is walking in a dream and distracted by shiny things in the sky, on the ground, hanging from the trees and wandering by, then one becomes so engrossed in the dream that they never awaken. It appears that you are very emotionally involved (identified) with this topic and, perhaps, not using the same dictionary of words as the general forum. This will only prove increasingly frustrating for you, so, perhaps, it would be best if you found a forum that promotes the ideas that you are so attached to - a forum that discusses living without food - then you would be more happy? I hope this helps.
Iron said:
eliansito said:
Perhaps gut reactions was not the proper word, rejection or rather shift of focus towards perceived "emotional investment" as you put it would be more appropriate.

There is no rejection. If the topic was deemed "rejection material" it would be closed or deleted

You know what I meant.

Iron said:
... Remember you are in 3D for a reason, like all of us. To hope for shortcuts to accelerate the process is pure STS thinking.
I am writing this not to discourage you, but rather to get you to think about some of the implications involved, and realize that this, like vegetarianism, may be propagated as another tool to send people to sleep.
This however, do not mean that you cant be experimenting yourself.

I said it before and I say it again, I never view this as a shorcut nor a goal. And also you seem to be implying that the posibility of living without food is out of 3D realm, well if this would be so, there wouldn't be anybody able to do it, would it? IMO this hypothetical form of nourishing is as 3D as oat cookies as higher and impossible as it may seem.

Iron said:
eliansito said:
Myself I have none, just interest. Crucially important? sure not, oat cookies are also not, does that mean we shouldn't talk about oat cookies in this moment in space/time? Getting to learn a recipe and do it requires more emotional investment from me than it has been to read a bit about this topic and throw the question out there. This is not to put down any subject, just to show the point of the perceived "emotional investment".

Sun gazing being out of reach for many? I couldn't think of anything more in reach for all than the sun rays.


Yes, oat cookies from the point of view of the universe are not important, but in 3D I think can say that more people would find useful the knowledge about making oat cookies than the knowledge of sungazing.

I think the opposite is more true, everybody is generally aware of the healthy benefits of working outdoors for instance, many are of the benefits of full spectrum lights, they just don't know why exactly or how to get that benefit consciously ie sungazing.

Iron said:
If we take the possibility, based on the scales of hydrogens of Gurdjieff, that one being feeds on the energy , embodied/represented by the ingested food, more suitable for its vibrations, then it will become clear as to why sun gazing may be out of reach for many. Only those in the appropriate learning point would be able to utilize those.

Again, I am not discouraging you, just be sensible about the practice.

Everybody is prepared to benefit from the sun rays, many are doing it unconsciously, we all enjoy a sunny day, the practice should not be a grueling structure over months, simple awareness of the fact that the sunlight is good for you and how to go about it if you are not getting much would do the job.

need not be either or, that is a common trap we fall into. You prepare the oat cookies, and we eat them together sitting at the porch during sunset ;D (ok I will help you in the kitchen too)

On a side note, regarding Woodsman story, I read sometime ago that if you weight a baby intake of food and his outtake you get the same figures, this still puzzles pediatrics, yet the baby grows and it does indeed!

The notion of absorption from food alone is taken for granted and I am sure there is room for improvement within the realm of 3D, and as part of the higher lessons or realizations (no shortcut).

Hi tendrini,

I think Gonzo makes an interesting point concerning genetics. I also know a couple of people who live off small quantities of foods that make me wonder how they do it. One can go for half a day on a cup of tea, the other lives primarily off foods that have large amounts of gluten and sugar. The main difference between your example and mine is that the gluten/sugar person has quite a few issues with anxiety and the tea person is now having issues with tumors.

As someone who didn't experience any overt problems for most of her life, it can catch up with you eventually so perhaps the jury is out (for now) on the two younger people you mentioned. As far as your mother is concerned, maybe it's a combination of genetics and the fact that the food system we currently eat from wasn't as ponerized as it is today when she was growing up? Just thinking.

In general though, I don't think most people realize the harm being done to them by eating these foods. Most people seem to not notice adverse effects from eating sugar or gluten. It's usually only when they stop (as you and I did) that they realize how much better they feel.

In terms of Iron's theory, while it may be true that people with low body weight have fewer caloric requirements, I have low body weight (always have) and there's no way I could live off the diets of the people mentioned above. Perhaps it is as you say though that what happens in some instances is that their "engines are running sub optimally".

Not sure if any of that helps. :)
truth seeker said:
In general though, I don't think most people realize the harm being done to them by eating these foods. Most people seem to not notice adverse effects from eating sugar or gluten. It's usually only when they stop (as you and I did) that they realize how much better they feel.

yeah, and also, it's simply amazing how much abuse the body of a young person will take, without giving any obvious symptoms. But, I think this is generally only storing up problems for later on in life. So, the symptoms from eating gluten or sugar, brain fog etc., can gradually creep up on a person over the years, and it is simply taken as a sign of 'getting older', when in fact it's nothing of the kind!
Regarding the concept of distraction, instead of thinking about learning sungazing or living without food being the distraction, it is actually the amount of energy invested in discussing it on this particular forum that is the distraction.

This forum, although touching on many topics of great interest, is generally focused on investing energies into the main areas required to clean one's machine, to raise one's FRV, to fuse the magnetic centre, etc.

The question come down to this: Is discussing living without food essential to the Work (in the Gurdjieff sense)? If it is not, then one's energy invested in this discussion over other topics is a distraction.

Yes, we can discuss lots of interesting things, it is a wonderful world after all, but when one spends so much time one this subject that takes away from time and energy that could be invested into more essential areas, especially considering how little time we might actually have before the wave arrives,or comets smash into the planet or other cataclysms take us away,it is a distraction.

It is important to have fun and take a break from reading and discussing heavy material, but it should perhaps be done during breaks in between essential studies in this, our 4th Way school.

Hi eliansito.
Like I said I think it may be possible, but that not possible for everyone.
Why? Because of what I see. there are people in Brazil that spend their whole lifes in beaches, enjoying sunny days all long, 7 days a week. Never heard any history from surfers or other people that I know of someone that lives without food due to being out in the sun. I heard of nasty sunburns though. No sarcasm intended.

However my point is that it may be a distraction because it may not be "in the cards" for you. Maybe you have to work very hard to be able to do so. If this is the case, your energy would be better spent perhaps in cleaning the machine and stabilishing a connection with your higher self.
If this is not the case, and due to several factors sungazing and deriving energy from the practice is a possibility for you, by all means go for it, and then report to us your sucess!
What im trying to allude is that it may not be that simple, otherwise... more people perhaps would be living with far less food hum?
I link this to some esoteric books that allude that to unlock the powers of the mind, all you have to do is to concentrate in the thrid eye point between the eyebrows... maybe so for some, but not like this for many that were sent astray.
When I learn how to cook the oat cookies, you surely are invited to eat them, with a cold glass of lemonade under the beautiful sun!

And truth seeker the theory is not mine. Is a common concept among nutritionists. But like tendrini has alluded to, genetic factors may interfere and its not an exact science, the measure of how much calories a person need to stay alive or to perform certain functions.
The theory states that if you do eat more calories than your daily caloric expenditure, you gain weight. If you eat less you lose weight. But due to several factors the formulas to measure a person caloric expenditure are somewhat imprecise.
Iron said:
And truth seeker the theory is not mine. Is a common concept among nutritionists. But like tendrini has alluded to, genetic factors may interfere and its not an exact science, the measure of how much calories a person need to stay alive or to perform certain functions.
The theory states that if you do eat more calories than your daily caloric expenditure, you gain weight. If you eat less you lose weight. But due to several factors the formulas to measure a person caloric expenditure are somewhat imprecise.

Thanks for the clarification Iron. As long as we're giving credit where credit is due, it was Gonzo that alluded to genetic factors.
I'm just going to point out that there are some members of this forum who seem to be emotionally invested in this issue. When this happens, the possibility for a true exchange of ideas becomes stagnant. I would suggest to all who were reminded to either read or reread the pages concerning identification, self importance and feeding.
I have to admit that this subject fascinates me and at the same time makes me very uncomfortable. In fact, reading about the various people who claim to live without food makes me squirm. The idea of not eating seems terribly scary, as if food somehow anchors me to life and the earth and without it I would become disconnected.

Does anyone else feel this? I'm noticing a lot of suggestions that we stop discussing the topic. But before it's discarded, I wanted to thank everyone for their ideas and to say that this has opened up a lot of issues for me. Food is a basic part of my life and more and more I'm realizing that I eat for many reasons other than being hungry. There's something about food being connected to safety.

I'm also in the middle of reading the Wave part 5, where Laura talks about all the "feeding" going on in our world, and I'm wondering if my resistance to the idea of going without food is related to being part of this giant food chain.

Just some thoughts.
Sorry to post this here, I have a general question regarding this section,

Does this section include at some point a definite resolution on whether the question posted will be asked or discarded to the C's after contributions have dried out?

As for emotional investment, I guess truth seeker includes me in the list of "some members" so I will read the three sections provided, and will repeat again, my emotional investment would be the equivalent of my emotional investment to my motorbike which is not much. i just choose to participate in here while doing more reading and applying myself to the cleaning of my machine with more or less level of commitment while trying to make it out more or less congruently in this life. In the written everything seems to have a tendency of getting out of proportion.

Iron, whilst brazilian people and generally tropical people do have to eat, they have also certain common traits that could easily be attributed to the sun, as I said, must not be either or, you would agree that some sun is better than no sun...(health wise, physical and psychically).


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