
In Iraq's Footsteps: Macedonia on the Verge of 'Federalization'

Macedonia's political stability is hanging in the balance due to the country's major political parties' standoff over the results of Sunday’s parliamentary election. In an interview with Sputnik, political analyst Branko Djordjevski speculates that Zoran Zaev's victory may lead to the further "federalization" of the country.

Tensions continue to simmer in Macedonia following Sunday's parliamentary election.

On Monday former Prime Minister of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski's center-right VMRO-DPMNE party declared victory winning 51 seats in the country's Parliament, while Macedonia's largest opposition party, the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), received 49 mandates. The remaining 23 mandates were won by Albanian minority parties.

However, the SDSM led by Zoran Zaev refused to accept the results of the parliamentary election.

On Tuesday Macedonia's Administrative Court ruled in favor of SDSM's complaint to hold a repeat election at the Tearce polling station number 2011 on December 25, Balkan Insight reported Wednesday.

This re-run could swing the balance in the SDSM party's favor from 51-49 to 50-50.

However, according to VMRO-DPMNE, the Administrative Court decision spells trouble for the country.

"This is part of a larger scenario to falsify the electoral will of the citizens… The math is simple. In this polling station, the SDSM can steal VMRO DPMNE's election victory," VMRO DPMNE's executive committee member Nikola Todorov warned as quoted by the media outlet.

Commenting on the issue, Branko Djordjevski, a Skopje-based political analyst told Sputnik Serbian that Zaev has a number of options to bolster the SDSM's positions in the Parliament.

According to Djordjevski, it is possible that Zaev will form the country's government by striking a compromise with parties of Albanian minorities. However, that could lead to federalization and "cantonization" of Macedonia, he believes.

"Unlike Gruevski, Zaev is ready to make concessions and it will play into the hands of the West," the political analyst suggested.
He noted that Zaev pins the blame on Macedonia for its inability to reach a compromise with Greece over the country's disputed name, and with Serbia over the unrecognized Macedonian Orthodox Church.

"Zaev is not confused by the fact that foreigners are interfering in the internal affairs of the country. If he forms a government, then Macedonia could easily become an international protectorate," Djordjevski underscored.

Therefore, he added, it appears that foreign governments have placed their bets on Zaev.

However, the Macedonians have not yet forgotten his statement that Macedonia should bend to Greece's will, when it comes to its name, the political analyst recalled.

On the other hand, Gruevski is likely to continue to push ahead with his plan to join the European Union, Djordjevski noted, stressing that at the same time the former prime minister seeks to preserve Macedonia's sovereignty and independence.

"Gruevski has already demonstrated that he won't compromise easily, whether on the issue of the country's name or its relationships in the region. He strongly opposes foreigners' meddling in Macedonia's internal affairs. Perhaps, the problem is that he publicly says he does not want to see such things in Macedonia, and the West does not like it," Djordjevski assumed.

For his part, Alexander Safonov of the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) noted in an interview with Sputnik that it cannot be ruled out that a new government would include a Macedonian president and an Albanian prime minister.

The crux of the matter is that Macedonia is a parliamentary representative democratic republic and the Albanians consist about 30 percent of the country's population. Furthermore, while the Macedonian population is shrinking the number of Albanians is steadily increasing.

"If the scenario with a Macedonian president and an Albanian prime minister is realized, Macedonia will follow in Lebanon's footsteps or in that of post-Saddam's Iraq," Safonov told Sputnik referring to the fact that in Lebanon and Iraq different ethnic groups hold determined positions in the countries' governments.

However, he added, "we see that in Lebanon and in Iraq, this [compromise] has not led to substantial political stability; it's a sort of interim structure, which is designed to reduce tensions until political forces work out a plan regarding what to do next," Safonov concluded.
Macedonia: Election Silence Starts at Midnight Ahead of Tearce Revote

The election silence for Sunday's repeated voting at polling station 2011 in Tearce municipality begins at midnight.

During the election silence, all forms of media presentations of participants in the campaign are halted.

The State Election Commission (SEC) decided to repeat the voting in this polling station based on the simulation, which showed that the revote could affect the number of allocated MP seats in the sixth election district.

The SEC decision is based on Article 151, Paragraph 3 of the Electoral Code, which reads that the voting should be repeated if it can affect the end result. It also follows the decision by the Administrative Court to accept the appeal by the SDSM-­led coalition and scrap the voting in this polling station.

The Tearce polling station has 714 registered voters, of whom 404 voted on December 11. VMRO-DPMNE got 91 votes, followed by SDSM-­87, Besa-­65, DPA­-64, DUI­-53, Alliance for Albanians-­25, Coalition VMRO for Macedonia-­1 and Coalition for Changes and Justice­-1.

According to SEC's preliminary results for the sixth election district, DUI won most votes ­- 40,599, followed by VMRO-DPMNE (26,135), SDSM (25,828), Besa (25,054), Alliance for Albanians (17,970), DPA (16,225), VMRO for Macedonia (919) and Coalition for Changes and Justice (239).

The vote result gave DUI six MP seats, VMRO-­DPMNE-­4, SDSM and Besa-­3 each, Alliance for Albanians and DPA-­2 each.

The narrow margin between VMRO-­DPMNE and SDSM (307 votes) in this election district means that the number of MP seats could change depending on the outcome of the vote.

Shocking ANALYSIS OF ANDREI KORIBKO: revote Tearce will be a decisive moment - civil war or peace!


Sunday will be one of the most decisive days in Macedonian history, believes geopolitical analyst Andrew Koribko

The village Tearce part of Macedonia on Sunday to conduct a revote, which could change the results of the initial elections. The ruling VMRO-DPMNE, which undoubtedly won the first round, says it will not recognize the results of this unconstitutional decree, criticizing the decision of the State Election Commission last attempted theft of government by foreign-backed "opposition" SDSM. VMRO had credible grounds for these accusations, given that foreign embassies and NGOs openly supported SDSM even at the beginning of fabricating a political crisis two years ago. Specifically, US Ambassador Jess Bailey who completely stood behind SDSM for the duration of this process, and a huge number of NGOs Soros and groups "civil society" in vain tried twice to make a colored revolution in the last two fit.

The final game

Washington and its allies want to install an obedient puppet government in the country will find a "compromise" on the constitutional name of Macedonia, and will pave the path to finally separate. The first step is to put him to a government, after which it should be expected that soon a decision on independent Albanian territories, which will then turn into "Union of Albanian municipalities" as a springboard for "federalization" of the country before Albanian and Bulgarian neighbors to divide among themselves through simultaneous and dual annexations. The reason why the US is so determined to destroy Macedonia is due to fears of Balkan megaprojects that Russia and China plan to pass through the country. This Moscow Balkan way, Balkan and Great Silk Road, which means building the infrastructure for fast rail and road infrastructure of the Hungarian Budapest pretstolnina to the Greek port Piereja.

Both multipolar megaprojects must go through Macedonia, because the country is deliberately destabilized and dismantled steps to halt these plans and achieve one of the major strategic goals of the US in the preservation of unipolar hegemony on the continent.

Improving the plot

Regarding the re-run, the goal this charade is organized on dubious grounds, and is completely disproportionate (and not to mention illegal) to repeat elections in the village just because one or two of voters may have had unconfirmed difficulties during voting. However, because the SEC works more in favor of SDSM, they decided in her favor. This brings the analysis to time to discuss why entity that decides the outcome of the election is made the way it is, which in turn leads to last Przhinski agreement which was stipulated that SDSM will win seats in the government as part of pre-election "compromise" agreement. In reality, the Ambassador Bailey strategically placed enemies of the state strategically important and influential bureaucratic LEADED LIGHTS vanguard of skirt-election coup.

The reason that he issued orders to the SDSM to request postponement of the elections so many times is because its allies Soros organizations in need of more time to persuade Albanians to give up their traditional, ethnic parties and stand behind Zaev. The whole scheme was to step Albanians who played a key role in the surprising election result, but in order for that to succeed, this ethno-religious bloc voting had strict orders to remain silent and not to disclose intentions to pollsters. This is why the polls did not predict the surprising trend that is evident political ambush against VMRO and the Macedonian people. Although it has the biggest guaranteed social and political rights to any other minority group in the world, even though they have failed NATO-occupied project Drug colony Kosovo as the first neighbor to serve as an example of how it looks "Greater Albania" in reality, many Macedonian Albanians would seem easy to convince the nationalist dream of Nazi geo-political project.

Council on Foreign Relations and the intervention in the informational war

Now that predominantly-Albanian village Tearce once again heads to the ballot boxes, probably the majority of Albanians will vote for SDSM - not only because someone had it laundered brain nationalist slogans and unrealistic promises, but also because of an unfair game, bribery and malfeasance. Moreover, the biggest news that upset the Balkans was the publication of Timothy Les "dysfunction of the Balkans" in which he wrote for the influential neo-conservative Council of Foreign Relations - a think tank. The text is essentially an attempt to lobby the administration of Trump, for geopolitical engineering in the Balkans within the ethno-religious lines, which he predicts will result in half of Macedonia to be "digested" from Albania. Drugiod part of Macedonia still will be absorbed from Bulgaria and afterwards Macedonian state will again be wiped from the map.

The timing of this text is incidentet - can be summed up that the same forces that stand behind him and his organization are the same ones Oi want to destroy the Republic of Macedonia, and that they had intended, the publication of this document to coincide with rezutlatite of elections country. If their initial plan was successful, if SDSM get power in a surprise victory thanks to Albanian secret voices Bailey and Soros gathered them, then Les text could be interpreted as a direct order for Zaev. Now again, when VMRO takes victory putschists set the stage for a second attempt in Tearce making it possible to alter the results in favor of the "opposition" in this document could be interpreted as a motivating letter to Albanians that is scheduled to stand behind their political benefaktor. This article could not be published in the revote, but was deliberately released a week earlier in order to influence the decisive moment in Macedonia and to influence the Albanians with the promise of a "Greater Albania".

Nevertheless, Macedonian Albanians should recognize lobbying attempt by Les - to the new US president and his administration - and that Trump will probably reject this dangerous proposal in order to continue to move forward towards concluding a plan for fields interest with Russian President Putin. Another possible reason for the publication of the document is to gauge public reaction throughout the Balkans and to generate the feedback necessary for improvement of information strategy that would later be used for "attractive" packaging of the danger to his victim. However, the initial geopolitical effect of this article is to inspire enough Macedonian Albanians to get out the vote and to vote for SDSM, thus - combined with the expected fraud, illegal voting by Serbian Albanians NATO-occupied Kosovo and other tricks - to give the "opposition" and the ruling party 50 seats which Zaev will be allowed to continue to form a governing majority formed by most Albanian parties. In exchange for their loyalty to the US and the betrayal of Macedonia will be "rewarded" with their "mini-Kosovo" through "federalization" (internal division, "with all the problems that confront the failed predecessor.

The decisive moment

If the script is true, this does not mean that the international community consensus will accept these rigged results. VMRO, democratically elected and legitimate ruling party in the country, has already said it will not recognize the revote, much less attempt to "soft coup" that try to illegally seize power through man-made "legal" ways. This means that the international partners of the country equally divided on this issue. US, EU and of course Albania (and possibly Bulgaria) will probably have recognized leader of the coup Zaev, SDSM and their Albanian coalition partners, as "official" leaders of the country, but Russia and China would probably side with the authentic authorities and will continue to support IMRO.

In this tense and highly combustible situation where two political forces claiming election winners in the country, and each of them has international backers, each country would be plunged into civil war. Determining factors that influence what will happen next, is the interference of international supporters putschists (US, EU and Albania) Zaev, SDSM, maybe Albanian militants, whether "secular" or Salafists, whether Macedonia or not. The role of the military or will follow the orders of the legal government in order to curb illegal gangs or not.

Irresponsible to speculate on the exact course of events, which will be initiated in the event the United States to succeed in "electoral soft coup" in Tearce on Sunday, but common sense and past experiences dictate that the existing parameters constantly indicate to the aforementioned scenario for civil conflict, though chances still be in favor of the Macedonian state and the ruling VMRO. However it does not automatically mean it will be easy for them to take victory in the current political crisis. Instead, it should be expected that the US would continue to press with hybrid war against Macedonia in a desperate last attempt to finally thwart the plans of Russia and China that will change the world game through mega projects and will create major hurdles for the administration Trump and his plans for a series of pragmatic "gentlemen's" agreements with Moscow in order diffusion of a new Cold war.

SDSM bribe voters, MI PROTECTS: Here is the money to buy votes in Tearce!


People SDSM do not hide that money share in Tearce. Last night senior party took 500,000 euros in two mosques in the village. At the same time, the famous activist SDSM Ivica Todorovski Facebook picture of the money they shared in Tearce

Last night around 22:30 pm gray "Audio" Caravan with registration plates (DB-1107-AB) people of SDSM delivered 500,000 euros in two mosques in Tearce, money intended for bribing voters - learns "Night" sources in the village.

Police in the period after the event, but decided not to intervene in mosques because they did not allow the Minister of SDSM Oliver Spasovski. After leaving the money, the vehicle was stopped by police and had been searched inside were present Peter Shilegov Gjulumser Kasipi, which is second in the parliamentary list of SDSM 6, her son, his driver and another person from Debar, under our information is financier of bribery and one close to the president of the Albanian diaspora Musa Ljamalari.

When they were caught, people from SDSM which Tearce brought 500,000 euros for bribery, were visibly upset and scared. But there were no charges against them, because previously intervened Spasovski and the money has been left in mosques.

Our sources say that this time, the people of SDSM entire operation for bribery ran through mosques and imams, to that supplied the money of them were distributed to Albanians. The price of a voice is about 1,500 euros, and the same amount offered and the Macedonians confirmed voters VMRO-DPMNE offered 1,500 euros to not go out to vote and modeled SDSM familiar from previous round - given the money and are seized personal documents may not be able to exercise voting rights.

SDSM strategy was that if this amount has not produced the expected results, it will increase to 2,000 euros from tonight and until Sunday, will further increase.

At the polling station 2011 Tearce, there are a huge part of Turks and people of mixed marriages, which is why people Zaev and Albanian mafia, decided to share the money by imams and the money is shared by entire families, for 20-30 people paid 1,500 euros from the voice of a man, then these large Muslim families earn up to 50,000 euros.

Tearce Our sources say that Muhammad Zekeriya activated and contacted all Albanians from Tetovo-bandits who invited to take to the pitch in Tearce, but until now they still do not have arisen.

For tonight is expected Zoran Zaev to appear in Tearce and turned to mosques in the period before the coming election silence.

SDSM did not hide that buying votes

Activist SDSM Ivica Todorovski, who works as security at T-Mobile, it does not hide that party giving money on the ground. He published a picture on Facebook with a huge bundle of money, saying it was in Tearce. According appreciation of the size of the bundle inside has about 80,000 Euros.

- I must be here anyway - wrote Todorovski, not hiding his party this money buying votes in Tearce.

Instead of arresting, MI helps in crime

With the official vehicle of the Ministry of Interior, Minister Oliver Spasovski for two days in a campaign in Tearce.

The pictures that came to "Tonight" show official "Land Rover" on Spasovski that at state expense, SDSM Secretary General makes his campaign for re-run in Tearce.

Citizens who submitted a photo of the official vehicle of Spasovski say Tearce Macedonians are united and managed to block all attempts to SDSM bribe population.

- This creates panic among SDSM, so why not choose means and ways, because taxpayers' money is doing to make forgery Tearce - they say.

It is symptomatic that instead Interior Ministry to arrest those sharing money for votes, the ministry together with them in the campaign.[/quote]

Kulla: Albanians Should Abstain from Voting in Tearce

Distinguished Albanian international affairs expert Ilir Kulla called on ethnic Albanians to abstain from voting in the repeat vote planned for Sunday in the village of Tearce, near Tetovo. According to Kulla, the way in which tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians came out in support of the SDSM party led to election of more ethnic Macedonians in Parliament, and could be seen as a form of electoral fraud.

"The elections in Macedonia were truly free and clean, and that is a good news, because it shows that after a two years long crisis, democracy and rule of law are functioning. Ethnic Albanians and Albanian political parties in Macedonia made a major contribution to this. But, regarding the elections in Tearce, I call on the ethnic Albanian voters not to vote on Sunday. Let the ethnic Macedonians choose the winner among themselves. That is the most realistic way of looking at things and it will be in the spirit of the Ohrid agreement", Kulla said.

While VMRO-DPMNE won the elections with about 18,000 votes more than SDSM, the winning margin in the 6th district is about 300 votes, and the re­vote in Tearce could mean that the two parties have equal number of representatives in Parliament. The turnout of estimated 70,000 ethnic Albanians in favor of SDSM narrowed down the expected victory margin for VMRO-DPMNE, and also significantly reduced the number of Albanians elected to the Macedonian Parliament. It has upset the unwritten rule that Governments are formed as coalitions between the winner in the "Macedonian" camp and the winner in the "Albanian" camp.

"At first glace, this vote seems like multi­ethnic success. But, in fact that is political fraud, because with these 70,000 votes, ethnic Albanians could have elected seven Albanian members of Parliament, and now they only got two. Albanian votes went toward Macedonian representatives", Kulla told MIA in an interview.

Speaking about the future of Macedonian ­ Albanian relations, Kulla says that there is no doubt that they should remain close, with mutual respect and progress on issues of mutual interest. "We in Albania should recognize Macedonia under its official name, the Republic of Macedonia, and not use FYROM. In Macedonia, there should be a bilingual solution, proportional distribution of funds among municipalities and one of the holders of the top three positions in the country should be an Albanian. We need to be proactive and offer specific solutions, and not only use politically correct vocabulary", Kulla adds.
CIA sends two more operatives to assist in destabilizing Macedonia

Thursday, 22 December 2016

In an editorial for Skopje daily Dnevnik, popular journalist Mirka Velinovska reports that the CIA has sent two additional field operatives to Macedonia, one of which was already involved in preparing the field for the 2001 conflict.

But before discussing the two new 'guests' in Macedonia, Velinovska analyzes the current political situation in Macedonia.

Macedonia is no longer a country based on a constitution, has no Government, has no political parties who take any responsibility for their actions and inactions. It has no defense, no diplomacy. On the last massively fraudulent elections, the Albanian mafia, the CIA, MI6 and groups of local quislings had the main role. The so called Government was completely absent, nonexistent and had no chance to prevent the fraud. As a result, what we are going through is of our own making.

Now, we have to clean house. We all know what that means. We have been laidback, relaxed, simply lazy. We have way too much garbage in our house. We thought all the garbage, insects that we kept shoving under the carpet, into the corners would simply go away. Now we know that our garbage is still with us, so we are going to have to sweat a bit more and actually clean it up. We'll use all of our resources for the cleanup, 24/7. Then we are heading to a referendum for a constitutional Parliament in order to get rid of the Ohrid framework and Soros gonorrhea currently seating in Parliament - says Velinovska.

Over the past 8 years, Obama and the CIA have raped the world, there are 35 conflicts and 'colorful revolutions' that the US has instigated on every single contintent resulting in over 2m deaths.

Before the US begins their hybrid, assymetrical wars using drones, colorful robots, neofascists, radical islamists, NGO activists and other locally trained groups of useful idiots, these fascist groupings are preparing the field for subversions.

The subversionists are CIA field operatives who are inserted into the US State Department and particularly the USAid.

US president elect Donald Trump who is obviously in the know, announced he will be cleaning office, has stated he doesn't have much faith in CIA 'reports' and apparently plans to use his own private security, not the CIA.

In addition, Trump has stated he will do a complete makeover of the US State Department which for two decades is functioning as a second CIA.

For this purpose, Velinovska says, the CIA is under tremendous pressure to "finish the job" particularly after the illegal elections sponsored by the American and British intelligence, their Euro puppets and our local quisling army of morons failed.

Jess Baily is getting help

As a result, the CIA has sent two subversion experts with great deal of experience in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lybia and Macedonia.

The first is Shannon Martinez, speaks fluent Macedonian and was instrumental in preparing the field for the 2001 conflict. She came from the OTI (The Department for Subversions within the State Department), but is one of the senior CIA operatives. As is her colleague F. Phillips, who has spent years in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and was sent to Macedonia via Lybia. Phillips, like most CIA operatives 'officially' works for USAid. Martinez stayed in Macedonia from early 2001 to 2003 where she prepared the field for the 2001 conflict, indoctrinated the young populace into becoming 'activists' against the Government, spent time in Kocani which is where the 'training' was taking place.

Two assistants for the above mentioned CIA operatives "accidentally" met journalist Mirka Velinovska in front of an ATM machine in Skopje. They told her they will be staying in Macedonia throughout 2017.

What does that tell you? The field has remained patriotic, Macedonians are not buying into any of the bullshit that's being served to them, says Velinovska.

CIA operatives through their locally trained army of morons were the ones to start the "problem" and mocking of Macedonia's cultural heritage and monuments in "Skopje 2014". This is quite self explanatory if one gets a hold of a CIA manual on how to subvert a nation and its people. The CIA is actually using several simple rules that date back to 500 BC, from the time of Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese military strategist.

To quote the simple rules that Sun Tzu used and the CIA copied:

1. View all cultural values and anything of historic significane to your enemy with mocking and disdain. (Skopje 2014)

2. Repeatedly insinuate that the leaders of the country are corrupt and criminal. Do this until public has turned against their leaders. (Wiretapping Scandal)

3.Interrupt and prevent the work of their leaders or their Government in every way possible.(SDSM was told to walk out of Parliament)

4.Assist the enemies of your enemy. Assist shady groups that will help you bring down their leaders. (Kumanovo terrorist attack)

5.Create tensions between the population. (Colorful revolution... pinning Macedonians against Macedonians, Macedonians against Albanians...)

6.Turn the young against the old. (off with "old patriotism", welcome 'new age' young thinking where corporations are in charge of countries).

7.Be very generous in your promises to your collaboratos. (Zaev promised riches and British passport by MI6)

Every single point above covers perfectly what we have seen and continue to see since 2014.

Isn't this fantastic? Such a simple manual, yet so effective, but not in Macedonia... not yet, not until Sunday?

We're in for an interesting 2017.
Think for yourself and believe in yourself, concludes Velinovska.
2m Euros+SDS+BESA+Jess Baily Lose to Macedonians in Tearce

Over the past five days, the SDS spent 2m euros in bribing voters in the western Macedonian village of Tearce. Soros activists agitated the population with the SDS police chief sening APCs to patrol the village as if there is a war going on - all part of the intimidation tactic. Ethnic Albanians were given 20,000 euros per family to gain their votes... in the end, the SDS still lost.

According to our sources in Tearce, and few seconds ago confirmed by the SEC, the SDS won 245 votes, and VMRO-DPMNE won 149 votes. However, the SDS needed to win by 307 votes in Tearce (IE6) to gain another MP seat, which turned out to be mission impossible. The SDS spent 2m euros on 245 votes which amounts to 8,163 euros per vote! Quite an expensive loss.

Zaev, his boss Baily were simply not able to bribe the Macedonians in Tearce, something that we reported on earlier in the week. Macedonian families in Tearce refused 20,000 euros, even refused to meet SDS officials altogether! Think about it. That's a lot of money in any country for a family to say no to! But they put their country first.

SDS officials are furious that VMRO-DPMNE received the votes they did, as they were hoping for a boycott, however ethnic Macedonians in the village all cast their votes for VMRO-DPMNE.

VMRO-DPMNE will remain with 51 MPs, while SDS to keep their 49 MPs in what can be described as the most fraudulent elections ever that saw the SDS gain 18 MP seats via bribery and outright fraud, not to mention the continued assistance from the Albanian mafia in Kosovo, the CIA and MI6.

VMRO-DPMNE will form the new Government, however there will be disturbances as SDS' boss and US Ambassador Jess Baily still has few moves up his sleeve and will not go down quietly into the night.

DUI's Ali Ahmeti is under complete control of Jess Baily and the US State Department even though it is slated to be dismantled under Trump. In the meantime, while Baily is still in Macedonia, DUI will not be allowed to enter a coalition with VMRO-DPMNE. The umbrella needs Macedonia unstable.

It may take for Macedonians to take to the streets and dismantle US and EU funded NGOs including USAid, Open Society, Most, Civil, NED etc, the Administrative Court, the SEC, the home grown "condom revolutionaries" and everyone else who worked on destabilizing the country. It's the only way to get rid of the foreign destabilization factor which has been relentless since 2001. A purge is needed, similar to the purge done by Erdogan in Turkey.

State Election Commission Confirms, VMRO-DPMNE Parliamentary Election Victory

SDSM has less than 100 votes than VMRO-DPMNE following the re-run of the vote in Tearce. The State Election Commission (SEC) has published its initial results on its website, which show that the opposed SDSM did not reach the 304 votes it needed in order to "snatch" a mandate from the ruling party.

There is difference of some 90 votes, i.e. 149 for VMRO-DPMNE, and 245 for SDSM. A total of 402 voters have casted a ballot-paper, hence 60.95 percent have voted for SDSM, and 37.06 percent for VMRO-DPMNE.

According to these results, the number of mandates of ED 6 will not change.

In ED 6, VMRO-DPMNE won 4 MPs, SDSM - 3, DUI - 6, BESA - 3, DPA - 2, and the Alliance for Albanians - 2.

On the territory of Macedonia, the ruling VMRO-DPMNE still has the majority of MPs - 51, while SDSM has 49.

Soon after SEC announced the results, VMRO-DPMNE spoke.

"Today, us, and the entire public has learned that Tearce residents did not allow a post-electoral "engineering". We congratulate them. As winners of the elections, we will remain dedicated to the future steps of forming a new government," the party said in a release, adding that they remain on their position from December 11.

Diplomats Meet with DUI Leader, Pushing Party Leader for Broad Coalition?

DUI leader, Ali Ahmeti, and Swedish Ambassador, Mats Staffansson at Wednesday's meeting at the party headquarters in Tetovo discussed post-election developments in Macedonia and priorities of DUI and the state.

Ahmeti explained DUI's program positions of saying that equality in the country makes society more stable, while the responsibility for resolving the name dispute, integrations, reforms, good interethnic relations should be implemented by everyone.

DUI, as Ahmeti stressed, is focused on cooperation with Albanian parliamentary parties on the common national platform.

"Currently there are no ongoing talks for a coalition government with either VMRO-DPMNE or SDSM. The only dialogue that DUI realizes is the one with the international community and Albanian parties", the statement said.

DUI leader has intensive meetings in the last few days with foreign representatives. Before Staffansson, he met with Dutch ambassador Wouter Plomp, as well as US Ambassador Jess Baily.

Unofficially, the foreign representatives are pushing DUI to accept some kind of a broad coalition that would include parties from the Macedonian and Albanian bloc which would work on priorities set by the EU in the Priebe's report.

DUI reportedly is in no mood for a broad coalition because the pie will have to be shared with multiple parties, which is contrary to the coalition with VMRO-DPMNE, which would again gain them several key ministerial positions, and perhaps something more.

Only "Alliance of Albanians" attended the meeting, one day before the revote in Tearce, where DUI invited the leaders of all parties of Albanians. The two parties agreed that they will remain seeking the requirements for Albanian as a second official language, extending the mandate of SPO, the implementation of recommendations from Priebe's report, balanced budget allocations, consensus decision-making on all important issues.

VMRO-DPMNE's Proclamation just an Empty Rhetoric?

In the last 150 years in Macedonia, there has been dozens of proclamations, memorandums tied to the Macedonian people and state. That's one rich, but verbal history. Opposing this verbal history there are only two real proclamations:

1. Macedonia becoming a state within Yugoslavia's federation.

2. Macedonia's independence in 1991 and its transformation into a colony and a protectorate over the past 25 years.

The verbal proclamations are for domestic use, the real proclamations have world significance. It is the same as our real name which we are using at home and our acronym which is used by the United Nations. The difference between the verbal and real proclamation, or our name and the reference is in fact the difference between a desire and action, a difference between what we think and we'd like to do.

On December 17th, Gruevski read six points, a proclamation drafted by VMRO-DPMNE:

1. Zaev will not be allowed to form a Government.

2. The Macedonian State will independently make deicisions without interference from foreign Governments.

3. There will be no more "leadership format" negotiations in which foreign officials will participate.

4. There will be no cantonization or redefinition of Macedonia as a state.

5. Removal and regulation of foreign funded NGOs in Macedonia.

6. Macedonia will Enter NATO and EU.

Even children are aware that #6 contradicts the other five points in the proclamation because the only argument of the continued foreign meddling in Macedonia is precisely its membership in NATO and EU. Without it, the foreign meddling is essentially a war against Macedonia, which even the West at this point cannot afford.

On December 11th, VMRO-DPMNE won the elections. However, the sum of 20 MPs from the smaller albanian parties would not participate in a new Government without cantonization and redefinition of the country. As a result VMRO-DPMNE cannot form a Government. This way the mandate transfers to SDSM which will enter in a colaition with dui/besa defacto destroying the country as we know it. Ironically, VMRO-DPMNE are known for catastrophic failures not because they worked against the country, but becuase they simply removed themselves when in power! In 1991 even though it won the parliamentary elections it allowed the formation of an Interim Govt headed by Crvenkovski which ended up changing our name. All protests after were meaningless.

No contry has stayed strong with a piece of paper and a pen, by voting, or staging protests. It's no accident that Macedonia won by blood stayed prosperous and strong for 45 years and the one won via a referendum is becoming a colony and a protectorate.

Who is going to explain to Gruevski that the terrorism in Macedonia is introduced via the relationship with NATO and EU!

Who is going to explain to president Ivanov that he had to expel US Ambassador Jess Baily on terrorism charges! Why is he still in Macedonia? What does it take to expel a foreign opeative pretending to be an Ambassador who threatens judges, SEC officials, MPs... ?

VMRO-DPMNE's proclamation without #6 may be meaningful if it only translates into action. Considering how naive Gruevski and Co. are, one must tell them there is a full frontal attack against them by SDSM/DUI/DPA/BESA/NATO/EU/US/UK. The revote in Tearce clearly showed that, when a symbolic 1 vote each was cast for DUI, DPA, BESA, while the remaining 245 albanian foot soldiers voted for SDSM.

Macedonians must take matters into their own hands, Ivanov will be forced to schedule early elections in March 2017.
sToRmR1dR said:
2m Euros+SDS+BESA+Jess Baily Lose to Macedonians in Tearce


VMRO-DPMNE will remain with 51 MPs, while SDS to keep their 49 MPs in what can be described as the most fraudulent elections ever that saw the SDS gain 18 MP seats via bribery and outright fraud, not to mention the continued assistance from the Albanian mafia in Kosovo, the CIA and MI6.

VMRO-DPMNE will form the new Government, however there will be disturbances as SDS' boss and US Ambassador Jess Baily still has few moves up his sleeve and will not go down quietly into the night.

DUI's Ali Ahmeti is under complete control of Jess Baily and the US State Department even though it is slated to be dismantled under Trump. In the meantime, while Baily is still in Macedonia, DUI will not be allowed to enter a coalition with VMRO-DPMNE. The umbrella needs Macedonia unstable.


Velinovska: US is Out, London takes over Macedonia destabilization project

In the latest column by Mirka Velinovska for Dnevnik , the popular Macedonian journalist states the foreign aggression in Macedonia will now transfer in the hands of London, as a result of Clinton's election loss which will essentially drain the swamp - most CIA operatives including the US Ambassador who directed the field operations will now be replaced.

The "Macedonian operation" originally drafted in the White House with Soros' assistance took place with the Przino Agreement in 2016, however operationally was active well before then, says Velinovska. Macedonia has showed surprising resilience in refusing its own demise, however the CIA is confident in their success, since the plan was suppose to conclude in and around 2021. Why is Macedonia in the "crossfire" as John Kerry so eloquently stated? The only goal is to prevent a Eurasian economic connection, which leads through Macedonia, and Turkey.

However, Turkey is already cleaning house, so the main focus is on Macedonia.

Don't get me wrong, the globalist cabal through the CIA and MI6 has had lots of success. The South Korean, Brazilian presidents were removed using the same lies they used in Macedonia (wiretapping scandal). It's how they removed Berlusconi in Italy. Similar moves are now underway in Mozambique and the Congo as we speak. The Romanian (German appointee) president refused to grant a Prime Minister position to a woman whose party won the elections because her husband is Syrian and he cheered Trump's election win!?!? Can you even imagine the odacity of that western fool!

The focus is Macedonia - says Velinovska, and don't we know it. The CIA boss just ten days ago visited Tirana to meet his useful idiots - writes Velinovska. It's his last visit. Although Trump is suspending all the CIA's (USAid) funds in Macedonia, the CIA boss had one last instruction for Rama - it's the British that will be taking over the operation due to unusual circumstences in the US (Trump's win).
George Soros, the pro Nazi collaborator and senior CIA operative who took down the British currency is relocating to... London, to manage the activities from there. For the longest time, it was the US who shielded the Nazis, world's criminals, now it's back to Britain to 'protect' the scum of the earth.

According to official London, Albania in the next for years will be the base of operation which will be used to transfer funds to the Soros network across the Balkans. Considering Albania is a non-country country which the UK has used for their dirty deeds since the 19th century, this makes total sense.

Even today, there are 3,000 mujahideens in Albania who are training out on the open with NATO oversight. Albania is the biggest producer of narcotics in Europe whose profits are shared between the Albanian mafia and their civilized brothers in NATO. The drugs are transported to European capitals utilizing civilian and military Albanian pilots approved by NATO. This is the very defintion of organized Mafia, which in our case is often used around the Balkans to fabricate elections.

The UK is already out of EU, thanks to Brexit, however now that the American cabal has been knocked out thanks to Trump, the Brits see a great opportunity to become a factor in a clueless Europe.

What Next?

To surmise, Jess Baily is gone. The British Ambassador to Macedonia is taking over. He will be assisted by the usual British Court jesters: The Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian Ambassadors (in fact, we have already seen a major uptick in their involvement in Macedonia), the transfer has already taken place.
The Dutch, Swedish and Norwegians will for the most part take over the financing of the Soros network, now that the Americans (USAid) are out. The Germans and Italians will assist, not because they want to, but due to their loser mentality from WW2. As losers, they still think they have to accept every blackmail from the British and the US.

The Albanians will once again be used as cannon fodder, this time by the British. Albanians always seek out to serve a superior master, it's part of their identity and genetic makeup.

Edi Rama's second wife Delina Fico who just opened an office in Skopje as a member of yet another CIA front "East & West Institute" will be in charge of the "NGO" funds that come in the country.

Edi Rama and Hashim Thachi are heading to Istanbul, to meet with Erdogan. Their master is sending them there to request approval from him to create disturbances in Macedonia.

Erdogan, will certainly defend Turkish national interests, even through Macedonia. The Turkish leader is fully aware who staged the coup against him and who Edi Rama's master is.

You will notice France and Eastern Europe are not part of this. They aren't because people there are already awake. Their respective Governments have strong objections against endless coups and colorful revolutions, both at home and abroad.

In the end of the column, Velinovska asks:

The Americans have already lost, their empire is crumbling in front of everyone's eyes, yet the harder they fight to maintain it, the more they lose. The British are not a world power, yet mistakenly think they once again can become one? Have they not learned a single lesson over the past 100 years?
Gruevski admits: It was a Mistake to let Soros this much Control in Macedonia

In an extended interview with weekly Republika, VMRO-DPMNE President Nikola Gruevski speaks in detail about the comments he made about the George Soros funded Foundation Open Society Institute. Gruevski says that this wide-reaching group of alleged non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) will be allowed to continue working in Macedonia, but will no longer be allowed to monopolize the civil society network and abuse it for their political purposes. Gruevski spoke about a process of de-Sorosoization of the Macedonian civil society sector in the proclamation which VMRO-DPMNE issued shortly after the early general elections.

"This was a difficult year in which we faced a hard opponent. And here I don't mean the SDSM party. They were merely a smoke-screen, an instrument. It wouldn't have been this difficult if there weren't for the millions poured into Macedonia by George Soros, with his network of NGO groups, media, politicians who he funds both inside the country and outside of Macedonia. Just look at the electronic messages from Soros published on Wikileaks and it all becomes clearer. The man is giving clear instructions on what is to be done, and they are accepted without debate or checks and balances. The messages show that he can go visit top leading American officials whenever he wants to, arranges meetings day in day out and has significant influence. His foundation, judging by its fnancial and personal potential, is the strongest politically oriented foundation in the world. He has decided to use his wealth toward ideological goals - the creation of these so-called open societies, and for financial gain, where he speculates on pre-determined political outcomes in certain countries which brings him profits in the stock exchanges. This influence extends to entire institutions, ministries, Governments infected with his ideology and points of view. It makes no sense to even talk about SDSM or Zaev here, they are small fish in this story", Gruevski says in the interview published on Tuesday.

Asked about what wider interests could Soros have for his influence in Macedonia, Gruevski responds that it has been a permanent feature, since Macedonia became independent in 1991 and Soros had his first and only visit to the country, to maintain a line of financial support to left wing groups and the main left wing party - SDSM. "Whenever VMRO-DPMNE is in office, his institutions are very active against us. Whenever SDSM is in office, they are again active against us, even though we are in the opposition. VMRO-DPMNE has been the right of center, conservative for 25 years. In those years, not a single thing we've done was ever praised by a media outlet or a civic group funded by the Foundation Open Society. And, at the same time, they have never been critical of a single thing SDSM has done. A man who sat on the SDSM Central Committee headed the Foundation Open Society Institute in Macedonia for 5 years, and recently he placed one of his acolytes to officially run the Foundation, and to maintain the same political line", Gruevski said, speaking about long time Soros foundation head in Macedonia Vladimir Milcin, for whom he adds that he even attends SDSM rallies as a speaker, blurring any distinction between the NGO sector and the main social-democratic party.

Gruevski says that through funding, scholarships, research grants, book advances and other means, this organization controls a large number of journalists and media outlets in the country, professors and opinion makers, "professional protesters" such as those from the recent colored revolution, but also administrative officials in high places including judges, prosecutors, doctors, environmentalists. "Everywhere they believe they may have some interest, they have people, directing both money and indoctrination", Gruevski tells Republika, adding that 95 percent of the NGO or civil society sector in Macedonia is now managed through Soros or through Governments where the Soros group is influential.

Asked about his pledge to initiate a process of de-Sorosoization, Gruevski says that it was a mistake to allow things to go this far, and to give so much influence to an external player and to outside Governments. The process, according to Gruevski, would allow the Soros foundation to continue operating in Macedonia, but would no longer be the sole controller of the NGO sector.

"Every Government gives out a certain amount of money to support the civil sector and here we have failed. We must find the funds to support a truly independent civil society sector in Macedonia. We can't allow it to remain fully in the hands of George Soros or foreign Governments. Soros can stay and invest in Macedonia but there must be other, alternative sources of funding for quality projects, which will be evaluated by experts who are not politically dependent by the Government, or by foreign Governments and individuals", Gruevski adds.

The conservative party leader compares the network of NGOs ran by the Soros Foundation to an army that shapes and distorts the truth about the country. "If they want, they will turn you into a criminal, a traitor, an incompetent, a monster, they will come up with a myriad of alleged scandals to your name... Look what they did with the VMRO-DPMNE Proclamation from December 17th. We clearly stated that we continue our normal communication with Ambassadors, but the Soros owned media did not say that. They blamed us that we have declared war to the Ambassadors and have gone into self-isolation. We said that some Ambassadors have gone too far with their meddling in internal affairs, which must stop, and their media are saying that we are against the United States and the West, against NATO and the European Union, even though in the same Proclamation we say that we remain oriented toward the West, toward NATO and EU", Gruevski says, adding that there is a clear bias in the actions of this network against conservative Governments, not just in Macedonia, but in the Balkans, across Eastern Europe, and now, most recently, in the United States.

In another pointed answer in his interview, Gruevski says that he took a few days off to the Mavrovo ski resort, where he was also reading Donald Trump's book "Great Again: How to fix our crippled America". During the several days long protests in front of the State Electoral Commission, VMRO-DPMNE supporters were holding banners aimed against current US Ambassador Jess Baily, but also had banners praising Donald Trump.

Judging by the interview, Greuvski still hasn't learned a single lesson. Only expelling diplomats and "NGOs" who meddle in the country will bring some sort of trust in the Government.

VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski mega interview: Civil sector cannot stay Soros’ monopoly
UJP waited for change in US Administration to file Charges against "NGOs"

Today, the UJP announced it will file charges against numerous NGOs in Macedonia for money laundering and illegal political campaign donations that far exceeded what's allowed by Macedonian law.

Why today and not sooner? MINA finds the UJP was blackmailed by operatives at the US Embassy not to take actions against NGOs who openly financed protests against the Government, but also the activities of the opposition, not to mention the massive bribes during the elections.

However, with the changes in the US Administration, the expected change of US Embassy staff and the removal of Ambassador Baily, the UJP feels "safe" enough to proceed with their constitutional duty and investigate the millions of dollars that have entered Macedonia for political and destabilization purposes.

MINA has reported on numerous occasions...

Financial Police: NGO MOST has questionable Money wires from Lebanon, Albania, Kyrgistan, Jordan

Soros has dished out 5.3m Euros for Macedonia "colorful protests"

SCF: CIA and Soros NGO Finance SDSM and Destabilization of Macedonia

...of millions of dollars coming in Macedonia during specific events - prior to the terrorist attack in Kumanovo, prior to the elections, earlier there was a massive wire transfer just days before Zaev walked into the PM cabinet blackmailing Gruevski he was in possession of wiretapped tapes. This is on top of the money that USAid dishes out to SDSM and protesters via dubious NGOs.

The UJP is now investigating the money wires who came from places like Kuwait, Albania, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan, which as we reported earlier were delivered by CIA fronts acting as NGOs in those countries.At the time, per our report (,the Financial Police started investigating the source of the money for one of the "NGO" calling itself "Most", however abruptly stopped the investigation! We now know the pressure came from operatives at the US Embassy to drop the investigation. "Most" for their part refused to cooperate with the financial police knowing who their backers are.

Today, for a lack of a better word, the Financial Police now has the "freedom" to work on their case against local foreign funded NGOs - what did they do with the money, where the money came from, taxations etc.

Is this part of the battle the VMRO-DPMNE stated in their proclamation for De-Sorosization of Macedonia - an attempt to rid or at least control the foreign funded protests and destabilization attempts? This remains to be seen.

SDSM's spokesman Petre Shilegov at a press conference acted more as a spokesman for the NGOs by asking the Financial police to work "professionally" insisting there was no need to investigate the source of their funds!

Brief history on Soros NGO in Macedonia

- Entered Macedonia in 1992, setting up the Open Society Institute as a foreign office. It joined forces with the communists, renamed to the Social Democrats (SDSM). In 1999, Open Society was transformed from a foreign into a local office with SDSM in charge.

From the begining, numerous SDSM officials have been in charge of Open Society: Ratka Kuljan (1992-96), Emilija Simovska (2002-2005), Jane Miljovski, Gordana Siljanovska and their most prominent head Vlade Milchin.

In 1993, USAid and Open Society funded the creation of A1TV. Gordana Stoshik, an Open Society Director was put in charge of the TV station.

Open Society's annual budget is $5m which means the Soros backed organization has officially spent $115m over the past 24 years. What were the money spent on? That's job for the financial police.

Today, Open Society has around 1,500 'activists' on permanent payroll. It must be noted that in addition to the $5m annual budget, USAid donates additional $3-$5m per year to NGOs in Macedonia, however it choses to donate the money to Soros' Open Society which makes their true budget at roughly $8-$10m / year.

SDSM outraged: Financial Police is investigating 22 Soros funded NGOs

The dispute over the role of the civil society sector in Macedonia continued to expand on Thursday, as SDSM party spokesman Petre Shilegov said that 22 non-Governmental organizations are under investigation by the Financial Investigation Bureau. VMRO-DPMNE party responded that this press conference only serves as further proof that SDSM coordinates its activities with the by far largest umbrella organization of the civil society sector - the George Soros funded Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM).

"According to information we have, on the initiative of the current director of the Security and Counter-Intelligence Bureau Vladimir Atanasovski, who was the former head of the FInancial Investigation Bureau, the Anticorruption Commission initiated investigations of 22 NGO groups. Additionally, 42 individuals, open critics of Nikola Gruevski and supporters of the opposition, are under investigation. We say that the time of politicians like Gruevski is over and there will be institutions that operate solely in the interest of the citizens", Shilegov said.

VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski blamed the Soros funded network of monopolizing the work of the civil society sector and said that its activities have been completely politicized in favor of SDSM. Darko Kostovski from VMRO-DPMNE responded to Shilegov's press conference to say that it is only further proof of the coordination that exists between SDSM and FOSIM.

"Petre Shilegov today promoted himself as spokesman for the NGO groups controlled by George Soros. He proved that their past vandalism, their attacks on the police and the destruction of national monuments was part of a joint plan between SDSM and Soros. SDSM and Soros were defeated at the elections. The majority gave a red card to the pardoned criminal Zoran Zaev and his NGO minions, who kept Macedonia in an artificial crisis for two years, inflicting enormous financial harm to the country in the process", said Kostovski.

The FOSIM coordinated NGO groups took part in what they called a colored revolution in 2015 and 2016, during which they would throw paint at landmarks and official buildings in the capital Skopje and across Macedonia, but would also clash with the police and destroyed an office of the President.
sToRmR1dR said:
SDSM outraged: Financial Police is investigating 22 Soros funded NGOs

The dispute over the role of the civil society sector in Macedonia continued to expand on Thursday, as SDSM party spokesman Petre Shilegov said that 22 non-Governmental organizations are under investigation by the Financial Investigation Bureau. VMRO-DPMNE party responded that this press conference only serves as further proof that SDSM coordinates its activities with the by far largest umbrella organization of the civil society sector - the George Soros funded Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM).

"According to information we have, on the initiative of the current director of the Security and Counter-Intelligence Bureau Vladimir Atanasovski, who was the former head of the FInancial Investigation Bureau, the Anticorruption Commission initiated investigations of 22 NGO groups. Additionally, 42 individuals, open critics of Nikola Gruevski and supporters of the opposition, are under investigation. We say that the time of politicians like Gruevski is over and there will be institutions that operate solely in the interest of the citizens", Shilegov said.

Macedonia needs to "Ban" and kick out all Soro's Organizations - just like Putin and Hungary is in the process of doing! Then sue him for damages!

Hungary Announces Plans To Ban ALL George Soros Organizations
Viktor Orban pledge to rid country of Billionaires influence

10th January 2017 - Hungary has announced it will "crack down" on non-governmental organizations that are linked to billionaire globalist George Soros following Donald Trump's victory according to the deputy head of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s party.

Bloomberg reports: The European Union member will use “all the tools at its disposal” to “sweep out” NGOs funded by the Hungarian-born financier, which “serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments,”
Szilard Nemeth, a vice president of the ruling Fidesz party, told reporters on Tuesday. No one answered the phone at the Open Society Institute in Budapest when Bloomberg News called outside business hours.

“I feel that there is an opportunity for this, internationally,” because of Trump’s election, state news service MTI reported Nemeth as saying. Lawmakers will start debating a bill to let authorities audit NGO executives, according to parliament’s legislative agenda.

Orban, the first European leader to publicly back Trump’s campaign, has ignored criticism from the European Commission and U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration for building a self-described “illiberal state” modeled on authoritarian regimes including Russia, China and Turkey. In 2014, Orban personally ordered the state audit agency to probe foundations financed by Norway and said that civil society groups financed from abroad were covers for “paid political activists.”

Orban and his administration have frequently singled out NGOs supported by Soros, a U.S. Democratic Party supporter with a wide network of organizations that promote democracy in formerly communist eastern Europe.

‘Power Structure’

Trump also accused the 86-year-old billionaire of being part of “a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.”

In a pre-election commercial, he showed images of Soros along with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, all of whom are Jewish. The Anti-Defamation League criticized the ad for touching on “subjects that anti-Semites have used for ages.”
Soros also funds John McCain who has been creating problems in Ukraine. This is a (02/12/2008) article but also shows John Kerry's wife involved with Soros and McCain.

John McCain funded by Soros since 2001

As Sen. John McCain assumes the GOP front-runner mantle, his long-standing, but little-noticed association with donors such as George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry is receiving new attention among his Republican critics.

In 2001, McCain founded the Alexandria, Va.-based Reform Institute as a vehicle to receive funding from George Soros’ Open Society Institute and Teresa Heinz Kerry’s Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations.

McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections.

In 2006, the Arizona senator was forced to sever his formal ties with the Reform Institute after a controversial $200,000 contribution from Cablevision came to light. McCain solicited the donation for the Reform Institute using his membership on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, he supported Cablevision’s push to introduce the more profitable al la carte pricing, rather than packages of TV programming.

Yet, the Reform Institute still employs the McCain campaign’s Hispanic outreach director, Juan Hernandez, as a senior fellow of its Comprehensive Immigration Reform Initiative.

As WND reported, Hernandez serves as a non-paid volunteer for the McCain campaign. A dual Mexican-U.S. citizen, he was a member of former President Vicente Fox’s cabinet, representing an estimate 24 million Mexicans living abroad. Hernandez, with a “Mexico first” message, has argued aggressively against building a fence on the Mexican border, insisting the frontier needed to remain wide open so illegal immigrants could easily enter the U.S.

The July 6, 2001, homepage of the Reform Institute archived on the Internet lists founder McCain as chairman of the group’s advisory committee.

Prominent senior officials on the McCain 2008 presidential campaign staff found generously paid positions at the Reform Institute following the senator’s unsuccessful run for the White House in 2000.

Rick Davis, McCain’s current campaign manager, was paid $110,000 a year by the Reform Institute for a consulting position, according to the group’s 2003 Form 990 filing with the IRS.

In 2004, Davis advanced to the position of Reform Institute president, with an annual salary of $120,000, according to the group’s 2004 Form 990.

In 2005, Davis remained president, but his salary dropped back to $45,000 a year, with a time commitment of five hours per week, according the 2005 Form 990.

Carla Eudy, a senior advisor on McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign who until recently headed fundraising, was paid $177,885 in 2005 to serve as the Reform Institute’s secretary-treasurer.

Other McCain presidential campaign staffers who have found employment at the Reform Institute include Trevor Potter, McCain’s 2000 legal counsel, and Crystal Benton, the senator’s former press secretary, who served as institute’s communications director in 2005 for an annual salary of $52,083.

The Reform Institute regularly has supported McCain in various legislative efforts, including on campaign finance reform, global warming and “comprehensive immigration reform,” all efforts widely opposed by many in the party’s conservative base.

Arianna Huffington, syndicated columnist and creator of the, has served on the Reform Institute’s advisory committee since the group’s inception.

According to FrontPage Magazine, Teresa Heinz Kerry has provided more than $4 million to the Tides Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by anti-war activist Drummond Pike in 1976 with a history of funding causes such as abortion, homosexual-rights activism and open borders.

Financial contributors while McCain was chairman of the Reform Institute also have included the Educational Foundation of America, a group that supports abortion and opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve.

The Soros-Kerry funding connection with McCain was first exposed by Ed Morrissey at the Captains Quarters blog in 2005.

Subsequently, David Horowitz’s website and Michelle Malkin’s blog gave renewed attention to the Reform Institute’s funding ties.
Snap: SPO dismisses Coup charges against Zaev and Verushevski

The US/EU created Special Public Prosecution (SPO) announced on Wednesday that it dismissed the indictment for the 'Coup’ case which opened the wiretapping affair in early 2015. In the case, charges were filed against former top intelligence officer Zoran Verushevski and against Zoran Zaev, leader of the social-democratic SDSM party, for running a rogue wiretapping ring and of using the materials to blackmail a place for SDSM in the Government.

SPO said that the situation presented in the indictment, which it took over from the Public Prosecutor's Office (OJO) is contrary to the evidence which the SPO has gathered and the findings in its own investigation. The SPO was formed to investigate the origin of the wiretaps, and their content. Early in their work the SPO refused to ask for extension of Verushevski's detention, setting him free, which prompted allegations from the conservative VMRO-DPMNE party that the SPO is trying to cover the whole case up.

Today's decision comes as no surprise, because a few months ago, ahead of the early elections on December 11th, the SPO held a press conference to announce its own work on the 'Coup' case, but held it under different names - ‘Target’ and ‘Fortress’ - and announced that it is focusing more on VMRO-DPMNE affiliated intelligence officials then on Verushevski. During the day, SPO will submit a motion to the Basic Court Skopje 1 to announce that they are withdrawing the charges against Zaev and Verushevski.

Also charged were two other intelligence officers, an associate of Zaev's and Verushevski's wife. One of the intelligence officers, who actually worked on the surveillance systems of the UBK service, acknowledged that he was recruited by Verushevski to abuse the position, and is already sentenced following a plea agreement with the OJO prosecutor's office.

"Our decision aims at gathering additional evidence that would fully clear up the facts and enable making a correct and lawful prosecution decision. In regard to our professional work, we cannot advocate indictment that is contrary to the evidence that we have and investigations launched by us. At the same time we underline that by dismissal of the indictment in ‘Coup’ case we do not prejudge whether someone is innocent or guilty, but we believe that additional evidence are necessary aimed at fully clearing up the facts which cannot be gathered during the phase of major hearing, reads SPO press release", SPO said in its press release published on Wednesday.
‘Stop Operation Soros’ movement begins in Macedonia


A new initiative, Stop Operation Soros (SOS), dedicated to countering the influence of American billionaire activist George Soros, has been launched in Macedonia.
In a press conference on Tuesday, the founders of the group called on all “free-minded citizens,” regardless of ethnicity or religion, to join them in the “fight against one-mindedness in the civil sector, which is devised and led by George Soros,” the Vecer newspaper reported. The movement says it will first focus on uncovering ‘subversive’ activities by Soros-funded NGOs......
Konstantin said:
‘Stop Operation Soros’ movement begins in Macedonia


A new initiative, Stop Operation Soros (SOS), dedicated to countering the influence of American billionaire activist George Soros, has been launched in Macedonia.
In a press conference on Tuesday, the founders of the group called on all “free-minded citizens,” regardless of ethnicity or religion, to join them in the “fight against one-mindedness in the civil sector, which is devised and led by George Soros,” the Vecer newspaper reported. The movement says it will first focus on uncovering ‘subversive’ activities by Soros-funded NGOs......


‘Stop Operation Soros’ (Десоросоизација) is a historic task

Konstantin said:
‘Stop Operation Soros’ movement begins in Macedonia

:clap: ‘Stop Operation Soros’ :perfect:

Very glad to see this development by Macedonia! Next step will be getting rid of NATO and US influence.

RadioFreeEurope, heavily funded by the CIA, just published an article defending Soros. No surprise there.

Macedonia has to do what Russia did - kick out all Soros NGO organizations and ban Soros from stepping on Macedonia's soil.

Macedonian Witch Hunt Targets George Soros

A new citizens' alliance, Stop Operation Soros, was announced in the Macedonian capital, Skopje, on January 17. One its founders, Nikola Srbov, explained its purpose in a press conference.

"The Foundation Open Society, operating under the Soros umbrella, used its funding and personnel to support violent processes in Macedonia," he said. "It has monopolized the civil society sector, pushing out any organization which disagrees with the Soros ideology."

Another activist of Stop Operation Soros said that the main goal of the initiative will be the "de-Sorosization" of Macedonia.
"Stop Soros" Movement in Macedonia wants Audit of USAid Activities in Macedonia

The Stop Operation Soros movement will demand the State Department, the Congress and the US Senate to carry out an audit for the activities of USAID in Macedonia in the past 4 years, because, according to them, there has been serious abuse of the financial aid US provides for the Republic of Macedonia through USAID.

According to Stop Operation Soros, since February 2012 USAID began working with the Open Society foundation, financed by Soros and signed a contract for a project for civil society development in Macedonia, of which the main and sole executor was the Open Society Foundation.

"The crisis with blocking the Parliament started in December 2012 in Macedonia, which was initiated by SDSM at the period when the Macedonian Budget was about to be decided upon, which was followed by SDSM attacking the Parliament. This cooperation between USAID and SOROS ended August 31, 2016, in the period when the Colorful Revolution protests also ended. The question is, was the cooperation between SOROS and USAID abused in order to create a deep political and security crisis in Macedonia?," said Nikola Srbov of the Stop Operation Soros movement.

He pointed out that a new USAID project has been announced through the East-West Management, which once again collaborates solely with Open Society Foundation.

"The project will be realized together with Foundation Open Society Macedonia, and Metamorphosis organization, which was founded as part of the Soros network in Macedonia, and conducts a significant number of his media projects. USAID Macedonia decided to approve a multimillion project with the Soros foundation during the US election period, days before the new administration was sworn in. Millions were approved for future campaigns of Soros in Macedonia, for future politicization of the NGO sector, for future violent protests; all that before Donald Trump takes over the US presidential position. 'Forum' organization is also engaged in the same project, an organization of people like Saso Ordanoski, Ljubomir Frckoski, and Guner Ismail," underlined Srbov.

He added that the new administration, and the taxpayers in the USA, should know that in the past period SDSM has been funded and supported through USAID, by which there has been a direct political influence, and sides have been taken in the political life in the country.

Soros Foundation in Macedonia accused of helping fund illegal wiretapping

The Stop Operation Soros initiative, which was formed this week to comb through what they say are politically charged projects and activities by the civil society sector, held a press conference on Friday in which they said there is strong suspicion Soros funds were used for espionage.

Journalist Cvetin Chilimanov called on media reports that Spomenka Lazarevska, who works on education programs in the Macedonian branch of the George Soros funded Open Society Institute (FOOM), was receiving an outsized salary for a local staff employee. Chilimanov asked the FOOM to explan whether these funds were used to pay off her husband, former espionage officer Gjorgji Lazarevski, who was one of the key figures in the 2015 wiretapping affair.

“Lazarevski is a former officer in the UBK secre service, and was one of the key suspects in the Coup case, as a close associate of former UBK director Zoran Verushevski. They were suspected of recruiting active service UBK officers who abused the surveillance systems, unlawfully recorded phone conversations and later handed them to the leader of the opposition SDSM party Zoran Zaev, so he can use them for political blackmail”, Chilimanov said at the press conference.

Media reported that Spomenka Lazarevska was being paid a salary ten times higher than the average salary in Macedonia, and more than twice higher than the salaries received by the President or the Prime Minister. Lazarevski was accused alongside Verushevski and Zaev, for abusing the surveillance systems, but this same week the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) decided to drop the case against all of them. The SPO was formed to take the case over from the regular Public Prosecutor’s Office, but ever since it was formed, it was followed by allegations that its prosecutors are biased toward helping SDSM in the political fight against the conservative VMRO-DPMNE party. VMRO-DPMNE has accused the sprawling Open Society Foundation in Macedonia of coordinating its media and civil society activities with the SDSM party, to fit the needs of its political and media campaigns.

SDSM is believed to have strong influence over the intelligence services, which remained largely unreformed from the Yugoslav era when the Communist Party, which later rebranded as SDSM, held absolute control over the entire society. A number of former Interior Ministry or secret service officials and their informants, remain in key positions in SDSM. Meanwhile, the FOOM institute in Macedonia was managed for more than 20 years, until 2015, by Vladimir Milcin, who, the opening of secret police files showed, was an informant and police collaborator in one of the most tragic cases of silencing a dissident, when actor Risto Siskov was put in prison for talking publicly against Yugoslav Marshal Tito. Conservatives have accused FOOM and SDSM of keeping this network of police officials and informants alive and active, including with the help of funds they receive through the Soros foundation.
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