
angelburst29 said:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia has expressed its outrage to the US State Department after Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher suggested it was not a country, and should be partitioned by neighbors such as Kosovo and Bulgaria.

‘Macedonia not a country – sorry’: Skopje furious after US Congressman suggests partitioning

US Congressman Rohrabacher Offers Apology for His Remarks on Macedonia

The US Congressman and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats, Dana Rohrabacher, offered an apology for his recent controversial remarks about Macedonia.

He released Friday the following statement concerning widely quoted comments made recently about Macedonia:

'At the end of a recent interview, I made a number of informal statements regarding the Republic of Macedonia. Upon reflection, I see that some of those statements did not accurately convey my intent. This release clarifies my position. Macedonia is a legitimate country with the right of self-determination and sanctity of borders. My comment alluded, perhaps inartfully, to my concern with internal governing challenges that Macedonia faces concerning ethnic minorities. I am in no way suggesting that anyone except Macedonians determine the sovereign status or borders of their country. If my words were taken to mean anything else, I apologize. I want to recognize and applaud the positive relationship we have had with Macedonia. They are indeed a friend. This is especially evident in the meaningful support that the Macedonian military has provided over the past 20 years to the United States, to NATO, and to associated multilateral defense organizations, in peacekeeping and related refugee operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, and Kosovo. I have had the opportunity to meet many Americans and Macedonians who have provided me with very useful input on the region’s history and current dynamics. I look forward to working together with them in the future and, most importantly, to continuing to do my part to help shape U.S. foreign policy so that it encourages a peaceful, prosperous and free Balkans,' Rohrabacher says.

On 7 February 2017, in an interview with the Albanian press, Rohrabacher (Republican-California), stated: 'Macedonia is not a country. I’m sorry, it’s not a country. Kosovars and Albanians in Macedonia should become part of Kosovo. The other part of Macedonia should become part of Bulgaria, or whatever country they allege to belong. The idea that we should keep Macedonia alive because someone 30 years ago decided this was the best reconfiguration that should come out of Yugoslavia’s disintegration, does not lead to a reasonable justification that this idea has to persist.'

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) immediately issued a statement condemning the Congressman and called for his resignation from the Europe Subcommittee.

On Thursday (February 16), the UMD President and Advisory Council member, Metodija A. Koloski and Chris Antoniou respectively, met with Congressman Rohrabacher for close to an hour regarding the matter and reiterated UMD's position of no change of borders to Macedonia.

UMD provided the Congressman with copies of several books and an educational packet of information of the human rights of the Macedonian minority in Greece.

During the meeting, the Congressman apologized for his insensitive comments.

"UMD appreciates the time Congressman Rohrabacher took to meet with UMD leadership and for correcting his statement to support Macedonia’s legitimate rights, and we hope he will remain committed to a stable unitary Macedonia' UMD's press release reads.

sToRmR1dR said:
Senator Lee calls out Ambassador Baily to explain his support for Soros activities in Macedonia

Month goes by, Ambassador Baily Still Hasn't Responded Why USAid funds the Left, Soros, Protests..


Exclusive interview with US Ambassador Jess Baily

DUI, Alliance for Albanians and Besa to Form Body for Law on Albanian Language

The meeting between DUI and the Alliance for Albanians has resulted in an agreement to form a body which is to draft a law on the use of the Albanian language, Zijadin Sela informed. According to him, this body is to function within the Parliament and they will support every proposal that they receive.

“We discussed the declaration of the Albanian parties. Two conclusions have been reached. Firstly, the Albanian parties will propose representatives within three days so as to write a rulebook for the functioning of the Albanian parties. These meetings should be held at the Parliament. We discussed the draft version of the law on the Albanian language. The law on languages is to be proposed by this body, and we will work on a law that will satisfy the needs of the Albanian people,” Sela added.

Furthermore, Sela said that he will give the signatures to Zaev required for the granting of the mandate.

Sela is convinced that the Macedonian parties hold the country hostage. He said that the Constitution needs to be discussed, not only in terms of the languages issue, but also regarding other issues. The language issue needs to be resolved constitutionally. Unfortunately, at the moment, this is unacceptable for the Macedonian parties.

Stop Soros Founder interviews with US based BreitBart

Macedonia has been making the rounds in US Media. From the NYTimes, to FoxNews to the Daily Caller and a dozen other media outlets. All have the same talking points: the sheer shock that the Obama Administration through the US Embassy and USAid in Macedonia used taxpayers money to fund protests, dozens of Soros NGOs, the far left Macedonian Communist party, rebranded into the Social Democrats, SNL-style TV show glorifying the Left and attacking the Conservative Govt. US Taxpayers even funded the attorney fees for illegal migrants attempting to cross through Macedonia on their way to Germany.

Today the StopSoros founder Cvetan Chilimanov was interviewed by another conservative online publisher whose daily readership reaches tens of millions of Americans. It's

Here is the interview transcript:

Cvetin Chilimanov, vice president of Stop Operation Soros, called into Friday’s Breitbart News Daily from Macedonia to discuss billionaire George Soros’ efforts to influence Macedonian politics.

Chilimanov noted that Macedonia gained its independence from the defunct Yugoslavia in 1991, making it relatively young as a free nation despite its ancient culture.

“Unfortunately, what was waiting for us as soon as we got out of Yugoslavia was that the Left regrouped” with the help of Soros, who is “funding all sorts of outfits throughout Eastern Europe,” according to Chilimanov.

“His main base is in Hungary. He’s active in the Ukraine now, in Poland. He’s organizing protests all throughout the Balkans, from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia. He has one of the highest per-capita expenditures in Macedonia,” Chilimanov said.

SiriusXM host Lee Stranahan assured his guest that Soros is well-known to conservatives in the United States as “one of the big funders of the institutional Left,” including unions, think tanks, and media organizations.

Chilimanov described Macedonia as a “country which re-asserted its independence after being partitioned by neighboring countries, with the usual Balkan arguments over identity, over religion with everybody around, but we were at least hoping we were putting socialism to bed after we split from Yugoslavia and tried to rejoin the Western world.”

Stranahan clarified for the U.S. audience that Macedonia is also “a very conservative country in the American political sense of the word, in a lot of ways.” He offered the strong pro-life movement in Macedonia as an example.

“That’s correct,” said Chilimanov. “We are conservative in social outlook. We have adopted some American-style conservative policies in economic outlook,” such as “a low flat tax rate of ten percent, tax-free zones to spur up manufacturing, easing of the labor laws to make it easier to hire and fire people, and cutting regulatory burdens.”

He was proud to report that “just a few days ago,” the Heritage Foundation “declared us number thirty-first in the world in economic freedom.” (The United States is ranked Number 17 on that list, putting it in the “mostly free” category along with Macedonia. The only five “free” nations in the world are Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Australia.)

“Not only in social outlook, but also in economic outlook, we have tried to – whenever conservatism was given a chance to run the country, we have tried to follow the U.S. example, the U.S. conservative example, and it just worked well,” Chilimanov said. “We have slashed unemployment, we have doubled the economy over ten years, just by introducing free market reforms. In many ways, we have been inspired by the U.S.”

“The voters generally vote for the conservative party and give it wide mandate to rule the country, but this is where Soros comes with his attempts to help the former Communist Party, now the Social Democratic Party, take over power. And now, they do this pretty regularly,” he said.

Stranahan pointed out there is even a street in Macedonia named after Ronald Reagan, wryly noting “they wouldn’t allow that in many American cities at this point.”

Chilimanov confirmed Stranahan’s report of seeing activists in the streets of Macedonia wearing “Soros Army” T-shirts:


“These are the activists from this former Communist party, which has essentially merged with the sprawling Soros Foundation here,” Chilimanov said. “There is the old Communist party, and there are dozens and dozens of what they call ‘non-governmental organizations,’ NGOs, which are funded by Soros to the tune of about $5 million a year. This is supplemented by several million, up to $5 million a year additionally, coming from the coffers of the United States, usually through USAID.”

He added that several other countries help to finance these left-wing activists, who “like to organize protests which would be not out of place to an American who has seen the Black Lives Matter protests.” These protests have targeted the office of the president, the Justice Ministry, the Parliament building, and other government offices, often with enough violence to injure police officers.

“They were receiving implicit support from the U.S. Embassy here, considering how the State Department was politicized and controlled,” he complained. “This is the most important thing here. The listeners obviously realize how IRS or the EPA were politicized under Obama, but I don’t think a good grasp of the extent to which the State Department was politicized, and USAID, which is the international development agency.”

“USAID, the U.S. development agency, and the U.S. Embassy here have given tens of millions of dollars over the past several years to George Soros-led groups in Macedonia,” he elaborated. “They don’t give anything remotely similar to conservative groups. They’re essentially supporting only one side of the ideological divide in Macedonia. And they were doing this at a time when these groups were organizing violent protests, attacking the police, doing all they can to bring down the conservative government in this country.”

“They keep the money for all sorts of activities. That includes media development, so the U.S. is paying for a long list of far-Left TV programs and news sites in Macedonia. They even pay for, several hundred thousand dollars have gone to essentially a copy of Saturday Night Live going on Macedonian television with similar talking points and similar jokes against conservatives and lionizing the Left,” he said.

“I want to make sure people get this,” Stranahan interjected. “Tens of millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer money, correct? You’re saying that money has gone to George Soros to promote a culture of leftism, leftist groups in the country of Macedonia. Is that correct?”

“Exactly,” Chilimanov agreed. “One of the Soros groups receiving U.S. funding is fighting to make abortion more easily accessible in the country. Other groups are promoting progressive economic policies, discussing inequality, or asking us to make our labor laws more strict or reintroduce progressive taxation. Another group is working on a media forum which is very anti-First Amendment. They’re promoting media regulation which will lead to setting up a committee which is going to evaluate whether you are spreading ‘fake news’ and essentially close down your media outlet if they decide you are.”

“Maybe one of the worst organizations they’re funding, which is receiving U.S. funding and is set up by George Soros here, it’s a group of young lawyers who are very active in the migrant crisis, which Europe experienced in 2015 and 2016, during which Macedonia became essentially the external border of Europe. So the U.S. government was paying a group of lawyers to go to the border every day and to help people from Pakistan, Afghanistan, all over the world cross the border more easily, and apply for documents which will allow them to continue traveling through Macedonia toward Germany,” he said.

- Со оваа реченица Александар Македонски го запраша обвинетиот Филотас...Извадок од книга за Александар од Квинтус Руф (Quintus Curtius Rufus)

Zaev arrives in Mala Rechica to kiss Ahmeti's hand

According to TV21, DUI's leader called in Zaev this evening to attempt to wrap up what can be described as a very short lived Government.

According to TV21, Zaev is essentially begging Ahmeti to give him the signatures to form a Government. In return, DUI will get the albanian language to become an official language, free the terrorists from Kumanovo and Brodec, new flag, new anthem, albanian language on Macedonian currencies etc.

MINA has discussedd the latest events with citizens and groups around Skopje and Bitola, and from what we have gathered, Macedonians would not allow DUI and SDSM to rule the country, vow to storm every Government building, including the Parliament.

Zaev is in desperate situation to form a Government as last night numerous police chiefs hired by Spasovski were arrested for electoral fraud, bribery and formations of criminal groups. The Public Prosecution Office has opened a probe against Zaev, his brother Vice and Oliver Spasovski as well. These people are clearly heading to jail, considering Zaev's assistants themselves took selfies and boasted on social media with bribing people with hundreds of thousands of euros in cash. Should Zaev form a Government he has vowed to replace every single judge even though that would be unconstitutional. By forming a Government he is convinced he can avoid jail. DUI knows this, so they are able to use it as a leverage to extract quite a bit of demands during their 'negotiations'.

Dnevnik: Platform is meant to save Albanians from Census

If the platform of the Albanian parties and the conditions set out therein are accepted by the SDSM, then even if a census is conducted which shows the Albanians to be well below the 20%, it wouldn't matter, because they've already achieved their goal, making the language official even if they are 1% of the population, reports Dnevnik.(

This in effect means that the Albanian platform is a kind of prevention because if the census showed their true numbers in Macedonia hover around 16 percent, thus defacto means that the Ohrid Framework Agreement is no longer valid. In such a case, the Albanian political party will be in a defensive mode and will seek guarantees from the Macedonians that they would not lose the rights they gained under the Ohrid Framework Agreement. They would also lose the leverage to blackmail the Macedonia, something they currently have.

"The Census and the language issue are the sole and only reasons why the negotiations between VMRO-DPMNE and DUI fell apart" reports Dnevnik. DUI strongly disagrees with conducting census because they know they are not nowhere near the fabricated 25%, of the population. Therefore, for the Albanian political bloc, it's now or never, and the only thing they can get something going where the census would be rendered meaningless is with Zoran Zaev and the SDSM - reports Dnevnik.
An interesting tv show on one of the Macedonian National TV station. Two top journalists in Macedonia are analyzing the current situations in Macedonia.
They are mentioning names and positions of the individuals in foreign embassies and organizations in Macedonia that are part of the Soros, Democrat-Liberals that are actually agents of some foreign intelligence agencies like MI6, CIA and some other. In other words they are explaining the web that they have created and how they operate. THey are explaining the "swamp" , or just a small part of that " swamp" that has to be drained.
It all have a perfect sense and can explain what is currently going on In Macedonia and the Balkan.
It also reveals the man behind the curtain and how complicated and hard is for Donald Trump to drain that swamp.

Its only on Macedonian, without any subtitles.
Its worth watching.

sToRmR1dR said:

- Со оваа реченица Александар Македонски го запраша обвинетиот Филота...Извадок од книга за Александар од Квинт Руф (Quintus Curtius Rufus)

Zaev arrives in Mala Rechica to kiss Ahmeti's hand

Zaev: Signatures for government mandate secured, new government in March

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said Thursday the signatures from a majority of MPs for the government mandate have been secured.

Zaev said only a few minor issues remain in the talks with DUI over the government formation, adding his belief that Macedonia would have a new SDSM-led government in 10-15 days.

“The signatures for the government mandate have been secured. I believe only a few minor aspects of the talks remain to be closed, since the most significant issues such as the future government programme, the platform of the social-democrats, the platform of the Albanian political parties, the law on use of languages have been harmonized”, said Zaev at an event in Sarajevo, where he is receiving an award for his achievements as mayor of Strumica.

According to him, party leaders would meet on division of the government departments and cabinet ministers.

“I believe Macedonia will have a new SDSM-led government in 10-15 days”, stressed Zaev.

He added that the DUI leadership decided late Wednesday on providing the signatures that are required for the government mandate.

What SDSM will give DUI just to form a Government

Albanian news portal Zhurnal, citing sources within the DUI issued a list of positions the SDSM will give up to DUI in order to form a Government.

President of Parliament

Deputy Prime Minister for implementing Ohrid Framework Agreement

Deputy Prime Minister for Eurointegrations

Minister for Justice

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister for Health

Minister of Education

Minister for Social Justice

Minister for Economy

Head of UBK

Head of Customs and Border Patrol

Gruevski: SDSM and DUI working on Erasing Macedonians, but won't happen

SDSM and DUI are trying to belittle Macedonian people. Judging from what is happening now, SDSM is strongly committed to re-defining Macedonia. But I must stress that VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition "For Better Macedonia" in any possible scenario is relentlessly determined to defend the country and its national interests, Nikola Gruevski said Wednesday commenting on the ongoing negotiations between the two parties to form a new government in Macedonia.

Warning all those who are willing to gamble state and national interests away, the VMRO-DPMNE leader said there are people in Macedonia who are prepared to fight for these interests.

This is an attempt by SDSM and DUI, he stated, to 'de-factorize' Macedonians, the Macedonian people, and all other ethnic communities in the country, including Turks, Serbs, Vlachs, Romas, etc.

"We won't allow this to happen. One must wonder what it takes for SDSM to stop giving in to every demand of the Albanian parties. Will the party ever stop from giving everything away until there is nothing more to give in the country and until everything gained through hard work is lost," Gruevski told reporters after a presentation of the report on Macedonia's progress registered in the Heritage 2017 Index of Economic Freedom.

Gruevski said his party has already predicted everything that is happening now. "We have already warned that SDSM is prepared to re-define the country, that the party is ready to do something the Macedonian people, and all other ethnic communities, won't like."

Now, SDSM is claiming the party will not change the Constitution, he added. "They are saying this because they know the Constitution cannot be amended without VMRO-DPMNE," Gruevski noted.

"They would have already changed the Constitution by now. They (SDSM) plan on breaching the Constitution despite asserting they will act in line with it. As regards (the Constitution), we will keep on defending state and national interests in any form, in any given situation," said the VMRO-DPMNE president.

He stated that VMRO-DPMNE is closely following the situation all the while being in contact with everyone deemed necessary.

VMRO is mobilizing all citizens to defend their country

VMRO-DPMNE is starting an offensive and is mobilizing its members. However, no offensive would work if you don't jail the local coup plotters. It's understood that Baily and Garrett cannot be jailed, but the proxies they hired can be jailed (Zaev, Verushevski, Janeva, Geroski, Shekerinska...). Only a mini Erdogan-like purge can result in a success. Anything else will only prolong the crisis.

The Unyielding Association Asks Parties not to Fall Victims to Blackmail on Government Forming

Around 1,000 people have joined a peaceful gathering “The March for Macedonia” on Friday. The march was organized by the newly formed association “The Unyielding”, which is a society of honest patriots willing to serve Macedonia - the only party in which they belong, according to the members of the association. Each and every participant insisted that they do not want to be politically labeled, and added that they were not forced to come to this gathering in any way.

The gathering place was the Church of Saint Clement, where the participants lit candles for good luck and read the prayer of “The Unyielding” which calls for God to save Macedonia, as well as for the commencement of the returning of the country to the Macedonian people.

The greatest number of people were from the younger generations, arriving at the march without any party emblems. They only carried Macedonian flags and the symbol of the association – a black flag with a lion.

The actor Vlado Jovanovski was among the people present at the march, recently known in the public for his social media activity where he warned for the danger of a war in Macedonia.

Some of the people wore black jackets and t-shirts, in accordance with the appeal of the association. Having sung several Macedonian patriotic songs in front of the church, the crowd then headed to the Assembly and the Monument of the People Killed in the 2001 war conflict in Macedonia.

The spokesperson of the association, Dragan Ugrinovski, read the requests of the society which are aimed at the platform of the Albanian parties and the negotiations on the forming of a new government.

“We are here as a result of the silence. The silence which followed the open aggression written and created in Tirana and Pristina. Aggression which resulted in silence regarding the platform from our two parties, whereby they sat on the negotiations table with this illegal and invalid document so as to form a new government. We do not care who will form the government. What we care about and what we need to know is why the politicians have kept silent after the platform was published. We demand an answer- what was agreed on in Mala Recica and why weren’t you brave enough to publicly denounce that piece of paper priot to going to Mala Recica and taking a bow to the blackmailers,” Ugrinovski said.
One Text is all it took: Thousands of Macedonians respond to VMRO's call

After VMRO's call to its members and patriots everywhere to rise up, virtually in every Macedonian city thousands of Macedonians have gathered within minutes. Should be noted that not all of the gathered citizens are member of the VMRO-DPMNE.At least according to Pero Stamatovski who is in Skopje and present at one of the gathering "I see Turks, ironically I even see Albanians who have gathered in support of the Government.

They say the platform is foreign, and is clearly aimed against Macedonia as a country, the Albanian political parties including the SDS are once again used as a proxy to destabilize the country from the inside, but we won't let them this time" says one of the patriots who added his father who recently underwent surgery is also present, despite doctors' recommendations to stay indoors.

Other patriots wants to see the death penalty reintroduced in Macedonia. On the question who should be prosecuted the response is pretty quick without mentioning names: "Everyone knows who they are, everyone knows!".

To say the Macedonians are pretty fed up, sick and tired of the foreign meddling and the quislings at home would be an understatement of the century.

At the moment, every single office of the VMRO-DPMNE in the country is packed by people, most of whom have started to gather in town squares. In Skopje, there are at least 30,000 and this was at 7pm, at the start of the gathering, now that number is easily over 50,000.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Bosniaks in Macedonia, is openly against the albanian platform "Macedonia is not for sale"...

Brexit MI6 Diplomats meet with VMRO-DPMNE

British Ambassador to Macedonia Charles Garrett and UK's Minister for EU Alan Duncan met with Nikola Gruevski and the VMRO-DPMNE leadership this evening.

The country that split from the EU, sent their representatives to convince the VMRO-DPMNE leadership that EU is really their only choice. Both Garrett and Duncan stayed at VMRO-DPMNE's headquarters for one hour, refused to give out statements on their way out. Surely, the discussions revolved around the forming of the new Government.

Normally, exerting pressure on the VMRO-DPMNE was Jess Baily's job, however now that he is confined to the US Embassy due to increasing number of investigations that will effectively end the career of the American diplomat, that task now has been taken over by Charles Garrett. Alan Duncan was meant to assist the British Ambassador who cetainly does not have the same effect as Baily had.

The Macedonian Government did issue their decree that they won't allow more meddling by international factors (US, UK in mind), the meddling as we can see continues.

Both Baily and Garrett were noted as the main 'field operatives' in Macedonia's coup.

Update: MINA finds the Brits were probing the VMRO leadership "what they plan on doing" if DUI and SDSM form a Government. That was their primary goal, to obtain that answer, perhaps so they can plan and prepare their next steps accordingly?

However, the VMRO leadership did not provide an answer, telling them the public will be informed of next steps in time. Needless to say, the VMRO-DPMNE leadership failed yet again in dealing with the "foreign factor". Why admit the British diplomats at all? EU's Mogherini, hand picked by Soros in her role as EU's foreign chief will visit Macedonia next, to dish out lessons who and how the Government should be formed, while the EU passed resolutions calling the Macedonians in Albania "Bulgarians". Welcome to the world of inaction and weakness.

"Non-Meddling" Brits visit DUI who immediately give signatures to SDS

The self appointed "Non Meddling" British duo of Alan Duncan and Ambassador Charles Garrett held talks with DUI's leader Ali Ahmeti this evening after having met with VMRO-DPMNE, SDS and the president earlier in the day.

As they both stated, their mission here is not to meddle, of course, but UK sent its top European diplomat to just have a friendly chat as the deadline for forming a Government nears.

Right after Duncan and Garrett left DUI's office, Ahmeti didn't waste a minute and gave DUI's signatures to the SDS to form a Government - MINA finds. No meddling there!

After the signatures were given, DUI's spokesperson in an interview with MTV issued an illogical statement "the signatures really don't mean much, we may or may not form a Government with SDSM and need to decide this by Monday". If the signatures "don't mean much", why sign it?

Zaev essentially received the support needed for redefining Macedonia. They still need 2 more MPs to form a Government, BESA will likely be that party. DPA is against joining DUI and the SDS.
Hahn Calls on Ivanov to Give Zaev Mandate to Form Government

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn called on Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov to give the mandate for the formation of a new Government to SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, after the Social-­Democratic party announced it has the necessary signatures to support the formation of a Government.

"As enough signatures of MPs have been collected, we look forward to the next steps. We now expect the President to give the mandate to form the next government to the candidate from the parties which have the majority in the Assembly, in line with the Constitution. Change in democratic societies is natural and should be embraced, when it is a result of credible elections. Accepting and respecting the election result and the right of leaders to try to form a government is a sign of a mature democracy. Obstructing and undermining such efforts has no place in a democratic process. We therefore expect all parties to respect democratic principles and standards and engage constructively and aim to find ground for working together and co­operating rather than looking for opportunities to undermine each other. Such approaches of the past threw the country into crisis. They must be avoided by all whether in government and opposition. Both government and opposition have a role and relevance in a functioning democracy and they can both shape a country's future", Hahn wrote in a statement he published on Saturday evening.

The statement comes days before European Union diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini is expected to visit Macedonia. The European Union has called for the creation of a broadly supported Government that will implement reforms in Macedonia.

"The shared commitment of all parties to moving the country back on its Euro­Atlantic path is a shared national strategic objective and offers ground for broad co­operation on much needed and overdue reforms. This is what citizens demand and deserve. Therefore, we call on all relevant actors, including the President and the Parliament, to act fully in line with the Constitution's letter and spirit and in a responsible manner, to enable a swift formation of a government that will address overdue reforms", Hahn adds in the statement.

After the first failed attempt to form a Government with the VMRO­-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski as Prime Minister ­ designate, and faced with no constitutional guidance on what happens next, President Ivanov said that he will give the mandate to a party that has at least 61 signatures from members of Parliament, but also submits a Government program that guarantees preserving a unitary Macedonia and pushes for reforms in the security services. SDSM entered in talks with DUI and several smaller parties that represent ethnic Albanians and agreed the text of a law that would give the Albanian language official status throughout the country. With this, DUI agreed to give SDSM the signatures of its 10 members of Parliament, but is still deciding on whether to join an SDSM led Government or support it as a minority one.
sToRmR1dR said:
Hahn Calls on Ivanov to Give Zaev Mandate to Form Government

Dimovski to EU Commissioner Hahn: 10 days ago you said you Would Not Meddle

VMRO-DPMNE's communication director is asking EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn whether his statements and pledges have any meaning? Apparently not. On Hahn's visit to Skopje 10 days ago, he promised he was there not to meddle (just like the British). On Friday Hahn issued a statement trying to pressure Ivanov to give the mandate to Zaev!?

Ilija Dimovski with a dose of irony advises Hahn, if he cannot keep his word once, he is welcome to do so a second time.


NATO meddling in Macedonian Internal Affairs: ask Ivanov to give Mandate to Zaev

Following a call from European Commissioner Johannes Hahn, NATO also issued a press release in which the Alliance calls on President Gjorge Ivanov to give a mandate to form the next Government to SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, who yesterday said that he has the necessary votes in Parliament.

Lets see what the alliance that has aided ISIS for four years and destroyed Lybia, Ukraine, Syria, Yugoslavia, Serbia (Kosovo), Iraq, Sudan, Yemen... has to say:

"At the Warsaw Summit in July 2016, NATO urged all political leaders in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to fully implement their commitments under the Przino Agreement, as the framework for a sustainable solution to the political crisis. The December 2016 election was seen by international observers as an essential step in resolving that crisis. It was judged to have been well-administered and to have proceeded without major incidents. Following one attempt to form a government, it has been announced that, in line with the requirement specified by the President, enough MPs' signatures have now been collected. I look to the authorities in Skopje to fulfill the next step in the democratic process. I call on all parties to exercise restraint in statements and actions, and take decisions for the benefit of all citizens. NATO remains committed to the membership of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the Alliance, in line with the decision made at the 2008 Bucharest Summit and Allied Declarations made at subsequent NATO summits", NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in a written statement.

The letter came from the British wing in NATO. MI6 and CIA assisted by Germany and Italy have been behind Macedonian coup since 2014. After Trump's election, the CIA has taken a back seat and it's the MI6 who are attempting to finish off the coup in an effort to change Macedonia's name, the only country in the world whose name is in the Bible.

President Ivanov said that he will give a mandate to a party which will bring his signatures from 61 members of Parliament and a program that will not undermine the unitary character of Macedonia, as well as a commitment to reform the security services whose abuses led to the political crisis.

Dnevnik: Brussels struggles to destroy Macedonia for quarter century

It's surreal and incredible that after the unexpected leadership change in Washington, the most worried country for Macedonia's euro-integration is the United Kingdom! For two hundreds years, after overseeing the splitting of Macedonia in half, the British are once again 'concerned' for Macedonia so they sent us their Minister for Europe-America to find out what are Gruevski's plans. Then he met with SDS' Sekerinska, Ahmeti, and the rest of the demented albanian political clubs (BESA & Alliance) which were crearted and financed by... you guessed it, the British.

The UK told EU to piss off, aware of its inevitable collapse, but sent their top diplomat to see how much have we progressed to join the very Union they just escaped from!?

The toothless Brit Alan Duncan told us that of course they are not here to meddle, or finance colorful revolutions or recruit radical islamists to form a political party... no no... They were here to find out, how would the Macedonians react to being terrorized and their country destroyed. If the Brits put in some more effort, we can guarantee Duncan and his pals in Brussels will find out, very quickly.

To put in a 'scare', Brussels is dispatching EU's Mogherini (the Zaev of the EU) in an effort to make it look as if they have some sort of joint foreign policy on Macedonia. Far from it! They don't and are more disjointed than ever. We saw this from the artificial migrant crisis when Merkel and the Brits were putting pressure on Macedonia to let migrants in, keep the border open, while Austria, Czech, Hungary, Slovakia... were sending police to defend and keep the Macedonian border closed!

The EU sees the Balkans as a mirror to justify their existence, their alleged power, that is only until we allow them to do so. The crisis in the Balkans is coming strictly from these unelected European centers. And Macedonians are very fed up from being visited by demented, corrupt, unelected Eurocrats.

Why this Euro stupidity will come crashing down on their unelected heads? For these reasons:

This is not the SFRY

1. It's not the same time-period when the self proclaimed "international community" that's neither international nor community decided to torpedo Yugoslavia. This time-period is the same when Hitler and the quisling EU governments decided to declare war on mankind. The Russians, British, Serbs, Macedonians (including Aegean part) and Greece were the only countries to fight back. We all know who won. Now in this new world, we are once again faced with the same monsters. it just happened that way. The only difference is that now official London is in alliance with the globalist fascist corporatism. This time, Edward VII who was madly in love with Hitler is taking revenge on his countrymen because of Wallis Simpson, so his spirit through the British officials is working for the fascists.

2. EU is no longer an ideal for the romantic Europeans, instead it is a totalitarian concentration camp of degenrates and greedy profeeters.

3. In the US, the politics of the nationalist states won, while the globalist anti-human and fascist corporate network lost.

4. The manufacturing of great-albanians, their training and arming and use as proxies to create conflicts and terrorism is proof that the watches of the western political creators have stopped working. This is because in the offices where decisions are made while in panic mode, they failed to see the real world. Edi Rama's platform, who is the last Sorosite heading to elections in June are the remnants of the last director at the CIA, the Clintons, Obamas who were all replaced.

Zaev was chosen for this mission thanks to him being shockingly unintelligent and perfect for the job to activate a powder keg which will give new life to the criminals in Brussels.

No US Army this time

5.The games played by the SDS leadership and their great-albanian politicians will end very badly for all of them. This is good, even though noone sane wished for this, because it will be dramatic, painful and blood will be spilled. The US Army this time will not be involved in the former dirty games of the CIA networks across the EU. Without this network, NATO in Brussels cannot even move, let alone send planes, drones or infantry. The military complex in Kosovo, though still not completely cleaned from members of the deep state, is under a new command of a man nicknamed Mad Dog. If there is one man who knows quite well what will happen if you go against Macedonia it is Ali Ahmeti and his UCK pals. Then we have Edi Rama and Albania, there they are members of NATO, they are welcome to get involved military in Macedonia. Greece and Bulgaria are there to help you as well, but from NATO's center in Brussels... don't expect a thing.. NATO is activated militarily only on orders from Washington. Not this time, Trump has already banned foreign lobbying in Washington. The Albanian mafia, lobby do not have access to Trump.

Both the SDS and albanians are now looking to Brussels for assisance in continuing the project. To this effect, the last EU report saw the addition of 300 ammendments, coming from Bulgarian and Greek MPs which essentially legalized Zaev's criminal project. The albanian weaklings now are drowning in their own urine and await someone with authority to give them strength so they can continue the project. Everyone is looking to Washington, trying to ignore the fact that now Washington sees Macedonia as one of the few true unpolluted partners in Europe which Washington can count on in defeating Soros and the illegal CIA networks intertwined with Soros NGOs. We have witnessed this with countless articles on Macedonia in the US. Germany cannot offer help, they are under US control since 1945. Merkel, Hollande are already on bad terms with Trump.


6.Macedonia has already officially notified the coup plotters that it will no longer tolerate their games. Even more important is that Zaev himself and his team, but most of all Jess Baily and his servant Charles Garrett are very disturbed that SDS members who oppose the VMRO-DPMNE and their policies are outraged with the so called platform and Zaev's plans. Numerous SDS meetings have ended in uproar, even gotten physical, around the country. The plotters plan to have Macedonians fight Macedonians not just failed, but have actually done just the opposite and brought ethnic Macedonians closer. So much for the schemes and the millions wasted.

The history of the British is well known. Thei Cesarian doctrine of "divide and conquer" is well established around the world. The saying where British boot sets, no grass grows exists for a reason. Instead of loweing their mounting debt (there isn't a war on the planet where the Brits are not involved), the Brits now have multiplied an already high debt towards Macedonia. Similarly to the one in Iraq, Lybia, Syria, debt that doesn't get old. For Macedonians it's excellent that they don't distinguish between their name and identity.

7.All of this leads to Macedonian ultimatum. NOB, ASNOM, for a third time.

Gjorgji Spasov - British contractor

It's well known who and what is Gjorgji Spasov. Unlike him, who is a hewn from Branko clay or carving out of his rib, we the donkeys who are being targeted for elimination by Mengele's CIA, we are being called into service to become local puppets, turn us into paid local operatives. Two months ago I stated that the void of the CIA's deep state will be filled by the British and MI6. The money laundering for perversion and subversion will go through them. The Brits will work for their own interests and try to even some old scores with their imperial competitors. They will also work for the Clinton and Obama's team as we have already seen from the visit by Duncan. They are achieving this through albanians and the SDS.

Spasov is deeply engaged in this scheme. Through his fake "Rejting" polling agency he was given a contract with SCL, a private company for communications which in the US dba as "Cambridge Analytics". It's a database of information that's later analyzed and modeled by 'population behaviour' for specific area, depending on the requirements of the clinet. In other words, the database would give them what people are best to recruit for their tasks. This company is actually said to be heavily used around the planet to fix elections with a 90% success rate. In May 2016 Spasov received an offer through Mark Turnbull of Chatham House to develop an election strategy for the SDS. After installing Zaev as the head of the SDS, a strategy was devised how to make him popular among the population. Chosen primarily for his lack of intelligence, the strategy they used was the same used to put Alexis Tsipras in charge in Greece. Both were sold as "young, leftist and smart".

The second strategy put in motion was all citizens critical of the Government to be converted into paid activists. If there aren't enough, bring some from neighboring nations. The SDS was supposed to be introduced as the new Syriza even though in reality the SDS is PASOK (which is dead). The SDS is as left as Golden Dawn or Spasov's right testicle. Zaev and Tsipras were even told how to dress: sport jacket / white shirt with sleeves rolled up, no tie. Both are under complete control of the Soros cabal. Half of SDS's MPs are paid Soros activists.

And if you don't win this time?

Even though Nikola Gruevski strangely commented that "now" it is really clear what sort of policy the SDS is leading, my sources tell me a much different story. The EU's "leadership" in Strasbourg (a while back) asked Gruevski to resign from the Government without explanation. The reason was simple and unimportant. He was informed that Macedonia's name must be changed.

I've already stated on numerous occasions that the big western magicians love tricks that fools the naive audience. Because of this, they are not keen on people like Gruevski who spoils their party. Gruevski is collaborative and defiant at the same time. He is all for euro-integration, does his homework. He is very obedient and stubborn to the bone. Merkel told Gruevski what will happen to us if we don't immediately change our name. She will unleash the albanians on us. I am convinced the response by Gruevski confused the already confused mind of Angela Merkel. "Ok, lets say this time you win and they secede. What will you do with us in the rest of Macedonia? What will happen on the Balkans and Europe after this mini-adventure? That's the question...

Mirka Velinovska, Dnevnik- The best Macedonian columnist

Ivanov Receives Signatures, Zaev Expects Mandate

SDSM's leader, Zoran Zaev, arrived at Villa Vodno this afternoon, where he is supposed to hand President Gorge Ivanov the 67 signatures, after which he expects to receive the mandate for forming a government.

Before the meeting, in a brief statement, Zaev said that he expected for Ivanov to hand him the mandate for forming a government today, and he sent a message to the citizens that a period of peaceful transfer of authority was to come.

- This is a historic day for the Republic of Macedonia. I am holding 67 signatures from MPs of the Macedonian Assembly who guarantee an opportunity for a new government for the citizens of Macedonia. At the same time, these signatures enable the end of the crisis in Republic of Macedonia, and a final movement of the country towards the function of returning the life in Macedonia. Today, I expect for Mr. Ivanov to hand me the mandate as soon as possible so that we could begin the negotiations for creating and forming a new government for the citizens of Republic of Macedonia. At the same time, I have the opportunity to send a message to all citizens, and institutions in the country, that period of peaceful transfer of the authority in the Republic of Macedonia is to come - said Zaev.

Then, together with deputy leader Radmila Shekerinska, and general secretary Oliver Spasovski, he went to the meeting with President Ivanov.

Mass Gathering in Skopje: Citizens Protest in Defense for Unity of Country

Tens of thousands of citizens gathered on the large protest march held on Monday in Skopje. The gathering, which happens after the call of the Association for mutual Macedonia started with the playing of the Macedonian anthem.

A proclamation was also read at the beginning of the gathering which emphasized that Macedonia has three Ilinden holidays and that it is time for the fourth. It requires any party to not accept platforms created for foreign interests and by foreign countries.

Organizers called for awareness by all political parties to respect the constitution.

"The biggest red line that cannot be passed is changing the Constitution. We try peacefully, with a larger number of citizens and associations to express our will once again won, out of the regular democratic process, which is now completed", Boris Damovski, one of the organizers of the protest said, speaking to TV Nova.

He added that their main points include preserving the constitutional order, respect for all political parties to the Constitution, all parties to avoid action on foreign dictates.

Attendees who packed the street in front of the government and did not wear any partisan symbols, but only the colors that unite us, the red and yellow and the Macedonian flag.

The crowd marched to the office of President of the Republic of Macedonia, which was demolished during the opposition protests. From there the crowd continued to the parliament.

Attendees require the President to protect the Constitution and not to give the mandate to Zoran Zaev to form a government.
sToRmR1dR said:
sToRmR1dR said:
Senator Lee calls out Ambassador Baily to explain his support for Soros activities in Macedonia

Month goes by, Ambassador Baily Still Hasn't Responded Why USAid funds the Left, Soros, Protests..

Seven US House members officially initiate Investigation on Jess Baily and US Embassy


Seven US members of the House of Representatives, who recently called out Ambassador to Macedonia Jess Baily and the local USAID mission for partisanship and for funding the George Soros led groups in Macedonia, say they are dissatisfied with the response they received and are launching an investigation. A letter addressed to Comptroller General Gene Dodaro on February 24th instructs the Government Accountability Office to initiate an investigation in the Mission in Macedonia and USAID Macedonia and deliver a progress report in a month.

"Unfortunately, we have heard credible reports that, over the past two years, the US Mission to Macedonia has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia, as well as in the shaping of its media environment and civil society, in an improperly partisan manner, one that, directly or indirectly, has influenced the outcome of elections in Macedonia. According to reports, this intervention consistently favors the parties, media and civil society groups of the left and center left. We have heard reports that the actions of the US Mission to Macedonia strongly favored such parties in the run-up to the parliamentary elections", the members of Congress say. The letter is signed by representatives Christopher Smith, Randy Hultgren, Robert Aderholt, Louie Gohmert, Robert Pittenger, Jeff Fortenberry and Trent Franks. Senator Mike Lee has separately raised similar issues.

The letter notes that an earlier request, addressed to Ambassador Baily, was responded to after the required deadline, and was "vague and failed to answer the questions we posed". This has prompted the call for a GAO investigation, and the members of Congress have announced other investigative measures, as well as calling on Ambassador Baily to resign.

"In order to have the benefit of an independent investigation and audit, and due to the importance of the underlying issue, we turn to your office", the letter notes, before asking for information about how much US Government funding, from all sources, was given to Open Society Foundations and other institutions related to the Soros network, since 2012. A breakdown is required for all recipients of US funding that also receive more than 10 percent of their funding from the Soros led OSI network.

"For Macedonia, please explain the legal arrangements for each and every current or ongoing grant, contract and other allocation and/or disbursement to Foundation Open Society Macedonia, including the means and terms by which they may be terminated. For Macedonia, has the US Government conducted any research, studies or polling that would measure or index the effect its funding and support for FOSM has on the reputation, image, and public opinion of the United States as seen in Macedonia. What percentage of US aid money in the fields of democracy, civil society and media is funded through FOSM? Was any organization, entity, group or any individual participant in any organization, entity or group that receives US funds directly or indirectly, through FOSM or otherwise, reported to have been involved in violence, either against persons or property destruction, and have any police or security officers been wounded in connection to that violence", are some of the questions that the GAO will investigate on behalf of the seven Congressmen.

Regarding the activities of Ambassador Baily, GAO is asked to provide a report on standards applicable to spending US Government funding in a foreign democratic country, on media and civil society, as well as standards on involvement of US Government officials in domestic partisan politics. GAO will investigate possible violations of the Vienna convention, other international conventions, US standards and laws and will examine his "diplomatic participation in elections". "It is particularly relevant to know how the position represented by the US Mission to Macedonia corresponded or not to those of the Macedonian political parties", the GAO is asked.

On top of examining funding of the Soros - Macedonia organization by the US Government, GAO will also look into funding of media outlets and whether the US was supporting overwhelmingly left leaning outlets, and has pushed for media regulation that is not in line with American freedom of speech standards. The Foundation Open Society Macedonia, but also other NGO groups that have received funding through various American financial lines will be examined over whether they have taken sides in the election or the formation of the new Government.

Second Day of Protests: Citizens Took to Streets in Even Greater Number

In an even greater number, the citizens, unhappy with the plans for destroying Macedonia and introducing bilingualism on its entire territory, marched through the cities in the country. The most massive protests are held in Skopje where tens of thousands of citizens gathered outside the government building. Unlike Monday's protest, the crowd has sound system attached to a car, through which the organizers of the protest address the crowd.

"Zoran Zaev, Zoran Verusevski, Zoran Vraniskovski, betrayers of Macedonia", say the transparents of the citizens attending the protest, where many flags with the Sun of Vergina are waved. Cheering songs for encouragement the Macedonian sports teams can be also heard.

"We should protect what was gained the hard way, for our children", Elena Misirkova said, the niece of Krste Petkov-Misirkov which addressed the crowd.

The rallies, which were organized by the civil initiative "For Joint Macedonia" on Tuesday despite in Skopje are held in several major cities. Protest marches are held in Prilep, Kumanovo, Stip and Kicevo, while on Wednesday the protests will become even bigger.

The demands of the protest organizers remain the same, and that is the defense of the unitary character of the state and against bilingualism which the SDSM and the Albanian parties are preparing to implement.

At Monday's protest in Skopje, the organizers urged the parties to commit to respect the Constitution and that they would not work to change the name.

The occasion for these protest are announcements of SDSM and Zoran Zaev that they will accept the platform of the Albanian parties, that requires a declaration of bilingualism on the whole territory of Macedonia.

Gruevski offers to support a Zaev led minority Government if he drops the Tirana Platform

VMRO-DPMNE President Nikola Gruevski made an offer to the SDSM party to support their minority Goverment in Parliament if SDSM leader Zoran Zaev abandons the demands from the so-called Tirana Platform that Gruevski says will fundementally transform Macedonia and lead to a partition along ethnic lines. Gruevski told Zaev that he would receive the 51 votes VMRO-DPMNE has in Parliament to implement his political program, and even pursue criminal charges against Gruevski if he wants to, with the only demand from the conservative party being that the platform of the ethnic Albanian parties is not implemented.

“We are prepared to support SDSM in power as a minority Government if they drop the law on languages, the Tirana Platform and the proposals to redefine and degrade Macedonia. If Zaev insists so badly to be Prime Minister, we will let him implement his program, so long as he doesn’t attack the state and national interests. He can hit us if he wants, but not the state. I will volunteer, if this is Zaev’s request, to be arrested, imprisoned, harrassed, and VMRO-DPMNE will still support his minority Government until the next elections which we can agree now. Let him attack me, but stop attacking the foundation of the state. He can take this as my open offer”, Gruevski said in a TV interview on Sunday evening.

SDSM reached an agreement with the Democratic Union for Integration and few other smaller ethnic Albanian parties to adopt a law that would elevate the Albanian as an official language across Macedonia, going beyond the 2001 Ohrid Framework Agreement. This is one of the requests from the Tirana Platform which DUI and other smaller parties agreed together with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. In exchange, Zaev was promised the signatures of the 10 DUI members in Parliament and several other votes which would allow him to form a Government with a little over the 61 votes majority, but DUI is still thinking on whether to join Zaev, or only support his minority Government. VMRO-DPMNE has 51 seats in Parliament and if SDSM accepts Gruevski’s proposal, then the Government would be adopted with 100 votes in Parliament.

Gruevski said that the proposed law on the Albanian language would be only the first step of a series of moves that would lead toward partition of Macedonia along ethnic lines, through cantons or federal units, a plan which Gruevski says is being pushed from strong foreign political centers that have helped SDSM start the wiretapping affair in 2015 and the on-going political crisis.

“The authors of this scenario have worked to bring down the Government and to have Zoran Zaev enthroned in Macedonia, worked to weaken the country to lead toward a change of the name and the identity of the Macedonians. This is the main goal of those who initiated the campaign to bring down VMRO-DPMNE. This process can lead us to lose our state”, Gruevski warned. The VMRO-DPMNE leader also called on the people to mobilize against this scenario. “The authors of this scenario have made the assumption that our people are not capable to defend the country and estimate that, except for the part of the political elite that is highly motivated to defend the country, the bulk of the public is not, and this is the reason they are so aggressive in actions. Ultimately, they fear our people the most, but currently believe that the public has been sufficiently manipulated and confused. VMRO-DPMNE was alone in defending the interests of the state for a long time, but now we see some intelectuals and prominent individuals waking up to what is going on”, Gruevski said. VMRO-DPMNE held initial gatherings of its members in cities across Macedonia and Gruevski said that various plans to prevent the adoption of the law on the languages are in play if SDSM and the Albanian parties decide to go ahead.

Gruevski said that one Ambassador in Macedonia has been particularly active in supporting SDSM and pushing for this plan, as well as the George Soros funded network of organizations that have coordinated their actions with SDSM.

“If the new Government is voted in, it will be led by one Ambassador, who is also working to have the courts under his control. He already has a Prosecutor’s service and well paid NGO groups working for him. But, this Ambassador will not be here forever. He also has a term limit”, Gruevski said.
sToRmR1dR said:
sToRmR1dR said:
sToRmR1dR said:
Senator Lee calls out Ambassador Baily to explain his support for Soros activities in Macedonia

Month goes by, Ambassador Baily Still Hasn't Responded Why USAid funds the Left, Soros, Protests..

Seven US House members officially initiate Investigation on Jess Baily and US Embassy

Investigation Launched in US Embassy Funding of Soros Groups in Macedonia

Judicial Watch, the American watchdog organization that investigates abuse of public funds and offices, announced that it is investigating the US Embassy in Macedonia and the USAID mission over partisanship in their actions and over their funding of far left organizations led by George Soros. In a press release, Judicial Watch said that it has examined preliminary available data and decided to send freedom of information requests to the State Department and USAID to obtain more detailed information on the contracts they were signing.

"The U.S. government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-­right government in Macedonia by colluding with leftwing billionaire philanthropist George Soros, records obtained by Judicial Watch show. Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess L. Baily, has worked behind the scenes with Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The cash flows through the State Department and the famously corrupt U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID), which is charged with providing global economic, development and humanitarian assistance. USAID has allocated about million to leftwing Soros groups in Macedonia since 2012, documents show, and at least .5 million has been earmarked by the agency to intervene in the Balkan nation’s governmental affairs for 2016­-2011. State Department figures have been tougher to come by and Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the numbers. Judicial Watch also fired off a public records request to USAID because the preliminary figures, obtained through various sources in both the U.S. and Macedonia, appear to be incomplete", the watchdog organization informed.

Judicial Watch was involved in a number of high profile cases in which it has sued the US Government to obtain information about the Benghazi attack, the IRS abuse of conservative organizations and White House visitor's logs . Its actions in Macedonia coincide with the separate investigations launched by members of Congress, who raised similar objections, about partisanship in the US Embassy and in the awarding of contracts to NGO groups tied to Soros and to the SDSM party.

"The Open Society Foundation has established and funded dozens of leftwing, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Macedonia to overthrow the conservative government. One Macedonian government official interviewed by Judicial Watch in Washington D.C. recently, calls it the 'Soros infantry'. The groups organize youth movements, create influential media outlets and organize violent protests to undermine the institutions and policies implemented by the government. One of the Soros’ groups funded the translation and publication of Saul Alinsky’s 'Rules for Radicals' into Macedonian. The book is a tactical manual of subversion, provides direct advice for radical street protests and proclaims Lucifer to be the first radical. Thanks to Obama’s ambassador, who has not been replaced by President Trump, Uncle Sam keeps the money flowing so the groups can continue Protest of operating and recruiting, sources in Macedonia and the U.S. confirm", Judicial Watch adds in its press release.

The organization believes that one of the reasons why George Soros has invested so heavily in influencing political outcomes in Macedonia is the fact that the country is not crucial on the Balkan migrant route, and his organizations have pushed strongly to open the route.

"Some U.S. members of Congress have expressed interest in the issue and have demanded answers from Ambassador Baily, USAID and the State Department. In typical fashion, the State Department has stonewalled the inquiries and USAID hasn’t been much more forthcoming. Last month Utah Senator Mike Lee sent Ambassador Baily a letter asking questions involving the U.S. Mission to Macedonia’s involvement in the political process and its connections to the Open Society Foundation. It’s unlikely that Americans will receive answers, especially since Baily is probably on his way out. The fact remains however, that millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have already been spent on this illicit operation and the government agencies need to be held accountable", Judicial Watch concludes in the press release.


sToRmR1dR said:
Ivanov Receives Signatures, Zaev Expects Mandate

Ivanov the Great: I'll Never give Mandate to anyone working against Macedonia

I am not giving the mandate for forming a government to any person, or party, which exerts to destroy the sovereignty of Macedonia, President Gjorge Ivanov said. In his address to the public, he announced that he had decided not to give the mandate for forming a government to Zoran Zaev.

Ivanov in his address said that he had meetings with Zoran Zaev, and that the condition for having a parliament majority was fulfilled, as well as the condition for respecting the deadlines, i.e. the President deciding in ten days to whom to give the mandate for forming a government.

Yet, Ivanov emphasized that there was other, more substantial issue, and that is the appearance of a so-called platform that the Albanian parties presented, and which was created in Tirana, with the mediation of the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama.

- There is a more substantial issue. After the elections we were unpleasantly surprised by a post-electoral political platform by a foreign country. The platform is a post-electoral document, made and signed in a foreign country, in the cabinet of a foreign official, and with the mediation of a Prime Minister of a foreign country. The content of the platform is out of the range of the Constitution, and of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. With this platform, the sovereignty, and the independence of the country are endangered, putting it into a submissive position towards another country - Ivanov said.

He added that the process of forming a government in this country has become captive of the platform of a foreign country.

- The foundations of the Macedonian country have been brought into question. I had expected that the political leaders would categorically reject it, but some of them started auctioning with it, not knowing subconsciously that, thus, they hold an auction with the country - said Ivanov.

He said that the people have the right to know the truth of the content of the conversations regarding the platform.

- I publicly asked Zoran Zaev to reject this platform. The second essential remark comes from here, that the the negotiations for a platform of a foreign country is contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. At the same time, accepting the foreign platform is a punishable act - Ivanov said.

He added that he expected the international community to condemn the interfering of the foreign country.

Ivanov joins protest, VMRO is afraid to attend them

Ivanov has already joined the Macedonians in a protest, while the VMRO leadership is said to have been afraid to join in for obvious reasons (they brought in Katica and Co, they voted for the Przino Agreement).
The situation is getting more and more serious. Here is the reaction of Russian Foreign ministry.


"The West is using the Albanian minority in an attempt to bring to power in Skopje the defeated opposition, which approved the Albanian ultimatums leading to the erosion of the country's constitutional principles. The ongoing destructive attempts to impose schemes from the outside, contrary to the will of the Macedonian voters, can only aggravate the situation. It is necessary to stop foreign interference in the internal affairs of Macedonia, to respect the right of the Macedonian citizens to shape their own destiny in accordance with the fundamental democratic principles," Maria Zakharova said.
US Ambassador Baily: Ivanov to Reconsider Decision, Neighbors to Exercise Restraint

United States Ambassador Jess Baily urged on Thursday President Gjorge Ivanov to reconsider Wednesday's decision of declining to award SDSM leader Zoran Zaev the mandate to form a new Government.

At the same time Baily urged Macedonia's neighbors to exercise restraint and be constructive at this moment of heightened political sensitivity in the country. As a strategic partner of Macedonia, as a friend and with full respect for Macedonia's sovereignty and unity we urge President Ivanov to reconsider this decision.

At the same time we urge Macedonia's neighbors to exercise restraint and be constructive at this moment of heightened political sensitivity in the country, Baily stated.

I would note that the United States was disappointed to learn yesterday that President Ivanov has declined to offer to representatives representing a clear parliamentary majority the opportunity to form a new Government.

We believe that this was inconsistent with basic democratic principles and the rule of law which are core values of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for example, he said.

Baily refused to answer journalists' questions and headed for a meeting with EU Ambassador to Macedonia Samuel Zbogar and ambassadors of EU member-­states.

EU Commissioner confusion: Why are you not letting your country be destroyed?

Unhappy with the latest developments, the EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn has a message. Keep in mind this is from a man who has repeatedly stated he would not meddle in Macedonian internal affairs!

All leaders of the country, including the President, must respect the outcome of the (December 11) elections, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn says Wednesday commenting on latest developments in Macedonia after President Gjorge Ivanov has refused to give SDSM leader Zoran Zaev a mandate to form a government.

First off, does Hahn realize that his boy Zaev lost the elections? But, just like Zaev, someone else tells Hahn what to say.

Where was Hahn when Romanian president (a German citizen named Klaus who doesn't speak a single word of Romanian) refused to give the mandate to a WINNING party in Romania's election, and the official reasons were: the husband of the Prime Minister elect was married to a Romanian citizen of Syrian descent who cheered for Russia?!?! How is that for mental gymnastics?

There was no comment from Hahn on this insanity. If you're curious how a German puppet became a president in Romania, the Greeks can probably tell you. In this case, Frau Merkel installed him. Welcome to the bizarre world of a fascist entity known as the EU.

But lets see what Hahn says:

"We have repeatedly stated that all leaders of the country, including the President, must respect the outcome of the recent elections."

Yes, VMRO-DPMNE won the elections. What is your point?

"In a democracy, one must acknowledge parliamentary majorities, even if one doesn't like them."

Was Romania an exception then? Or you're quiet when laws are broken but it suits your masters, and go mental when it doesn't, even if it's legal? Do you realize Macedonia has a constitution that prevents political parties from destroying the country? Or that's not really important as longs as the people who control you are able to push their fascist agendas?

"I therefore expect all political leaders and institutions to let the democratic process run its course – in the interest of the country's citizens," reads Hahn's statement.

Its precisely what the president did. In the interest of all citizens he did not ok the mandate. Moreover, the president was also obligated to do so under law. We are not sure how the broken totalitarian EU works, but in Macedonia the president follows the law and the constitution, not that you would understand considering who you work for.

Priorities: EU's Mogherini first visits with Soros NGO Reps, then with Government officials

EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini launched Thursday her visit to Macedonia by meeting Soros funded NGO representatives first.

The EU Delegation in Macedonia said Mogherini would meet President Gjorge Ivanov at 16:00h, preceded by a meeting with party leaders in the Parliament (15:00h), as well as students taking part in the Erasmus Programme.

Mogherini arrived in Macedonia earlier than scheduled because she failed to visit Sarajevo due to fog at the airport in the Bosnia-Herzegovina capital.

The EU official is paying March 1-4 a visit to the Western Balkans, including Montenegro, BiH, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania and Kosovo.

Two-faced Edi Rama: In 2013 He Said He Demanded nothing for Albanians in Macedonia

Albanian Prime Minister has shown that he is two-faced, and has no consistent statements, after he had the nerve to interfere in Macedonia's interior affairs. By stimulating the Albanian parties in Macedonia, and directly mediating the so-called platform, he showed a completely opposite point to the one he had in 2013 when he met with President Gjorge Ivanov.

During that meeting with Ivanov in Tirana, in September 2013, just after he was made Prime Minister of Albania, Rama praised the good relations between the Macedonians and the Albanians living in Macedonia. He admitted that Albania cannot make demands for its minorities in other countries that it would not fulfill for other minorities in Albania.

"The President has expressed his concern and has made a request to show more attention to the Macedonian minorities in Albania. I took this request not just as an obligation, but also as a pledge to our Government toward all minorities in Albania. This also means that we cannot demand things we cannot give to others," said the Albanian PM at the press conference with President Ivanov.

But following the speech of Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov who said he will not be granting the mandate for Government to the leader of SDSM Zoran Zaev, the first reaction from Albania came from Prime Minister Edi Rama.

He posted on his Facebook and Twitter profiles that the Albanian language is not of hostile people, rather of a country-creating people in Macedonia.

"Mr Ivanov, the Albanian language is not the language of an enemy, it is the language of a country-creating people. Without the Albanians there will be no Macedonia, my beloved President," said Rama on social media.

Moscow: Certain NATO & EU Members are Attempting to Impose Illegal Government in Macedonia

Members of the EU, NATO leadership have been making attempts to impose on Macedonia the 'Albanian platform', designed at the office of Albania's Prime Minister in Tirana, which draws the map of so-called 'Great Albania' and also expresses territorial aspirations towards large areas of neighboring Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece, Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Thursday in a press release posted on its website.

'Especially disturbing is the inclusion in this list of unilaterally declared independent Kosovo. We believe that this is extremely dangerous with an intention to annihilate Macedonia's statehood and destabilize the entire Balkan region,' Russia's MoFA says.

On 11 December 2016, early parliamentary elections were organized in Macedonia on the EU and US request, at which the ruling party, led by Nikola Gruevski, scored a victory.

'Now the West, assisted by the Albanian minority and its ultimatums, is trying to bring the defeated opposition to power, which is a violation of the country's constitutional foundations,' the press release reads.

It further notifies that these destructive attempts are contrary to the will of the Macedonian voters and could only deteriorate the situation.

'It is necessary to prevent foreign meddling in Macedonia's internal affairs and to respect the right of Macedonian citizens to decide on their destiny in line with the fundamental democratic principles,' Russia's MoFA says.
Washington Times calls for Immediate Removal of Ambassador Jess Baily from Macedonia

We have written before about how the George Soros-infested State Department is trying to impose its will in Albania.

Unfortunately, the problem is metastasizing like a virulent cancer, threatening to destroy conservative governments throughout the Balkans.

The latest sovereign country where the U.S. ambassador has overstepped his bounds to assist the left’s agenda is Macedonia, where conservatives are in a death match against what is now called the “Soros Army” in the struggle to put together a new government. The results of a win by allies of Mr. Soros, the billionaire patron of leftist causes in the U.S. and around the world, would be an influx of unchecked Islamic immigration, along with all of the other “progressive” policies of the Dark Emperor Soros and his Sith Lord, Barack Obama.

Judicial Watch, famed for its dogged investigations of corruption under Mr. Obama, recently wrote a brilliant analysis of the problem, reporting that “the U.S. government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros.” The watchdog group contends that Jess L. Baily, Mr. Obama’s pick to be ambassador to Macedonia, has “worked behind the scenes with Mr. Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.”

Anyone familiar with recent history in the Balkans knows that the region is a myriad of tribes and factions, which have engaged in brutal hostilities from time to time over the last few centuries. The last tribal areas the U.S. government intervened in order to push the Soros agenda were Iraq and Syria. Those operations didn’t turn out so well, and Europe is still paying the price as millions of migrants flood the continent, urged on by Mr. Soros, Mr. Obama and their supporters. That scenario may play out again if the leftist Social Democrats, backed by an alliance of ethnic Albanian powers, win the power struggle now playing out in Skopje.

Several U.S. lawmakers have raised their concerns about the Macedonia crisis, but the new leadership at the State Department is not moving fast enough. As the Democrats stall the Trump agenda as much as possible, preventing the new president’s appointees from taking power, the thrust of their strategy becomes clear — to undercut the conservative movement around the globe as much as possible before they are replaced.

Seven Republican House members, including Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey, Robert B. Aderholt of Alabama and Trent Franks of Arizona, have written a letter to the U.S. comptroller general expressing concerns about the questionable use of U.S. funds in Macedonia.

“We have heard credible reports that, over the past two years, the U.S. Mission to Macedonia has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia,” the lawmakers wrote, “as well as in the shaping of its media environment and civil society, in an improperly partisan manner. According to reports, this intervention consistently favors the parties, media and civil society groups of the left and center-left.”

It seems clear that Ambassador Baily has broken the rules. He and his staff should be removed — immediately. New Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson needs to start weeding out Mr. Obama’s appointees in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, where the ground is especially fertile for the Soros Army to wield its malign influence and further the leftist agenda to cause harm and human suffering throughout the region, as we have seen in Sweden, Germany, the U.K. and elsewhere.

Have we not seen enough of the corrupt fruits of Mr. Soros’ labors around the world? Have we not seen enough death and destruction? Have we not seen enough war? Have we not seen enough children dying? The seeds for more horrible suffering are what the Soros Army is now sowing in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

America should return to being a beacon of light and hope in the world, not a vessel for the destruction of societies by the wealth of a few manipulative, ideologically misguided men and women.

Action is needed in Macedonia — yesterday!


US Analyst: Ivanov is a World Class Intellectual and Statesman

Once again, Macedonia dished out a lesson to the world and kept its independence. It was a lesson of courage, leadership, constitutional law and national sovereignty. The lesson came from Macedonia's president Gjorge Ivanov, great intellectual and even greater statesman - says US analyst Umberto Pascali, based out of Washington DC in an exclusive interview with Radio Slobodna Makedonija.

- In the last few days Macedonia was hit with combined pressures and threats from the usual suspects (the soon to be removed) US Ambassador Jess Baily, temporary NATO clown Jens Stoltenberg, half a dozen hyper hysterical representatives and operatives from the UK, including the sad dynamic duo Alan Duncan, Mia and Lawrence Marzouk, even remnants from the Obama regime such as State Department spokesperson (not for long) Mark Toner - says Pascali.

- All of these representatives of the very fake and quickly disappearing "international community" concentrated their fire power on Macedonia's president Ivanov that he "must" give the mandate to Zaev! Even the British overlord in India would have never dared to issue such a statement to his colonial servants. The dirty trick to nullify the election results was done through the prime minister of Albania, a well known Sorosid Edi Rama who "organized" the well controlled "albanian" leaders in the country by issuing them a "platform" which would have disintigrated Macedonia and begin a process of more social and ethnic violence calling the ghost of past Balkan wars - says Pascali.

To the question how much Ivanov and former Prime Ministrer Gruevski confirm the meaning of the word "leadership", Pascali says:

-On March 1st, when the self appointed overlords felt they have softened up Ivanov enough by exerting pressures in the days before his decision, president Ivanov showed all puppets and clowns in suits what the word leadership and courage means. His beautiful statement will inspire many today and in the future. Not just that he didn't succumb to the pressure, but he openly and diplomatically attacked the very people who are destabilizing his country. Now, the authors of this destabilization are concerned. Time is against them and are facing huge resistance they didn't expect. The fake "international community" is melting faster than snow under the Macedonian sun - categorically states Pascali.

Asked if the time is ripe for taking action against the saboteurs, the US analyst says:

- Time is absolutely working against the saboteurs. The west Establishment ruled for decades by the Bush and Clinton dynasties which enacted and were a continuation of the same neoliberal aggresive policies, and the anti European bureaucrats in Brussels are quickly losing their grip. Their little megalomaniac psycho George Soros has already lost his mind. Because of this, just like gamblers who are losing, they escalate their attacks. This has lead to many mistakes and the more they panic, the more the noose around their neck is getting tighter - explains Pascali.

According to Pascali, with Trump's election, they are quickly losing their grip on United States. They don't seem to be able to grasp the fact that even the highest Ango-American elite no longer needs an establishment that robs the real economy and calls for endless wars in foreign countries. With their recklesness, they weakened the overall American economy and state structures, became dangerous even to those who wanted to use American power to proect their interests. What we see now is the old guard in the GOP under McCain and the increasingly irrelevant Democratic party who is trying to undermine the US president with all sorts of fake stories. In addition we see the Soros ordes who march through cities, however they are increasingly becoming unimportand and ignored. At this time they are trying to show the world they are important and strong, but it's just the opposite, they are weaker than ever - says Pascali.

- Trump was not elected to be a humanitarian, that's not his mission. His sole purpose is to "clean" the administration and launch the economy and productivity back which was utterly destroyed by the insanity of the "financization", the illusion that money comes from money and from dirty and illegal wars, instead of manufacturing, science and real investments - adds Pascali

Because of this, Macedonia can truly benefit much from the new Trump Administration. The foreign bandits and the Soros machinery are greatly weakened and will continue to weaken even more. The Macedonian forces who already have experience with dirty wars back in 2001 can provide an ideal and programmatic leadership, can start exercising their independence, encouraging the other nations in the Balkans to move towards the same, but still need to be careful - concludes Pascali in his interview for Radio Slobodna Makedonija.

Russia: EU, NATO behind Destabilization in Macedonia

Foreign interference in Macedonia’s affairs has been taking extreme forms, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

"On 11 December 2016, the ruling party gained the majority of votes at the Macedonian parliamentary elections. Despite all the manipulations, the opposition, openly supported by the European Union and the United States, had to face a defeat," the statement reads.

Meanwhile, 'EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and other high-ranking officials of the so-called ‘enlightened Europe’, eager to promote democratic principles, continue to exert unprecedented pressure on Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov, demanding that he give the post of prime minister to the opposition members who have accepted the ‘joint platform’ of the Macedonian Albanians," the statement adds.

It is important to understand that the measures phrased in Tirana stipulate a federalization of Macedonia, review of the power architecture and even of the state symbols, which actually leads to undermining the constitutional order with an ultimate goal - a disintegration of the country, Russia's MoFA says.

It further notifies that the head of the self-proclaimed Kosovo Hashim Thaci has "joined the EU officials, calling on the Macedonia Albanians to ‘take their rights into their hands’ in accordance with the Greater Albania project which includes vast areas in a number of Balkan states," the Russian Foreign Ministry went on to say.

"This is just another evidence proving that the quasi-state of Kosovo is one of the main sources of instability in the Balkan region," the statement says.

"The Macedonian people should decide their future themselves, without having to face foreign interference."

BESA Refutes Ali Ahmeti: Platform was Agreed with Albanian Govt

The agreement to merge all Albanian parties in one platform in Macedonia was not written by DUI's Ali Ahmeti. This was the core of the official letter sent by BESA to the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, Albanian media reported.

BESA officials have also announced they will not negotiate with DUI without the presence of the Albanian government. On the other hand, SDSM have sent a written document to DUI proposing an agreement to form a government coalition, Albanian media reported.

In the letter, BESA demanded an explanation regarding a statement by DUI according to which the agreement to form the Albanian Platform was suggested by members of DUI.

"The movement BESA rejects this claim and informs that is was all started by the Albanian government, adding that due to this action, it will not accept to sit and negotiate with DUI, but will make an exception if the meeting is mediated by PM Rama," Albanian media informed.

In the meantime, there are ongoing negotiations for forming a new government cabinet. Official sources tell Albanian media that SDSM has also submitted a written document to DUI, Zoran Zaev's offer for the Albanian party. It is still not precisely known which points in which order are submitted in the document, but it remains to wait for their reveal, and to see whether the offer will be accepted by the Democratic Union for Integration.

"In times when Albanian parties should use this deciding moment for the future of the country, they seem to be oriented towards deep separations. Such thing was also confirmed with the statement of DPA's leader, Menduh Taci, who said that DPA, BESA, and Alliance for Albanians should unite against DUI, because DUI is not being constructive in the negotiation," Albanian media reported.

Contrary to that, DUI's leader, Ali Ahmeti, said Thursday that the platform had been agreed upon, and signed in Skopje, and it did not endanger the territorial integrity of Macedonia.

Rallies for united Macedonia held across the country

Tens of thousands of protesters marched in the capital Skopje and a dozen of other cities across Macedonia, in protest against the Tirana platform which was agreed between leaders of ethnic Albanian parties and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. The largest rally was held in the capital Skopje, shortly after European diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini called on President Gjorge Ivanov to give a mandate to SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, who said he is open to accepting the platform.

“We call on all parties, and particularly on VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM, to stop a vote in Parliament on turning Macedonia into a bilingual country. That would open the doors to redefine Macedonia”, said actress Snezana Konevska Rusi, who joined the organizing association For a United Macedonia.

SDSM accepted a law that would turn the Albanian language into a second official language in Macedonia as a precondition to gain the votes of three parties that represent ethnic Albanians, that puts him slightly above the 61 votes in Parliament needed to form a Government. Zaev refused a proposal from VMRO-DPMNE to lead a minority Government supported by 100 votes from the two largest parties, so long as he drops the Tirana platform.

“Accepting these requests will put us on a self-destructive path at the end of which we may cease to exist as a people and a country”, singer Darko Mijalkovki said at the rally in Skopje, as participants released balloons in the yellow and red colors of the Macedonian flag.

In Stip, protest organizer Nikola Kostadinovski said that this is the moment when the people are deciding on the survival of Macedonia. “If we do not act, our country will be taken over and completely redefined. We will not back down. We will stand tall in defense of our freedom”, said Kostadinov. The rally started in front of the church of St. Nikola and protesters marched through the central city streets.

Football player Pance Kumbev spoke at the rally in Veles, calling against the proposal to change the national emblems of Macedonia – which is included in the Tirana platform. “What is happening today is the greatest test our country has been through. We will show that the interest of the nation are above personal interests, and we call on politicians to accept the same”, Kumbev said.
Sergei Latyshev: West is Liquidating Macedonia

Macedonia, a small and poor country in southern Europe, a remnant of the former Yugoslavia and whose third of the population is made up of ethnic Albanians, survives another Maidan. Specifically, two Maidan at once, one anti-governmental, which is backed by virtually all foreign players and and one pro-governmental, which has almost no support from the outside. In previous years Macedonia was facing Maidan, but what is now happening in the country is much more. This time the state is facing a real threat to its existence. Not only that neighboring countries primarily want to liquidate the state, but apparently this is also wanted by the EU and the United States.

This stands in the introduction to the analysis of Russian journalist and historian Sergei Latyshev, a columnist for the Moscow portal and television channel "Tsargrad" ( His analysis is dedicated to current developments in the country, and he warns that a scenario is taking place that leads to a precedent, or division of Macedonia.

His analysis is titled "West liquidates Macedonia", subtitled "Why all of this is done and how it is linked to Ukraine?"

In addition we present the rest of his analysis:

President Ivanov against the collapse of the state

The events in Macedonia began to receive irreversible character, after the refusal of President Gjorge Ivanov to hand the mandate for forming a new government to the leader of the opposition SDSM the main pro-west political force in the country.

On Wednesday, Ivanov said he could not hand the mandate to Zoran Zaev, despite the latter being arranged with the Albanian political parties, which secured 67 of the 120 members of the parliament, as a platform for cooperation between the Social Democrats and Albanian parties DUI, BESA and the Alliance of Albanians has been produced by external players.

"As long as I am President of the Republic of Macedonia, I will not give any mandate to man, nor a party that stands or has a platform in its program to break the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the country. For I believe that these are the fundamental values that nobody has the right to trade with. And I will not step away from them", President Ivanov stressed in his address to the nation.

"We have no spare country. Macedonia is the only country we have. And we have no historic right to destroy what generations have fought and died for. They left us this country to leave it to those yet unborn, our children and descendants. Therefore, I can assure you, the citizens, that you can be at ease".

Ivanov stressed that after the parliamentary elections of December 11, foreign country and its prime minister (Edi Rama) directly intervened in the interior affairs of the state. Consequently appeared the "Albanian Platform" which provides for changing the constitution of Macedonia, and it cannot be a condition for forming a government. According to Ivanov, the formation of a coalition government of SDSM and the Albanian parties will lead Macedonia to be put in the position of hostage and subjected to a foreign country with the aim of it being changed its polity.

This in my opinion is mildly speaking, as it is only the initial stage, given that the decomposition of Macedonia can no longer be stopped.

President of Macedonia was not fooled by the seemingly moderate demands of the Albanian minority which without them actually lives independently in Macedonia, like raising of the Albanian language to the level of a second state with a guarantee of its implementation at all levels of government, or change of the national flag, anthem and coat of arms of Macedonia in order to reflect the multi-nationalism and equality of the Albanians in the society. Albanians demand the parliament to adopt a resolution on "genocide" of the Albanians in Macedonia from 1912 to 1956.

What caused extreme prudence in Ivanov was that in drafting these requirements, US diplomats and the Prime Minister of Albania actively participated as consultants in Tirana to the there gathered representatives of the Albanian political forces in Macedonia. Moreover, Albanians are interested in not only cultural, linguistic and historical issues. After all they also require the "acceleration to the process of integration into the EU and NATO," the inclusion of Albanians in the negotiations with Greece over the name Macedonia.

As we see, Ivanov did not agree to award the mandate for forming a government between SDSM and Albanians, not because he is not a democrat and does not respect democratic procedures,but because it is a deal, which if realized he could be the last President of Macedonia.

In fact the President understands undoubtedly that the "Albanian Platform" provides, as a first step, the transformation of Macedonia in some kind of "Austria-Hungary" with a clear perspective for near liquidation as a state. It is a merger of the Albanian parts towards Kosovo, and then the "Greater Albania" which is carefully created by the leniency of the West.

In such conditions, the Slovenian population which is just over one million in the remains of the already halved and incapable for living, small country of Macedonia, will have no other alternative but to cleave to Bulgaria or to Serbia. Slavic Macedonians, it seems prefer the first option. They very well relate to the Serbs with who they lived in the same friendly state from the early 20th century, but in cultural and ethnic sense, they are undoubtedly closer to the Bulgarians. In addition, Bulgaria is already an EU member, and it still has not completely lost its prestige, apart from Serbia, which has not yet been determined.

Rallies, rallies

However, the situation in Macedonia has steadily deteriorated. In the capital Skopje and other cities on the one hand there is a group of citizens, united under the motto "For Joint Macedonia" who organize rallies.

People who protest are mainly Slavs, want the EU to recognize the country under its constitutional name, Republic of Macedonia, which due to the opposition from Greece in the world is called FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). They require the start of negotiations for Macedonia with EU and NATO, which is also opposed by Greece,which has pointless fears that Skopje will claim its province of Macedonia centered by Thessaloniki, and is also upset that the Slovenians, Macedonians lay claim to the Greek heritage.

The protesters are demanding Brussels to condemn the interference in the internal affairs by the Prime Minister of Albania and not to allow a betrayal of our national interests.

These people are supporters of the largest party in the state VMRO-DPMNE, of the former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who governed the country for more than 20 years, but according to the results of the last election, he did not manage to form a government, although at the election his party had the best result, winning 51 mandate out of 120.

Simultaneously, amplified are the performances of the opposition which is upset by that Ivanov did not award the mandate to the new governing coalition. Ethnic Albanians play a significant role in those events. According to the statement of the opposition leader Zaev, the president pushes Macedonia into a deep crisis with unpredictable consequences for the country and its citizens.

The reaction of Russia

"The West, through the Albanian minority is trying to bring to power the opposition party which suffered a defeat", it is said in the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia devoted to the dramatic events in Macedonia.

According to the opinion of Moscow, the opposition which was signed under the ultimate demands of the Albanians leads to undermining the constitutional order of the state, while the political crisis in Macedonia, provoked by rude interference from outside, deepens. MFA of Russia, dedicated attention that the "Albanian Platform" was created in Tirana, in the cabinet of the prime minister Rama, under the map of "Greater Albania", which implies a territorial claim in the broader regions of neighboring Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece.

According to Moscow, a special concern is the fact that this affair includes the authorities of Kosovo, which unilaterally declared independence. "Such a line we think is extremely dangerous and can cause destruction of the Macedonian statehood and destabilize the entire Balkan region".

MFA of Russia, suggested that the early parliamentary elections in Macedonia from December 11 2016 that led to the current explosive situation, were held at the behest of the EU and NATO, and that the destructive attempts that continue to levy schemes from the outside against the will of the Macedonian voters, can only exacerbate the situation.

Reaction of the West

It's noticeable that if the MFA of Russia tries to leave Macedonia in peace and allow Macedonians to solve domestic issues by themselves, the US Ambassador Jess Baily on Thursday expressed disappointment because President Ivanov did not award the mandate to Zaev and ultimately urged him to reconsider his decision.

"United States, with disappointment received the news that Ivanov did not want to hand the mandate to the representative of the political majority and thus give him the opportunity to form a government. We think this is inconsistent with the fundamental democratic principles and the rule of law, which is a key value of NATO", Baily said.

"We call Ivanov to reconsider its decision, and we urge Macedonia's neighbors to be restrained and constructive in these politically sensitive times for the country", Baily added.

When talking about neighbors Bailey probably thought of the President of the unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo, Hashim Thaci and the Albanian Prime Minister Rama. The first accused Ivanov for abusing the constitution and that he has anti-Albanian approach to people who are a third of his state. Rama expressed similarly.

United States has real fear that these "strong Albanian boys" with their early steps may aggravate geopolitical combinations, but Americans, judging by everything, are not against the liquidation of Macedonia. Moreover, they consider that the time has come for such liquidation. However, so far this is a semi-official position but the direction this position defines, does not cause any doubts, as well as what will be the purpose of the new US administration regarding the "Macedonian Question".

It has become clear from a recent interview with the Albanian channel "Vision Plus", of the Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, which incidentally is one of the most pro-Russian official in the Congress, which thus may be interested in establishing a precedent for resolving the "Ukrainian question."

"I believe that Macedonia is not a state. Kosovars and Albanians in Macedonia should be part of Kosovo and the other areas of Macedonia should be incorporated into Bulgaria and other countries", the congressman said.

Rohrabacher is convinced that the independence of Macedonia due to the dissolution of Yugoslavia was a mistake, because now that step is only causing concerns. We should not forget that Rohrabacher, who accuses Skopje in instigating nationalist rhetoric, was one of the contenders for the new Secretary of State, a place that belonged to Rex Tillerson. But in any case, Rohrabacher in the circle of Trump is considered a leading expert on the Balkans.

It is noticeable that the European Union on this matter, as in many other cases, acts in tandem with the United States.

It is highly indicative that EU, regarding this issue, as in most cases, seems to be an ally to the US.

Just a few days ago, Macedonia had a visit from EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, who said that the decision of Ivanov is contrary to the spirit of democracy and is not in accord with any of the principles of the Euro-Atlantic values. Mogherini also asked the president to think about his decision and in accordance to the Constitution to grant the mandate to the parties that have the Parliament majority. In other words, not to attempt to stop the process of a final tear-down of the country.

Why the West may succeed?

Because as it seems, no one needs Macedonia, apart from Russia. Historically, Bulgarians see Macedonians as Bulgarians, and will not protest if the Slav part of Macedonia goes to Bulgaria. A little over 100 years ago, Bulgaria started the first Balkan war to take a part of Macedonia for itself, which after the war ended was divided between Serbia and Greece, the former allies in the war with Turkey.

The Greeks also see Macedonia as an unpleasant misunderstanding. They made Macedonians give up their national flag, the historic Macedonian star, in order to protect the heritage of Alexander the Great from the pretense of the Slavs. Athens has been blocking the international recognition of Macedonia which UN has listed it as Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, despite the fact Yugoslavia does not exist anymore.

Athens has been blocking the EU and NATO integration of Macedonia. All of this has been happening because the native language of the modern Macedonian has a Slavic rather than Greek root, although the gene of the both people (if analyzed) will show that is very similar, due to the fact the Slavs were inhabitants all over Greece, and the Albanians also took part in the Greek ethno-genesis in the past. Of course, Greece will never admit this, and will be very satisfied if Macedonia seized to exist, regardless of the fact that is will create a negative precedent for Athens.

All this is linked to the third country of south Europe, Albania, one that has the most interest Macedonia seizes to exist. We have already discussed the role of the leadership of the country in Macedonia’s current political events. The problem for all countries in the region is that the Albanians want not only a large part of Macedonia including the Skopje region, but also the north-west territories of today’s Greece, including all of Epirus, Ioannina and Corfu. Apart from these, they want the territories of Montenegro, including Podgorica, all the way to Nish in Serbia. These territories, Tirana believes, are parts of “Great Albania”.

This future country, a small empire, with a territory twice as current Albania, has been created methodologically on the Balkans, since the beginning of the 90s with the help of EU and US. The further realization and forcing of these plans can destabilize all countries in the region as well as initiate a new conflict on the Balkans, which is upsetting Russia.

From a different angle

Macedonia’s situation can be seen from a different angle as well. Just like Kosovo created a preceent for Kremlin, that is how the tear-down of Macedonia can create a precedent for a tear-down of Ukraine. Just like the case with Kosovo, the West will deny that, adding it was a “special circumstance”. Still, a precedent will be made.

This means that only the West can think it is all allowed for them, and for the rest is not. The rest has been observing very patiently and has drawn conclusions. Those that have the intention to burn Macedonia, should think about it.

Edi Rama organizes protests in front of Macedonian Embassy

Albania's PM and man accused of not just having a major heroin problem, but being the top drug trafficker in the region (, gathered his Soros NGO ordes (30 of them) for a protest in front of the Macedonian Embassy in Tirana.

The Soros activists carried nonsensical banners, one even said "Serbian forever". Were they in front of the right Embassy?

Another banner stated "Proud to be Albanian". The Albanians once again are being used as a proxy by rogue western forces trying to heat up the situation in the Balkans.

This was confirmed by a statement coming even from the protectorate of Kosovo, where PM Hashim Thaci urges Albanians to take matters into their own hands.

Soros Bot Mogherini's Balkan Tour Turns into epic Disaster

The Balkan nations are seeing right through the hypocrisy and recklesness of the leftists eurocrats in Brussels and their Soros recruited representative Federica Mogherini who was scheduled to visit the entire Balkan region.

After her fiasco in Macedonia, the incredibly embarrassing reception in Serbia, Mogherini arrived in Montenegro to dish out lessons of what's good for the small Balkan nation.

But the Parliament in Montenegro were not interested to hear what Mogherini had to say, so the entire opposition plus other MPs from the Government exited Parliament as she started speaking. Mogherini ended up speaking to empty chairs, but incredibly, she completed her speech to no one.

What is even more interesting is that the High Representative from the EU was supposed to visit Bosnia yesterday, however the meeting was cancelled allegedly due to bad weather conditions at Saraevo's airport so she ended up going to Macedonia!?

This is interesting because upon checking, the weather not just in Saraevo, but the entire Balkans has been sunny and clear for over a week. Mogherini was scheduled to meet with high ranking Bosnian Government officials Mladen Ivanic, Dragan Covic, Denis Zvizdic and Igor Crnadak. Whether Mogherini was told not to bother showing up in Saraevo is not known, however the EU explanation why their representative didn't go to Bosnia holds no water as she is not making an attempt to go back there.

In Macedonia, Mogherini begun the trip with an immediate scandal by giving priority and meeting first with Soros NGOs over Government officials.

Are Balkan nations gaining mommentum to break away from the claws of the EU and their reckless policies?

Vucic to Mogherini: How Would EU React if we created Platform for Serbs in Bosnia and Montenegro?

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic at a press confernce with media spoke of his meeting with EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini after she was not allowed to speak in Parliament earlier in the day, which is likely to go down as quite an embarassment for the EU and their reckless policies.

- I asked Mogherini, what would the reaction of the EU be if I tell the Serbs in Bosnia and Montenegro to take matters in their own hands, the same way Hashim Thaci told the albanians in Macedonia? Keep in mind the Serb population in Montenegro and Bosnia each is at least twice as much as the albanians in Macedonia. I won't tell you what she responded, but you can conclude from her speech - says Vucic.

He metaphorically stated that if he issues a reckless statement as the ones issued by albanian politicians, Vucic said he would be hanged in downtown Belgrade, while the EU would enforce sanctions on Serbia.

- I frankly cannot believe the dangerous statement by Thaci and the fact Brussels was quiet about it, even some of our media here ignored it. If any Serb politician said something identical, there would have been consequences not just for that individual, but for the country." says Vucic.

Pressed on by journalist what did Mogherini respond to his question, Vucic says that he noticed it's not very easy to provide an answer when someone tells you the truth.

Macedonian Civil Movement wants Government to Rethink Failed "Alliance" with EU & NATO

The civil movement "Macedonian Manifesto" comprised of a group of intellectuals (journalists, historians, politicians...) representing thousands of citizens issued a press release this evening.

The civil movement warns the leadership of EU and NATO as well as Albania and the US protectorate of Kosovo to stop interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign Macedonia.

"We have seen your intimidation tactics. Your blackmail of our politicians and president will be met with extreme resistance by people who will defend their homeland to the last drop of blood", says the civil movement.

In its statement, the organization sees "US Ambassador in the country Jess Baily and British Ambassador Charless Garrett not as the phony friends they present themselves as, but as the biggest enemies of Macedonia with blood on their hands. They are the main coordinators and have been leading the charge in the destabilization of Macedonia since the day they set foot on Macedonian soil. Both operatives (not Ambassadors) threatened and pressured our president into resigning from his presidential post last year. Today, Jess Baily, instead of continuing his coup against Macedonia, will be visiting a US Court to explain why he spent millions of US taxapayers money to finance criminal activities in Macedonia".

"The civil movement does not see a friend in EU's representative Federica Mogherini. It wasn't an accident that she first met with Soros extremisits and activists on her visit to Macedonia. We also do not see friends in EU's Kocijancic, Zbogar, Vajgl and the rest of the leftist gang. They were never seen as friends" - says the civil movement.

The Macedonian Manifesto warns the only goal for NATO and the EU is a war in an attempt to destroy Macedonia. It's a fact, the so called "albanian platform" was made up by the CIA and introduced as a pretext for such a war that will spread across the region.

The civil movement warns there may be a possible agression by Albania and US protectorate of Kosovo, depending what Edi Rama and Thaci have been instructed by their masters. In addition, the Macedonian Manifesto warns the leadership of DUI and BESA that should they cause any disturbances, their existence in Macedonia will end.

Russia the only friend outside of EU

The civil movement declares that of all foreign nations outside the EU, only the Russian Federation has repeatedly given Macedonia direct support for the preservation of the country as a unitary state and has strongly objected any external interference into our internal affairs.

As a result, the Macedonian Manifesto is asking the Governnment to review and rethink their two decades of failed strategic alliance with EU and NATO, both of which are working to destabilize Macedonia, and establish strategic alliance with Russia and other BRICS nations.

The civil movement gives full support to Macedonian president Gjorge Ivanov and requests other Macedonian state institutions and political parties to stand on the front line in defense of our statehood.

"After 25 years of independence, Macedonia finally has a real, non-partisan and popular leader. Because of this, every Macedonian must stand in his defense against domestic traitors and foreign interventionists" - cconcludes the press release.
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