
Ant22 said:
Thank you for all the info on what's going on in Macedonia sToRmR1dR!

You are welcome!

President Ivanov's Interview with Austrian Daily Wiener Zeitung

Formation of a government without given mandate is legally unfounded. Such a government would not be legitimate i.e. without constitutional basis, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said in the interview with Austrian daily Wiener Zeitung.

Asked whether it is possible parliament to choose government without given mandate by the President, Ivanov said that it is legally unfounded. This is just a wishful thinking. Such a government would have no legitimacy. This is clearly stated in our Constitution. According to Article 90 of the Constitution, only the President of the State can give the mandate for formation of a government. In such case there would be two governments. The current, which is a technical government and a government without legitimacy by the president, or without constitutional basis. This means we would enter into an even greater crisis, Ivanov said.

In the interview Ivanov explained that ever since the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, the party that won the elections has been given the mandate to form a government. Following December 11 elections, I have done what my predecessors have always done: I give the mandate to the winner of elections to form of a government.

He said that VMRO-­DPMNE party did not manage to form a coalition with the parties of the Macedonian Albanians within 20 days, in accordance with the Constitution. Precisely, the coalition was actually agreed. But at the last moment, a phone call occurred and the coalition collapsed, Ivanov said. Asked “who was the caller,” Ivanov answered: “You are journalist, you can investigate this.”

Asked what would happen if Parliament Speaker is elected and SDSM leader again agrees with the parties of Macedonian Albanians and wants to form the government, Ivanov said he would not give the mandate to such coalition.

I will not give the mandate to such a coalition, due to political reasons, Ivanov said, pointing out the Tirana platform as political obstacle.

Ivanov in the interview said that Tirana platform is direct interfering and endangering the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, and the content­related requirements are not only politically dangerous, but also unconstitutional.

Which European country would accept the platform of another state, to be the basis for formation of a government. If the independence of the state is threatened, if the state is put in an orderly condition and dependent on another country, it is considered a punishable act, Ivanov said.

Ivanov in the interview Ivanov pointed out Macedonian model of integration without assimilation.

We are a multi­-ethnic democracy in which no one is discriminated because of nationality and no one is excluded. There are ethnic Albanians Ministers of Defence and Ministers for European Affairs in the government. We are a nation of citizens of Macedonia. The ethnic Macedonians, however, are a nation of their own because they have their right to their own state, he said.

This also applies to the Albanians. They have exercised their right to a separate state in neighboring Albania. Now even in Kosovo. If Macedonian Albanians want to be a constitutive nation in Macedonia, then they want the right of State to realize here, without taking into account the state borders of Macedonia. This is foreseen in Tirana platform. Then following Albania and Kosovo, Macedonia would be the third Albanian state, Ivanov said.

Tirana platform led to an institutional crisis, a blockade for the government, the failure in the election of a Parliament Speaker, Ivanov said and expressed disappointment with the EU, due to the absence of a condemnation for Tirana platform, which according to him, destroyed Przino agreement. Now we are in an institutional crisis that has nothing in common with the Przino agreement.

Ivanov in the interview clearly pointed out that Macedonia has no other strategic objective than its accession to the EU and NATO.

Asked whether the US should take a leadership role in the Balkans, Ivanov said that America is no longer what America once was. I believe the time of a Pax Americana is over.

In regard to the question on his views about the new US administration and new president Donald Trump, Ivanov responded that Trump should be given time.

Asked about the comments of the Russian Foreign Ministry on developments in Macedonia, Ivanov stated that Russia has never interfered in Macedonia, only expressing its opinion and that is legitimate.

Regarding the upcoming Austrian OSCE Chairmanship and the potential enhanced impact of Austria in the region, Ivanov said that Austria is a friend of Macedonia, but OSCE is powerless.

Ivanov in the interview said that SDSM leader Zoran Zaev is not mature for the role he has been given. He has not only overestimated himself, but has also been overestimated by those who have given him this role. There must be a dialogue and compromise in politics and he does not want to talk. Every extorted coalition is unstable. The constitution is amended by a two-­thirds majority. But Zaev will urge these laws to be passed in parliament, for me to veto many of them, and the Constitutional Court to initiate and overturn those laws. This will also do Zaev to accuse me of being anti­-Albanian. Do you understand what a perfidious game he plays?

Zaev just wants to come to power. But, he lost the elections in December. He was blinded by the desire to come to power. Now he is in a delicate situation. Unable to come to power, could end up in prison, Ivanov said.

I do not threaten. Macedonian institutions at a given moment will act against him, will investigate all circumstances. For example, question who gave him the wiretapped conversations will be interesting, Ivanov added.

In the end there will be new elections, at some point. This is always the case in democracy. Whenever there is a blockade, everything ends with elections. But now those who created Zaev do not agree with elections, because they have invested a lot of money, a lot of authority in it. They are aware that this is a missed investment. Because with the platform he has accepted, the confidence in Zaev drops every day, Ivanov added.

We want integration, not ghettoization of the Albanians in Macedonia, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said in the interview with Austrian daily Wiener Zeitung.

The cabinet of Macedonian president Gjorgji Ivanov has stated the president has no intention to meet with Bildt.

Soros lobbyist Karl Bildt in Macedonia

Former Swedish PM and current Soros lobbyist Karl Bildt is visiting Macedonia meeting with various Soros and USAid backed NGOs and political leaders.

However, the list of people willing to meet with the former Swedish diplomat is dwindling by the minute.

The cabinet of Macedonian president Gjorgji Ivanov has stated the president has no intention to meet with Bildt.

The former Swedish diplomat entered into a twitter spat with the former primer minister of Slovenia Janez Janša, a spat which was closely followed in the Balkans.

Bildt appeared 'worried' about the escalating situation in Macedonia and "Russian influience" and suggested that the EU and NATO should intervene or at the very least hold military exercises in the region to show (us) who was the boss!? Janez Janša responded to Bildt that Macedonia is a democratic country and is being destabilizied by the very people that Karl Bildt works for.

The fact that Bildt is visiting Macedonia despite calling for military agression there says quite a bit about his ethical and moral standards.
Macedonia, one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, has been marred by a long-running political crisis, which has once again raised ethnic tensions between Macedonians and ethnic Albanians. Political analysts interviewed by Sputnik Serbia examine the crisis and explain how it has long been manipulated by the West.

New Balkan Crisis: How West 'Rewards Albanians for Servility of Macedonians'

Macedonia has been marred by a political crisis for two years now, and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. The situation deteriorated on March 1 when President Gjorge Ivanov, who was elected head of state as VMRO-DPMNE’s candidate, refused to grant Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) leader Zoran Zaev the mandate to form a government, despite the opposition leader having secured a majority in parliament with ethnic Albanian parties.

Supporters of the right-wing VMRO-DPMNE party then took to the streets bearing cardboard shields, painted in the national colors, red and yellow, to display dislike for the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM)-led coalition government.

Sputnik Serbia took a closer look at the crisis and interviewed a number of political analysts who described how the country has been the victim of Western manipulation.

Macedonia is the only country which peacefully seceded from Yugoslavia through a referendum of 1991, when the rest of the post-Yugoslavian space was engulfed by violence and was drowning in bloodshed.

The West, which had been working hard to split Yugoslavia, has ever since held up Macedonia to the rest of the world as an example of a peaceful solution to a political crisis.

The authorities in the Macedonian capital of Skopje then vowed to participate in the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration, much to the applause of the West, which granted the country the status of NATO aspiring member state back in 1999.

Macedonia however has been prevented from joining the alliance by Greece, over a naming irregularity. Citing historical and territorial concerns resulting from the ambiguity between the Republic of Macedonia, the adjacent Greek region of Macedonia and the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon which falls mostly within Greek Macedonia, Greece opposes the use of the name "Macedonia" by the Republic of Macedonia without a geographical qualifier such as "Northern Macedonia."

Macedonia's official name therefore is the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (sometimes abbreviated as FYROM and FYR Macedonia).

In 2001, the country was marred by an armed conflict with Albanian separatists, which ended with the Ohrid Framework Agreement, granting the Albanian minority greater rights than usually given to minorities.

Skopje signed the agreement under the soft pressure of the West in exchange for the status of an EU candidate member state.

It expected Brussels to find a solution to the Greek veto, however the international community seems to have had a change of heart.

Back in May 2015, the issue of ethnic tensions within Macedonia gained global headlines once again, after eight police officers and 14 others were killed during a two-day shootout between police and an armed paramilitary group of ethnic Albanians in the northern city of Kumanovo.

The events might have sobered the Macedonians, who understood that their authorities were no longer favored by the West. At that particular moment a new opposition figure appeared on the arena, namely Zoran Zaev, and the Albanian factor intensified.

With the success of 2001 in mind, the Albanian minority is now demanding a confederation, basically a change of the state structure of Macedonia, which currently remains a unitary state.

The crisis deteriorated after Skopje refused to impose sanctions on Moscow. In April 2016, the country was engulfed in protests against the incumbent President Gjorge Ivanov and the government led by the interim Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev from the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party.

Referred to by some as the "Colored Revolution,", the protests began after a controversial decision by the President to halt an investigation into former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and dozens of politicians who were allegedly involved in a wiretapping scandal.

The demonstrations were organized by "Protestiram" (I protest) and supported by a coalition led by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, and other opposition parties.

The December parliamentary elections, which were originally planned for April 24 and later June 5, were called as part of an agreement brokered by the European Union to end the protests against the government of Nikola Gruevski. The ruling VMRO-DPMNE maintained a small majority, however Zoran Zaev formed a coalition with ethnic Albanian parties and secured a majority in parliament.

He is now insisting on a mandate to form the government and has put forward the so-called "Albanian Platform", (or "Tirana Platform", after Tirana, Albania, where it was put together) a set of Albanian conditions for their participation in any new Macedonian government.

The Albanian Platform, according to the local media, could lead to a "series of moves that divide Macedonia on ethnic lines, into cantons or federal units."

Macedonia's President, Gjorge Ivanov, has refused to grant the mandate, claiming acceptance of the Albanian Platform endangers Macedonia's existence.

Commenting on the situation in the country, Aleksandar Gajic, political analyst at the Institute of European Studies in Belgrade told Sputnik that Macedonia, in its current unitary, independent and sovereign state, might have been only buying time from the West, which now wants not so much to punish Skopje for its disobedience as to reward their faithful ally, the Albanians.

"It is clear that the Albanians want to re-consider the borders of the states in the region, starting with the separation of Kosovo and Metohija, then creating Ilirida on the territory of Macedonia and Chameria in Greece, and then annexing part of Montenegro where they also have territorial claims," he told Sputnik. He also called Macedonia a victim, which is being sacrificed for the sake of greater strategic purposes.

"Macedonia has fallen out of favor after it tried to defend its territorial integrity and constitutional order and after its attempts to strengthen its economic and political relations by supporting some geopolitical processes. I'm talking primarily about the construction of a gas pipeline within the Turkish Stream project and further cooperation with other Slavic nations in the Balkans," he said.

He also suggested that the EU and the US in many ways are trying to support the claims of Albanians for the remodeling of Macedonia and turning it into a binational state, which could be easily separated at any moment and re-named for the sake of further Euro-integration.

However, it won't be the state of the Macedonians any longer but an entity, one part of which will under the rule of the Albanians and the other – under those who obey the West against the will of the Macedonian people," he stated.

Aleksandar Mitovski, Director of the Center for Research and Analysis in Skopje also agrees that the West has been manipulating Macedonia for more than two decades now.

He reminded Sputnik that back in 1992 the West promised his country that its name would be changed soon, but it still remains the same.

"Macedonia has been always obsequious and servile towards the West. Let's recall the protests when the authorities allowed NATO jets to use Macedonian air bases and fields to bomb Yugoslavia, however the authorities pursued with their decision," he told Sputnik.

"They know in the West that the ethnic conflict is Macedonia's sore spot which it can push at any time and get what it wants. This is exactly what is going on right now," he concluded.
sToRmR1dR said:
The cabinet of Macedonian president Gjorgji Ivanov has stated the president has no intention to meet with Bildt.

Soros lobbyist Karl Bildt in Macedonia

Soros puppet Karl Bildt lies he never requested to meet with president Ivanov

After getting mocked by fellow NGO organizations of being denied the opportunity to meet with Macedonian president Gjorgji Ivanov, former Swedish diplomat and current time waster Karl Bildt went on the defensive claiming his Soros backed liberal NGO calling itself ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations) never made a request to meet with the president.

Karl Bildt wouldn't be himself if he doesn't manipulate at least daily, so Macedonian media contacted the presidential cabinet to check Bildt's claims and received the communication between ECFR and the presidential cabinet.

As it turned out, ECFR officially requested for Bildt and his progressive Bulgarian minions to meet with president Ivanov on April 5th, nearly two weeks ago. However, they got denied.




Civic Initiative for Joint Macedonia: There Shall Be No Tirana Platform and Government

On Tuesday, rallies of the Civic Initiative for Joint Macedonia resumed. Participants have marched as usual from the Government building to the Assembly, carrying Macedonian red and yellow flags and pictures of renowned Macedonian revolutionaries.

The civic movement reiterates that they will not allow for a speaker of the Parliament to be nominated if he or she does not publicly denounce the Tirana platform, which breaches the constitution and affects the unitary character of the country. Organizers say that they are to be on alert and will not permit for the Tirana platform to be accepted contrary to citizens’ will.

The organizers of the rallies say that citizens and Gjorge Ivanov safeguard Macedonia at the moment. They add that Bildt has not mentioned the constitutional name of Macedonia not even once, and furthermore refers to its citizens as “Slavo-Macedonians’.

“President, support us and we will support you. May you stay well and healthy,” Bogdan Ilievski, one of the organizers of the rallies, said.

Elena Misirkova highlighted that Macedonia is in danger, and added that the country needed to be kept within the current borders. Furthermore, she called on all nationalities and minorities to join the movement.

“We cannot be held hostage by a small group of people who only care about their interests,” said Misirkova.

Rallies are to resume on Wednesday. On Friday, organizers informed, further activities of the movement will be revealed.

Mufti Zaeviqi attempted to create Parallel Government structures

SDS leader Zoran Zaev gathered the three minority albanian political parties BESA, DUI and the Alliance at Skopje hotel Alexandar Palace, in an effort to create parallel Government and institutions, following the example of Lybia where two Governments exist: one 'recognized' and sponsored by US-led NATO and a legitimate Government that's supported by the people.


Alliance's Zijadin Sela, cheered on the decision to create parallel structures in the country, states former high ranking SDS official Ljupcho Palevski. However, it was DUI's Ahmeti who didn't think Zaev's idea would work out very well for them. First of Ahmeti is already part of the Government and is in no hurry. Any unconstitutional move will not just result in DUI being thrown out of the Government, but will likely lead to jail time. So as Palevski's himself wrote, "Ahmeti has put some thought into it, and is not like Zaev who uses his head only for haircuts".

What will it take to jail Zaev at this point we simply don't know, clearly the country is disfunctional.

SDSM Leader Zaev Meets EU Ambassadors in Skopje

The leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, met on Wednesday in Skopje with the ambassadors of Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden and the Netherlands, the party said in a press release.

In the meeting, it was concluded that the Republic of Macedonia must pursue democratic processes to ensure stable future for its citizens.

"The 67­-strong parliamentary majority is prepared to fulfill the citizens' will for changes that had been voiced at the December 11 elections. In the coming period, the following steps will be made ­ to elect a new Parliament speaker and to form a new reform­-oriented government in accordance with the Parliament's Rules of Procedures, the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and the laws," Zaev said.

The interlocutors also discussed the importance of all political factors in the country, the institutions as well as individuals, to take into consideration the duty they had been entrusted with to allow the process to run its course as well as the consequences of certain behaviors to the detriment of state interests, stated the press release.

The SDSM president said it was necessary actions to be taken according to the majority will of the citizens and a peaceful transfer of power to be provided.

In the meeting with Christine Althauser, Charles Garrett, Mats Staffansson and Wouter Plomp, it was concluded that the crisis could be settled by implementing the urgent reform priorities in Macedonia, thus paving the way for fresh Euro­-Atlantic perspectives.

Rama: Albania will unite with Kosovo if EU doesn't admit us

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama issued a warning that he can't count out the possibility of unification between Kosovo and Albania, if European Union integration in the region is stalled. In an interview with Politico, Rama also dismissed accusations that he interfered in Macedonian politics by uniting the parties that represent ethnic Albanians behind the controversial Tirana platform.

"Asked if he would take a union with Kosovo off the table, Rama said: 'No, because the only way to keep the Balkans in this peaceful and cooperative mode … is to keep the path to the EU open, to keep the perspective clear, to keep emotions about the EU positive. No one would like to turn in on themselves and look for smaller unions, everyone would like to unite in the big union. But if there’s no hope, no perspective, no space, then, of course, little unions may happen'. Many fear a union between Kosovo and Albania would trigger a new upheaval in the Balkans, which descended into war in the 1990s as Yugoslavia was torn apart. Bosnia and Macedonia would be especially vulnerable if borders were thought to be up for grabs once again. Rama said a union with Kosovo was not 'my wish but a possible alternative to the closed door of the European Union'", Politico writes in its interview with Rama.

Regarding the Tirana platform, Rama says that he "merely facilitated" the meetings in Tirana between three parties that represent ethnic Albanians in the aftermath of the inconclusive elections on December 11th. The document that was produced from these meetings calls for changing of Macedonian national emblems and a wholesale redefinition of inter-ethnic relations, and President Gjorge Ivanov refused to give a mandate to social-democratic leader Zoran Zaev to form a Government, unless he rejects the Tirana platform.

Rama says that he suports the positions of the Albanian parties expressed in the platform, even as he denies that it was written in Tirana. He is right on this one, it was written in Langley by John Brennan's team.

Serbian officials meanwhile have slammed Edi Rama and his Euro sponsors for his frequent remarks that will lead to inevitable war. "If Rama thinks Serbia will give up Kosovo to Albania, he needs to think again" says Marko Gjuric, the Director for the Office of Kosovo and Metohija.

Serbia has invested billions into the Kosovo infrastructure over the past 30 years. Needless to say, official Belgrade will go to war to retain their investment.

Special Report
George Soros’s Contributions to a Cannabis Hotbed

How much longer will the U.S. continue to support a socialist network in artfully criminal Albania?

Albania’s socialist prime minister, Edi Rama, is the only foreign leader who came to the U.S. to trash talk Donald J. Trump last year, possibly at the behest of his close friend, George Soros.

“God forbid” Trump wins the Republican nomination Rama told CNN’s Richard Quest.

Trump’s election would “harm a lot America and it would harm a lot the world,” predicted the 52-year-old professional artist.

Yet, Rama continues to benefit from a massive USAID program managed by his second wife (of four) and to manipulate a sympathetic U.S. embassy, even as he runs the country into the ground while fomenting chaos in neighboring Macedonia.

U.S. policy needs to make a U-Turn in Albania, assuming it’s even on the radar in Foggy Bottom.

Tirana Update

Simply put: Albania is a mess.

One of the country’s two major political powers, the center-right Democratic Party, is boycotting parliament and refuses to participate in June elections as long as the governing Socialist Party is in charge.

Meanwhile, former political dissidents surged through Tirana streets last month protesting Rama’s appointment of a new Interior Minister, Fatimir Xhafaj, who was a state prosecutor during Enver Hoxha’s malevolent, highly repressive communist regime and has a brother indicted for international drug trafficking.

Hoxha imprisoned close to 100,000 people in inhuman jails and camps; some 5,500 people were executed without trial. Among the groups he wiped out were poets, writers, intellectuals, and Christian clergy. Pope Francis beatified 38 Albanian martyrs last year.

Incredibly, 27 years after communism’s collapse, Albanian politics is still vexed by predatory clans empowered during the Stalin-, then Mao-inspired dictatorship.

Did the West fail to aid Albania on its path toward democracy?

On the contrary, Albania (some three million people living in a country the size of Connecticut) has received extensive assistance from Western institutions including the European Union and U.S. government.

USAID spent $60 million in the country’s justice sector alone, 2000 to 2015 — often coordinated with George Soros’ Open Society Foundation under the last administration. As Albanian newspaper editor Erl Murati explained earlier this year, “U.S. official interests coincide with the activity of Soros. It’s difficult to distinguish where the interest of one begins and the other ends. His interests became synonymous with American policy.”

But Western aid has mainly reinforced a dysfunctional State while enriching a nepotistic network.

As explored in the first part of this series, “Macedonia to George Soros and USAID: Go Away,” this external aid is helping the Socialist Party and its fifth column of NGO allies, employing violence as one of its noteworthy tactics, try to gain power against conservatives.

Soros’ analogous plan for Albania succeeded already in 2013, when Edi Rama’s Socialist Party defeated the Democratic Party in a victory preceded by violence.

Smoking Gun

Albania actually figured in the 2016 American election.

The WikiLeaks revelation of Clinton emails last summer included a smoking gun: Proof that billionaire tax-evader, George Soros, directed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to take specific action, namely to intervene in Tirana on behalf of Edi Rama, leading violent street protests in January 2011.

Clinton’s staff immediately responded. Within days, a EU envoy suggested by Soros, Slovak diplomat Miroslav Lajcak (current foreign minister for the governing Direction-Social Democracy Party, he was a Communist Party member before 1990), arrived in country.

At the time, Rama was Tirana’s mayor and the country’s opposition leader, locked in a power struggle with the governing Democratic Party, which had narrowly defeated his side two years before.

Rama instigated the demonstrations — which killed four people and injured more than 150 — to protest government corruption, revealed by a video secretly recorded by the economy minister, showing how he was ordered by Deputy Prime Minister Ilir Meta to commit fraud involving public contracts and bribes. The two men belong to the same party, the Socialist Movement for Integration, DP’s coalition partner at the time.

Superficially, Edi Rama, a 6-foot 6-inch former national basketball player, turned artist, turned politician, has a cool, hipster vibe — at least, that’s what he strives to project.

Elected in 2000 to serve as mayor of the capital city (where over 800,000 people live, approximately 30 percent of the population), having spent two years as Minister of Youth, Rama made a global impression for ordering drab, Soviet-style housing blocks painted with whirls, swirls, and checkerboards from a Crayola palette.

He polished an international reputation as a post-modern innovator, giving, for example, a Ted Talk in Thessaloniki on how his urban paint projects brought down crime — although there’s no evidence they did — and bragging to the Guardian, “Once the buildings were colored, people started to get rid of the heavy fences of their shops. In the painted roads, we had 100% tax collection from the people, while tax collection was normally 4%. People accepted to pay their share for the city, because they realized that through the colors the city exists.”


But Rama is not new at all. In fact, he has purebred communist pedigree. He’s related through his mother to Spiro Koleka, a politburo member close to Hoxha. Documents reveal he participated with Hoxha and other Politburo members in the actual executions of anti -communist Albanians.

Edi Rama’s father, Kristaq, was a sculptor and top party member who enforced a hardline to control the arts. As one Albanian intellectual explains, “Kristaq Rama, arguably the most important sculptor of the Communist period, was part of the elite. He belonged to the Central Committee, and in the late 1980s served in the chairmanship of the Kuvendi Popullor, the Communist version of parliament. In that position, in 1987, he refused to grant a pardon to Havzi Nela, a poet sentenced to death for anti-regime propaganda.”

After communism fell, when other young political activists were joining the new Democratic Party (DP), Edi Rama lined up with old cadres in the renamed Socialist Party (SP).

“The enormous weight of Communism is still on the backs of the Albanian people,” explains Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, founder of the Center for Islamic Pluralism and a journalist who lived in the Balkans in the late 1990s.

“The Albanian Socialist Party is just the Communist Party slightly refurbished. They look at the whole country in a predatory way,” he continued. “It’s their personal refrigerator or farm, their personal property — just not backed up by a concentration camp or murder anymore.”

Meanwhile, George Soros’s Open Society Foundation of Albania, established in 1992, was cultivating a new elite, with new cadres, often children of the old guard.

It singled out young talent to be sent abroad on scholarships and given new NGOs to lead. One unstated requirement: His beneficiaries could not be religious because so many of Soros’s pet policies antagonize organized religion and traditional values. Rama ran with this crowd.

In 2010, Rama, a former Soros board member, married his fourth wife, Linda Basha Xhillari, an Open Society board member at the time — members of the same clan.

Rama’s Renaissance

Preparing for parliamentary elections in 2012, Rama made two bold moves: He engineered a photo with Barack Obama and forged an alliance with an ostensible enemy.

First, at a San Francisco fundraiser, Rama managed to snag a photo with the president.

Using the image in campaign materials was extremely effective because Albanians have been wildly pro-American, especially since the 1999 U.S.-led bombing of Serbia on behalf of Kosovo, where more than 80 percent of the population is ethnic Albanian.

But the photo was procured as a result of a crime.

Albanian-American Bilal Shehu, a New Jersey limo driver, bought two $40,000 fundraiser tickets via the Obama Victory Fund, then brought Rama to the party instead of his wife. Shehu and businessman William Argeros eventually pled guilty to laundering an illegal $80,000 donation from Tirana in order to procure the tickets.

Foreign contributions to presidential campaigns are illegal. Rama denies he was behind the scheme. Some claim the money came from drug dealers, a flourishing occupation.

Rama’s second pre-election accomplishment was joining forces with Ilir Meta, the politician who was filmed orchestrating corrupt deals in 2011, the one who sparked death and destruction in Tirana’s streets!

The alliance between Rama and Meta broke the Democratic Party’s governing coalition. (Today, Meta is speaker of the parliament.)

Together with a raft of small political entities, including minuscule Green and Communist party formations, Rama’s Alliance for a European Albania won the 2013 parliamentary elections.

“The Renaissance has won,” the egocentric leader declared, according to the BBC. Three months later, he was celebrating in New York with pal George Soros, at the octogenarian’s third wedding.

As prime minister, Rama staffed his cabinet with a blend of old guard and new elite. The old guard includes Gramoz Ruçi, the most powerful Socialist Party leader after Rama. Ruçi leads the party’s parliamentary group. In yesteryear, he was minister of interior, one of the last goons of the Communist period, chief of the secret police, in 1990.

Then there’s the new elite: men such as Albania’s foreign minister since 2013, Ditmir Bushati.

Bushati benefited from Soros support while studying at Harvard University. Then, he came home and served as the Open Society Foundation’s national coordinator to monitor progress toward European integration. From there he went to parliament and a leadership role in the Socialist Party.

Or look at Ejon Veliaj, Rama’s first minister of social welfare and youth, elected mayor of Tirana in 2015. Veliaj’s main credential for running a ministry that managed about 30 percent of the country’s budget was leadership of an NGO created by the Open Society Foundation, Mjaft! (Enough!), which spawned a slew of other NGOs to create what one blogger describes as the “Soros octopus.”

Soros’s structures groomed people like Bushati and Veliaj to lead the country, together with numerous others playing key roles in government and media.

What old and new seem to share, unfortunately, is a predatory attitude toward the state, based on economic data and public opinion. Because on dimensions such as prosperity or happiness, precious little progress has been made under Rama’s government.

Cannabis and Corruption

How is the Renaissance coming along, almost four years later? Excellent, if you’re in the drug trade. Rather badly, if you are a regular citizen.

Albania is Europe’s “main source” for cannabis, according to the 2017 Serious and Organized Crime Threat Assessment, released annually by Europol. As the best independent, English-language news site points out, last year, the country was one producer among several (Bulgaria, Kosovo, and Serbia), but Albania appears to have displaced the others.

Cannabis production is the most important agricultural income generator, especially in mountainous regions. An Italian blog explains, “Cannabis plantations have grown up like mushrooms all over the country” in the last four years, in part because a new Vietnamese seed that grows quicker is being used.

According to Italy’s top anti-mafia prosecutor, Franko Roberti, cannabis trafficking from Albania to Italy increased 300 percent over the last year — and receipts are linked to financing for Islamic extremists, the Italians believe.

An onsite BBC report in December estimated the industry is worth approximately five billion euros a year, which is about half of the country’s GDP.

Heroin from Afghanistan also transits Albania on its way to Europe, and Albanian émigrés comprise a distribution network throughout Europe.

Although Rama points to a marked increase in marijuana confiscation by police, independent journalist Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei assessed a new drug action plan prepared for the EU and concluded it won’t make a dent in prosecuting organized crime — an unsurprising weakness considering the new interior minister’s brother is an international cocaine dealer under indictment in Italy.

In a different case, a major drug dealer wanted by the Greek government for financing multiple cannabis shipments, Klemend Balili, can’t be touched, due to his connections with Socialist Party national and local officials, write Balkan Insight and CNN Greece based on police sources.

The drug trade is enabled by ubiquitous corruption marring Albanian law enforcement, justice, and politics.

A European Union study found an increase between 2014 and 2016 in citizens being expected to bribe officials — and more public hopelessness, as well.

Meanwhile, Albanian news sites are filled with bizarre accounts of both bad behavior by politicians and brazen disregard for attempts to make them accountable: Two SP mayors investigated for document fraud were protected by the Central Election Commission as was a SP parliamentarian who assaulted colleagues. At least, the deputy accused of murder in Belgium and of plotting to kill Speaker Meta eventually did lose parliamentary immunity.

New York University Professor Shinasi Rama, an Albanian-American (no relation to the prime minister), confirms, “Albania is totally and thoroughly corrupt, criminalized to the core, a mafia state.”

The country “is being used by international crime syndicates with terrible consequences for the State, its people, social values, and of course, for democracy, because the mafia only recognizes one form of rule, its own, and it wants to impose this rule over politicians as well,” he continued.

“Basically politicians are the capos of the mafia, jostling for power, because who ever loses the State loses a lot more than administrative authority,” said the international relations specialist, who helped found the Albanian Bee, an anti-establishment diaspora group.

No Accomplishments

It shouldn’t be a surprise that a morally challenged elite presiding over a cannabis kingdom have trouble producing positive economic indicators. World Bank data shows a sharp decrease in foreign direct investments between 2013 and 2015.

According to the Legatum Prosperity Index, Albania’s economic prosperity has fallen significantly since 2013, due to unemployment, poor infrastructure, and corruption.

Perhaps Albania’s saddest decline is on the United Nation’s Happiness Report, which ranks counties based on six dimensions of a nation’s life: income, life expectancy, social support systems, generosity, freedom, and trust.

While in the U.N.’s 2012 report (its first year with rankings), the country was ranked 63 out of 156, this year, Albania fell to 110.

Edi Rama has managed to accomplish something for himself, though: The inveterate opportunist promotes his felt-pen doodles worldwide, combining official visits to Berlin, Munich, and Hong Kong with exhibit openings in 2015 alone.[1]

He even got an Art in America review in February for his exhibit at a New York gallery of the same old doodles, plus printed wallpaper (of doodles), and some new, messy ceramics.

The critic wasn’t wowed, though, finding something “perverse” in contrasting the slight drawings to the reality of Albania as “one of Europe’s poorest countries… plagued with rampant corruption,” as though Rama’s ministerial office were merely “an aesthetic prompt.”

Dubious Projects, Empowering Soros

Reviewing various taxpayer-dollar-wasting programs promoted by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and the U.S. embassy, especially focusing on “democracy building” over the last eight years, shows how fundamentally irrelevant they are to the country’s main problems.

Millions of dollars were spent to install high-tech digital audio recording equipment in 160 courtrooms, as part of a five-year, $9-million program implemented by Chemonics International, between 2010 and 2015. Installing trial scheduling software was another activity to improve court efficiency.

A 2013 assessment by USAID’s inspector general found a serious risk that the equipment could not be sustained since it depended on ongoing investments in server capacity and network upgrades, which Albanian public budgets could hardly afford.

In 2016, USAID/Tirana selected a new contractor, East West Management Institute (EWSI) — a training consultancy financed by George Soros in the 1990s — for a $8.8-million project, “Justice for All,” once again dedicated to improving the country’s justice system through greater transparency, accountability, accessibility bla bla bla.

At about the same time, USAID/Skopje awarded a multi-million contract to EWSI for “civic engagement” in partnership with Soros’s Open Society Foundation in Macedonia.

EWMI and Soros World maintain close connections; one of EWMI’s four directors is George Vickers, former director of international relations for the Open Society Institute.

Guess who oversees the EWSI programs in Albania and Macedonia?

Edi Rama’s ex-wife, Delina Fico, is EWMI’s director of civil society programs.

Her current partner is Bledi Çuçi, Rama’s minister of state for local issues until last month, when he was moved to a regional SP campaign position — part of a government reshuffle to satisfy EU anti-corruption demands.

Thus, USAID in the Balkans has empowered the incestuous Soros clan, embedded in the region’s socialist parties, to fly the American flag over its partisan, nepotistic activities.

U.S. Favoritism

And the U.S. government has pressured the Democratic Party to defer to the SP on important internal matters.

Last summer, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland came to Tirana to persuade Lulzim Basha, leader of the DP (who defeated Rama in the 2011 Tirana mayoral race), to give in to the prime minister regarding judicial reform in order to inspire the EU to open membership talks with Albania. Basha’s party boycotted the vote.

Nuland’s long gone, but Embassy Tirana continues to be embroiled in Albania’s partisan politics, siding with the SP, as is well documented by Luke Coffey, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Foreign Policy Studies.

Among the recent fights U.S. Ambassador Donald Lu has picked, he canceled U.S. visas for approximately 70 judges and prosecutors, including the country’s general prosecutor, all DP members, none, reportedly, from the SP.

Six U.S. senators wrote to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on March 15 asking him to investigate funds dispersed by USAID and embassy in Albania as well as Macedonia that might benefit socialist parties and policies advanced by George Soros’s foundations.

With regard to Albania, the letter says, opposition leaders believe judicial “reforms” promoted by Embassy Tirana “are ultimately aimed to give the prime minister and left-of-center government full control over judiciary power.”

Failed Experiment

Professor Shinasi Rama considers Albania over the last 25 years to exemplify a “failed experiment.”

He explains, “Albania was a guinea pig, an experiment with new forms of organization suggested, recommended, and imposed from outside.”

In the U.S., for example, various groups are organically created and privately funded, Professor Rama pointed out, but in Albania, outsiders, whether USAID or Soros, “tried to press templates on locals,” calling it civil society.

As a result of facing “international factors which were multiple and conflicting,” the professor says, Albanian politicians “started playing a double game: Cooperate by day, undo it by night. Every law that was passed, included a lot of ‘back doors.’”

Overall, the professor concludes, “There was too much desire on the part of outsiders to change the people and the State.”

Today, Shinasi Rama sees “perpetual crisis, a country that can’t solve its own problems so it’s about to be captured by criminal forces.”

Stephen Schwartz has a similar assessment of the negative impact of outside solutions, explaining that Albanian identity has always been strongly attached to the land, yet Hoxha’s forced collectivization destroyed agriculture and the peasant’s great wealth of knowledge.

“They went from Hoxha telling them how to be an Albanian to Soros telling them, ‘You have to be a European the way I tell you how to be a European,’ imposing his mentality, which has no use for religion, culture, or education,” said Schwartz, who was a Soros grantee for work on Croatia.

Schwarz said he escaped the “prescriptive materialism” of the Soros mentality, likening it to “Communist style corruption of the intelligentsia.”

What all of the Western advisers ignored is the real treasure of the region: “I said in ’87, Balkan Muslims are a precious resource for Europe. They can create a commercial Metropole like Hong Kong. What we need is a dialogue of the religious, based on the experience of co-existence and entrepreneurship,” Schwartz said. “None of this penetrated the mind of Brussels.”

“Instead, Clinton and Soros offered exactly the same thing. Prescriptive imperialists. They think only they know what is good for you because they know! You don’t know what you need… all under the U.S. flag,” the Muslim scholar sighed, ruefully.

(Our series, “Soros in the Balkans Under the American Flag,” will continue.)
Judicial Watch Sues State Department and USAID for Records about Funding and Political Activities of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – Macedonia

USAID website reports it gave $4,819,125 in taxpayer money to Soros’s Open Society Foundation – Macedonia between from 2012 to 2016

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for records and communications relating to the funding and political activities of the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia. The Macedonia organization, part of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, received nearly $5 million from USAID from 2012 to 2016. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (No. 1:17-cv-00729)).

The suit was filed after both the U.S. Department of State and USAID failed to respond to a February 16, 2017, FOIA request seeking:

- All records related to any grants, contracts, or disbursements of funds by the Department of State to the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s subsidiaries. This request includes all related requests for funding, payment authorizations, or similar records, as well as all related records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of State and any official, employee, or representative of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

- Any records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of State and any officer, employee, or representative of the Open Society Foundation -Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s affiliated organizations. This request includes responsive records of communication sent from or directed to U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Jess L. Baily.

- All analyses or similar records regarding the political activities of the Open Society Foundation -Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s affiliated organizations.

- All messages transmitted via the State Department’s SMART system sent from any U.S. Government employee or contractor operating under the Chief of Mission’s authority at the U.S. Embassy in Skopje that pertain to the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s affiliated organizations.

The USAID website reports that between February 27, 2012, and August 31, 2016, USAID gave $4,819,125 in taxpayer money to Soros’s Open Society Foundation – Macedonia (FOSM), in partnership with four local civil society organizations. The USAID’s website links to, and says the project trained hundreds of young Macedonians “on topics such as freedom of association, youth policies, citizen initiatives, persuasive argumentation and use of new media.”

In February, Judicial Watch reported:

The U.S. government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with leftwing billionaire philanthropist George Soros, records obtained by Judicial Watch show. Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess L. Baily, has worked behind the scenes with Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.


Here’s how the clandestine operation functions, according to high-level sources in Macedonia and the U.S. that have provided Judicial Watch with records as part of an ongoing investigation. The Open Society Foundation has established and funded dozens of leftwing, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Macedonia to overthrow the conservative government. One Macedonian government official interviewed by Judicial Watch in Washington D.C. recently, calls it the “Soros infantry.” The groups organize youth movements, create influential media outlets and organize violent protests to undermine the institutions and policies implemented by the government. One of the Soros’ groups funded the translation and publication of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” into Macedonian. The book is a tactical manual of subversion, provides direct advice for radical street protests and proclaims Lucifer to be the first radical. Thanks to Obama’s ambassador, who has not been replaced by President Trump, Uncle Sam keeps the money flowing so the groups can continue operating and recruiting, sources in Macedonia and the U.S. confirm.

According to, Soros’ Open Society Foundation “may be the largest philanthropic organization ever built, with branches in 37 countries. While the Gates Foundation spends more money, OSF has a larger footprint worldwide thanks to its many local offices, including throughout Africa.” OSF’s budget will be around $930 million …”

The activities of Ambassador Bailey and USAID’s funding of the Open Society Foundation have recently come under Congressional scrutiny. On January 17, 2017, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) sent a letter to Baily asking him to explain the State Department’s relationship with Open Society Foundation. On February 24, 2017, Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and others called on the Government Accountability Office to conduct an investigation and audit of the Department of State and USAID’s activities in Macedonia, including funding of Open Society Foundation entities and potential interference in domestic Macedonian political affairs in potential violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

“The Obama administration seemed to bust taxpayer budgets in an effort to fund the Soros operation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Trump State Department and USAID should get their act together and disclose the details of the Obama-Soros spigot.”

Jason Miko: Macedonia’s crisis – three years on (but take heart!)

On Monday Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and former foreign minister of Sweden, jetted into Macedonia on behalf of his current employer, the European Council on Foreign Relations, an organization he co-chairs and which is lavishly funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, among others. Before arriving, Bildt, who has an uncanny knack for self-promotion, tweeted about the “grave situation” of the “constitutional crisis in Skopje” (apparently the entire country of Macedonia exists alone in Skopje). We’ve seen this movie before: so-called “experts” from non-governmental organizations representing the elite jet into Macedonia, make a few notes, and then jet out while making pronouncements about the need to uphold democracy, the rule of law, and, well, you get the idea.

Next week will mark three years since the beginning of the current crisis in “Skopje” and the rest of Macedonia (note to Bildt and other cowards who cannot bring themselves to say “Macedonia.”). It was three years ago, at the end of the 2014 presidential and parliamentary elections, that Zoran Zaev’s SDSM participated in the elections and then promptly said on that Sunday, “we won’t take our seats.” After eight years out of power, and because the people of Macedonia were not buying the far-left ideas that SDSM was selling, Zaev resorted to the childish tradition of stating “I will hold my breath until I turn blue in the face unless you give me what I want.”

It’s worth remembering what happened next:Parliamentary boycotts, non-recognition of President Ivanov, followed by the attempted blackmail by Zaev of then-prime minister Nikola Gruevski in the fall of 2014 in the prime minister’s office (you might recall how Zaev told Gruevski about his illegally obtained and illegally recorded tapes and his offer to Gruevski to withhold the tapes if Gruevski brought SDSM into government), followed by the slow-drip release of the tapes beginning in early 2015, followed by various agreements and EU negotiators (including those who are madly in love with cats) throughout the balance of 2015, the creation of the SPO, the so-called “colorful revolutionaries” who used tactics advocated by the American radical Saul Alinsky and who rampaged while destroying public property (US presidential candidate Hilary Clinton did her university thesis on Alinsky and USAID translated Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” into Macedonian with the help of Soros), along with not one but two attempted parliamentary elections and then finally, the December 2016 parliamentary elections. But as advertisers in America like to proclaim when selling you something you don’t need, don’t want or don’t have the money for: BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!” The December 2016 elections were followed by the Tirana Platform presided over and blessed by Albania’s Socialist Prime Minister Edi Rama and released on Christmas Day 2017, followed by the refusal of President Ivanov to give the mandate to form a government to Mr. Zaev, followed, these days, by Macedonia’s patriots all defending the unitary and sovereign character of Macedonia and all of this combined with a good old-fashioned parliamentary filibuster in parliament – all mixed in with pronouncements, statements, threats, and a host of other utterances from the international community and the Carl Bildt’s of this world that the Macedonians had better do what the elites say or else.

And yet. The sun rises and sets each and every day over Macedonia. People get up, go to work, send their kids to school, go on vacation every now and then, and try to live as normally as possible. The government functions, as well as it can, and we all recognize that there is always room for improvement at every level of government and in every government on planet Earth. Tourists still visit Macedonia, with record new numbers of tourists coming each month to Macedonia (not just Skopje!). Foreign investment already in Macedonia hums along, though I am sure some are worried and yet they continue with their operations. And new foreign investment continues to come in, albeit not quite at the pace that it once did. That pace will pick up again. I promise you that. Life goes on as it should.

I leave you with these thoughts this week: In September of 1859, future US President Abraham Lincoln (who became president in 1861) was coming off his election loss of a seat in the US Senate. As part of his post-election therapy, he spoke to a group of folks in Wisconsin and delivered this famous story. He told the assembled that “an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’ How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction! ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’”

The moral of the story is that this current crisis, this too, shall pass away. Take heart and take courage, and remember that we should not allow ourselves to be like the proverbial deer caught and frozen in the headlights of an oncoming car. There is too much at stake, too much work to do, and too many futures represented in our children and grandchildren to allow ourselves to become frozen to the point of inaction through worry or anxiety. We’ve just celebrated Easter and we remember, daily, the words of Jesus of Nazareth who told his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Joint Macedonia Supporters Rally on Thursday Despite Cold Weather

Despite the cold weather, Macedonian citizens took to the streets once again, rallying in front of the Parliament to raise their voice against the Tirana platform. According to organizers, Thursday’s rally anticipates Friday’s massive protest, when crucial decisions regarding their activities are to be announced.

This has been the 53 day in a row as the supporters of the Civic Initiative for Joint Macedonia have been rallying for protection of the Constitution, and preservation of the integrity and sovereignty of the country.

Thousands of protesters took the usual route from the Government of Macedonia to the Assembly building, protesting for peace and dignity. At the beginning of the protest, the national anthem was performed by opera singer Durlovski who was accompanied by protesters.

“I want to congratulate you on your persistence, enormous energy and perseverance which have yielded results. Today, on April 20, during the third week of the constitutive session, a speaker of Parliament was not elected, who when elected has to denounce the Tirana platform. A small, but significant victory for all of us,” Bogdan Ilievski, one of the organizers of the rallies, told the crowd.

Famous TV host Viktor Petrov-Viksa addressed the crowd on Thursday’s rally as well.

“The political crisis has been started by a single man. This guy persistently believes that if he demands help from outside, he will live better here, in this country. That does not make any sense whatsoever,” Petrov said in his address.
Jess Baily kicked out as Persona Non Grata from Turkey before arriving as US Ambassador to Macedonia

Soros minion and US Ambassador Jess Baily was kicked out of Turkey as a persona non grata where with USAid and Gulen orchestrated the Taxim square "revolution" which later progressed and transformed into a failed military coup.

This simple caveat apparently was not important enough for the Macedonian Government to block Obama's introduction of saboteur Jess Baily as the new US Ambassador to Macedonia. The Turkish Government has marked Mr. Baily as a terrorist with permanent ban to enter Turkey! Since this is an embarassment of monumental proportions, it was never reported.

In Macedonia, the US Ambassador got down to business and transferred his illegal activities from Ankara to Skopje.

Since Baily's arrival, assisted by USAid, the new US Ambassador diverted millions of US taxpayers money to fund the destabilization of the country:

- Funded opposition leftists media

- Funded Leftists political parties

- Funded Leftists NGOs

- Funded Soros Open Society NGO

- Funded protests that resulted in the destruction of Public and Private property

- Funded attorneys to represent illegal migrants

- Threatened Macedonian Court Officials

- Exerted pressure on Constitutional Court judges

- Involved with fraudulent election process, pressured the SEC to change results

- Przino Agreement

- Direct communication with terrorists in Kumanovo, threatened Macedonian police to let the terrorsits go free

Keep in mind, on paper, the US is a strategic partner of Macedonia. If this is a partner, then what do our enemies look like?

In fact, it's such a strategic partner, the US Embassy has already enacted a plan in place for their 500 staff how to flee Macedonia, Vietnam style, with helicopters landing on top of the building. Out of all the Macedonian quislings working for Soros and the so called US Criminal (not deep) State, Dnevnik reports only a certain local agent nicknamed "Tesla" will be able to flee together with saboteur Jess Baily. Everyone else (Katica, Zaev, Fatime, Gero, Sekerinska...) will remain as their services of a used condom will be complete.

Agent Tesla, reports Dnevnik, is too important for the US as he knows of and has been involved in a plethora of American criminal activities not just in Macedonia, but the region. From drug trafficking with the CIA and the albanian mafia, bribing local mayors, massive money laundering schemes, exclusive yachting trips with members of the albanian mafia, the list is endless, reports Dnevnik. He is also very clever and has protected the information in case the US tries to take him out, and they know this.

Agent Tesla is so important to the US Embassy, that he personally sent correspondence to the US Criminal (Deep) State, different from the briefings sent by the US Embassy. How did this quisling get to such high prominence and trust within the shadowy US Government? According to Dnevnik's sources, agent Tesla started first working for the DEA, which is how he got involved with drug trafficking with the CIA and the albanian mafia in the first place.

This quisling is well known to the Macedonian security service, and apparently to Dnevnik as well, however they do not uncover his identity, only that most people know him well. He was often seen in the presence of different US Ambassadors over the years and he is not from the Macedonian capital, reports Dnevnik.

Now, saboteur Jess Baily and USAid are being sued in the US by Judicial Watch, and this is very serious. His illegal activities and sabotage will now be public, for everyone to see. His diplomatic career is essentially over.

Baily has already met with US Senators who questioned him on his 'work' in Macedonia. According to Dnevnik's sources, Mr. Baily is a bigger slimeball that most of us could even imagine. He was close to crying during the investigation and claimed that he really wanted to help Macedonia and wasn't sure why people didn't like him there!? Typical Soros minion. Now it's all in the hands of US Courts.

Lastly, there are two remaining Soros puppets in the Balkans. Albania's Edi Rama, and Kosovo's Thaci. Both form Europe's narco depot bastion. They both recently proclaimed "Great Albania" if Brussels doesn't accept them in the fold. The real question is whether in few years time there will be a small Albania.

Serbian Foreign Minister: Albanians Need to Choose Words Carefully

The EU, the US and Britain will be "directly responsible for the consequences" if they fail to react to the latest statements by Albanian politicians, says Ivica Dacic, Serbia's first deputy PM and foreign minister, referring to the statements about "unification of Albania, Kosovo and three municipalities in southern Serbia," Beta reports.

Jonuz Musliu, an ethnic Albanian politician and mayor of the Bujanovac municipality in the southern part of central Serbia, previously said that "a union of Albania and Kosovo is senseless without the Presevo valley, without Medvedja, Bujanovac and Presevo ­ now is a key moment for Albania and Kosovo to show Serbia that this is a part of Albania that must not be touched."

Reacting to this, Dacic said that Albanian politicians are becoming "the main threat to peace and stability in the Balkans and Europe."

"The coordinated statements of Rama, Thaci and Musliu show that a Greater Albania is the objective of all Albanians. Today Musliu added Nis (a town in southern Serbia), tomorrow it will be Skopje (in Macedonia), Ulcinj (in Montenegro), Epirus (in Greece). Will the EU, US and Great Britain say something? If they do not do so this time, when a Greater Albania has reached Nis, they will be directly responsible for the consequences," Dacic said.

He said that Albanians "need to choose their words carefully, as their protectors who bombed Serbia (in 1999) so that they could snatch Kosovo away from Serbia are not on the international scene."

"That will never happen again. Serbia is not provoking anyone, but it does not fear anyone. Luckily, all of this is mere dreaming. However, experience has taught us that the road leading from a dream to a nightmare is short," the minister said.

Earlier in the week, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama would not rule out the possibility of "a union" between his country and Kosovo if Western Balkan countries lost their chance to join the EU. This was followed by a similar sentiment expressed by Kosovo President Hashim Thaci.

Musliu joined them on Thursday, telling Albanian language agency Presheva Jone that he supported Rama's and Thaci's statements, but that "there can be no Great Albania without Nis."

USAid funds MakFax, 6th leftist portal funded by US Govt

Nothing says "from the American people" like USAid.

Despite being investigated for spending millions of dollars of taxpayers money, USAid found good use for their remaining money (Trump has already made massive budget cuts. But not so fast, USAid still has money to burn thanks to Obama who aware there would be cuts, increased the funding to the tune of nearly $11m before he left office.

So the US Embassy through USAid found good way to spend their last financial injection, at another leftist anti Macedonian 'news portal' that gets zero readership.They have funded 6 just in the last three years, and another 10 since 2008 to 20012, all of which failed. Who is counting...

After Libertas, Plus-Info, A1On, NovaTV, TV24, TV Telma.... Makfax is the latest to join Jess Baily's losing team.

MINA finds, Makfax was essentially closing its door when the US Embassy stepped in to ensure anti Macedonian rhetoric is prolonged at more blogs and websites, not less.

Despite our efforts, we haven't been able to find out what sort of financial injection USAid provided to Makfax, however we verified their staff went from 2 full time and 1 part time, to 18 full time. Majority of the hires were from other failed portals and blogs, including at least three from the now defunct A1 TV.

For good measure, USAid ensured their logo is embedded on Makfax's website. First it was just the logo, and a week later added a note that the news provided on the website do not necessarily represent the views of the US Government, or in this case, of the US Embassy. Such stupidity! Yes, we are certain that Baily and the US Embassy have no say in the editorial policy of Makfax, they just pay the salaries of 18 people out of sheer goodness.


Last, but not least, lets not forget NovaTV who last year got created and funded by CIA's legal team, the NED and the Dutch Embassy. One would think they would be wise enough to hide this sort of information instead of making it available on their websites!

Joint Macedonia Initiative Demands People's Solution to Crisis and Calls for Snap Elections

‘Elections for Macedonia’ is the fundamental message behind the new so-called people’s document which was presented at Friday’s rally in Skopje, organized by the Civic Initiative for Joint Macedonia. With this document, organizers of the rallies sent a clear message that citizens have their own people’s solution to the crisis – new snap elections to be held.

The Civic Initiative for Joint Macedonia highlighted that they had already designed a strategy, whereby as of next week they would focus all their activities towards the completion of their requests i.e. they would demand that institutions call snap parliamentary elections in the country, so that people would have the opportunity to say ‘no’ to the Tirana platform.

“We have managed to defeat the Tirana government, a plan that will never come to fruition. We have managed to defeat their plan for cantonization, federalization and destruction of Macedonia. Therefore, on this day, we present a civic solution to the crisis. Elections which will bring about a final victory,” the organizers of the protests told the crowd.

Organizers stressed that elections would be a definite solution to the crisis.

“We demand snap elections at which people will be able to denounce the non-domestic Tirana platform in full. As of today, elections are the principal demand of the Civic Initiative for Joint Macedonia. We consider this to be a sensible request. ‘No” to the Tirana platform, ‘Yes’ to new elections. The Tirana platform will not be accepted and new elections will be held. Elections will be a definite solution to the political crisis. We are certain that we will fulfill our aim. Elections, right now,” organizers addressed their supporters at Friday’s rally.

Furthermore, the Civic Initiative highlighted that they had devised precise steps and methods, which would be announced during the following week.

“Our methods will be democratic and founded on the wisdom and strength of the people. We will not reveal our strategy in full. We will consult social subjects. We demand elections so that the “Soros” money for corrupted politicians could be rejected,” organizers told the crowd.

In addition, they informed that protests are to resume.

“This country is not owned by politicians, nor foreign ambassadors. This country belongs to the people. Elections for a final victory. We are part of the most massive and most powerful rallies that Macedonia has ever seen. We are here to establish democracy. We are here to fight for elections. There will be new elections in Macedonia. Macedonia is strong and united. Elections for Macedonia,” Bogdan Ilievski, organizer of the rallies, said in his address at the rally in Skopje.

Igor Durlovski, one of the main people behind the Civic Initiative for Joint Macedonia, had also addressed protesters.

“This is the 54 day in a row as we have taken to the streets across Macedonia. We are here for one reason. Love for our ancestors, future generations, and homeland. We will stay here in the next 54, 100 days, as long as it takes, until our demands from the first day are met. Our demand remains the same: putting aside of the Tirana platform. We will remain on the streets until the platform is denounced and new snap elections are called. As much as they do not want to hear this, they would have to. They have to face the people who love their country and flag. Let’s stick together until our demands are met,” Durlovski told protesters at Friday’s rally.
And the Winner is... Mitko Burcevski aka Agent Tesla

Yesterday we reported on a Dnevnik's piece about agent Tesla, a man who has worked against Macedonia since the opening of the US Embassy in the country.

We have to admit, one of our contributor guessed immediately who it was, but frankly we couldn't be sure because there are at least dozen individuals that we could count think of that have dedicated their lives to working against Macedonia.

However, now we can confirm agent Tesla is Mitko Burcevski. He has been the only quisling who has held high level jobs within the US Embassy, shoulder to shoulder with CIA operatives since the day Macedonia became independent. US Ambassadors came and went, the only one who stayed was Mitko Burcevski, that's the level of trust the US Deep State has for this quisling.

His daughter is Jana Burcevska. Last year she painted monuments as part of the Soros movement. This year she will represent Macedonia at the EuroVision contest. MTV selected her after the US Embassy and SDS minion Santa Argirova was appointed in charge of the national TV broadcaster prior to the elections. Although Argirova spent barely 2 months in charge of MTV, it was during the time when a decision had to be made who is going to represent the country at the EuroVision song contest. Jana's pick was a gift by the US Embassy for Agent Tesla.

Argirova today manages the latest US Embassy investment, newsportal Makfax.

During an escape procedure, Dnevnik reported the US Embassy would only take Mitko Burcevski (Agent Tesla) to the US as Baily's personal baggage.

Albania continues to destabilize the Balkans, sends Weapons to Kosovo

The Albanian Government under orders from its Prime Minister has started massive shipments of weapons to Serbian province and NATO protectorate Kosovo, reports Serbian daily Kurir. Serb security services have also noticed increasing number of islamists arriving to the province who have concentrated in the northern part of the territory.

According to the daily, all secret services in the Balkans have been briefed on the escalating situation.

- Official Tirana has been sending large shipments of weapons to Kosovo for at least six months. The border between Kosovo and Albania is essentially non existent, so these weapons entered Kosovo without any problems. The shipments are guerrilla-type weapons, normally used for terrorism: AK47s, RPGs, anti-tank mines, long range snipers from German production, night vision goggles, sophisticated communication equipment etc" says the military official for Kurir.

Albania's Prime Minister Edi Rama and Kosovo's Hasim Thaci have publicly stated of the intent for two territories to unite should Brussels makes the path of joining the EU difficult. There has been no comment from Brussels or NATO who maintain large presence in Kosovo.

Former head of Serbian intelligence (VBA) Momir Stojanovic claims he is convinced that there is a dangerous scenario at play to destabilize the Balkans.
Protesters Request New Parliamentary Elections

Civil Initiative "For Joint Macedonia" on Monday for the 57th time in front of the Government has initiated the protest march against Tirana platform accepted by SDSM and called for early parliamentary elections as a solution to the crisis.

Currently thousands of citizens as well as members of the "For Joint Macedonia" initiative headed from the government to the seat of the VMRO-DPMNE, and will end the protest in front of the Macedonian Parliament.

"It is the 57th day and the beginning of the eighth week, I congratulate you for the perseverance, the success and invite you to continue on our common path this week, the next and as much as it is needed. Today's route looks like this, from here we head to the headquarters of VMRO-DPMNE and we finish in front of the Parliament, as we did the last two times we were in front of the headquarters of VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM, and we will state our requirements. As of Friday we are a little more specific, suitable for refreshment, louder and we demand elections, and we will also say this in front of the headquarters of VMRO-DPMNE and Pavel Satev", Bogdan Ilievski said in front of the Government.

He added that they require a session of the Assembly with a single point, and that is announcing the new early parliamentary elections.
SDSM: There will be New Government, no Fresh Elections

Fresh elections will not be organized in Macedonia, as a process of electing a Parliament Speaker is underway, which will create conditions for forming a new government, SDSM said Tuesday in a press release.

"This is the will of 700,000 citizens reflected in the new parliamentary majority of 67 MPs. Only (VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola) Gruevski needs new elections to prolong the political crisis he considers will save him from being held accountable for his crimes," SDSM says.

There is no platform but a program of the new reform-oriented government, the party says, denying the claims for altering of the national anthem, flag, coat of arms, banknotes. The Macedonian will remain the country's official language, SDSM adds.

The new government program, SDSM notifies, is available to public at the following link, and it offers new jobs, grater state support for domestic companies, real foreign investments, justice, equality, stability and Euro-Atlantic prospect for Macedonia, the press release reads.

Protesters Urge SDSM to Go out to the Polls

Let’s go to the polls, this is the solution to Macedonia's political crisis in which the country is for a very long time, it was stated by the civil initiative "For Joint Macedonia", which on Tuesday organized a protest in Skopje and other cities in the country. Protesters tried this week to publicly say to the main political parties that they must heed the request of the people, or to go to new elections.

On Tuesday, on the route of the protesters is the headquarters of the Social Democratic Union, where they will publicly appeal to the leaders of this party to stop blocking economic and political processes in Macedonia by accepting the so-called Tirana platform.

They will send a request to the leadership of the party, to hear the voice of the people and finally to agree to organize new elections in the country.

At Monday's protest citizens marched in front of the VMRO-DPMNE headquarters, where they have also publicly stated that citizens have a solution for the crisis, and that new elections are needed in Macedonia to solve the country’s stalemate.
US Senator Mike Lee: Baily must not interfere in the formation of the ruling coalition in Macedonia!

US Senator Mike Lee called on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to thoroughly reform the State Department, citing Macedonia as one of the examples where the previous Obama administration pushed left wing, progressive politics, alienated the conservative population and helped provoke a political crisis by trying to bring the left wing party to power. Lee spoke at the Heritage Foundation where he strongly condemned State Department and USAID funding for left wing groups associated with George Soros in Macedonia, and said that it amounts to abuse by the US Embassy in Skopje. According to the Republican Senator from Utah, Macedonia introduced free market and socially conservative reforms, and this is the reason why it found itself targeted by the Obama Administration, a practice which should be terminated under the Trump Administration.

“Conservatives in countries like Macedonia, Poland and Albania are the ones who have felt the most ostracized by the United States since 2009. What State Department progressives may describe as routine democratic and human rights assistance is often seen by citizens of these countries as well-funded external political activism that undermines legitimate government and long-held cultural norms of their nations with leftist policies and politicians. And who can question their concern, when the State Department and USAID have provided millions of American taxpayer dollars to organizations in Eastern Europe associated with well-known progressive advocates like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, who make no secrets about the politics they support? This creates problems for the United States that goes beyond political concerns about what principles we are promoting abroad. Macedonia today is embroiled in a governing crisis that has been brought about largely by external interference in domestic issues and political processes. The crisis has deepened the political divide in the country and threatens to enflame ethnic tensions. Such unrest is like an engraved invitation to an opportunist like Vladimir Putin, who can inflame divisions and actively court populations who feel that they have been betrayed by the United States. U.S. foreign assistance is supposed to help create and strengthen diplomatic partnerships and strengthen our own security. The promotion of progressive politics – under the guise of such assistance – has driven potential allies towards geopolitical rivals, undermining the very purpose of our diplomatic efforts and giving Vladimir Putin low-cost victories”, Senator Lee said at the Heritage Foundation event.

He noted that, after he led a group of six members of the Senate in a call to Secretary Tillerson to investigate the work of the Embassy in Macedonia, entrenched diplomatic corps ignored the questions and demands, while at the same time articles were placed in left wing media outlets accusing the members of the Senate who are critical of the State Department of being close to Russia. Such articles were published in the Politico and in Foreign Policy, written by current or former Soros foundation employees. Similar criticism was aimed at the seven members of the House, led by New Jersey Congressman Christopher Smith, who raised the same objections and called on Trump to remove Ambassador Jess Baily, who was quoted in some of the articles. Senator Lee said that these obstructions from within the State Department show the need to work quickly to reform the administration.

“Because of concerns that we have heard from trusted foreign officials – not just in Europe but around the world – five of my colleagues and I wrote to Secretary of State Tillerson in March asking him to review funding to democracy and human rights programs and end any practices that might be harming our national interests. The Department’s initial response was dismissive of our concerns, and refused to promise any such review. Instead, current and former Soros-organization associates took to the press to accuse the State Department’s critics of being agents of the Kremlin. This episode perfectly illustrates the need for Congress and the Trump administration to break-down the bureaucratic obstacles within our own government to meaningful reform. President Trump’s inauguration signaled the start of a new era of American diplomacy and statecraft. Not only were traditional Republican initiatives like the Mexico City Policy strengthened and reapplied, but President Trump promised to change the direction of foreign policy away from the globalist-progressive agenda. The State Department was to become, as originally intended, a tool of our republic to enhance the freedoms and further the interests of American citizens”, Senator Lee said.

Michael Fernandez from the Heritage Foundation joined in the criticism, saying that similar levels of damage were done across the world. “I believe Ambassador Baily is a good American. I just disagree with him. And I think that his interference in, what I hear, from many people, the forming of coalition is something the US Government should not be getting into. We are not the king of Macedonia”, Gonzalez said. Other speakers at the Heritage panel detailed similar examples from countries such as Ireland and across catholic Europe, where Soros led groups were working change abortion laws.

During the event, a group of left wing protesters briefly stormed the Heritage Foundation’s lobby, to protest the budget blueprint prepared by this leading conservative organization. President Trump, who already made his budget proposal public, provides for steep cuts in the foreign aid, especially in the type of ‘democracy and governance’ programs which are now being pointed out by conservative critics in Washington as promoting and pushing left wing policies on the world. Some proposals include eliminating USAID or rolling it into the State Department, and examples from countries such as Macedonia, Albania, Ireland, Kenya and across Latin America are raised to support the call for radical reform of the foreign aid programs.

Soros bot Hoyt Yee next in line to meet with President Ivanov... Not so Fast!

Macedonian president Gjorgji Ivanov can't catch a break from an endless supply of Soros bots, some of which are still (somehow) part of foreign Governments. Such is the case with United States Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Brian Yee, member of Nuland's neocon cabal.

He will pay a visit to Macedonia on May 1, says the U.S. Embassy in Skopje.

"Deputy Assistant Secretary Yee will travel to Macedonia on May 1 to engage political leaders on the status of government formation, bilateral relations, and reforms needed for Euro-Atlantic integration", the Embassy says in a press release.

Hoyt Yee is very much involved in the Macedonian coup since day 1. His arrival was expected, particularly after two Soros puppets Karl Bildt and Johannes Hahn were denied a meeting with Ivanov.

Last week, remnants of Obama's team in the State Department expressed "concern" over the situation in Macedonia, urging for the formation of a SDS led government without delay so that the country resumes with its reforms on the Euro-Atlantic integration path.


Ivanov's presidential cabinet confirmed the US Diplomat despite his request to meet with the president, will not get such opportunity. Ivanov has other more important obligations, confirmed his cabinet in a press release. Frankly, MINA's staf has better reasons to meet with Ivanov than a third rank foreign "Deputy to an Assistant..." soon to be replaced.

As for Ivanov, give this man another presidential mandate, no voting is necessary.
Gangster scum murderer Ramush Haradinaj now a Kosovo politician, flew into France on January 4, where French authorities detained him at the request of Serbia, which considers him a “war criminal” for his role in the conflict.


A French appeals court on Thursday released the former Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj, who was a guerrilla commander during the 1998-1999 Kosovo war.

Gangster scum murderer Ramush Haradinaj now a Kosovo politician, flew into France on January 4, where French authorities detained him at the request of Serbia, which considers him a “war criminal” for his role in the conflict.

The arrest further strained brittle diplomatic ties between Serbia and Kosovo. In January, Serbia said it would hit back if France declined to extradite Haradinaj.

Kosovo’s so-called President Hashim Thaci said the court decision was “good news for the Haradinaj family and Kosovo.”

“Once again it is proven that the slanders of the Serb secret services against the Kosovo Liberation Army [the wartime guerrilla force] are unfounded and not taken into consideration by the democratic world,” Thaci said.

A Serbian court has charged Haradinaj with killings, torture and abductions of Serbs, ethnic Albanians and minority Roma people during and after the 1998-1999 war. Officials said all evidence have been handed over to the French court.

In 2005 and 2007, Haradinaj was tried and acquitted of war crimes at a UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

Kosovo wants Belgrade to drop its efforts to prosecute people linked to the conflict.

The 1998-1999 war pitted ethnic Albanian guerrillas seeking independence for the southern Serbian province of Kosovo against Serbia’s forces, who withdrew from the territory after an 11-week NATO bombing campaign.

The war ended in June 1999 towards the end of the break-up of the former Yugoslavia.

Albanian-majority Kosovo has a population of some 1.8 million. It unilaterally proclaimed independence in 2008, a move that Serbia refuses to recognize.

Former Kosovo prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, has been released by the Colmar Court in France

The AAK leader, Haradinaj appeared today before the Court of Appeals in Colmar of France, and after a short court session the judges decided to release him. He was detained by French authorities on 4 January on Serbia’s warrant, for allegedly war crimes committed during 1998-99. Serbia asked Haradinaj’s extradition. In a statement to journalists while leaving the court in Colmar, Haradinaj said that he will return to Kosovo soon.


The Clinton Foundation invited the prime minister of Kosovo to the 2011 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting knowing full well that he had been implicated in a human organ trafficking scheme as leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army in the late 1990s.

“What are USG views on WJC inviting former Kosovo PM [Hashim] Thaci and the current PM to CGI?” Clinton Foundation foreign policy adviser Amitabh Desai wrote in an Aug. 17, 2011 email to several top Hillary Clinton State Department officials.

“Is Thaci still embroiled in organ harvesting issues and is that of consequence?” Desai asked in the email, which the State Department recently released to Citizens United.

Desai clarified in a follow-up email that Thaci was actually prime minister at the time. He now serves as president of Kosovo.

Thaci and his Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were first accused of human organ trafficking in 2010 in a report from the Council of Europe.

The 27-page report alleged that Thaci ran a “mafia-like” group of Albanian nationals — dubbed the “Drenica group” — who smuggled heroin and human organs in order to help finance the Kosovo Liberation Army’s fight against Yugoslav and Serbian forces in the 1998-99 Kosovo War.

The Guardian obtained the report in Dec. 2010 and reported:

It names Thaçi as having over the last decade exerted “violent control” over the heroin trade. Figures from Thaçi’s inner circle are also accused of taking captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.

Thaci’s alleged atrocities, which have not led to prosecution for him or anyone in the KLA, have been laid out in detail in other news reports.

Vice News reported: in 2014 that an American diplomat who was appointed in 2011 by the European Union to investigate the claims, found that the KLA murdered 10 Serbian and Albanian prisoners and sold their kidneys and livers on the black market.

Vice also reported that Thaci was known in his KLA days as “The Snake.”

Despite awareness of the gruesome allegations against Thaci, the Clinton State Department appears to have approved him to attend the 2011 CGI conclave. He also attended in 2012 and 2013.

His office took advantage of the meetings, posting pictures from the events on government websites. Kosovar news outlets also picked up stories of the meetings and added pictures of Thaci meeting both of the Clintons.

Thaci even sat next to Hillary Clinton at the 2013 meeting, which was held more than six months after she left the State Department.

The Bill Clinton administration was forced to walk a fine line during the Kosovo War, in which the KLA fought with NATO support against Yugoslav forces, led by Slobodon Milosevic.

But while the Clinton White House had Milosevic as at the top of its enemy list at the time, administration officials were also critical of KLA.

On Feb. 23, 1998, Robert Gelbard, Clinton’s special envoy to the Balkans, said that the KLA is “without any questions, a terrorist group.” He also said that “we condemn very strongly terrorist activities in Kosovo.”

Despite that critique, Bill Clinton is regarded as a hero in Kosovo for his opposition to Milosevic. A boulevard in Pristina, Kosovo’s capital city, is named after the Democrat. A statue of Clinton was also erected there in 2009.

Thaci and his government have another Clinton connection. In 2012, the Republic of Kosovo signed a $50,000-a-month lobbying contract with The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm co-founded by brothers John and Tony Podesta.

John is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. Tony runs the lobbying shop and has bundled more than $250,000 in campaign contributions for Clinton. His signature appears on agreements with the Republic of Kosovo disclosed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The agreement states that the Podesta Group would “research and analyze issues of concern to the principal; counsel the principal on U.S. policies of concern, activities in Congress and the Executive branch and developments on the U.S. political scene generally; and maintain contact, as necessary, with Members of Congress and their staff, Executive branch officials, members of the press, and nongovernmental organizations.”

Podesta Group’s relationship with Kosovo and other foreign governments is mentioned in the Wikileaks dump of John Podesta’s hacked emails.

In an April 13, 2015 email chain, Clinton campaign officials are seen discussing whether to take campaign donations from lobbyists registered under FARA

After internal debate on the issue, Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, decided to continue accepting the money.

“I’m ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks,” he wrote

SDS starts coup attempt by violent scenario enforcement Tirana platform. In the mean time the citizens enter the Assembly!

SDS begins Coup Attempt, Macedonian protesters Beat SDS MPs -- FINALLY!

SDS MPs are trying to illegally elect a new president of Parliament. Tensions in Parliament are increasing after SDS MPs surrounded the current Parliament speaker Trajko Veljanovski in an attempt to forcibly remove him from his chair.

VMRO-DPMNE started singing the Macedonian national anthem calling for new elections, while SDS, DUI and BESA appear determined to follow the latest orders from Baily and Hoyt Yee.

Meanwhile thousands of protesters are in front of Macedonian Parliament.


Macedonian Protesters Stormed Parliament as SDS DUI BESA and the Alliance tried to elect a new Government in an adjacent Hall in Parliament.

The protesters beat several SDS MPs on their way in. MINA's Pero Stamatovski is live in Parliament and is on direct line with us.

Stamatovski says Zaev's face and head was bloodied.

The coup was staged as Vardar is playing Flensburg, so SDS believed everyone will be watching this important match and no one would be in front of Parliament. How wrong they were...

More details to follow.
Several People Injured in Parliament, Chaos Escalated with Blood

Several people ended up with injuries from the unrest in the Parliament. Unofficially these are four MPs by SDSM, including the party leader Zoran Zaev.

Some media are saying that the MPs Damjan Manceski and Zijadin Sela were also injured.

The injured persons from the attack were taken to the City Hospital.

Citizens entered the Parliament and riots occurred because of the violent decision to elect Talat Xhaferi as chairman of parliament by SDSM and the Albanian parties.
What happened last night was something that changed Macedonia. Nothing will be the same after this.
Now this place became an even more impossible place to live a normal life.


The US embassy in Skopje and the EU's Federica Mogherini and Johannes Hahn condemned the violence.
But they also said that the election of a new parliament speaker was a positive step forward.

"A majority of MPs elected Talat Xhaferi as Speaker of Parliament during a regular, continued session of parliament witnessed by members of the public and press. We will work with him to support democracy and to advance the interests of Macedonia," the US Embassy said in a press release.

From the statement bolded above you can easily see that deep state is behind all this. They have their influence everywhere. Even trump changed his policy under their pressure and manipulation.
Talat Xhaferi was not regularly elected as it says in the text. He is an ex-defence minister in 2013. He is an ex-military officer in ex-Yugoslav army and he deserted from there, then an officer in Macedonian army and also deserted from there and in the conflict in 2001 in Macedonia he was on the side of the terrorists financed and organised by Nato and deep state and later they incorporated him and his party into the government.
Classical sleepers that were activated recently to finish their task.

Last night I couldn't sleep until very late in the night. Live coverage of this event was on every TV station.

What will happen in next few days is very important for the outcome of this whole situation.
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