
Huge Resistance against criminal Macedonian Government junta – 84% will Boycott Referendum | MINA Report


Latest poll conducted (September 6-18) by UMD shows 84% of Macedonian citizens plan to boycott the upcoming referendum. Despite huge efforts by the Government assisted by their foreign sponsors to force the population to vote in the upcoming referendum though all sorts of media and field propaganda, threats and bribes that’s still ongoing, the latest poll shows 84.6% of the population they are determined to boycott the referendum.

The poll conducted encompasses all ethnicities in the country. Here are some of the questions and the polling results:


Here we go… SDSM junta won’t allow observers at Polling stations | MINA Report


Illegal Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi announced earlier today that there won’t be observers representing Macedonian political parties sent during the Referendum vote, even though this has been the case during all elections.

Instead, the only observers would be SDSM linked “NGO” groups financed by Soros.

This opens the door for major referendum fraud and ballot stuffing. The SDSM waited to announce this illegal move with 5 days remaining until the vote, with all opinion polls showing the boycott movement has this wrapped up and the referendum will fail. However, the latest criminal move by the US/Soros backed Government shows things are heating up with fraud now at the forefront of SDSM’s plans.

Xhaferi: After the referendum, the Law on the Use of Languages will be published in the Official Gazette (Video)

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi said Monday on the “Click Plus” TV show that after the referendum the Law on the Use of Languages and the name agreement with Greece will be sent to be published in the Official Gazette.

“I already said it, and here I repeat it more accurately. After the referendum, the Law on the Use of Languages and the Law on Ratification of the Agreement with Greece will be sent to the Official Gazette.

Simple math shows SDSM junta is missing 300-400,000 votes | MINA Report

Why the upcoming Referendum can not be successful? If we look at the simplest of math, namely the previous elections results where massive fraud was committed in favor of the SDSM, the numbers are the following:

SDSM: 437,000 votes
DUI: 87,000 votes
BESA: 58,000 votes
AA: 35,000 votes
DPA: 31,000 votes
Total: 648,000 votes (needed 903,001)

Lets not forget, for the SDSM and its ‘allies’ to get to the 648,000 votes during last elections, massive fraud was committed (bribery, ballot stuffing (SDSM&DUI lead the charge here, villages of 60 people had 400 votes cast).

With huge fraud, the junta is still short 255,001 votes (903,001 – 648,000). Considering the fact a good 100,000 of the SDSM membership will also boycott the referendum, and this is underestimated, the number will likely be higher, the SDSM will need fraud of epic proportions. DUI to ensure their Tirana platform sails smoothly, are prepared to commit fraud of at least 50-100,000 ballots (just like in every elections). Each albanian abroad appears to be worth 9 votes at home.

However, even the SDSM imbeciles realize it will be difficult stuffing 300,000 ballots, and have a plan B announced by their senior LGBT representative Nikola Dimitrov.

Plan B: The referendum will be called successful for marketing purposes even if 10,000 (or 10) out of 1.81 million registered voters vote. Zaev has already stated this. However, the traitors know they’ll lose the vote and won’t resign claiming the referendum was consultative, therefore it’s meaningless and as Nikola LGBT Dimitrov stated, the procedure will be moved to Parliament!?

Now, how will these fools move this travesty and treason to Parliament when the entire country just told them “NO”?
The simplest explanation is: the Government is led by a criminal junta who do not respond to or recognize any laws, the people or the nation.

One thing though is very clear. Once the referendum fails the SDSM will lose all legitimacy, something they never had and will have to go, one way or another.

New Parliamentary elections must be called.

Mickoski: The agreement is not for better future, but for saving Zoran Zaev’s political career (VIDEO)

The agreement is not for a better future, but to save the political career of Zoran Zaev, VMRO-DPMNE president Hristijan Mickoski said TV Telma on Tuesday evening.

Citizens should see the truth about an agreement that is not for a better future, but to save the political career of Zoran Zaev, who himself admitted he gambled with national interests and went to all or nothing, said Mickoski.

He signs an agreement, he gambles with national interests. He says, “I gambled all in with the interests of the people and in order to cover my private dossier, so that tens of millions of euros can end up in family companies”, Mickoski pointed out.

To have life as he is used to, to have privileges. With one sentence, he gambled with everything that Macedonia has so that he and his family can enjoy privileges and benefits, without Macedonia and the citizens having a real guarantee that they will really live better, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE.

Mickoski stressed that no serious politician says, “I guarantee that if this Agreement is effective, the Republic of Macedonia one day will be part of the EU if you meet all other criteria.” Nobody guarantees this.

Zaev: We have consensus on many issues with the opposition, including the referendum

So far, we have had a good dialogue with the opposition and consensus on many important issues, and this has been confirmed because the MPs voted together for two-thirds and laws with a simple majority. We recently we elected the new OTA Director together, and that's good, hopeful. Even for the referendum, Mickoski is not aware that we have a consensus, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told TV Telma late Tuesday.

The changes of Macedonian Constitution in line with Skopje-Athens name (Prespa Agreement) will be implemented by one amendment, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

The first constitutional change refer to including the geographic qualifier; the second is related with the Preamble, namely strengthening of the constitutive elements of the statehood via the historic decisions of the Anti-Fascist Assembly of the People's Liberation of Macedonia (ASNOM) on self-determination, sovereignty, independence, as well as the visions of freedom and democracy, Zaev said.

Other changes are related to Article 3, namely emphasizing the firm commitment to the principles of the inviolability of borders and territorial integrity, as it is the case with the constitutions of all EU members, and Article 49 of the Constitution that refers to the diaspora, the PM said.

I believe these changes to the Constitution may be done with one amendment, but law experts will have the final say on the matter,” Zaev said.

It’s not honest for the wording of these changes to be written before the upcoming referendum on the name deal in Macedonia, Defense Minister Radmila Sekeriska said.

“We are ahead of fully transparent process that is to take place at the Parliament. But we can confirm now that the Macedonian nation will not be erased from the Preamble of the Constitution,” she said in response to speculations that effect.

Zaev once again pointed out that the Prespa Agreement was a fair and just solution to the name issue, based on facts.

It confirms our Macedonian identity and language. The agreement put an end to a long-lasting dispute and opened the ‘iron doors’ of EU and NATO for Macedonia,” Zaev said.

Vice Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani referred to the economic benefits of the EU membership status.

Zaev from Negotino: We, politicians, are good in manipulating!

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev does not stop surprising the Macedonian public with his scandalous statements full of gaffes and personal confessions about the functioning of the current government. Yesterday from Negotino, he told the gathered citizens that politicians manipulate.

We can make political calculations, we can justify ourselves as we want. We, politicians, are good in manipulating as you like, politics does it in the world and in Macedonia, we have seen it all these years, Zaev said.

Sept. 26, 2018 - Eying EU, NATO, Macedonians set for Referendum on Changing State's Name
Eying EU, NATO, Macedonians set for referendum on changing state's name | Reuters

A woman passes next to posters reading "yes" for the referendum in Macedonia on changing the country's name that would open the way for it to join NATO and the European Union, in Skopje, Macedonia September 26 2018. REUTETS/Ognen Teofilovski

Fed up with Macedonia's economic woes, Solomon Bicakcic will vote "yes" in a referendum on Sunday on whether to change the country's name to qualify for European Union membership and - many hope - usher in prosperity.

“Something has to change, we cannot continue like this,” Bicakcic, a 52-year-old pensioner, told Reuters.

Macedonia’s bids for EU and NATO membership were blocked by Greece until June when it struck a deal with Athens on the name of the ex-Yugoslav republic to end a 27-year-long dispute.

Greece maintained that Macedonia’s name implied territorial claims to its northern province of the same name.

Skopje must now formally adopt the name of Republic of North Macedonia, replacing Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, to emerge from decades of stagnation and instability.

To secure popular support for the required constitutional amendments, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s government called a referendum with one question - are you for or against EU and NATO membership through implementation of the name deal.

“NATO membership would bring stability and security, which is very important for investment,” Zaev told Reuters after a referendum “yes” rally in the southern town of Demir Kapija.

He said he expected parliament to adopt the constitutional changes, enabling the small landlocked Balkan republic to join NATO next spring, once Greece’s parliament ratifies the pact.

A recent poll by Macedonia’s Telma TV found 57 percent of respondents planning to vote on Sunday. Of those, 70 percent said they would vote yes.

But whether turnout does exceed the minimum 50 percent for the referendum to be valid is uncertain given a boycott campaign backed by nationalists opposed to the name change, including a group linked to Russia’s ruling party.

“Russia is openly saying it is against Macedonian membership in NATO and the EU, and we understand the position of Russia, but all our friends should know there is no alternative for us,” Zaev, a Social Democrat, said.

Macedonia’s economy stalled last year on the back of a two-year financial crisis with unemployment exceeding 20 percent, one of the highest rates in the Balkans, and an average monthly net salary of 350 euros ($411), the lowest in the region.

“This isn’t living, this is surviving,” Bicakcic said.

Western diplomats regard integration of the Western Balkan countries into NATO and the EU as the best way to stabilize and develop a region still suffering instability lingering from the 1990s wars triggered by Yugoslavia’s break-up.

Although a vast majority of Macedonians support NATO and EU membership, many may be reluctant to vote on Sunday because of objections - common among nationalists and conservatives - to changing the country’s name.

The boycott campaign has made effective use of social media - Facebook and Twitter - and spread “fake news”, critics say.

The Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity said on Wednesday it had uncovered evidence that automated Twitter accounts had swung “behind an effort to suppress voter turnout”.

“New accounts (created less than 60 days ago) make up 10 percent of the conversation – a figure higher than in the recent Mexican and almost three times higher than in the Italian elections,” it said in an emailed statement to Reuters.

One of the main pro-boycott opposition parties is United Macedonia, which has ties with the United Russia party of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“It is interesting how much all fake news pages reflect stances similar to Russia Today and other Russian (media) outlets,” said Florian Bieber of Austria’s Graz University.

U.S. Defence Secretary James Mattis has accused Russia of meddling in the referendum by trying to suppress turnout.

Last week Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denied that Moscow had done anything “which could be interpreted as favoring a particular vote ... We do not say anything.”

Macedonia’s main opposition, nationalist VMRO-DPMNE party strongly opposed the name change deal. It has not taken a position on the referendum, instead urging faithful to vote or boycott it according to their conscience.

Even if a referendum “yes” emerges, that may not settle the matter - ratification by Greece is no sure thing given divisions in the ruling-left right coalition. A right-wing party in the bloc vows to vote “no” when the matter comes before parliament early next year, defying Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
Video: Zaev brings his zombies to campaign in Prilep | MINA Report

Did Jakimovski just admit there are 80 traitors in Parliament? | MINA Report

Jakomovski would know, one of his own MPs in Parliament switched sides and transferred to SDSM for few thousand euros.
“We need you to vote against the Referendum, but we need you to vote” <--- Zaev.

“They need you to vote because every vote “Against” will be turned into “For”. What crazy person asks you to vote against, but just need your attendance? <--- Jakimovski.

Remember this? One of VMRO’s biggest backers during every election, the Skopje suburb of Aerodrom had all of the VMRO votes transferred in the “Others” category and then moved to SDSM…

And as Jakimovski explains below: votes from Karposh ended up in Veles, votes from Ohrid in Prilep… it’s going to be a mess. Huge Fraud coming.

If Angjushev got 4.5m euros for name change, how much did Dimitrov and Zaev get? | MINA Report


The Greek Government has been bribing Macedonian politicians for the past 20 years, and always with the same goal in mind – name change.

Gligorov in his autobiography admitted he was offered $1m in cash, golden rolex watches and priceless antiquities by the Greek Government in he agrees to change the country’s name. He was stunned by the offer (brought to him by Greek operatives via Frckovski) and refused it. At the time Gligorov said no amount of money could force him to change his mind. But that was then.
Fast forward to 2018.

Zaev’s right hand Kocho Anghjusev was wired 4.5m euros by a Greek company which went into bankruptcy back in 2015. Allegedly, it was a ‘utility contract’ between the Greek and Angjusev’s own company in Macedonia. However, the issue is that the Greek company doesn’t exist and is officially defunct – where did their millions come from? Once this was leaked in the Greek press, the Greek financial police started investigating this transaction. However, this ‘investigation’ will go nowhere once it’s revealed that the Greek Government used a bogus company to remit payment to Angjushev for his involvement in the “name negotiations”.

Three other SDSM officials (very small players in the name negotiations) are now seen building apartment complexes around Skopje. Two of them are known from hailing from poor families (both parents out of a job for years), yet their sons whose only two jobs have been paid Soros’ protesters & couriers in the name negotiations are building apartment complexes!?

How much did Zaev and Dimitrov get from Greece if someone like Angjushev (not a main player) got 4.5m euros?

SDSM brings 3 idiots to debate professor Apasiev, and still loses | MINA Report

Watch SDSM and Soros bots Borjan Jovanovski (synonym for a traitor and gmo product), Kolozova and Kabranov debate law professor Apasiev.

Kolozova is the daughter of Shenka Kolozova that’s all you need to know. While Kabranov is an LGBT activist and Soros financed ‘journalist’ since 1995 maintaining portals that no one knows they exist.

The intellect being solely on Apasiev’s side, the SDSM had to bring in 3 people to debate him, and still lost.

If you have the patience and in particularly the nerves (we promise you the gmo trio of Kolozova, Kabranov and Jovanovski will test you from the first second), watch the entire thing.

Columbia University professor: My home is forever closed to all who vote in Referendum | MINA Report


Gorazd Rosoklija, a Macedonian professor at Columbia University issued a strong remark to all of his relatives and friends:

“You vote in the referendum, and you’re a national traitor. Whether you’re a relative, or friend, my home is forever closed to you. I will not spend a single moment with you for the rest of our lives” wrote Rosoklija on his FB post.

Rosoklija added his colleagues in France are bewildered at the insanity that has gripped Macedonia and the fact there is an illegal referendum forcing citizens to change the country’s name.

It must be said, many Macedonians share Rosoklija’s sentiment and have issued similar remarks…

Mickoski: Besides changing the name, there will be redefinition of the state that would make Macedonia a binational creation

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview with Nezavisen that he feared that with the announced constitutional changes, besides changing the name, there will a redefinition of the state that would make Macedonia a binational creation.

Do you know what is really important at the moment, apart from the agreement with Greece and the referendum? It’s about the constitutional amendments that the government imposes but hides from the public, and I would be really happy when the media would deal more with their content, because there is a pandora’s box hidden not only in the change of the Constitution in order to rename the state, but also to redefinite it. Zaev and the authorities need to answer whether there is something else that is hidden in them and whether the government will treat the neighbors with something that is not yet announced. Since it is about the Constitution, let them say if there might be some additional changes that will be fulfilling another request to the second largest community ahead of the presidential elections in the country. Whether in addition to changing the name, there is will be a redefinition of the state into binational creation, says Mickoski.

Nikoloski: Through Parliament, they plan to commit voting fraud

The authorities decided to discuss about everything except about the content of the agreement. They run away from a detailed debate on the content of the agreement, because they know that they have no arguments and that neither the name of the state is preserved nor the Macedonian national identity is preserved. And on the other hand, we have no guarantees for further integration of Macedonia into NATO and the EU, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice-President Aleksandar Nikoloski while meeting with residents of Centar Municipality.

The next thing that is a fact is that they avoid showing the constitutional amendments to the public even though they are the essence and heart of the agreement. Everything goes into an act of anxiety and panic in recent days of strong pressures on people to come out to vote the way the government expects. There is pressure on the public administration, pressure is made on the private business, and that pressure is more evident and greater, said Nikoloski.

He added that luckily Macedonia is facing strong resistance among the citizens and the last one that really worries is the idea of committing a fraud on the very day of voting, because the Parliament did not allow official observers from political parties that could react of possible irregularities.

But it will not pass because citizens are organized to monitor this process as we have information through various citizen’s associations. And there also will be members of VMRO-DPMNE and any eventual move or desire to forge the will of the citizens or to rig the process itself will encounter strong and massive resistance from the people, said Nikoloski and added that the will is clear , noticeable, significant part of the citizens are against the agreement, the majority will decide to stay at home and that’s what we expect on Sunday.

Zaev: I will address the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, but I will speak about Macedonian girl

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told Telma TV that the Macedonian identity was confirmed by the Agreement with Greece.

“We will be Macedonians from the Republic of North Macedonia. It’s a feeling, no one can take it. I will address the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, but I will talk about a Macedonian girl, Macedonian culture, about Makedonski Brod. No one else in the world will argue, everyone have recognized us,” Zaev said.

Asked by the audience, he said the Constitution would undergo four changes, and that would be passed by Parliament with one amendment.

The changes that need to be made if the referendum succeeds are the following:

1. Adding a geographical qualifier

2. The Preamble to strengthen the constitutive elements of the statehood through ASNOM

3. Article-3 – Strengthening the non-existence of aspirations outside the territory of Macedonia, that is, the inviolability of the borders. To be as in the constitutions of all EU member States.

4. Article 49 – Care for Diaspora remains completely, but according to EU standards, as stated in the EU member states, Prime Minister Zaev explained.
Sept. 27, 2018 - Macedonia Village builds houses as it waits for change
Macedonia village builds houses as it waits for change | Reuters

The village of Gurgurnica sits on a slope overlooking the town of Brvenica in northwestern Macedonia, its streets dotted with modern houses and shiny new cars.

But like much of rural Macedonia, many of Gurgurnica’s houses are empty and few people walk its streets.

One in five villages have fewer than 50 inhabitants, a 2017 report by the Federation of Farmers of Macedonia showed.

“The village has 300 homes, there are around 250 homes with people, around 50 are shuttered,” said Gurgurnica resident Medi Veseli.

“People return there for summer holidays and New Year’s,” he said of the padlocked houses.

Macedonia village builds houses as it waits for change | Reuters

Rural poverty and underdevelopment have sparked an exodus but strong family ties mean those who leave for work, often in the European Union or the United States, send money back to build family homes.

“There are only 20 to 25 people that are employed ...there’s one private company in the village,” Veseli said. “There are homes with women and children, but workers, husbands, they are abroad.”

But with the money sent home, extended families build sprawling, multi-store brick and concrete houses, he said.

“There are up to nine brothers (with families) under one roof ... there’s one home where 25 to 30 people can live,” resident Ismet Ismaili said.

Another change witnessed in Gurgurnica is a move away from agriculture. Twenty years ago, the village sustained itself with sheep and cattle breeding, but that has gradually died out, partly due to poor state subsidies.

“Conditions for agriculture are bad, ...the land is arid,” said resident Nevzad Ferati.

One cause for hope is progress in a decades-long dispute with Greece over the use of the name Macedonia, a fight that has hampered the country’s development and its bids to join the EU and NATO.

In June, the foreign ministers of Greece and Macedonia agreed the ex-Yugoslav republic would be renamed the “Republic of North Macedonia”.

Prospects for places like Gurgurnica could improve if Macedonia votes in favor of the name deal with Greece and a NATO membership bid in a referendum set for Sept 30.

More than 50 percent of people plan to vote, with the majority supporting the name deal and the NATO bid, recent opinion polls show.

Macedonia has a population of just 2 million, with ethnic Albanians accounting for around a quarter of the total.

Once a part of Yugoslavia, Macedonia peacefully seceding in 1991 but came close to civil war in 2001 when ethnic Albanians launched an armed insurgency seeking greater autonomy.

(Not Macedonia but Bratislava, Slovakia.)

September 27, 2018 - Slovak Police detain suspects over Journalist Murder: media, lawyer
Slovak police detain suspects over journalist murder: media, lawyer | Reuters

Slovak police have detained people suspected of the murder of investigative reporter Jan Kuciak and his fiancee, Slovak media outlets reported on Thursday, citing police sources.

The news was confirmed by a lawyer for the family of Kuciak, whose killing seven months ago rocked the central European country, stoking anger over public corruption and sparking the biggest street protests since the fall of communism in 1989.

Slovak police detain suspects over journalist murder: media, lawyer | Reuters

“In the early morning hours today police detained suspects in the premeditated murder of Jan Kuciak and (his fiancee) Martina Kusnirova,” lawyer Daniel Lipsic said on Facebook.

He told Reuters by text message that he had been briefed by prosecutors.

Lipsic later told the website of daily newspaper SME that he was convinced there was enough evidence to justify keeping the suspects in custody.

Local media reported that eight people were being held. Reuters could not immediately verify that number.

The police said earlier on its Facebook page it had detained persons suspected of a violent crime and was carrying out home searches but did not say in which case. A spokesman declined to comment further.

Media, including SME and, where Kuciak had worked, reported police were carrying out home searches in the south of the country.

Kuciak had, among other things, investigated fraud cases involving businessmen with Slovak political ties. He had also looked into suspected mafia links between Italy and businesses in Slovakia. Kuciak was found shot dead along with Kusnirova at their home outside Bratislava in February. They were both 27.

In his final story, published posthumously, he reported on an Italian living in Slovakia with past business links to two Slovaks who later worked in then-prime minister Robert Fico’s office. Both of the Slovaks resigned but deny connections to the murder. Their Italian former business partner has also denied having connections with the mafia and the murder but was detained on a European drug trafficking warrant in March and extradited to Italy in May.

Weeks of public protests in March eventually forced the departure of long-serving leader Fico and his interior minister Robert Kalinak, as well as police chief Tibor Gaspar.

However, Fico’s three-party government coalition has remained in power under Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, who comes from the ruling Smer party which Fico still leads.

Pellegrini welcomed news of the detentions in a social media post on Thursday. A spokeswoman said the prime minister had no official information on the police action.

“The investigation and punishment of those guilty of this murder is one of the priorities of my government,” Pellegrini wrote.

The investigation is the biggest in the country’s history. Interior Minister Denisa Sakova said on Thursday investigators had interviewed more than 200 people.

A prosecutor said in March the murder was likely to have been a contract killing related to Kuciak’s work. Police released this month a sketch of a possible witness and said they had narrowed down possible motives to two.

While demonstrations are no longer being held regularly in the country of 5.4 million, organizers of the protests that numbered in the tens of thousands in March and April have vowed to keep up pressure on the government and to ensure a thorough investigation.

They said on Thursday that while they welcomed progress in the case, they would still hold an anti-government rally in Bratislava on Friday.
President Ivanov at UNGA: The only truth is that we are Macedonians and our country is the Republic of Macedonia


In his speech at the UN General Assembly on Thursday, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov told his compatriots that it is their right to vote in the referendum, not their obligation.

“In accordance with Article 7, Item 3 of the Referendum Law, ‘no one shall be held responsible for voting or not voting in a referendum’. Every citizen has the right to decide how to act as regards this referendum – to go out and vote, or stay home and boycott,” he said.

Ivanov mentioned that several high-level foreign officials had visited Macedonia in the past few weeks noting that he was aware that many of them had sincere intentions to help the country become part of the EU and NATO.

“And I thank them for their good intentions from the bottom of my heart. But I am afraid that they too have been misled. Their message is that if the referendum fails and the Prespa Agreement is not accepted, then we should not hope for membership in NATO and the European Union. And I ask them – if you take away our hope, what will we be left with? Help us by unblocking the process of EU and NATO membership of the Republic of Macedonia without violating the right to self-determination in the process,” said Ivanov.

The President stated that many of them have been persuading Macedonian citizens. “Many of them have been persuading them to accept the Greek proposal. I ask them, would they accept a derogation of the right to self-determination of their own peoples and countries? Would they accept interference in their internal affairs, a breach of sovereignty and political independence? Why are then we asked to accept something that no one else in the world would accept?

“Do not try to persuade us to eat from this poisoned fruit. It is high time for this poisonous tree and its poisonous fruit to be rooted out,” Ivanov pointed out.

Just as the referendum on September 8, 1991 led to sovereignty and independence, he said, this referendum on September 30 may lead to a state of subordination and dependence towards another country.

“If this referendum succeeds in accordance with law, then not only will the name of the existing country be changed, but a new, semi-sovereign country will be created, with a new name and a new internal and international legal identity. We will be a state only by name, but not in substance, because others will regulate our way of life. However, if the referendum fails, a new possibility will arise. A possibility to discuss and explore new options for resolving the issue in accordance with international law, and by respecting our fundamental right to self-determination. To renew the national consensus that we achieved at the beginning of our independence,” Ivanov said in his speech.

As a citizen, I have made my decision, the Macedonian President stressed.

On September 30, I will not go out to vote. I believe that you, my fellow citizens, will make a wise decision. I also wish to address you, representatives of United Nations Member states. This irrational dispute has had detrimental consequences for the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens. Due to Greek blockades, we were denied the right to prosperity. Unfortunately, all of this has reflected on the sustainability of the Macedonian multiethnic, multireligious and multilingual society. A society which has actively contributed to peace, stability and security in the region and in Europe for the past 27 years,” stressed Ivanov.

According to him, the position of official Athens is not only contrary to international law and the decision of Macedonian citizens, it also goes against the will of almost 140 member states of the United Nations which have recognized the fundamental right to self-determination of the Republic of Macedonia and use its constitutional name.

“As President of the Republic of Macedonia, I urge all states that have already recognized the Republic of Macedonia and established diplomatic relations under its constitutional name, not to change their decisions. Demonstrate your sovereignty by remaining faithful to your principled decisions, made without any kind of pressure. Help us by being the guardians of our right to self-determination, thus safeguarding your right to self-determination,” Ivanov said.

He said he had always advocated for building a true and lasting partnership between Macedonia and Greece.

“However, if the only way to accommodate the irrational demands of the Greek side is through imposed measures on the Macedonian side, what we get are relations without trust. This agreement does not bring Macedonian and Greek people together – it sets them apart.

The Greek and Macedonian societies should learn how to live together in spite of their deepest differences. In order to reach a real, sustainable and lasting agreement, we need dialogue instead of monologue, arguments instead of imposing by force, mutual respect instead of denial, according to Ivanov.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly, the President said that ‘the only truth is that we are Macedonians and our country is the Republic of Macedonia.’ “Respecting this unique truth about our identity, you respect our human dignity that is part of the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”

“25 years ago, the Republic of Macedonia became a member of the United Nations. And yet, in this community of equals before the law, the Republic of Macedonia was admitted as less equal, with a derogated legal personality and a violated right to self-determination. Today, 25 years later, talks within the United Nations should end by the adoption of the so-called Prespa Final Agreement that according to some, should put an end to the name dispute with Greece and open the way to membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union and NATO,” President Ivanov elaborated.

The right to self-determination was violated when Macedonia was admitted to the United Nations, he added.

“The Interim Accord and the Prespa Agreement have been adopted in order to justify that violation. You should know that the text of that so called Prespa Agreement was prepared without my knowledge and without my consent as President of the Republic of Macedonia. Moreover, the Agreement violates a clause of our domestic law which is of fundamental importance. The knot that started entangling with Resolutions 817 and 845 and the Interim Accord, has now, with the Prespa Agreement, taken the shape of a hangman’s noose. The Republic of Macedonia is now asked to commit a legal and historical suicide, so that the legal abolition of Macedonian people could then be interpreted as its own will. I wonder what this says about global leadership and shared responsibility of the United Nations?,” Ivanov wondered.

Greece, he said, insists on an erga omnes implementation of the imposed name, thus making the violation of the right to self-determination erga omnes as well.

The right of self-determination means that only the nation itself has the right to determine its destiny, that no one has the right forcibly to interfere in the life of the nation, to destroy its schools and other institutions, to violate its habits and customs, to repress its language, or curtail its rights. The right of self-determination means that a nation may arrange its life in the way it wishes. It has the right to arrange its life on the basis of autonomy. It has the right to complete secession. Nations are sovereign, and all nations have equal rights,” President Ivanov said.

The right to self-determination is the source of the right of people to choose their own name and the name of the state they created, according to him.

“The right to choose a name is an inalienable part of the right to self-determination. Only by respecting the right to self-determination will the United Nations be relevant for all peoples. As a people, we have been bearing the name Macedonians for centuries, and as a state for 74 years – even before the existence of the United Nations. Our attachment to this name was confirmed when, 27 years ago, we used our right to self-determination and proclaimed an independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia,” stated the Macedonian President.

With the Prespa Agreement, Ivanov said, Greece is imposing a new name and is asking for an erga omnes implementation – both for international and domestic use.

“It is foreseen that we change our Constitution, whereby Greece would become the ultimate authority that would approve constitutional amendments. Through this settlement, Greece would be given a permanent monitoring over how we name ourselves, but also over how you. Member States of the United Nations, will address us. Greece will be authorized to rename our institutions, to censor the contents of schoolbooks for our children, to prevent citizens from expressing their Macedonian identity. This also regulates the appellation of our Macedonian language. A very important part of our way of life will depend on Greek will. It is a censorship of the world and an auto censorship of the collective conscience of Macedonian people. It is violence against our historical memory. There are hundreds of thousands of pages of documents and testimonies in the UN archives, detailing what the Greek state used to do to Macedonians in Greece. Now, with the Prespa Agreement, the Greek state wants to do the same to the Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia. The aim is to limit the use of the name Macedonians to the smallest possible space – and that is the space between our two ears, all while keeping our mouth closed. It is a flagrant violation of the right to self determination,” President Ivanov said at the UN.

He called the Prespa Agrement ‘a detrimental compromise based on the 1995 Interim Accord.’

“At a time when we were internationally isolated, the Interim Accord achieved under the auspices of the United Nations was supposed to be a guarantee that Greece would not block our integration in international organizations. However, there is a serious problem in this sense as well. No one can transfer to another more rights than they have themselves. And yet, with Article 5 of the 1995 Interim Accord and under the UN-led process, Greece was allowed to negotiate with the Republic of Macedonia about its name. It is a violation of the right to self-determination,” Macedonian President Ivanov concluded speaking at the 73rd UN General Assembly.

US Embassy issues demonstration alert ahead of referendum


The United States Embassy to Skopje has issued a demonstration alert, urging U.S. nationals to avoid areas where protests might take place ahead of Sunday’s referendum, especially in front of the Parliament building and the main square.

“Various groups intend to demonstrate against the upcoming nationwide referendum on the Prespa name agreement between Macedonia and Greece, which will be held on Sunday, September 30. Spontaneous, unannounced demonstrations might also occur in Skopje and in other parts of the country during this period. U.S. government personnel are advised to avoid any areas where demonstrations might occur,” reads the press release.


U.S. nationals are advised to avoid areas where protests might take place, monitor local media for updates, avoid crowds and demonstrations. The specified locations are the Parliament on September 27 and 30, as well as the main square on September 30.

(Video) Zaev's final address ahead of the referendum

On Sunday you will face a historic decision. You should make a choice. Remember, it is not a choice between two political parties. It is a choice for your future, the future of your country. It is a choice for the future of our cherished Macedonia, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev says in a recorded video address to the citizens ahead of the September 30 referendum.

"This monument, Makedonium, reminds us that the Macedonian people have always made the right choice: In 1903 during the Ilinden Uprising. In 1941 when it stood shoulder to shoulder with progressive Europe against fascism during the fight for national liberation.

On 8 September 1991 by voting in the referendum we had made a decision for a free, independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia. Until now, not all of our aspirations came true, including our dream for European Macedonia and a member state of NATO.

But today, we are close to fulfilling this dream, this aspiration of ours. On September 30, each and every one of us should put a brick in the construction of a better Macedonian future - to make ourselves helpful in becoming a member of the most powerful security alliance - NATO and a full-fledged member in the strongest economic community in the world - the European Union.

You, the citizens, hold the key to making our country a member of the European family.

I know, we should make a concession and accept a geographical qualifier to the name Macedonia, but no one can and no one will ever deny our identity.

The proud Macedonian country secured full recognition of our Macedonian nation, our language, our heritage. Our Macedonian language is protected. Our Macedonian identity is protected forever.

The anthem, the flag remain the same and they are protected. We are Macedonians and we will be forever Macedonians.

Hence, I will vote. For the well-being of our children. For a peaceful and safe country in which Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Serbs, Roma people, Bosniaks, Vlachs, and all our ethnic communities live a good and prosperous life.

On Sunday, you should vote, too. Your vote will set the course of Macedonia. The ones voting are those who will decide. If an overwhelming majority votes Yes, we will permanently pave our way for NATO and the EU.

Democracy and the right to vote are our highest values. That being said, our civil responsibility is to cast our vote.

On Sunday, your vote will determine your future and the future of our country. Now is the time to decide. May we come together as we have done so 27 years ago.

May we bring our country closer to a brighter future. United for European Macedonia, PM Zaev says in a video address to the nation ahead of the name referendum.

Sept. 28, 2018 - Bosnians fear for economy as Ethnic Divisions dominate election agenda
Bosnians fear for economy as ethnic divisions dominate election agenda | Reuters

People pass by Milorad Dodik's pre-election poster in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 26, 2018. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

Bosnia's dire unemployment and corruption problems have been driving its youth abroad for years and many believe the ethnically divisive rhetoric which has dominated the run-up to elections on Oct. 7 means things are about to get worse.

Bosnian Serb presidential candidate Milorad Dodik has been campaigning for greater autonomy and eventual secession of the Serb-dominated region, while Bosnian Croat leader Dragan Covic has called for the creation of a separate Croat-run region.

These were the issues at the core of the 1992-95 war in which 100,000 were killed. Only the Social Democratic Party candidate Denis Becirevic has made the economy one of the priorities of his election campaign.

Many in Bosnia’s business community are in despair.

“When I turn on the TV and listen to their messages, the only impulse I have is to pack my staff and leave,” said Snjezana Koepruner, the general manager and majority owner of the GS-TMT metal processing plant in Travnik in central Bosnia.

“But I feel responsible for 327 people who earn their daily bread in this firm,” said Koepruner. Her company, which exports metal parts to the industries across Europe, is one of the most desirable employers in Travnik where larger, pre-war companies are struggling to survive.

A lack of reliable polls and accusations of electoral fraud and irregularities ahead of the vote are making predictions of the outcome difficult. But analysts see the Oct. 7 vote as a crossroads for Bosnia at which it will either pursue its path towards European Union membership and NATO integration, or held back by its ethnic rivalries.

“These are key elections because all political trends since 2014 until today were negative, incorporating ideas that aim at further disintegration and even dissolution of Bosnia-Herzegovina,” said Slavo Kukic, a sociology professor at Zenica University in central Bosnia.

“If these political philosophies win the October election, these trends will continue and anything could happen,” Kukic said.

Bosnia’s youth unemployment rate stood at 38.8 percent in July this year, according to official data. Some argue that ruling elite’s failure to address joblessness is reflected in Bosnia’s emigration statistics.

About 170,000 Bosnians have left the country since 2013, nearly 5 percent of its population of 3.5 million, according to an NGO campaigning for the return of the diaspora, the Union for Sustainable Return and Integration in Bosnia, which was established for the 1.1 million Bosnians who fled during the war.

The queues at the Slovenian and German embassies and consulates are getting longer every day, with scores of people - most of them between the ages of 20 to 40 - waiting to obtain work visas.

“It’s not so much because of money but because of security,” Velimir Vujanovic, 29, told Reuters when asked why he was leaving Bosnia for Slovenia. “There are no prospects here because nobody cares for the young people.”

Vujanovic, a Bosnian Serb, left his northern hometown of Tuzla during the war and moved with his family to the Serb-dominated part of Bosnia.

About 80 percent of Bosnians said they would go abroad for work, according to a report by recruitment agency recruitment agency.

Endemic corruption is another factor driving people abroad.

The people are discouraged by the general social and political situation and worried by the prospect of their children watching bad students get jobs through political and family connections,” said Adisa Karahodzic, a manager at the leather and textile confectionary producer Koteks Tesanj.
“We have whole families leaving,” Karahodzic said.

Vujanovic, a trained butcher, said he did not see his future in Bosnia and was not planning to return. “I’ve bought a one-way ticket,” he said.

September 28, 2018 - Kosovo detains two Lawmakers for Threatening Prosecutors
Kosovo detains two lawmakers for threatening prosecutors | Reuters

PRISTINA - Kosovo detained two lawmakers from the governing coalition for threatening prosecutors in two separate cases, law enforcement authorities said on Friday.

A court in Pristina ordered Shkumbin Demaliaj detained for one month, pending an official indictment, after he publicly threatened a prosecutor who had charged him with pension fraud, accusing him of falsely registering thousands of people as war veterans who then claimed millions of euros in state benefits.

Just before filing that indictment, the prosecutor, Elez Blakaj, flew to the United States saying he had received threats that he must quit his job.

The lawmaker, who denied the charges, said he would “personally go after the prosecutor” if the state did nothing about the matter.

Around 40,000 people in Kosovo draw state pensions as war veterans, but the prosecution says half of them never fought in the 1998-99 war for independence with Serbia.

One day earlier, another lawmaker, Milaim Zeka, was detained for a month for threatening another prosecutor.

September 28, 2018 - Three people charged with Slovak Journalist Kuciak's Murder
Three people charged with Slovak journalist Kuciak's murder | Reuters

BRATISLAVA - Three people have been charged in Slovakia’s with the premeditated murder of investigative reporter Jan Kuciak and his fiancee, which sparked nationwide protests and brought down the government.

Kuciak had, among other things, investigated fraud involving businessmen with Slovak political ties, and the suspected mafia links of Italians with businesses in Slovakia.

A prosecutor said in March the murder was likely to have been a contract killing related to Kuciak’s work.

The state prosecutor was due to ask a judge to allow the suspects to be held in custody, the spokeswoman for the state prosecutor’s office said in an emailed statement.

The suspects were detained in a house raid on Thursday morning. Five others detained in the same raid were released, the spokeswoman added.

Kuciak’s final story, published posthumously, reported on an Italian living in Slovakia with past business links to two Slovaks who later worked in the office of then-prime minister Robert Fico.

Both of the Slovaks resigned, but deny connections to the murder. Their Italian former business partner has also denied having connections with the mafia and the murder, but was detained on a European drug trafficking warrant in March and extradited to Italy in May.

Weeks of public protests in March eventually forced the departure of the long-serving Fico and his interior minister, Robert Kalinak, as well as police chief Tibor Gaspar.

However, Fico’s three-party coalition has remained in power under Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, who comes from the Smer party, which Fico still heads.
Referendum silence in effect


Public referendum campaign ended at midnight, which kicks off 48-hour silence ahead of the name referendum scheduled on Sunday (Sept. 30).

According to a decision passed by Macedonia’s Parliament, the referendum question reads: “Are you in favor of EU and NATO membership by accepting the agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece?”

A total of 1,806,336 voters are eligible to vote in the referendum on Sunday. Polling stations across the country will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

A day earlier, on Saturday, the sick, disabled people, people under house arrest, inmates and the Macedonian expats will vote.

The referendum will be monitored by close to 12 thousand domestic and almost 500 foreign observers.

Shootout in front of SPO office, one killed two injured | MINA Report


This evening a shooting took place in front of the SPO office when a vehicle in motion began to fire on another vehicle.

The crashed vehicle stopped in front of the coffee shop “Galeri”. In the shootout, one person died on the spot. The body of the deceased and wounded has been transferred to the Skopje Clinic.

Unofficially, as some media reported, the deceased is a brother of a known criminal who was killed several years ago.

The police secured and searched the area. The identity of the victims is still unknown, no information on the attackers either.

The attackers fired from high caliber automatic weapons, and local media outlets have reported that the two injured in the shootout have also died in the hospital, but this could not be confirmed.

Further speculation is that one of the dead was the son of a high-ranking MOI official.

Baily’s junta make up stories to justify catastrophic Referendum turnout in Diaspora | MINA Report


Macedonians in Australia are mocking the Government junta after what can only be described as catastrophic referendum turnout. The diaspora results were not ‘taken well’ by Baily’s junta who apparently went into “damage control” by employing Kanal5 TV to lie that voters have been detained by police – this of course is a lie, police never intervened nor anyone was detained.

One Australian citizen wrote on his FB profile that the Macedonian Government dispatched four “reps” to Australia, one from SDS, one from DPNE and two shiptars.

Here is what he wrote:

In the course of the day, a quarrel between the four Government reps and the employee of the consulate – Radmila Stojmirova (from the SDSM) began – Stojanova wanted to justify the high cost of opening the consulate on Saturday, and more importantly, justifying the catastrophic low turnout of voters.

One of the shiptars suggested that they call the police and justify themselves in that way.

(Earlier, the shiptar wanted to go on a break, but when he saw Macedonians on the street, he apparently got frightened and returned to get bodyguards and then proceeded to the hotel where he received instructions from the junta how to proceed)

The Melbourne police came and saw that no violations have occurred (filming with a cell phone and asking questions in public is allowed at all times – you do not have to answer, etc.).

But right after that, junta representative Edmond Ademi came up with an inflated announcement that they called in the authorities and that filming with phones is not allowed (this is a lie).

Then the junta ordered (SDSM journalists) Gero, Sasha, Rubin, Sasho Ordanovski and similar imbeciles to lie that there was abuse and incidents at the consulate. The SDSM journalists started posting their usual communist bullshit that the Macedonians in the diaspora were like “peasants”.

When they saw that their lies were ignored, Oliver Spasovski came ‘to the rescue’ suggesting filming in public is not allowed. Spasovski was assisted in his lies by colorful idiot Tortevski.

Kanal5 went over the top desperate attempt by outright fabricating that Macedonians were detained in Australia over incident. Do these idiots realize their lies can be verified and squashed in a second?

This just goes to show how desperate the criminal Government junta is. – wrote Zlatko Kovac his FB profile.

Referendum voting in diaspora: 98% decline in Australia | MINA Report


A huge decline is reported in referendum voting of Macedonian citizens in Australia.

According to unofficial data, the drop is almost 98 percent in Melbourne and Canberra, compared to the election turnout in 2016.

At the polling station Melbourne in 2016, 1,111 voters were registered, out of which the right to vote was made by 527 people. This year, 104 voters were registered to vote in the referendum, and only 7 of them voted.

Such figures show that the drop of registered voters is 91 percent, and the drop in attendance is 98 percent.

The situation in the polling station Canberra is similar.

In 2016, 696 people were registered to vote, however for the referendum only 71 people registered, which is a decline of 85 percent.

While 327 voters cast their vote in 2016, today only 6 voters did the same, a fall of 98 percent.

Similar is the situation elsewhere in the diaspora. There are a total of 87,000 registered voters outside of Macedonia’s borders. For this referendum, only 2,755 voters (3%) registered to vote.

The polls are now closed abroad and according to our information less than 1,000 people (out of 87,000 eligible) have cast their votes – for a voter turnout in the diaspora of 1.15%.

SEC: Turnout of registered expats up to 17:00 is 36.56 percent


A total of 985 Macedonian expats, or 36.56 percent up to 17:00 h, came out to vote in the referendum, excluding those from the United States, Canada and London (a total of five polling stations), where the vote lasts until 19:00 h local time, a spokeswoman for the State Election Commission Ljupka Gugucevska told a press conference tonight.

Polling places, however, in penitentiary institutions across the country, a total of 13, are closed and up to 17:00 the turnout is 64.69 percent. 1.008 people voted out of the registered 1,558 eligible voters.

According to information from the Municipal Election Commissions, 1,520 ill or disabled voted in their homes out of 1.859 registered, but this vote is still in progress until all those who applied, do not get the opportunity to vote.

Until this moment, as Gugucevska said, the SEC received three complaints about the protection of personal suffrage, but all were rejected.
The SEC will announce the turnout up to 19:00 h tomorrow.

Answering a journalist’s question about the incident in Australia, the SEC says the case has been recorded and has already been responded to by the competent institutions.

A total of 1,806,335 voters whose names are on the electoral roll have the right to vote in tomorrow’s referendum.

The referendum will be monitored by close to 12 thousand domestic and almost 500 foreign observers.

The Toronto Raptors turn into Toronto Traitors | MINA Report


Traitors in Toronto…

They will take us in Europe while people are killed on the streets like in Africa


The murder of the young footballer Martin Janushev is a case for which the police allegedly knew the perpetrators, but they are still not behind bars. It’s been almost a year since this murder, which has not yet been resolved. In December, there was a murder case at a bus stop in front of a high school in Cair where a 24-year-old boy died. The boy was killed with automatic weapons, and even then the Ministry of Internal Affairs only reported that they are on the ground and work on clearing the case. Another boy died after being beaten and stabbed at a bus station in Skopje – the young Sazdo. Murder of Bojku … shooting in Cento, in Aracinovo, murder in Saraj, murder on the street in Mala Recica … The statistics say that in 2017 on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia 25 murders were committed, which is an increase of 47% compared to last year. 2018 is likely to end with a new increase … Let’s not mention burned cars – a figure in triple digits.

Above of all is the last night’s murder in Skopje. According to the Interior Ministry, two people are dead, one person is fighting for his life after a shooting last night at Ruzveltova Street in Skopje. According to eyewitnesses, the criminal calculation began in front of the SPO’s building on Ruzveltova Str. in Skopje. Unknown persons from a car on the move fired at another car. Over 30 bullets were fired. The vehicle in which the dead and the injured were found was near the traffic lights at the crossroads on Partizanska Str. after which the chase continued to the next crossroads on Orce Nikolov Str., 300 meters away. On Ruzveltova, the vehicle of the victims moved into the opposite lane and first collided with a vehicle accidentally passing by and then with another parked vehicle in front of nearby cafes. The attackers immediately escaped. On Friday evening, when the cafes are full, and the frequency of people on the streets is big, especially in this part of the city, more than 30 bullets from the car on the move were fired.


This is the image of Macedonia in the past two years. The country has become like Beirut, shooting on the streets, victims, unresolved murders ?! Frequent racket and theft, a huge number of robberies and burned cars. News of these crimes has become an everyday thing in our country. Much information about who was killed, who was robbed or victim of violence and racket, but no information from the Ministry of Interior that the perpetrators of these acts will go behind bars.

Only criminals are safe in Macedonia, and citizens are justifiably afraid for their lives and their safety.

What’s happening in the country ?! While we are talking about European Macedonia, about our aspirations for the EU, and on the other hand people are killed on the street as if we were in Africa. Will someone bear responsibility for this situation in Macedonia ?! Citizens live in fear. Security has never been at a lower level.

All the problems in the Interior Ministry are caused precisely by the minister and his policy of appointing party staff, and not professionals in managerial positions in the ministry. The ministry is about to collapse, and the safety of citizens is significantly reduced. Additionally, there is the release of criminals and murderers with the law on amnesty. They were returned to the street, the crime and the killings went up. It’s time to end this! It is enough! Citizens prefer security on the streets! As soon as this is settled it can be discussed for steps further!
Keep your fingers cross - SToRmR1dR - that the voting brings in a high number of "NO" - to the name change! Let Greece change the name of it's Province, instead? The name change is only to make things easier for NATO to step in and take control?

Macedonia would be better off and more protected - if it would approach Russia and China and become part of Euro-Asia integration?

September 29, 2018 - Macedonians vote in referendum on whether to change Country's Name
Macedonians vote in referendum on whether to change country's name | Reuters

The people of Macedonia voted in a referendum on Sunday on whether to change its name to ‘Republic of North Macedonia’, a move that would resolve a decades-old dispute with Greece which had blocked its membership bids for the European Union and NATO.

Greece, which has a province called Macedonia, maintains that its northern neighbor’s name represents a claim on its territory and has vetoed its entrance into NATO and the EU.

The two governments struck a deal in June based on the proposed new name, but nationalist opponents argue the change would undermine the ethnic identity of Macedonia’s Slavic majority population.

President Gjorge Ivanov has said he will not be voting in the referendum and a boycott campaign has cast doubts on whether turnout will meet the minimum 50 percent required for the referendum to be valid.

The question on the referendum ballot read: “Are you for NATO and EU membership with acceptance of the agreement with Greece”.

Supporters of the name change, including Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, argue that it is a price worth paying to pursue admission into bodies such as the EU and NATO for Macedonia, one of the countries to emerge from the collapse of Yugoslavia.

“I came today to vote for the future of the country, for young people in Macedonia so they can be live freely under the umbrella of the European Union because it means safer lives for all of us,” said Olivera Georgijevska, 79, in Skopje.

Although not legally binding, enough members of parliament have said they will abide by the vote’s outcome to make it decisive. The name change would requires a two-thirds majority in parliament.

The state election commission said there had been no reports of irregularities by 1 p.m. (1100 GMT). However, turnout stood at only 16 percent, compared to 34 percent in last parliamentary election in 2016 when 66 percent of the registered voters cast their ballot.

In front of parliament in Skopje, Vladimir Kavardarkov, 54, was preparing a small stage and pulling up chairs in front of tents set up by those who will boycott the referendum.

“We are for NATO and EU, but we want to join with our heads up, not through the service door” Kavadarkov said. “We are a poor country, but we do have dignity.”

“If they (NATO and EU) don’t want to take us as Macedonia, we can turn to others like China and Russia and become part of Euro-Asia integration.”

Prime Minister Zaev says NATO membership will bring much needed investment to Macedonia, which has an unemployment rate of more than 20 percent.

“I believe the huge majority will be in favor because more than 80 percent of our citizens are in favor of EU and NATO,” Zaev said after casting his ballot.

He said that a “yes” result would be “confirmation of our future.”

A poll published last Monday by Macedonia’s Institute for Policy Research (IPIS) said between 30 and 43 percent of voters would take part in the referendum - below the required turnout.

Another poll, conducted by Macedonia’s Telma TV, found 57 percent of respondents planning to vote on Sunday. Of those, 70 percent said they would vote yes.

For the referendum to be successful turnout needs to be 50 percent plus one vote.

A failure in the referendum would represent the first serious blow to policy of the pro-Western government since it took over in May last year.
Disastrous referendum turnout in Macedonian capital and across the country | MINA Report


At 3pm local time, the referendum turnout in the Macedonian capital hovers around 15%.
Across the country the SEC has reported the turnout to be at 22.5% with four hours left before polls close. There were clear indications of ballot stuffing in the municipality of Chair after it was reported to the SEC that its members were removed from the voting polls. This is highly illegal, and the votes may not count there.

SDSM has been texting citizens the entire day (very illegal) to go out and vote, but didn’t seem to have any effect. SDSM even sent out texts using DPMNE’s logo urging people to vote in a way pretending the text came from their biggest rival…


Here is the Government spokesman begging people to go and vote, once again, very illegal.


And as the desperation for the Government junta grew, here they are using State vehicles to transport Roma population in Prilep…


Here is the turnout in the capital…


Macedonia boycotts – here’s the voter turnout in municipalities by 15:00 h

22.56 percent of registered voters, i.e. 334.075 people cast their ballots until 15:00h, SEC President Oliver Derkovski informed.

“The voting process is uninterrupted and I would like to thank citizens for the democratic atmosphere,” said SEC president Oliver Derkoski.

Most of the complaints that were resolved by the SEC involved citizens who for various reasons were not in the Voters’ List.

Turnout in municipalities by 15:00 h:

BEROVO 24,00%
BITOLA 23.12%
GOD 22.36%
BUTEL 24.45%
VEVCANI 22.52%
VELES 20.02%
VINICA 15.67%
GAZI BABA 18,45%
GRADSKO 20,16%
DEBAR 22.59%
DEBARCA 16.54%
DELCEVO 23.44%
DOJRAN 27.66%
DOLNENI 24.43%
ŽELINO 19.98%
ZRNOVCI 11.45%
ILINDEN 10.49%
KARPOS 32.21%
KICEVO 20.61%
KONCE 18.08%
KOCANI 23.82%
KRATOVO 22,60%
KRUSEVO 28,87%
LIPKOVO 30.42%
LOZOVO 21.92%
MOGILA 11.74%
NOVACI 18.15%
OHRID 21.36%
PEHCEVO 24.13%
PRILEP 25,00%
RADOVIS 16.81%
RESEN 18.31%
ROSOMAN 15.46%
SARAJ 36.57%
SOPISTE 14,17%
STRUGA 20.39%
TEARCE 23.67%
TETOVO 26.18%
CENTAR 34.98%
CAIR 28.14%
CASKA 22.73%
STIP 22.38%

Defeating 22.56 % turnout by 15:00 h


22.56 percent of registered voters, i.e. 334.075 people cast their ballots until 15:00h, SEC President Oliver Derkovski informed.

“The voting process is uninterrupted and I would like to thank citizens for the democratic atmosphere,” said SEC president Oliver Derkoski.

Most of the complaints that were resolved by the SEC involved citizens who for various reasons were not in the Voters’ List.

SEC: 28.83% turnout by 17:00 h


According to the results obtained and the data processed so far for Sunday’s referendum, the voter turnout by 17: 00h is 455.771 voters, ie 28.83%, the State Election Commission informed at their fifth press conference today.

Zaev writes and quickly removes tweet: Parliament to follow will of people | MINA Report

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev wrote a tweet where he urges Parliament to follow the will of the people.

However, the tweet was promptly removed once the State Electoral Commission announced the disastrous Referendum turnout where majority of the Macedonian population is boycotting this dubious and highly illegal referendum on changing the country’s name.

Here is Zaev’s tweet:


DPNE Traitors show Support for Boycott 3 hours before polls close | MINA Report

High ranking DPNE officials Aleksandar (London) Nikolovski, Vlado Misajlovski, party’s general secretary Janushev, even Mickoski the mathematician… all thumped their chest with literally three hours to go until the polls close and announced they are not voting in the Referendum! Are these clowns for real?

They didn’t say anything two months ago (like Antonio Miloshoski did), or one month ago, or even yesterday. In fact, Mickoski’s only statement on the Referendum was that he’d vote against it!

Once these traitors were sure the Referendum will fail, but they really wanted to make sure so couldn’t make the announcement in the morning… one by one announced they support the Boycott movement – at 4:30pm! It would have been better for them to stay silent.


How many countries can say that American and British psychopaths installed a Government junta whose main job is to change the identity, culture, history and future of a country just for geopolitical giggles? And change the country’s name as the icing on the cake?

Well, it didn’t quite work, and here is the proof.

Despite documented fraud by the Government junta to increase the dismal turnout, huge percentage of Macedonians boycotted and ignored the Referendum. Now many are outside in the streets celebrating, honking their cars across Macedonia. Deservedly so.

It’s not easy to defeat a Nazi lady (Frau Merkel), a psychotic lady (Theresa May), America’s Deep State idiots (too many to list)… and all of it by making ajvar!

The referendum (like all illegal activities in Macedonia) was financed by US Taxpayers, commonly known as CIAUSAid.

What Macedonia’s favorite gmo product has to say about all this?

Macedonia Referendum Failed - Macedonia Won! Победа за Македонија, Пропадна Референдумот

But this was back in August and yes it was Zaev stating he would quit if the Referendum failed. He has no intention to quit, unless his sponsors tell him otherwise.

Despite this massive win for Macedonians wordlwide, this isn’t over by a long shot. It’s never over when you deal with fascists.


Zaev does not intend to resign

Asked whether he would resign because the referendum was not successful, that is, it did not reach the threshold of more than 50 percent turnout, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he did not intend to resign.

We said that if there is one vote against more in the referendum, I will bear responsibility. But in the referendum, more than 600 thousand people voted for. Not only will I not resign, but I also have an obligation to take Macedonia to the EU and NATO, said Zaev.

He was reminded of his statement that if the referendum fails, he will step down.

Today we have a successful referendum, the majority of the citizens voted “for”, Zaev said.

Macedonia’s SEC commits Fraud in favor of Referendum, caught in the act | MINA Report

With two hours to go, only 25.9% of the eligible Macedonian voters have cast their votes in the Referendum, reported SEC at 5:48pm.

SEC Fraud

The SEC led by DPNE’s Derkovski has tough time reporting the results. Namely, the SEC publicly states 455771 votes have been cast thus far which is 25.23% of the electorate, yet on its website, wrongly puts 29% which then it translated to 521,189 votes. There is a gap of roughly 65,000 voters between what the SEC said verbally and what it shows online.

But here is the crazy thing. MINA’s Pero Stamatovski who is responsible for catching the SEC commit Fraud at least a dozen times over last elections, once again caught them in the act.

Namely, the SEC’s results on the actual website do not match with what it’s being presented. The simplest of math shows when you add all “official numbers” from all the polling stations, the number of total votes do NOT match to the number of votes shown by the SEC!

We took the official SEC data posted at 5pm, added the numbers from all 80 municipalities. The total number of votes cast is 501,515 which is 27.8%, not 29.01% (or 521,189) as the SEC claims. We’re using the SEC data! Is the SEC telling us they’re not able to properly add numbers and came up with a 22,000 vote gap?

According to Pero Stamatovski who knows a thing or two about software and statistics… “There is no chance software can make such silly errors, these numbers, the summary appears to be tweaked at the SEC manually. The gap is sometimes 29,000, other times more, now it’s 22,000, clearly someone is screwing with the numbers as they see fit because the sum at all the polling stations do not correspond to the sum given by the SEC, which is ridiculous amateur level fraud” says Stamatovski.

Fraud by the SDSM and the SEC is always on the menu. Check for yourself.


At the moment, there is a massive ballot stuffing in Aracinovo, Saraj, Chair, Lipkovo where DUI and SDSM ‘govern’. Namely, the turnout at these smaller municipalities was catastrophic, hovering around 19-22%, however, in the last two hours it’s over 45%! And yes, all ethnicities in Macedonia boycotted the referendum.

Congratulations to Saraj for entering NATO where voter turnout went from 21% the entire day to 60% the last 45 minutes before the polls close!

The Referendum has already failed, this is a given, the ballot stuffing now is to save the political careers of the two GMO products, Zoran Zaev and Bujar Osmani.

Macedonian Legal expert: One of two clauses in fake agreement with Athens is broken | MINA Report

Macedonian legal expert and International Law University professor Toni Deskoski who was part of the legal team that defeated Greece at the International Criminal Court (ICJ) in Hague, has sent a stern warning to the Government junta that the so called agreement with Greece is already broken.

“Now that we have a failed referendum, I feel the need to point out a provision of the so called Prespa Accord, which can significantly affect future actions.

Namely, in Art. 2, paragraph 4, item b, indent ii (second, third and fourth sentence), it is explicitly stipulated that the support of Greece for our membership in NATO is conditioned by the fulfillment of two cumulative conditions:

-Firstly, the outcome of the referendum (which must be consistent with the Agreement) and secondly, the adoption of the Constitutional Amendments (four in number) – which were prepared by the Greek Government.

This means that without fulfilling any of the two conditions, Greece is not be obliged to support us for NATO membership. This means, in other words, that even if Athens ratifies the Prespa Accord in their parliament, we will be at their mercy or discretion, whether they will let us in NATO.” writes Deskoski in his FB profile.

Meanwhile, the first phone call Zaev received after the Referendum debacle was from Greece’s PM Tsipras who congratulated the SDSM leader on his unwavering courage to do what he does and to continue his fight in Parliament, and change the name there.

Tsipras praised Zaev for his ‘determination and courage to continue to implement the deal’ contrary to people’s will


The prime ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras, had a phone conversation after the name referendum ended, according to Greece’s ANA-MPA news agency.

It says that Tsipras praised Zaev for his ‘determination and courage to continue to implement the deal,’ MIA reports from Athens.

“According to government sources, during the conversation, PM Alexis Tsipras praised Zoran Zaev for his determination and courage to continue to implement the deal,” ANA-MPA reported.

Zaev: Citizens clearly voted ‘FOR’ the agreement with Greece

Over 650,000 citizens voted in the referendum and over 90 percent of them voted ‘FOR’, sending a message that Macedonia should accept the (name) agreement with Greece and become a member of the European Union and NATO, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told a press conference late Sunday.

“European Macedonia has secured more votes ‘FOR’ than any winner of all elections being held in Macedonia since its independence. The citizens of Macedonia have made a rather significant choice,” Zaev said.

The decision they made today was not simple, Zaev said, extending gratitude to all of those who came out to vote ‘for’ or ‘against’ in the referendum.

He also extended gratitude to members of opposition VMRO-DPMNE, ‘who took a responsibility for their homeland and voted under own will’. The Prime Minister appealed to the opposition and all political parties to unite for the country’s interest and set aside narrow-party interests. He reiterated that calling of snap elections would be the other alternative.

“I, the opposition and all citizens know that there would not be a better agreement with Greece. There is no alternative to the EU, NATO membership. Let’s not play with our and the future of our Macedonia,’ PM Zaev said.

Taking a journalist’s question Zaev said he did not intend to resign as the referendum result made him more certain in everything he had been doing to bring Macedonia into the EU and NATO.

VMRO has numerous traitors within its ranks – bought MPs voted in referendum | MINA Report

The referendum failed, as we and most Macedonians expected. MINA even predicted precisely by how many votes the referendum will fail.

Not even a day has gone by, and already quite a few Macedonians have sour taste in their mouth because it was revealed that multiple VMRO-DPMNE MPs voted in the referendum. Although everyone has a right to vote, still, the so called Macedonian party continues to find ways to betray their people.

The current discussion now, albeit in a joking manner is that these must be some new breed of VMRO representatives, who have not a shred of the actual VMRO ideology within them.

This came as the Macedonian public scolded several high ranking VMRO officials who ‘decided’ to boycott the referendum once it became crystal clear the Referendum will fail. But this is a different topic.

Journalist Vasko Eftov in his analysis on Alfa TV of the referendum outcome, stated it’s been confirmed at least 9 bought VMRO MPs voted in the Referendum. While most of these MPs have remained silent (for obvious reasons) there are those like Danev who apparently thinks no one saw him voting so he sent out a patriotic FB post… much to the disgust of many. He got lambasted on his FB profile.

The VMRO-DPMNE MPs did not realize they were being watched and sneaked out as early as they thought it’s viable so they don’t get seen/filmed. “Some voted at 7, 8am” said Eftov.

VMRO as a political party appears to live in some sort of multi dimensional bubble and don’t seem to realize the public rightfully doesn’t trust them. And this fiasco makes matters only worse for them, clearly opening the door for Levica led by Dr Dimitar Apasiev (University Professor in Shtip).

Garbage always rises to the surface

We gave you the VMRO traitors five days ago, and now Eftov and others confirmed it. Daniela Rangelova, the toxic president of VMRO-DPMNE’s Women Union was the first to vote in the referendum – she is an early riser. Danev and the rest followed suit. Week before the referendum VMRO VP Mitko Jancev sided with Zaev and asked the public to go out and vote!

If VMRO thinks of itself as a serious political party (and we very much doubt this), they need to expel every single traitor from its ranks. Perhaps one of my colleagues put it best the other day when he asked “Are there VMROvci in VMRO anymore?”

And the answer is maybe, but certainly leaning towards “no” with every passing day…

Daniela Rangelova.jpg
Dragan Danev.jpg

Dragan Danev voted in Referendum, then explained on FB how patriotic he is!? Much better to have remained quiet like Rangelova.

Rated R: The “lighter” side of SDSM Referendum Fraud | MINA Report

Macedonia’s disease, the SDSM, committed all sorts of fraud during the elections, some of which was captured on film, other was recorded…


Local SDSM aides pretending to be calling from VMRO-DPMNE offices contacted VMRO members ordering them to go out and vote – explaining a decision has been made by the leadership of the party. Moral, ethical or human values? Not for the SDSM!

For those who don’t know, SDSM implant Nikola Todorov stole the contact information of 400,000 VMRO members and gave it to the SDSM. Hence these calls…

In multiple cities across the country, the SDSM used Government vehicles to scour the poorest of the poor neighborhoods and transport people to vote. Of course, they were issued a stern lesson and told to vote “For” while being transported.

Police has received 100s of complaints of citizens being abused by local SDSM officials, with the latest three cases coming from Sveti Nikole where one family who lives on social insurance was visited at home by an SDSM aide who told them they would not get their social benefits check and they can’t buy food if they don’t vote. The family still didn’t vote and reported the case to the police.

Here is a SDSM activist giving cash to residents in a poor Roma neighborhood in Bitola.


Huge ballot stuffing in several small municipalities (Chair, Saraj, Arachinovo, Lipkovo…) where the turnout from 19%-22% respectively went to 45% and 67% in the case of Saraj. This only happened in the last 45 minutes of the voting.

Yet, the Referendum still failed, and failed badly.

Meanwhile, the first phone call Zaev received after the Referendum debacle was from Greece’s PM Tsipras who congratulated the SDSM leader on his unwavering courage to do what he does and to continue his fight in Parliament, and change the name there.

It is very clear that Tsipras is Zaev's "Boss-Handler" and where he gets his marching orders from! It also gives notice, as to why Greece is in the financial mess - it is in? Financially, drain the local economy with a high tax base, deplete the job market in the area, so the people have to rely on Government subsidies to survive and after it is a Welfare state, herd the population in reforms (referendum's) that serve the ruling elite.

Tsipras is trying to drag Macedonia down, the same way, that Greece was brought down to it's knee's.

Both, Tsipras and Zaev are on NATO's payroll and should be in jail.
Oct. 1, 2018 - Russia says it hopes events in Macedonia unfold in line with Law
Russia says it hopes events in Macedonia unfold in line with law | Reuters

Protesters shout out slogans about boycotting the referendum on changing the country's name that would open the way for it to join NATO and the European Union in Skopje, Macedonia September 30, 2018. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

Russia said on Monday it hoped the situation in Macedonia would unfold in line with the law after a referendum there seeking to change the country's name failed to secure the 50 percent turnout needed to make it valid.

Macedonia’s prime minister has pledged to press ahead with a vote in parliament to change the country’s name to resolve a decades-old dispute with Greece.

“We are observing closely and of course think that all the processes should remain within the framework of the law,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Oct. 1, 2018 - Macedonia's Bid to join EU, NATO in Limbo after Vote, early Poll possible
Macedonia's bid to join EU, NATO in limbo after vote, early poll possible | Reuters

Protesters shout out slogans about boycotting the referendum on changing the country's name that would open the way for it to join NATO and the European Union in Skopje, Macedonia September 30, 2018. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

Macedonia's hopes of joining the European Union and NATO were in limbo on Monday, a day after voters backed a plan to change the country's name by a large margin but failed to hit the 50 percent turnout required for the referendum result to be valid.

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he would press on regardless with a vote in parliament to endorse the change of name to the ‘Republic of North Macedonia’ but the defense minister said an early election might now prove necessary, potentially derailing the whole plan due to a tight timeframe.

Some 91 percent of voters backed the name change, demanded by neighboring Greece as a precondition for it lifting its veto on Macedonia joining the EU and NATO. But turnout was just 36.9 percent, final figures showed, far below the required threshold for the referendum to be valid.

While the referendum was formally advisory, lawmakers had pledged to abide by it. But the low turnout means they are now free to vote against the name change, and the nationalist opposition has 49 seats in the 120-seat parliament, enough to block the two-thirds majority needed to change the constitution. :cheer:

The EU, echoing the pro-Western Zaev, hailed the referendum result as a ringing endorsement of Macedonia’s plans to join the bloc and NATO.

“It is now in the hands of politicians in Skopje to decide on the way forward,” NATO head Jens Stoltenberg and top EU official Donald Tusk said in a joint statement. “We encourage them to seize this historic opportunity.”

Germany’s EU minister Michael Roth said that implementing the name agreement was crucial, saying that Macedonia’s future was in Europe: “Go for it!,” he said.

Russia, which opposes NATO eastern expansion, said it expected the law in Macedonia to be respected. The main nationalist opposition VMRO-DPMNE has vowed to block the legislation. Its supporters mainly boycotted the vote in order to invalidate the result, and it says the failure to reach the threshold meant Macedonians had rejected the change.

“In the coming week we will assess if we can secure the necessary majority for the constitutional changes, and if not we will call an early election,” Defence Minister Radmila Sekerinska told Reuters.

“The downside is that the election would postpone adoption of the constitutional changes for 45 to 60 days,” she said.

Political Crises
Political analysts said the lack of a decisive referendum outcome greatly complicated the tiny ex-Yugoslav republic’s push to join Western structures.

“Instead of having a clearer picture the outcome of the referendum will only deepen the political crisis,’ said Petar Arsovski a political analyst. “We are likely heading towards early elections and Macedonia does not have time for that.”

Greece tried to put a brave face on the setback.

“We hope that Mr. Zaev’s initiative for a constitutional reform will be successful,” Greek government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said on Monday.

“The Greek government will continue with sobriety and prudence ... to support the need for an implementation of the deal. This opportunity must not be wasted,” he said.

Greece has insisted on the change because it views the name ‘Macedonia’ as implying a territorial claim on a northern Greek region of that name. Greece’s parliament must also approve the June name deal and, like Zaev, leftist Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras also faces opposition from his nationalist foes.

An early election could be called in Macedonia for the end of November at the earliest, pushing the constitutional changes into the spring.

“The biggest risk is that this drags on and the EU’s electoral calendar overtakes things,” an EU official said, referring to next May’s elections to the European Parliament.

In Moscow, which regards NATO enlargement as a threat to its own security, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “We are observing closely and of course think that all the processes should remain within the framework of the law.”
Twisting of the Truth?

October, 01, 2018 - Macedonian Referendum Backs New Name to End Greek Row
Macedonian Referendum Backs New Name to End Greek Row - Tasnim News Agency

Macedonian voters on Sunday supported a plan to rename the country aimed at ending a decades-long spat with Greece and unlocking a path to NATO and EU membership, although the referendum was marred by low turnout.

With ballots from 93 percent of polling stations counted, 91.3 percent of votes favored the name changing to North Macedonia, compared to 5.7 percent opposed, according to the electoral commission's official count.

However, only a third of the 1.8 million-strong electorate voted.

Greece reacted to the result with the foreign ministry saying it "remains committed" to its June agreement with Skopje under which Athens would drop its objections to Macedonia joining the EU and NATO in return for a change of name.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras expressed his support for his Macedonian counterpart in a telephone call in which he hailed the "determination and courage" of Zoran Zaev to "complete the implementation of this agreement", a government source told AFP.

The non-binding referendum on renaming Macedonia needs to be ratified in parliament by a two-thirds majority and also given the stamp of approval by the Greek parliament.

Zaev and his coalition partners from the ethnic Albanian minority will need at least a dozen MPs from the opposition to back the move.

"MPs now have an obligation to make Macedonia a better place for all of us," Zaev told reporters late on Sunday.

But the rightwing opposition VMRO-DPMNE party said the low turnout made the referendum "deeply unsuccessful" with party leader Hristijan Mickoski telling reporters the "government lost its legitimacy".

However, the party that ruled Macedonia for a decade until 2017 was split during the referendum campaign. Mickoski did not vote, but several MPs took part in the polls, including party's vice-president Mitko Janchev.

Parliamentary speaker Talat Xhaferi, an ethnic Albanian who supports the agreement, said he was unable to vote.

"I was not able to exercise my democratic right because my name was not on the electoral list, I hope it was an isolated case," Xhaferi said, according to Macedonian media reports.

The European Union urged all sides to respect the result of the referendum.

"I now expect all political leaders to respect this decision and take it forward with utmost responsibility and unity across party lines," EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn said in a statement.

NATO head Jens Stoltenberg said on Twitter the result was a "historic opportunity", adding: "NATO's door is open."

Zaev said that if he failed to obtain the required majority in parliament to back the name deal, he would call early elections, two years after the last ones.

The vote is an emotional moment for a country that has struggled for recognition of its name since 1991, when the former Yugoslav republic declared independence.

At the time, Athens kicked up a major fuss, accusing Skopje of stealing the name of its own northern province, which is also called Macedonia.

The dispute dives deep into history with both countries vying to lay claim to Alexander the Great's ancient empire of Macedon, which spanned their territories.

Zaev had billed the referendum as a painful but "historic" opportunity to break a 27-year-old stalemate.

The June deal, however, was openly opposed by Macedonia's President Gjorge Ivanov, who is allied with the nationalist opposition and had supported calls for a boycott of the referendum.

Few Macedonians are enthused about the new name, saying they have been unfairly bullied by Greece.

"I am not happy and I do not know anyone who likes this deal," said 55-year old Danica Taneska, who voted "no".

But a desire to anchor their future to the West -- and the economic prosperity that it could bring -- has been a driving force behind the "yes" vote in one of Europe's poorest nations.

The referendum is not binding, but a "yes" majority gives parliament a political mandate to change the constitution.

Europe and the US have campaigned hard for the deal, with many leaders passing through Skopje this month to urge Macedonians to seize the "historic" opportunity.

NATO has already issued an invite -- on hold until the deal passes -- while EU accession talks are scheduled to begin next year.

The West is keen to have another foothold in the Western Balkans, a region where Russia, which is opposed to NATO expansion, has historically had influence.

At home, those in favor of the deal say a desire for an EU future is helping bind ethnic Macedonians with the Albanian minority, who are broadly pro-West.

While Macedonia avoided the full-scale inter-ethnic wars that rippled across the region during the collapse of Yugoslavia, it was roiled by an Albanian insurgency in 2001 that left more than 100 dead.

A peace deal was reached later that year granting Albanians more political rights, but tensions have remained.
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