Ref. the various posts on human behaviours.
The following are some © bits of what I suppose could be called free verse which literally came to mind during a period of frustration with the world some years back. Not sure how they might read to anybody else, but maybe it's time to share...
As babes,
Forgetting all
We fall into the world.
Small animals consumed by need
We scream
They coo
They fuss
Is this through fear of more, denial, or instinct blind?
Or that deep down there’s seen some spark within?
We grow
The schooling starts
Life does its stuff
Naïve we swallow whole
Self-interest sold as wisdom
What else is there to do?
Then suffering
With time our drama firms
Becomes our mask
We’ve learned to bend the rules
To keep our fingers clean
The die is cast
The clothes the self, defended to the last
Yet pain persists expands
In time consumes the whole but is denied
This state for some is everything
Yet in a few the heart speaks out
The still small voice
Can this be it?
Is this the All?
Thus armed
We venture forth
Our battle to begin
With life
Determined to survive
We fight
According to our way
We lie
We steal
We take from those less strong
A few concede
Give in
Some know
Most alternate
Between arrogance and hate
Or blinded by indifference
Taking advantage when they can
While posturing to power
Self sold
The ladder they ascend
Sound bites not wisdom
Hearts closed.
Self loathing
They stagger to the grave
Is this success?
With luck we crash and burn
Hopes turned to ash
Eased towards awakening
Our world,
With beauty filled,
Designed to cater for our needs,
Asks only that we Love and learn.
Somehow we won’t,
Most don’t know how,
They run in fear,
Grasp after what they think they need,
Make suffering,
Cause pain,
Refuse to see.
Consistently refuse to question self,
To learn,
Or think where this might lead.
We’re far too smart,
Not children we,
We’re rigid in our views,
Closed minds
There’s options very few.
Next thing we know,
We’re caught,
By power controlled,
And hierarchy ruled -
With leaders bought,
Bureaucracies that feed on those they ‘serve’,
Jobs for the boys,
No matter what the cost.
Then threats invented,
Minorities to blame,
Fear hyped,
Regime change,
Weapons for profit,
Then death and dying,
Drugs for arms,
Societies destroyed,
Hate fed,
Whilst industry,
The stress machine,
Make rich a few,
Feeds needs unreal,
Destroys our world.
Makes mountains,
Waste for which we pay,
In oh so many ways.
Forced use of oil,
Adds fuel to the fire.
Then never-ending debt,
Declining health.
The illness industry,
Bleeds dry,
Leaves people destitute,
Whilst law,
Does similar.
Then media and religion,
Bought and sold,
Conspire to disempower.
Trapped in this bubble of belief,
Bought into lies,
Always correct,
Denying what we know to be,
We see only what we’re meant to see.
Denying self,
Denying heart,
Denying what we are,
We sleep.
Then rhetoric,
We talk of families, love and care,
Of motherhood and apple pie,
Whilst building the facade ever higher.
Doing to others what we fear they’ll do to us,
We need the work.
But this???
This is the world we make.
It need not be.
Yet be it will,
Until we answer to the call….