Mass Shootings

Many incidents attributed to apr 20 are manufactured one’s except hitlers birthday. probably some symbolic for the manufacturers.

What is interesting is this happens when corona fake scare seems to be winding down.

I was going to say the 20th is also the anniversary of the massacre at Columbine.

This may be wishful thinking on my part, but I wonder if it's also possible that some violence was unleashed by 4D STS to vent or express frustration about how things have been going (similar to the massacres that followed Laura's defusing of VB's hoodoo)? I mean people are fighting back a whole lot more now against the lockdowns. And perhaps this is a way to "keep the fear alive." "Stay indoors - protect yourself from Denturists." 😕

The professional grifter Alex Jones is joining the protests now, and Canada's opposition leader Andrew Scheer is also openly criticizing the WHO in a manner similar to Trump. Some of the rats on the ground are starting to smell which way the wind is blowing, and that may have something to do with the truth-seekers here and elsewhere staying aware and networking. Of course these faux opposition figures trying to ride on the coat tails of legitemate dissenters is just their way of auditioning for them to be tossed some money by Pure Evil Inc. to vector whatever influence they can accrue from the more suggestible people at the margins of the truth-seeking movement into controlled channels for narrative management.
Last night I put a couple of hours into digging around re: this Nova Scotia shooting story since a lot of important information comes out immediately after an event like this, which then gets covered up -- unless someone starts collecting the pieces of the puzzle right away. One thing I noticed is that all the varying news sources had a different take as to whether the shooter had been apprehended or killed. Both versions of the story were reported with a sense of certainty. Eventually, I listened to the entire official statement by a higher up at the RCMP, seeing that eventually -- somewhat diffidently -- he offered that the assailant was dead.

However, all of the earlier versions of the story state clearly that the assailant was apprehended, and not dead. An eye witness even took a picture of the assailant's SUV (the second car mentioned in this scenario) entirely surrounded not by the RCMP necessarily (since they didn't look like mounties at all), but by guerilla type operatives.

What I speculate happened was that the assailant/patsy was apprehended, but was killed after being taken in. This would account for the two distinct versions of the story -- the earlier version with him being apprehended (since word got out, and the media reported it as such), and the later version with him being "dead" (which became the official version). This also seems to account for the manner in which the RCMP disclosed the fact of his being deceased. The man talking wasn't at all forthcoming as to how or when the assailant was killed. But then to kill an apprehended alleged assailant is entirely illegal, so you wouldn't want to be too forthcoming about that (!).

Moving on... one version of the story had it that the assailant's ex (either wife or girlfriend) along with her boyfriend were among those killed.

Also: as noted already on this thread, there was initially spotted a police vehicle with the alleged assailant wearing a police uniform, only the assailant, by some accounts, exchanged this vehicle for a silver SUV type vehicle. This had me wondering whether there wasn't a seasoned operative driving the police vehicle, and the patsy/assailant driving the other vehicle. I also wonder whether -- and, again, this is pure speculation -- but perhaps there was a real argument between the assailant and his ex ending in murder or at least some sort of violence. The rest of the shootings and fires may have then been improvised, with the entire mess blamed on the patsy denturist, who, as I understand it, has no criminal record.

It's sort of like this whole pandemic situation. It starts out as possibly an accident whereby this virus gets out into the population, infecting those in Wuhan, then the rest of the world, as the WHO/CDC, etc., eventually decide to improvise, blowing it up into a global pandemic, even though it's not the "real" pandemic they were seemingly planning (as per Fauci's own claim). I suppose that's what gave me the idea re: the Nova Scotia situation. It might have started out as one kind of crime, but it was decided that it could be used to improvise a mass shooting as well.

This idea might work even if the assailant/potential patsy was a programmed assassin who got triggered and killed his ex and her boyfriend. But even if he was programmed, I still think the one dressed as a police officer was an operative who, as I already mentioned, probably did the majority of the shootings, and the fires as well. I think this largely because all such incidents utilize professional sharp shooters and agents.

Oh, something else suspicious about this whole event is how the officials knew straight away that one assailant did all these shootings. It seems premature of them to state this with such certainty. And yet, similar to what happened on 9/ll when CNN was reporting that day that Osama Bin Laden was responsible, these officials seem to know the entire story in advance. So, it's a pattern with these operations, this impossible disclosing of the facts of the case instantaneously.

Also: there's this automatic move to the mourning/memorializing phase -- before any vital questions are answered, or any real investigation pursued.

So, that's where my mind went to as I tried to sort things out immediately after hearing about the incident. Time may tell where I might be right, and where I'm missing something, or where I've gotten it entirely wrong. If anyone here would like to add to what I've got here, or suggest an alternative version, etc., we could piece it together more as more comes out on all this.

I think it's interesting that a shooting should happen in the midst of the Coronavirus lock down. I mean, it would start to seem strange if what the public considers "random" shootings were to suddenly stop just because our countries are in lock down. After all, that would be to suggest that these "crazy" shooters were taking a break for a while, sticking to their homes, and practicing social distancing (!).
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I saw this pop up last night before going to bed, and I got a strange sensation that they were avoiding the issue. Usually by the time the attacker is stopped, there’s a narrative ready or more information as it becomes available, this time there was no motive announced.

It’s like they wanted people to forget it happened rather quickly. These shootings would receive such attention.
Specially that this shooting is the most terrible in the history of shootings in Canada. I look to compare if that was true and I think yes. The only shooting that was as terrible was December 6, 1989, at the École Polytechnique in Montreal where 14 women were killed plus the shooter.
I wonder what police are doing during 12 hr rampage when the entire country is in lock down? There is 800% increase in depression treatment hotlines due to lock down. we may not know what happened immediately, but it is sad. It looks no body is in control of the situation.
It can be that this shooting will produce more fear to people to go outside. Stay at home!!!! Don't go outside,people like dentists, can become nuts and start to shoot. It is a subliminal message. I have difficulty to believe that this dentist or whatever killed 17 people. And that they did not stop him at time. And they did not try to take him alive. Again they killed him and a dead body can not talk.
Also: there's this automatic move to the mourning/memorializing phase -- before any vital questions are answered, or any real investigation pursued.
When I read the article on SOTT I remembered Ozark TV show for some reason. Like theres much more to this than just the body-count. The way it is reported by the authorities is fishy for sure! And the face of that guy doesnt look like a crazed shooter for sure!
It can be that this shooting will produce more fear to people to go outside. Stay at home!!!! Don't go outside,people like dentists, can become nuts and start to shoot. It is a subliminal message. I have difficulty to believe that this dentist or whatever killed 17 people. And that they did not stop him at time. And they did not try to take him alive. Again they killed him and a dead body can not talk.

If only the killer had a chip, this would have been stopped much sooner. Please accept the mark of the beast, it will save life.
Well, isn’t it interesting that there is a G1 class storm underway and auroras have been sighted in Canada. All that cosmic energy is bound to bring out a crazy or two - beaming not necessary.
This incident is beyond strange to me. What strikes me is that this guy seemed to have had a perfectly replicated RCMP police car (was it stolen and the police want to cover that up?) and a uniform. This man was a denturist! This has the look of a meticulous pre-meditated murder. Furthermore, nobody - as far as I can tell at the moment - is asking any real questions about it and nobody seems to want to. The news where I am in Canada has gone directly to mourning the victims. Such as, "clap and cheer for the police and EMS services", "stay strong Nova Scotia!", etc. A friend of mine in Nova Scotia had posted this on FB:
There are a lot of questions about yesterday that go unanswered. It is a tragedy, that for some of us we have no way of understanding completely.
Please remember that families have lost loved ones and are mourning the most unimaginable loss. Today is not the day to make things about politics, parties or policies. For the love of God, take a break from thinking the people that run our country are out to get all of us. Have some respect for the men and women that fight daily to keep us safe and healthy (this includes our politicians) and consider the fact that the world does not revolve around you. There is no place for conspiracy theories today or trying to place blame on anyone other than the suspect.

It's like people just want to get past it already and it will fade into memory. This is probably what the PTB want as well.
When I read the article on SOTT I remembered Ozark TV show for some reason. Like theres much more to this than just the body-count. The way it is reported by the authorities is fishy for sure! And the face of that guy doesnt look like a crazed shooter for sure!

Hi Agron.

I agree that the alleged shooter does look "perfectly normal."

On the other hand: the cropping of this image they're using has some similarity to the classic shot of Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" (speaking of subliminal messages):


There were a few other items I noticed the other night when I looked into all this, but which I didn't get to in my first post.

First: there was at least one other shooting (of several people, I believe) and one averted mass shooting in the not so distant past in Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is south of where these current shootings occurred, and which is where Gabriel Wortman, the alleged shooter, had his denturist practice. In other words, Halifax is "on the map" with regard to such operations.

Wortman also owned quite a few properties north of Halifax where the shootings occurred. I don't know if that's a factor or not, but it does suggest he's perhaps a landlord in that area, and in that sense a more involved citizen than had he just owned a vacation home.

Another aspect that caught my attention was the fires. I remember Dave McGowan talking about the prevalence of fires in his Laurel Canyon material. Such fires, he noted, were a very convenient way to take care of a mountain load of evidence in a lot of cases. Similarly, this "rampage" north of Halifax, replete with serious fires, allowed for what could potentially be a similar erasing of evidence.

Further work could be done on this case, starting with lining up just who the victims were. Often there are connections and anomalies concerning the victims themselves. Given programmed shooting operations seemingly took place in nearby Halifax, then who knows where the "tentacles" to such operations lead to, and just who might in some way be involved.

Several years ago in upstate New York there was the Schoharie limo "accident" in which twenty people had reportedly been killed. I remember thinking, twenty people in one crash? That's A LOT. So, I started to look into it.

The first thing I noticed, and you can see this happening in this Nova Scotia situation, was that there was no real documentation of the crash (just as we are not likely to see a lot of documentation of all the crime scenes in Nova Scotia). The image they used initially showed a long vehicle, the supposed limo, down in a creek. The vehicle didn't have a scratch on it, and wasn't the kind of vehicle that could house eighteen (the two other victims were allegedly standing in the way of the run away vehicle). Also: the chances of every single person being killed in such an unlikely accident (on a fairly quiet, country thoroughfare) is virtually nil. But, as usual, with no real investigation, the public consumed the story as just another tragic occurrence, and moved on, paying little attention to the fact that the owner of the limo company this operation was obviously targeting was a Pakistani informant for the FBI. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'd have to open up a different computer than the one I'm using right now to trace my steps, but I remember a researcher on this story (whose name is on the other computer) who was doing a fantastic job on Twitter compiling all the suppressed, often bizarre connections in this story. I remember there being two supposed victims of the crash who just happened to be the daughters of a pilot who ferried the likes of Joe Biden and others to Antartica (which is a rabbit hole in itself). I remember, too, that the owners of the store where the accident occurred just happened to be connected to New York's Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (who was a Democratic presidential candidate earlier this year, and who is connected to the sex cult NXIVM through her New York politician father). I also remember feeling that, just as happened with 9/11's plane passengers, these victims were taken somewhere and possibly killed, their deaths attributed to this obviously fabricated "crash."

Anyway, I brought all that up just to say that there is no doubt a great deal of significant information to be culled from this Nova Scotia mass shooting scenario, depending on how much time and effort one puts into looking at all the victims, and learning more about the area this occurred, and the movements/connections of the alleged shooter. What about the sites that were burned to the ground, for example? What do those specific houses/locations have to tell us?

So... depending on how much work we choose to put into all this... I'm sure there's a lot that could be re-constructed here.
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Hi Agron.

I agree that the alleged shooter does look "perfectly normal."

On the other hand: the cropping of this image they're using has some similarity to the classic shot of Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" (speaking of subliminal messages):

View attachment 35627View attachment 35628

There were a few other items I noticed the other night when I looked into all this, but which I didn't get to in my first post.

First: there was at least one other shooting (of several people, I believe) and one averted mass shooting in the not so distant past in Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is south of where these current shootings occurred, and which is where Gabriel Wortman, the alleged shooter, had his denturist practice. In other words, Halifax is "on the map" with regard to such operations.

Wortman also owned quite a few properties north of Halifax where the shootings occurred. I don't know if that's a factor or not, but it does suggest he's perhaps a landlord in that area, and in that sense a more involved citizen than had he just owned a vacation home.

Another aspect that caught my attention was the fires. I remember Dave McGowan talking about the prevalence of fires in his Laurel Canyon material. Such fires, he noted, were a very convenient way to take care of a mountain load of evidence in a lot of cases. Similarly, this "rampage" north of Halifax, replete with serious fires, allowed for what could potentially be a similar erasing of evidence.

Further work could be done on this case, starting with lining up just who the victims were. Often there are connections and anomalies concerning the victims themselves. Given programmed shooting operations seemingly took place in nearby Halifax, then who knows where the "tentacles" to such operations lead to, and just who might in some way be involved.

Several years ago in upstate New York there was the Schoharie limo "accident" in which twenty people had reportedly been killed. I remember thinking, twenty people in one crash? That's A LOT. So, I started to look into it.

The first thing I noticed, and you can see this happening in this Nova Scotia situation, was that there was no real documentation of the crash (just as we are not likely to see a lot of documentation of all the crime scenes in Nova Scotia). The image they used initially showed a long vehicle, the supposed limo, down in a creek. The vehicle didn't have a scratch on it, and wasn't the kind of vehicle that could house eighteen (the two other victims were allegedly standing in the way of the run away vehicle). Also: the chances of every single person being killed in such an unlikely accident (on a fairly quiet, country thoroughfare) is virtually nil. But, as usual, with no real investigation, the public consumed the story as just another tragic occurrence, and moved on, paying little attention to the fact that the owner of the limo company this operation was obviously targeting was a Pakistani informant for the FBI. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'd have to open up a different computer than the one I'm using right now to trace my steps, but I remember a researcher on this story (whose name is on the other computer) who was doing a fantastic job on Twitter compiling all the suppressed, often bizarre connections in this story. I remember there being two supposed victims of the crash who just happened to be the daughters of a pilot who ferried the likes of Joe Biden and others to Antartica (which is a rabbit hole in itself). I remember, too, that the owners of the store where the accident occurred just happened to be connected to New York's Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (who was a Democratic presidential candidate earlier this year, and who is connected to the sex cult NXIVM through her New York politician father). I also remember feeling that, just as happened with 9/11's plane passengers, these victims were taken somewhere and possibly killed, their deaths attributed to this obviously fabricated "crash."

Anyway, I brought all that up just to say that there is no doubt a great deal of significant information to be culled from this Nova Scotia mass shooting scenario, depending on how much time and effort one puts into looking at all the victims, and learning more about the area this occurred, and the movements/connections of the alleged shooter. What about the sites that were burned to the ground, for example? What do those specific houses/locations have to tell us?

So... depending on how much work we choose to put into all this... I'm sure there's a lot that could be re-constructed here.

You have some excellent observations and info! Which makes this story MUCH more fishy!! And a very nice catch with the semblance to "The Shining". Could it be a coincidence? I think its not. Because Its much easier to sell Wortman as a whacko when you have a picture that is looking like the one from The Shining. Who hasnt seen "The Shining" eh!? And people who dont pay attention will subconsciously put Wortmans pic into the same drawer where crazy Jack Nicholson already is.

I dont know why this reminded me of Ozark tv show really. I got the feeling its a hillside community with houses that have lot of nature around them. And I thought it was fishy because of no information. Whenever they report a huge gaping hole we know they cant/wont tell the truth and they are waiting to clean up the scenes and see if theyre clear to put out the "official" story.
And police departments like to brag when they do anything "right". So when they put out reports like this one they probably expect that the public will fill in the blanks for themselves. And they expect that when they do it with success, and no one questions them, that it will further scare all the people who might be in the same "business".

Also, later I had a nice thought on what it could be so let me speculate. Maybe this Wortman could have been a "head" of local small MJ grow ops and that this was all done by the police and made to look like a shooting spree... in which they got rid of one large or few smaller grow ops! They do this for two reasons. To confiscate huge value and to send a message to others. And they do this regularly!!
Because I remember hearing a year or so ago that Canada and US had started to wage a silent war on small independent Cannabis farmers. With no truthfull media coverage ofcourse. At the same time youtube started deleting MJ chanells that were owned by independent peeps. At the same moment all these huge, big ag like operations, started popping up too. AND it was done on 4/20 which is a global MJ day too. I dont know much about that community and if it is grower friendly, but I know how Canada is leading in that "field" of commerce. One more clue is that Wortman had multiple houses and properties as a denturist.

So you can add this speculation to the pile of possible hypothesis on what this really was.
You have some excellent observations and info! Which makes this story MUCH more fishy!! And a very nice catch with the semblance to "The Shining". Could it be a coincidence? I think its not. Because Its much easier to sell Wortman as a whacko when you have a picture that is looking like the one from The Shining. Who hasnt seen "The Shining" eh!? And people who dont pay attention will subconsciously put Wortmans pic into the same drawer where crazy Jack Nicholson already is.

Thanks, Agron.
Also, later I had a nice thought on what it could be so let me speculate. Maybe this Wortman could have been a "head" of local small MJ grow ops and that this was all done by the police and made to look like a shooting spree... in which they got rid of one large or few smaller grow ops! They do this for two reasons. To confiscate huge value and to send a message to others. And they do this regularly!!
Because I remember hearing a year or so ago that Canada and US had started to wage a silent war on small independent Cannabis farmers. With no truthfull media coverage ofcourse. At the same time youtube started deleting MJ chanells that were owned by independent peeps. At the same moment all these huge, big ag like operations, started popping up too. AND it was done on 4/20 which is a global MJ day too. I dont know much about that community and if it is grower friendly, but I know how Canada is leading in that "field" of commerce. One more clue is that Wortman had multiple houses and properties as a denturist.

So you can add this speculation to the pile of possible hypothesis on what this really was.
Interesting. I know nothing about the possible threat posed by independent Cannabis farmers. Perhaps it's something to pursue here, I honestly couldn't say. Right now it's virtually a blank slate until some verifiable information can be determined.
I was thinking back over the time of the event and realized that I'd been personally dealing with a very strong (unusual for me) anger vibe that took a fair bit of work to get through and process. (For me, it was linked to the realization that mandated vaccinations are likely going to become a reality. I was furious. -I actually posted the results of my thinking here).

I wonder now if mandatory vaccinations were really what I was angered about, or if that was just me consciously attaching a convenient narrative for why I was so angry to something which had a different origin. Beaming, for instance.
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This incident is beyond strange to me. What strikes me is that this guy seemed to have had a perfectly replicated RCMP police car (was it stolen and the police want to cover that up?) and a uniform. This man was a denturist! This has the look of a meticulous pre-meditated murder. Furthermore, nobody - as far as I can tell at the moment - is asking any real questions about it and nobody seems to want to. The news where I am in Canada has gone directly to mourning the victims. Such as, "clap and cheer for the police and EMS services", "stay strong Nova Scotia!", etc. A friend of mine in Nova Scotia had posted this on FB:

It's like people just want to get past it already and it will fade into memory. This is probably what the PTB want as well.
Interesting observations @Heather and @unkl brws. It all looks familiar script.

- Cheering population that came out of locked and bored italians singing became worldwide phenomenon. It looks like people are cheering to their deathbeds? People are shutdown with fear and lie so much, they can't think anything other than what authority says. May be it is the last siren song.
-They haven't yet said this shooter is the "Coronavirus denier". The entire situation goes to another level.
- If the PTB says "See some thing , Say some thing" in this new brave world, We suddenly enter different world.

I know it is ridiculous to speculate, but how many times this happened.
Bluegazer posted this in the corona tread from a cession:

A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.
Q: (L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using psychic means?
A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one.
Q: (T) Computerized psychic remote viewing, maybe. Like artificial intelligence. Maybe a mind connected to a computer?
A: That is close, yes.

So imagine what intel it give the 4Th density sts. Like who resist the coronacarziness, the beaming, the hypnosis etc.,, and who don't and can become walk-in. They can read FRV of individual soul as easely as we can count to 10.

What if the victims were not ramdom but very specific target. Not necessary knowledgeble but potentially dangerous at another level.

Was this a test.

Sorry if I make noise, just try to make sense of this craziness and who benefit from this killing.
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