Maybe it is both UFO phenomena of the interdimensional kind and new USA drone technology revealed on mass to enable governments to claim the UFOs as their own technology also. Yep, that’s us, it’s all us, see what we can do…
Yeah, it wouldn't be the first time that a US military exercise is used in conjunction with a 'real' or more serious exercise - or, in this case, maybe to cover up a potentially real hyperdimensional flap/thinning of the veil.
This is a curious thing and it caught my attention. Indeed Why 4D STS would prevent the WWIII? If you have cattle and you see that a fireball is going to destroy your cattle and you have the technology to prevent that from happening, would you stop it? would "save" livestock which is their main source of food from being wiped out?
It's a good question, this comets vs. nuke comparison. There are a number of different perspectives to look at it from, I think.
A comet strike like the Younger Dryas would cause way more destruction than just one nuke. So yeah, what gives - why wouldn't 4D STS stop something like a comet strike from happening? Maybe they can't, as it comes from a higher level. Just like they couldn't kill Trump. Or it just happens, it's a fact of life, and they feed off it in a more opportunistic way. Or maybe they actually cause such events, and feed off the suffering.
Q: (PoB) So it's a swarm. (L) They were friends! Next? (Belibaste) You know there was this place in Central Europe... A guy at his house, he got meteorites that fell on his house like five or six times. Is the cause a local anomaly in the electric charge of the Earth in this specific location?
A: Yes
Q: (Belibaste) Okay. Is it that locally, the place, is it more positive, or more negative than the asteroid or meteorite?
A: Neg
Q: (Belibaste) More negative. Okay. Can one individual, or several individuals, attract in a similar manner as this place, some cometary bodies?
A: Yes
Q: (Belibaste) Is it because their electric charge collectively or individually is modified?
A: Not only electric charge. In the realm from which some of these things are manifested or, better, "directed", information is king.
So there's no straight answer. Each case may be different. I think it's most likely that if weather is a manifestation of 4D battles, comets may be something similar. If these bodies are 'directed', would it likely come down to a Quorum decision (or battle?), with both STS and STO in agreement of an event, though for different reasons? STO for a much-needed cleansing, and STS for feeding on the suffering?
All that said, I don't think anyone would get away with just one nuke in today's world. A nuclear strike is most likely between Russia and America - and that would cause the mutually assured destruction of a global nuclear war. I don't know if anyone on the planet would survive the long-term effects of that, in particular due to radiation poisoning. A situation, in other words, where the living envy the dead. Maybe Israel is crazy enough to use a nuke, but even then they may know that'd cause serious karmic repercussions.
From the alien perspective, they want to safeguard human genetics for their breeding experiments. The genetics of human beings is stated by the C's and abductee researchers as one of the main reasons why aliens are interested in humanity. They probably also want to protect their hybrid agents, who are likely already unleashed in society and engaged in their various missions to bring about some sort of new post-catastrophe civilization, and eventually help 4D STS rule humans in 4D.
Although it's been said that the breeding project is basically complete, I think the aliens would still want to safeguard their precious breeding stock - the original humans - and a nuke war would also probably damage all that genetic material, in addition to killing all or most of their hybrids. So such war may actually be more dangerous to overall 4D STS plans than a YD-size comet strike.
As such, maybe they can reasonably feed off the negative energy of a civilization-ending comet strike, and profit from their attempted cultural renewal when the dust settles, because even a major comet strike is less likely to wipe out everyone, and won't have the same genetic effects. It would still cause mass suffering, which they can feed from.
The other thing that I'm thinking express is that comets, at least regular cyclical comets, seem to be more 'natural' than a nuke exchange. In metaphorical terms, they are a function of the cosmic immune system, cleansing evil from the planet periodically. Shock therapy!
A: Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding time table of cluster and brown star? Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic cleansing. Time to start paying attention to the signs. They are escalating. They can even be "felt" by you and others, if you pay attention.
Continuing with the rough metaphor, nukes would be more like an unnatural mRNA shot to the earth system - though they look similar in effect to comets in terms of 'cleansing', they aren't natural, and cause destruction of a kind that both STO and STS in the Quorum don't want. Or maybe the life system of the planet just can't handle it. Though that does leave out the question of why nuclear wars in the past have occurred. Not sure about that one.
One follow up question would be if comets cause density and dimensional damage in a similar way that nukes do. That's the main reason that was given recently as to why nukes are not allowed. It would follow that comets are 'allowed' because they don't have the same effects that cause damage across realms. I'm not sure, but I think it may due to the different nature of the explosions. Nukes split apart atoms, a more fundamental basis of reality, whereas I think comets don't - their power is more based on kinetic mass and gravity. But I don't know what precisely happens at the atomic scale when a comet impacts. Some weird stuff may happen there, too.