Sooo - is this a relevant development?We're all aware how the talk of nuclear WW III ramped up significantly in the past few months. Did the UFOs start showing up here, there, and everywhere in response to that overly-charged nuke confrontation talk in order to remind certain PTB that going nuclear is a big NO NO?
Is Israel using the threat of their hidden nukes to strong-arm the US or others so as to get their longed-for war with Iran?
Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter claims that Israel is about to bomb Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities. If true, it would risk a conventional bombing of its military nuclear power plant in Dimona. That would mean an escalation to world war. Unless an arrangement is already being negotiated.
The Israel-Iran war is bringing the United States closer to a direct collision with Russia [1], while Moscow has already drawn its red line in Iran [2].
NBC claims that Israel has identified targets to hit in its retaliation against Iran, which would focus on military and energy infrastructure [3]. It is unclear whether this includes oil and gas facilities, which would hurt Kamala Harris, a fan of the 20-year-delayed green agenda, and benefit oilman Trump.
Beyond the remarkable analysis of Thierry Meyssan, who knows like few others the hierarchy of the Persian theocracy - he claims that the assassination of the Lebanese Shiite leader Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah was perpetrated by elements of the Mossad operating within the Iranian regime [4] - the famous American nuclear inspector Scott Ritter (SR), who had not managed to find the hilarious weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein, the very ones that served as a pretext for the American war against Iraq, addresses in a poignant video [5] the strong probability that Israel will drop its clandestine atomic bombs on one of the main sites of Iran’s peaceful nuclear projects, at Fordow [6], in the mountainous bowels of Iran.

Israel Ready to Drop Nuclear Bombs on Iran’s Peaceful Nuclear Facilities, Scott Ritter Says, by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter claims that Israel is about to bomb Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities. If true, it would risk a conventional bombing of its military nuclear power plant in Dimona. That would mean an escalation to world war. Unless an arrangement is already being negotiated.