Massive 'drone swarm' in and around New Jersey: UFO flap, govt tech, or mass hysteria?

One image i thought was stunningly strange illuminating the sky over a large city.
It's from an old footage


Ok, from my search on the internet, i come to the conclusion that it is old footage. I have seen it on internet sites, from 2018/2019 and 2020. One comment i thought was interesting; that the video was done though a window (in New York) during that eerie blue transformator disintegration event in Queens, Dec 2018 (which sent lots of flickering blue light into the cloudy sky) - but the warm lights that look like "drones" floating in the sky - were most likely indoor light reflections against the glass. (In the video i had posted earlier - the yellow lights aren't really moving or "falling from the sky").

Which then also means, that the video with the many "drone footage" clips, looses a lot of credibility, when they mix old footage like that, with other "drone" videos. We can't be sure what it is we really see, where it comes from, or when it actually was made.

What a pity.
Meanwhile... in China, reports of dragons and tigers in the sky are widespread!

This drone display in China was a world record at about 7500 drones, but has since been broken with over 10000 drone displays.

Imagine putting on a display like this in ancient times- I mean here we are in the 21st Century completely astonished by this, think of how it would look to our ancestors. Witchcraft! Sorcery! Magic! The Gods! How would they capture such a spectacle on their cave walls or manuscripts?
Generally street lamps have a sensor on the top of them that turns them on when it is dark/off when it's light.
The city street light quite near my house (very bright with the light shining into the bedroom) seems to be set to cycle on and off - to save energy? - and I've noticed other city street lights also going out unexpectedly in the same way. I'm happy when it decides to "rest" when it's past bedtime and no intrusive light streaming onto the ceiling.

Which then also means, that the video with the many "drone footage" clips, looses a lot of credibility, when they mix old footage like that, with other "drone" videos.
Yes, the video you posted I had referenced earlier and dismissed because it did include a stated altered/hoax video of a person shooting at a drone - the real vid did not have any shots being taken at the drone other than that by the camera. A lot of bunk being put out to fool anyone it can.
Imagine putting on a display like this in ancient times- I mean here we are in the 21st Century completely astonished by this, think of how it would look to our ancestors. Witchcraft! Sorcery! Magic! The Gods! How would they capture such a spectacle on their cave walls or manuscripts?
A woodcut pamphlet made in 1566 by the artist Hans Glaser describes an event that occurred in Nuremberg five years earlier, at the time of sunrise on 14 April 1561. The depiction is preserved in the Wickiana collection at the Zurich Central Library.
Is it an exceptional UFO wave overall? I only remember the Belgian UFO wave in the 90s. Why there in particular? I'm not sure. I even talked to someone about it, I think it was under a YouTube video. They said 'it was exceptional, and dozens of people have seen it'. Thinking of the 1990s, I just remember people mentioning UFO sometimes. I don't remember anyone mentioning it since like 20 years, though. I've heard about some city in the USA where it's daily and no one pays attention anymore. I think it was around Nevada-Utah-Colorado. Now there are drones making people skeptical I guess, and I think it even became a synonym of a UFO (a drone, which wouldn't be far from the truth - foo fighters are supposedly reconnaissance drones, research drones, etc., at least from what I managed to find 'here - and there'). The truth is out there lol
Mystery drones were actually appearing at least from 2019. And their descriptions were the same as they are today:

For example, a Jan. 5, 2020, email from Bumberger said an FAA LEAP agent had spoken to sheriffs in 16 counties in Colorado and Nebraska and “each agency contacted advised at least one deputy has witnessed the activity.” The email went on:

“The activity reported occurs primarily between the hours of 1800 and 2200 MST and demonstrate the pattern of multiple “drones” flying a grid type pattern and remaining airborne for several hours at a time in less than optimum flying conditions (high winds and storm-like conditions). The number of drones reported operating at one time range from between 2 and 16 and appear to be approximately 6 feet width and length. Flight time has been 2 to 3 hours continuous. All reports indicate flight is between 200 and 300 feet. However several people interviewed stated it was hard to determine height due to the darkness and lack of clouds. Other sightings lights were also reported to be either flashing or steady white, red, or green. One report mentioned flashing blue lights. They have not been described as operating in a manner that place persons on the ground in danger.”

It's quite unusual for spy drones to be flashing like a Christmas tree.

As we have frequently reported, there have been unidentified drone incursions for years over U.S. military installations, warning areas, and critical government facilities. Among them were a very similar repeated rashes of claimed drone sightings in Colorado in 2020 in an area where many of America’s ICBMs are based. Another took place at the Palo Verde nuclear facility in Arizona in 2019.

Also in 2019, drones swarmed over a U.S. Navy exercise taking place 100 miles off the coast of California, raising concerns that an adversary was trying to suck up critical intelligence, including very sensitive electronic and signals emissions of America’s most advanced air defense and command and control systems.

So it seems that this is the same phenomenon as before, it's just that this year became intensified. So it's possible that they will disappear again and come back next year.
In yesterday's video, Alex Christophorou made a pretty good observation. In Trump's press conference, Trump said something along the lines of, "The government know what these drones are and they should tell the public." And that a couple of days ago, Trump posted on the social media platform 'truth socials' that the drones should be shot down.

Christophorou then expanded on that and said that of course the government know what the drones are, and that's exactly why they're not shooting them down - because they belong to them.

And if we look at what happened with the Chinese 'spy' balloon, that's exactly what they ended up doing, right? They shot it down.

So the fact they're not shooting them down - or visibly attempting to do so - should be given a lot of weight when factoring in all the variables, in my opinion.
Welp, I've now seen a drone.

Was walking out of work around 5:30 PM and looked up and there it was, slowly gliding over the building, too small to be an airplane and it was much closer to the ground than most commercial airplanes in the area, also quieter than anything else that flies in the area. But also, decidedly manmade, drove home and saw it again on the highway.

Now, I'm not sure if this has been posted before in this thread, but I figured I would mention it. Since a few of us were leaving the office, I got talking to one of my coworkers who mentioned that he "knew" what it was that was taking place, he said that some radioactive waste had been misplaced or stolen a little while ago, and so the drones were the search party, which was the reason no one is admitting to knowing what these things are, no one wanted to admit to having lost radioactive waste.

I came home and did a little search and found the official report of the event, so if these drones can somehow detect radioactive material, it could perhaps explain their specific location in NJ and the silence in the government about it, but I do have to admit that the first word that came to my mind was "dirty bomb false flag", but then I read through the event report and it looks like it was a small item used to calibrate PET Scan machines, and not very radioactive according to them.

The event from the USNRC can be found here

"The licensee reported to NJDEP on December 3, 2024, that a Ge-68 pin source that they sent for disposal has been lost in transit on December 2, 2024. The source is a Eckert & Ziegler model HEGL-0132, with current approximate activity of 0.267 mCi. The shipping container arrived at its destination damaged and empty. The licensee has filed a claim with the shipper. If the source is not located within the 30 days, the licensee will follow-up with a full written report to include root cause(s) and corrective actions.


Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks.
Well, he was also briefed on the COVID and didn’t get the truth so why will they tell him the truth this time.
He has not come out to say anything about how they are doing this to prevent my investiture as president, but he has called for them to be shot down if the government does not know what they are, from what he infers and is indirectly saying that the government DOES know who they belong to and what they are about; (this is true if they have informed him of the situation with a sufficient degree of truth, taking into account that they could have hidden the final objective from him), they would not be Russian or Chinese because the phenomenon has been going on for a couple of years, at least since 2019 and at that time the situation was not as tense as it is today to justify an intimidation-trolling maneuver; the most "serious" thing was a single Chinese balloon that accidentally deviated and triggered an exaggerated response, so I also rule out to a certain extent the logical idea-response that if they were drones, whether Chinese or Russian, with technology that would not make it possible to shoot them down, the United States would remain silent to avoid looking bad in front of its enemies and the public. Even if the technology worked well, no one outside would risk having one of the drones fail and be captured, and that includes Israel, although the ties between the CIA and the Mossad could allow for that risk to a certain extent as long as the control factor by a deeper power or directly with certain serious threats is still being met.

What does seem to me is that now, unlike in previous years, it is evidently being shown and given a massive focus on such an event, everything is under control by someone to a certain extent; the drones are unnecessarily paraphernalia and full of lights (this can be explained by focus problems for the rarest videos, but they would have obvious lights) apparently so that they might be noticed by everyone, if the intention was to scare only the army, it would be enough that they could not be shot down due to interference as it is said to worry them, so it seems to me something more for the public in that aspect. The possible interference could be real and they have allowed-forced them to spread it so that it is believed-seen that the army cannot handle the situation, if they were drones from a foreign country that would not be admitted again.

It has not come out as expected either, as far as I know, some anonymous source has said that they can attack them but they have not been allowed to do so it could be true that they are impossible to shoot down so far.

It only occurs to me as ideas without much foundation that someone is telling those who know something more that we have been on their bases before and we can perhaps do something very bad to them without them being able to do anything, so do not try to stop certain events or we will be forced to generate chaos before which they will be powerless and thus avoid, for example, the investiture of Trump... or it may be that this is a previous phase that would work as preparation for that chaos that is to come since the arrival of Trump is almost inevitable given the intervention of the Quorum and they need something big to save their agendas.
Regarding the "hidden nuclear weapon" and radiation-seeking drones, it doesn't sound feasible to me "and I would rule it out" since the Mossad-CIA could find it favorable to want to detonate a nuclear weapon to change the course of things and thus avoid a Russian victory in Ukraine and thus see its position in the Middle East weakened or that they don't fully trust Trump's support for Israel and see it likely that he will try to de-escalate the situation with Iran.
But let's not forget that it would be the deep state that possesses this technology, wouldn't they be frustrating their own plans?

Unless they want to let out some information about the real purpose of these drones (with the loss of radioactive material from a container as an alibi) in order to say after a nuclear explosion that this was the real objective and that no more details were given to avoid further panic among the population, blaming Iran and all that, but I still don't understand why such an event wouldn't happen immediately, Trump would be forced-pressured in the same way to support Israel whether this event happens now or later, it's not like the similar drones that appeared in military bases were probably looking for radiation and all this is turning out to be more like a psychological operation for the masses, all this may result in something different than a nuclear explosion, but in any case sufficiently shocking and that it leads to certain changes.

4D wouldn't need all this either if its objective is to deactivate a nuclear weapon... moving away from the subject since it doesn't answer anything about these drones. But we know that 4D STS doesn't like nukes, but I wonder if they would still allow a nuclear detonation under certain circumstances, which they can allow for sure... but again I don't see how this fits with drones.
The following is a video by a very interesting fellow. He is part of a group who does behavioral analysis, and makes videos on that subject. He is also in his own right an author, teacher in these sorts of things including interrogation, psy-ops, neuroscience and so on.

Pretty recently he discovered he has a degenerative brain disease and decided to start revealing some of his more uh, covert knowledge I guess. I think there are so many frauds in this genre, and people who tease truth, that there may genuinely be some honest people in the bunch and my feeling is that this guy is on the level as much as is safe for him to be.

In any case, he uses a lot of the safe language of hypothesis, theory, if this is the case - and so on - but I think he very cleverly applies some critical thinking explained in a way that regular people could get behind if they don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

This is great analysis. i like this guy.
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