Me thinks Cyclone Yasi was a fake.


The Force is Strong With This One
Me thinks Cyclone Yasi was a fake.

And here is why :-

I watched Yasi as it formed... I saw the immense cloud in the satellite images as it neared the coast of Queensland at a category 5 !!! ...
I thought just like the rest of us that this was going to be an absolute disaster... I spoke to yachties in that area south of Cairns that seemed to be doomed, because sure enough, the size and intensity of Yasi as it was depicted by our weather bureau and NASA's weather arm NOAA, this storm was going to cause absolute havoc and destruction.



The yachties north of Yasi's landfall were all OK ??? (south to I think)

"Something is not right" I thought to my self. ... And the weather bureau was saying things like:-
"We have no wind instruments in the area, so we cannot get records off the ground as to what the actual wind speeds are." ... ??? I thought that was odd to say the least.

So I looked closely at the ACTUAL damage... And I found something very interesting.

The area where the center of Yasi hit is a place called Cardwell... I knew that there was a rather large Marina there with resort style buildings right on the water front there... That place should have got ABSOLUTELY FLATTENED.... But it didn't happen.

Most of the buildings were intact... The boats in the marina were washed against the buildings only because the mooring jetties floated off of their pylons. (the boat owners are complaining now about under-design as far as pylon height is concerned BUT NOT about the strength of the pylons ... because they did not move)
All of the floating jetty moorings lifted off the pylons because of the extra high tide and the boats along with the jetties FLOATED (not crashed) into the waterfront buildings at the resort there.
In fact (as you will see in the link below) NONE OF THE FORSHORE BUILDINGS GOT DAMAGED !!!
At the very least, the yachts and motor boat cruisers there SHOULD have slammed into the buildings there and wiped them out.
But no... You can see in the first pic in the link that there is a yacht that has just drifted up next to the buildings and just SAT THERE !!!

Link here:-

In the next couple of pictures in there you might think "What a mess"... But look again... All of those boats just drifted there because the jetties simply let go of the (too short) pylons.

That IS NOT a category 5 storm people... That is a rain depression or a Cat 1 at the most.

If you look at the 4th picture down you can see what happened at the town center there... Notice that the old building top center with the roof half torn off is about the worst of the damage...Again.. That is about a Cat 1 at the very most... The whole building would have gone once the roof had have been breeched in a Cat 5 storm.
NB. The 5th photo and on is not Yasi… It’s of the previous cyclone Larry.

I checked all of the 'on-site' reports from journalists there, and they were having a hard time showing 'total destruction' as was being hyped. (coz it didn't exist) They showed over and over the same scenes so as to inflate the damage..

Again, I spoke with people near the area and they confirmed that it was a bad storm but not anything like a Cat 5... So the hype smothered the truth... The truth can be seen in those photos at the central path of the storm at Cardwell.

Hospitals within 200 klms of the projected storm center were evacuated, patients being flown to other cities. And all manner of preparations and cautions were taken by the emergency services. … What a mess.

So why the fake satellite photos from NASA ? (cos they must have been fake)... Why the hype ? ...

I don't really know...
Maybe it's some sort of test run for future 'Panic Weather Attacks' that Big Brother are going to implement in the future for the purpose of destabilizing the society’s reactions to storms, real or not... They would have the emergency services in a spin. ... And keep them that way I suppose.

And yes Brisbane did flood. It wasn't a hyped up story... But I watched the 'weather machine' at work 2 days prior to the flood and I saw the Gypie radar station doing overtime with straight line blasts that seemde to drag the rain cell into the Lockear Valley there....
I thought they were trying to burst the Wivenhoe Dam there... (that would have nailed Brisbane ‘good and proper’)

Don't forget the 'weather machine' people... It's ALWAYS working... The 'Chemtrails' are ALWAYS present so as to be able to energize the atmosphere when and how they want.

All large commercial aircraft would have colloidal aluminum bottles on board that are probably labeled "Oxygen" (with a special code number) These bottles would be only very few in number on board, and be about 1 foot round and 5 foot high, remotely controlled to release when and where Big Brother wants the aluminum mist... The colloidal aluminum would be released into the turbine somewhere in such a fashion so as to not interfere with function of the jet engines performance... The Pilots would not be involved in this... And if there happens to be a 'blank spot' in the atmosphere (where there is little or no suspended colloid) They quickly send up a military jet to plug the hole... In Oz they send up the F18's to do a few quick loops until the control tower (where ever they are ?) gives the all clear to go home.

We probably get fake satellite photos, fake solar pics, fake comet pics and probably fake everything that is important to us that we cannot see for ourselves... It would best to have first hand info with regards to something of importance.

So when the PTB say such and such about say... what is happening in our solar system, we must be careful not to take their word as the truth.

So between the 'Chemtrails' and the fake satellite photos I'm going to have to just wing it from now on.

Intuition rules.
Well, there are a few forum members from Oz, maybe they'll check in with info.
But wait there's more.

Here is another interesting point about Cyclone Yasi.

Cyclone Yasi got it's name from the Fijian weather watchers over there because it was in their country's area... Not Australia.
That weather system had crossed the tip of Oz and moved on over to the Fijian Islands where it formed into a Cyclone... Hence the privilege of naming it was theirs.
While it was still heading east in Fijian waters, the Australian weather bureau predicted that Yasi was going turn around and move on to the Australian Nth East coast and that there was cause for concern.
That is when my ears pricked up... Coz that meant that a cyclone that was over a thousand miles away and heading further east was 'predicted' to do a you turn and slam into the Ozzy coast somewhere in Queensland.

Now cyclones are unpredictable... That is why they used to always have girls names (since been stopped because of the sexist undertow) Anyway ... The dam thing did a u-turn, back-tracked about a thousand miles and slammed into the coast of Qld just a little south of their predictions about five days earlier. They said "cause for concern" ... (concern alright... I'm concerned how they knew and I'm concerned that they are being so upfront about it)

Well I thought that it was a bit obvious to say that (as in weather control). So I am assuming that the PTB is so confident now that they are pre-announcing their weather attacks out in the open.
It's a bit like 911...A lot of people can see the obvious. The buildings were rigged with explosives prior to the plane crashes.
And that is what the PTB like... You may know but you can't do anything about it sort of attitude... Which they seem to gloat on ... Same with the weather machine... Except it is getting a bit obvious. So obvious that I would think that from about a Captain up in the military would know what is going on with the weather machine. Not to mention the hundreds if not thousands of staff involved in the radar facilities.

Me think that the 'Brotherhood' is in full gloat mode. :barf:
Don't get all worked up just yet. Let's collect data from onsite peeps, first, eh?
Mjöllnir said:
We probably get fake satellite photos, fake solar pics, fake comet pics and probably fake everything that is important to us that we cannot see for ourselves... It would best to have first hand info with regards to something of importance.

So when the PTB say such and such about say... what is happening in our solar system, we must be careful not to take their word as the truth.

So between the 'Chemtrails' and the fake satellite photos I'm going to have to just wing it from now on.

Intuition rules.

this photos really don't look like a super storm destruction.

I think is not that far out, to consider, that the PTB would fake satellite photos, solar pics, comet pics.....
Mjöllnir said:
Me thinks Cyclone Yasi was a fake.

Oh dear - just found this little morsel. Maybe nobody else is replying because it is so friggin' off the wall. Try to write to the people who lost everything and tell them that it didn't happen. They could use some cheering up.

Get some rest mate - your paranoia is out of control. Sorry to lay it on ya like this but not only was that thing real - there will be more. You will need to clean out your machine so you can survive better. Denial is very dangerous - so is ignorance.

Oh, by the way - we have another one coming this way. And two on the west coast (one already devolved into a low). Here are some fake satellite images and inaccurate pressure data:




One thing we do agree on - BOM sucks.
Well, I only have the same footage everyone else has access to. I was expecting to see more videos of the cyclone actually hitting the coast but I guess just about everyone had scattered or bunkered down before it hit. In some areas the damage looks pretty extensive:
I don't understand what the motivation would be to 'fake' such a thing in the first place. Big storms happen - in fact, it would make more sense if they hid big storms to keep people thinking that the current climate changes is 'slow and steady' rather than nonlinear and at times catastrophic.
Isn't the idea to make as much unpredictable chaos as possible?

Because for example:

-keeps us on our toes

-'they' can eventually present a solution

-lots of fear

-messes up the economy

with probably additional pleasing results too.
Adam7117 said:-
"your paranoia is out of control"

Yes Adam7117, I can see your point... How silly of me to think that the PTB would do such a thing.

I took some medication and I am OK now... A good dose of Prozak washed down with some Fluoride fortified water and I can see it clearly now.
Silly me for thinking that Yasi was a Cat 1 (or2) and not a Cat 5.
And silly of me to think that 'someone' can actually steer these storms.

Those buildings in the 1st &2nd pic in the link below MUST be made out of military grade concrete and steel and have had bullet proof windows.

And these buildings in the wake of Yasi (1st link) MUST be much stronger than the buildings in the (2nd link) below showing the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.
1st link:-
2nd link:-

And also stronger than this lot:-



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Hi. I still can't see your point. What are you actually saying? That the cyclone was not category 5 when it crossed the coast? Because you don't believe it based on a few pics? Seriously, these things are measured by the barometric pressure and not the amount of damage caused to housing.

Have you watched the links given by JP?

The damage was very severe around the coast and even inland due to flooding. And yes, lots of people and buildings were prepared for this - it's not the first cyclone that happened in the area. So thank God, it wasn't too devastating though a lot of people still lost everything.

Can you clarify what it is that you are claiming. It is very confusing - first, you reckon that the cyclone did not exist, that it was faked. Then you are twisting that to say that the PTB caused it. How do you define PTB - as hyperdimesional beings? Or do you mean the Earth changes? Or the "brotherhood" aka "Illuminati"?

While BOM sucks with their ability to predict weather beyond 3-5 days, they are very good at describing what happened. Here's a link:

Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi

I appreciate your sarcasm about Prozac and Fluoride. I give it a 3 on a scale of 1-5. But yes, it is silly of you to think it was Category 1 or 2 - or 3 (not 4 though because it was a marginal category 5 cyclone).

While I enjoy a healthy dose of paranoia on Mondays and Wednesdays, there are still facts to contend with.
Hi folks,

As a new Aussie member and one who lives in FNQ, I can tell you that Yasi was real but there are some anomalies (in my opinion).
Firstly, I monitor regular weather and space weather closely. I was watching this system before the JTWC even pegged it as forming. However, somebody in the media got hold of somebody's information and started saturation coverage on this thing before it had even become a storm, making wild predictions about what it was going to do and putting the entire coast of QLD on "terror alert".
It was a very large system with a large eastern feeder. It did not come across the tip of Oz and head east - it formed east of Vanuatu and was therefore in Fiji Met's jurisdiction and was named by them. You might be thinking of Anthony which formed immediately off the Cairns coast and headed southeast, then turned around and came back to cross land at Bowen (south of Townsville).
The core of the Yasi system was buried in this gigantic cloud pattern which made it look many times larger than Larry (which I also went through).
The nice homes you are referring to with the boats pushed up to them are only a couple years old - it was stage one of a very controversial development built by Keith Williams - and they would have been built to the highest level cyclone codes available which are meant to protect in cat 4 or 5 storms.
The lack of some equipment to measure wind speed was an issue with Larry as well so there is still controversy as to whether Larry was cat 4 or 5. Also in this storm, the weather station at Willis Is which is supposed to be built to tolerate winds of up to 300k/h was completely destroyed, implying that the winds were at that level.
When you look at cyclone damage, every storm is different and the winds can be greatly affected by ground topography. The worst damage (for Coral Sea storms) is always south of the eye; the north has less winds and no storm surge so anybody north of the eye of Yasi got off with Cat 2 or cat 3 intensity. This was a huge relief as the media went absolutely ballistic with their coverage of this storm and terrorized everybody here. The PTB also didn't help in some areas as people were forced out of their homes who were clearly way north of the eye.
There were plenty of homes that were totally destroyed and these all would have been older homes which were not built to withstand anything more than a cat 2. FNQ is a huge mix of housing types and ages - traditional QLD'ers are wooden whereas the huge number of recent estate developments are besser brick (cinder block) on cement slabs and built to cat 3 level; the newest homes are built to cat 4 level.
Certainly in my yard, I received cat 3 winds and had extensive damage to the yard. The house I am in was built to cat 3 standards.
People prepared heaps for this storm, partially because of the scare tactics of the media, and partially because a lot of folks were here for Larry which was a nasty piece of work !!
Yes, there are a lot of clandestine activities going on out there, but I don't think weather systems like these which are monitored by a great many international bodies who are all using and displaying satellite info are really up to anything ! If anything, I fault them for not paying enough attention to space weather!
I am concerned about the media's behaviour and a somewhat aggressive PTB on this event. It will cause a lot of complacency on the next event.
Thanks everyone for your input/output. First of all, I am so pleased to see other Australians on the site. I am here in Darwin and we have just experienced quite a strange weather pattern with a mere cat 1, Carlos seeming to form inland and then hover above us for hours, just ripping up trees (shallow rooted mahogany's) and leaving in its wake enough rainfall to overflow dams.
I see he is making his way SW towards cat 2-3 Dianne. Who can tell if another Yasi there lurks? I rely on BOM, as do many I am sure, and although these weather systems sure are freaky, aren't they perfectly fitting with what we are seeing on a global scale?.. just wanted a wee bit of input, being a fellow Aussie and all... sometimes I feel I may be the only one.. phew ;)
ps. what's a NewYorker doing in FNQ??
Adam7117 said:-
"Have you watched the links given by JP?"

Yes I have.

"first, you reckon that the cyclone did not exist, that it was faked"

No I did not... I said it wasn't a Cat 5 but rather a Cat 1 (or maybe it was a 2)... I pointed to the satellite pics as being incorrect because I suspected that they were exaggerating the storms strength... but I noted that there was indeed at least Cat 1 (or maybe even Cat2) with a massive cloud formation.

"What are you actually saying? That the cyclone was not category 5"

So yes I was saying that it was not a Cat 5 as the BOM were saying.

The BOM people were SAYING that there were no 'proper' wind instruments in the area which I thought was odd because we were getting wind speed info from BOM days before Yasi hit land. And they updated this info daily...???... So why did they refer to the fact that there was no wind instruments in the 'landfall' when all along they seem to measure the wind speeds from the Sat instruments and Sat photos ??? Why did they say "no wind instruments" ? ... I thought right there and then something was fishy, but it didn't gel till after Yasi actually hit WITHOUT the force of the Cat 5.
Don't worry... It confused me to no end... all of that bullshit from BOM.

"Then you are twisting that to say that the PTB caused it. How do you define PTB"

Well I have been witnessing the weather modification technology do its thing for years... I witnessed the first test run in Sydney in 1971... They (the PTB... Powers That Be), did a Sunday dawn display over Sydney which was watched from the balconies of the Lapstone Airforce Base by the local ass-kissing Puppet Master's ozzie bum boys called by some 'Australia’s Finest'.

I won't tell you where I worked, but I will tell you that for quite a while the ozzie bum boys put everything they had into the weather program... And yes it was classified (still is)... So when I talk about 'weather modification' I mean that they control the weather to the most extent including the Cyclones and Hurricanes... 'Chemtrails' are the way that they get the atmosphere to respond to the radio frequencies plus whatever else they pump into the sky so as to spin up High Pressure Systems or spin down Low Pressure Systems. It seems that systems like Yasi may not play out exactly as planned... Yasi may have been planned to hit harder... Or go more to the south towards Brisbane or Moolooabah.

Did anyone notice the double Cyclone that went nearly all the way to New Zealand a few weeks ago ? That is way too far south to be natural.

I watch and wander what they are going to do next. (eg... is Tropical Cyclone Dianne going to hit Perth ?)

I have a picture of a spiral radar blast out of Darwin that happened a couple of years ago... radar is not supposed to be ABLE to radiate in a spiral... but this did... that speaks of VERY HIGH technology being employed in that.

Read about Cyclone Tracey and how it broke records for its severity and accuracy... Read about it...
Cyclone Tracy was a tropical cyclone that devastated the city of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day, 1974. It is the most compact hurricane or equivalent-strength tropical cyclone on record in the Australian basin, with gale-force winds extending only 48 kilometres (30 mi) from the centre and was the most compact system worldwide until 2008 when Tropical Storm Marco of the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season broke the record, with gale-force winds extending only 19 kilometres (12 mi) from the centre.[1][2] After forming over the Arafura Sea, the storm moved southwards and affected the city with Category 4 winds on the Australian cyclone intensity scale, while there is evidence to suggest that it had reached Category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale when it made landfall.[3]

AND THAT was a Cat 4/3 !!!

Look at the pics of Tracey... Cat 4:- (google pics of Cyclone Tracey)

Now look at Yasi 'Cat 5' :-

Or here to see if you can find anything like a Cat 5 destruction:- (google pics of Cyclone Yasi)

So now you MAY see what I am saying ? ... Cyclone Yasi was a fake Cat 5... (maybe that is how I should have titled the post?)

NewYorker said:-
"It did not come across the tip of Oz and head east - it formed east of Vanuatu and was therefore in Fiji Met's jurisdiction and was named by them."
"I was watching this system before the JTWC even pegged it as forming."

So was I and I saw the low move past Oz (as they do) then it built up, turned around and came back...

Hey people... I may be pushing it a bit hard with this Yasi... But as far as I am concerned they were fiddling with Yasi... (and maybe they goofed up), you have got to watch all of the systems with the awareness of 'Weather Modification Systems' in mind... They will only stop feeding the sky with chemtrail when they have some other way of of doing it... some other technique.

After all of this... Maybe I would have been better of saying nothing ? :headbash:

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