Meditation and Inspiration

Nico said:
IMO your sudden NEED for knowledge is just a bait made up by your mind. Put your thoughts together and rest in the needlessness, good silencing !

Not sudden, oxajil refered to a session where the seed meditation is explained, i refer to that context as what i think i need.

The discipline of silence of the mind, is a different thing and has a different purpose, in the context i quoted above.
L) Right. Okay, next question: What type of belief do you need in order to effect positive change?

A: Full understanding of the nature of your connection to all that is will get you there.

Q: (L) That's a pretty tall order. I mean, you have to really... How do you get there, that is, gain an understanding of your connection to the All?

A: Meditation.

Q: (L) And we can refer back to previous discussions on meditation which include seeded meditation. Alright, this is an interesting question: How come people experience short spurts of inspiration and then depression and hopelessness return?

A: It's all about balance. The measure of creativity can be approximated by the depth and duration of the plunge. Note however, the effort required to pull in inspiration is high at present due to massing of negative energies around your planet.

Q: (L) So it takes more of whatever it is to get it, and then you not only have your balancing plunge, but you have the piling on of the negative energies of the planet on top of it. Is that sort of what we're saying here?

This full understanding of the nature of our connection is something that IMO can not be only understood with the intelectual centers, the emotional high centers have also to be used, it has to be felt. In the Marciniak's book bringers of the dawn is maybe a clue:

Sound is another way to carry information because it is part of light. To you it may seem that sound and
light are two separate things, because from your point of view you perceive light with your eyes and
sound with your ears. Because you use two separate areas of perception on your body, it seems that
sound and light are separated as well. In actuality, they are very connected. They wind themselves
around one another because they both carry information.

Many of the structures built on this planet, particularly ancient sacred sites, have information stored
within stone. In the same way, you have information stored within the bones of your skeletal form.
When you allow sound to move through you, it unlocks a doorway and allows information to flood into
your body. It also penetrates the ground, affecting the vibrations of Earth and allowing a rearrangement
of a molecular alignment of information to take place. Those of you who use sound when you are
working on others' bodies bring about a rearrangement of the molecular structure and create an opening
for information to flood in. This kind of work will become more and more profound.

In Tibet, when a master who was able to transcend realities passed over, the body was kept and allowed
to move into its own natural deterioration because the skeletal form held a sensibility to frequencies.
informatioin is stored in bone and stone. In some places in Tibet where the lines of continuity in sects of
monks can be traced back for thousands and thousands of years, people have kept the skulls of different
masters. They have very secret crypts and rooms filled with these skulls.. When one walks into these
places, one can, through sound, access the intelligence factors of the humans who once occupied those

Do you understand why crystal skulls were designed? Crystalline structures are like holographic
computers: they can transmit to the evolved or plugged-in human a tremendous amount of information.
They are designed like skulls to act as a code for understanding your own skull and understanding that
the bone in your body is very valuable.

Sound is a tool for transformation. Keepers of Frequency, which is what we are encouraging you to
become, learn how to modulate the frequency they hold through sound. Sound can penetrate any
substance, move molecules, and rearrange realities.

In ancient Egypt, the ankh, or symbol that represented life, in actuality was a frequency modulator. It
was utilized by individuals who were masters of keeping frequencies and able to do many things with
those frequencies. The ankh is similar to a tuning fork and can direct sound. That is how it was used a
long time ago. Before you will be able to experience using sound in the manner of the ancient
Egyptians, you will have to demonstrate your integrity. You will have to pass an initiation or a testing to
see whether you can be trusted with this kind of power. This planet is not ripe for this kind of energy
simply to be thrust into anyone's hands. If you were capable of this kind of work at this time, your life
would not be safe because there would be too many who would want to misuse your gift. You will be
given abilities as you can best mature into them.

You can begin to work with sound by allowing it to "play" your body. Get yourself centered, clear your
mind, and allow tones to come through you. The ancient mystery schools worked with sound in this
manner, and it is a very powerful technique when done in a group.
Many years down the road, but
within this decade, you will amaze yourselves with what you will perceive as the results of your
cooperative sounds or symphonies of consciousness playing themselves. When you tone together, you
will be shown what you can do without even knowing you can do it. You will learn how to use and
cultivate this kind of energy to make your own ankh. When you buy a child clay, the child at first
doesn't know how to make many things, so you make little balls and spaghettis for the child so he or she
can see the potential within the clay. Then the child, after playing with the clay for awhile, discovers his
or her own sense of creativity with form.

The creative form of sound is shown to you first as a potential. You are led and orchestrated through the
use of this sound. Eventually, you will discover on your own some of the things that sound can achieve.
Then you will become more daring, and you will learn what sound can create. Energies are introduced
this way to make certain there is not a misuse of them and that you don't overextend yourself or overdo
out of enthusiasm.

You will go very far with your use of sound after working with it for awhile. It is like a powerful tool
being given to an infant. Without proper awareness, you could do things and not realize the
ramifications of what you are doing. Think about what sound does in stadiums and auditoriums. The
cheering or booing of a crowd creates an ambience. When groups of you make sound together, you
create an ambience for yourselves. You allow certain energies to play the instrument of your bodies.
You let go of preconceived ideas and allow different melodies and energies to use your physical bodies
as opportunities to represent themselves on the planet. In actuality, what you experience is the life force
of energies that you allow to express through your own selves. You become channels. Just as our vehicle
allows us to come into your reality through her body, you allow a vibration to come onto the planet in its
full glory through your bodies and your joint cooperation. You birth something. You create an
opportunity, and an energy takes advantage of that opportunity.

Emotion, because it brings feeling and connects you to feeling, allows you to recognize different states
of consciousness.
The logical mind does not allow you to recognize states of consciousness because it
holds onto its own identity.
It is locked into the boundary of ego and does not want to recognize other
areas. Feeling, however, always acknowledges other areas because feeling discerns the difference. You
can read the signs and the definitions by the energy that you call feeling. It is, in actuality, a vibration.
Sound brings about states of emotional feeling. When you create harmonics of sound, it reminds your
body of something. It reminds your body of light, of deep cosmic love, and of other worlds. Your body
comes into joy and sometimes overwhelmingly into sadness. It seeks and accesses a frequency that it has
been longing for, which the sound has reminded it of. As you allow sound to play your body, you
discover a frequency that you have sought. This frequency is connected to the evolution of the helixes
within your body. Sound is a vehicle or conduit to connect you to the higher chakras outside of your
body because you do not have a way of accessing them logically. You must access all frequencies and
chakra centers by feeling, and sound will connect you with feeling, which will allow you to understand
the information.

If sound could be pictured, some of you would become entranced with watching it. There are realities
where sound does picture itself. You feel the movement and language of sound when you wave your
body or move your hands. You experience the richness of this form of communication and how
multidimensional all things are by feeling sound express itself. It has its own language, and it has a

Sound carries a certain frequency, and the body recognizes the frequency. The body is keyed to respond
to the acceptability of the frequency. The great master musicians such as Beethoven and Mozart were
coded to bring in information of a stable nature, for they received the harmonics of sound at the time
when there was great darkness over the planet. In order to keep a certain remembrance open in the
minds of the human race, lower vibratory rates of sound were translated into the minds of these masters.
Sound is going to evolve. Now human beings can become the instruments for sound through toning.
Human beings become the flute, the piano, the harp, the oboe, and the tuba. They allow energies to use
their physical bodies to make a variety of sounds that they do not direct or attempt to control the range
of. Spirit plays, and human beings simply observe the attendance of the symphony that they and all the
others are performing. It is quite profound.

These harmonics can be utilized in incredible ways, for harmonics can evolve many things. One of the
things that is important for utilizing these harmonics is to be very silent once the harmonics are
The harmonics alter something; they open the door. Certain combinations of sounds played
through the human body unlock information and frequencies of intelligence
. Being silent for a long
period after the harmonics allows human beings to use their bodies as devices to receive and absorb the
frequencies and to use the vehicle of breathing to take them into an ecstatic state.

When you tone with others, you have access to the group mind that you did not have prior to making the
sound. It is a gigantic leap in consciousness. The key word is harmony. When the entire planet can create
a harmonic of thought, the entire planet will change. That is what you are working for. You are going to
broadcast a frequency, and that sound is going to travel. It is going to become a desperate aching and
longing for the return to harmonics within the human race -a return to the power of the group mind and
the simultaneous empowerment of the individual.

What you intend to do with sound is of the utmost importance. If you are not clear about your intentions,
sound can have away of enveloping upon itself and growing beyond its original capacity. It doubles and
quadruples itself with its own impact. It is very important for you to have a clear intention of what you
plan on doing with the sound. That is number one.

Number two is that sound stirs energy up. It creates a standing columnar wave, building frequency upon
frequency. This energy can then be directed at or toward anything. You have heard about those who
marched around the city of Jericho. They marched for days around Jericho and created a standing wave.
The wave eventually built up so much energy that the city walls imploded.

Native dance, rattling, shaking, and moving in circles creates the energy of this wave. When you make
sound in a circle, or in the circumference of the pillar of light, you create a column that is capable of
doing many more things than you ever realized. It is capable of creating explosions and of destroying
and creating many realities.

Among the war-oriented tribes, the warhoop was used by those who went into battle. The unified and
intended invocation was to ask the nonphysical forces to accompany them. The warriors would use this
kind of sound to combat their opponents by allowing energy to move through a portal and create a
standing column. When you hear a sound like a warhoop, you remember uncomfortable ways that the
sound has been utilized because it is very powerful. It makes others uncomfortable because it reminds
them of the responsibility of sound. Some of you are petrified of sound; you are petrified of the sound of
your own voice speaking out and stating with clarity what you prefer. You have cellular memory of
what sound can achieve, and the impact or capability of what you can do with it is to some of you rather
devastating. Sound can link you to places where your intellect cannot. Your intellect strives to
categorize, but you cannot categorize sound; you must simply experience it

Misuse happens through intent. You can discover the power of sound and then misuse it to manipulate
others. What do you experience when you live in a city and hear sirens? Fear. That is
a misuse of sound, and it is altering your frequencies. It is a very base way to do so. Those who make
the sound know the result of it on the human psyche. It is jarring and disturbing and keeps you from
placing your attention somewhere else. That frequency is like a lock; it is hypnotizing, and it captures
your consciousness and your intelligence. It is as if your intelligence cannot focus any other place. It is
almost like being in a prison, because the sound imprisons your awareness so that it becomes addicted to
or locked into a vibratory rate and does not seek anything else. It becomes subdued. Think also of your
televisions or the sound coming from other electrical devices.

So this seems opportune in view of the preparation of the chants that the group are making. Doing a pause after finish one of those and trying to feel that connection? Just ideas..
Thank you for sharing this galaxia2000!!
This is indeed very very interesting, i am out of thoughs on this one, and will need to re-read it.

I had commented elsewhere that i felt emotions are like the pathway that connect the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. This in the contexts of repression of emotions in a highly crustalized individual of intellectual nature, but this new view is a great interjection. And gives a new perspective.

Now that it is mentioned the elctromagnetic spectrum IS a wave that depending on its frequency becomes radio, x-ray, sound, light etc. or better yet our senses are able to catch part of it.

Sound has a kinetic effect also, i think science regards them as different as means to measure it and perceive it through our senses as very well described in the quote, but in reality is one thing that we tend to split intellectually and bodily.
Thanks for sharing Galaxia2000! I didn't remember this part of The Bringers of the Dawn.

I imagine that they're not talking about plain dancing here, but I think that it can be related. It makes me think of Gurdjieff's dances. There's a lot said about that here and there and I never trust many of what it's said by the schools that practice these dances, but I admit I feel something deep when I watch some of their dances. I'm not really sure of what it is but some of them touch me deeply.

Well, I also love dance (mostly lyrical dancing, or dance that has a language and tries to convey messages), so maybe I'm biased, but for me, this relationship between the body and sound, and the ability of expression through dance, was always something very interesting and something that can certainly move you into expressing deep emotions that have no other means of expressions. I, nevertheless, always consider that dancing is a waste of time (for me), but I'm starting to think that giving it some time in my weekly schedule can be something positive, if only to allow some creativity to flow naturally and to do some exercise at the same time. ;)
felipe4 said:
Sound has a kinetic effect also, i think science regards them as different as means to measure it and perceive it through our senses as very well described in the quote, but in reality is one thing that we tend to split intellectually and bodily.

Yas said:
I imagine that they're not talking about plain dancing here, but I think that it can be related. It makes me think of Gurdjieff's dances. There's a lot said about that here and there and I never trust many of what it's said by the schools that practice these dances, but I admit I feel something deep when I watch some of their dances. I'm not really sure of what it is but some of them touch me deeply.

I suppose that there is a remembering in our collective memory about the use of sound and its interaction with us, and that's why we experience that powerful feelings when see/hear dances, but I guess those groups colored that with "new" intelectualizations to overcome the lack of real info and "sell" its method to its adepts.

Well, I also love dance (mostly lyrical dancing, or dance that has a language and tries to convey messages), so maybe I'm biased, but for me, this relationship between the body and sound, and the ability of expression through dance, was always something very interesting and something that can certainly move you into expressing deep emotions that have no other means of expressions. I, nevertheless, always consider that dancing is a waste of time (for me), but I'm starting to think that giving it some time in my weekly schedule can be something positive, if only to allow some creativity to flow naturally and to do some exercise at the same time. ;)

It "sounds"as a very good plan Yas :). I also think that the music style is very important as are not the same the feelings that evoke to dance a merengue, a tango or a Celtic music.
(L) Right. Okay, next question: What type of belief do you need in order to effect positive change?

A: Full understanding of the nature of your connection to all that is will get you there.

Q: (L) That's a pretty tall order. I mean, you have to really... How do you get there, that is, gain an understanding of your connection to the All?

A: Meditation.

I want to describe my current favorite topic of meditation or contemplation and speculations about being all there is.

I like the "tree" symbolization. Let's say, personally, we are each one of the smallest or the farthermost pieces of a branch of the Tree of Existence. That we are personally just a very small piece of branch doesn't change the fact that we are the very Tree in its entirety. Each of us is a part and the very self of all existence or all there is. Allness is more objective and individuality is more subjective.

Electromagnetism or gravity doesn't occur or exist by itself, it doesn't have an independent being. There must be something that emits it. We, in our most objective identity, are what emits the love and the light of existence. We are not just the receiver or seeker of love and light, but also their emitter, origin, creator. This is not ego, on the contrary, ego is born out of the ignorance of this. If we are only the receiver or consumer of love and light, and not at the same their very creator, then we are doomed to search them for all eternity as the C's said, and this can be the source of the vicious circle of "time" and "anticipation".

I think the greater being/awareness gives us fish but it also wants us to learn how to fish, and we are actually destined to gradually learn that we are the greater being/awareness, or All there is.
From my readings of Ra, love is "coagulated light", and from my reading of me :rolleyes:, beliefs are coagulated love or experiences which have gone awry. It's interesting because when I go with my mind in the coagulated zone of my body, and "love" them, it become light and produce electromagnetic/electric feelings.
I'd say electromagnetism is ligth outward and gravity love inward. The goal is to balanced them both and "let the sound" of experience plays as it should.

This quote from the bringer of the down is very interesting thank you Yas, I will silent me more when singing.
Nico said:
From my readings of Ra, love is "coagulated light", and from my reading of me :rolleyes:, beliefs are coagulated love or experiences which have gone awry. It's interesting because when I go with my mind in the coagulated zone of my body, and "love" them, it become light and produce electromagnetic/electric feelings.
I'd say electromagnetism is ligth outward and gravity love inward. The goal is to balanced them both and "let the sound" of experience plays as it should.

This quote from the bringer of the down is very interesting thank you Yas, I will silent me more when singing.
Hi, Nico. I am not sure I understand the "coagulation" issue, I will need to analyze and contemplate on it more.

About a possible outward/inward relationship between EM and love, I think it is possible but my current wild guess is they are the same thing that can have both inward and outward interactions. Interestingly, I was recently thinking on simultaneous inward/outward directionality in relation to "density levels". You know, we are told the 7th is the innermost/core density while the 1st is the outmost. It occurred to me that this might be an outward to inward perspective suitable to us in 3D and that it might also be possible, by an inward to outward perspective, to term the density of Oneness as the 1st density, and the density of matter and vegatation as the 7th. Both of these perspectives might be correct/useful dependingly.
Mmh, I may have been dreaming the "coagulated" thing, that's the way I describe constriction in the body. When I see constricted zones from a perspective of silence, they melt away with a warm feeling (emotional love ?), which may be fluids continuing their previous stopped course.

As a meditative perspective, I prefer indeed the term "freedom" which I see being between this love/light transition and being the Link between everything. I think you describe it by the simultaneousity of inward/outward flow.
I tried a bit meditated on the sound freedom with a non dual perspective and it seems to be freeing indeed.
(L) Right. Okay, next question: What type of belief do you need in order to effect positive change?

A: Full understanding of the nature of your connection to all that is will get you there.

Q: (L) That's a pretty tall order. I mean, you have to really... How do you get there, that is, gain an understanding of your connection to the All?

A: Meditation.

Perhaps using "As Above, So Below" as seed we might be able to access the that feeling of our connection to all? Just a thought, fwiwi, I'm gonna try this :)
I have been chewing on this answer and the responses also lately.

The question is what type of belief:

There is the assumption in the question that a belief energy exist, from our belief center i am thinking and how our belief center changes reality and our perception.

What i was thinking after reading some posts of the believing brain thread, is that we can evalue this dynamic at the personal level through our programs and at the level of society as programing,

At the personal level our programs, or structures of our psyche that run and compose our personality, require emotions to form beliefs. When you see something you like at one moment one "I" is configured to need and like that something while that same person, under different circunstances emerges as a different "I" disliking or not needing this stimuly as it is arranged configured not to like or need it.

We "change our mind" about doing or wanting something because our inner reality is shaped to in such a way as to need the stimuly and then enjoying it, we shape our inner self. How this happens is extensive, and deals with the question of how our subconscious does it and how our personality formed. How we "are" without us us knowing or noticing, and i believe again it is a function or a effect of the emotional center's role in the self-appreciation, and the process, narrative our brains understake when we call ourselves "I".

At the level of the world, which i am assuming the question is directed, i will make a parallel and speculate that a similar mechanism is at work, the programing at a bigger scale has more of a "social memory conplex" theme our culture and the emotions formed and crystalized in people, people as cells of this bigger organ. Religion, indoctrination and mass hypnosys. Mass energy, consciousness energy and polarity energy.
The beliefs of people and the amplification of (the belief comulative effect of people) for lack of better term, is that part i don't understand, meaning the power of many people together, i don't understand the mechanism there.
The role and motivation of those people of influence at the core of the vortex, and in the perifery those who are left in this world at the whim of accidental influences A and B.

If the answer from the C's is a full understanding of the connection to all that is, i see how out of reach we are with our current state of attachment to our biased beliefs.
We need to become aware of them in ourselves to be aware of it in others.

I quoted Ra because i think, Ra expanded on this a good amount and the clues there are important,

"Our connection to all that IS, and meditation." The C's said.
Two inportant clues that come up in the session Ra describes as "the mind contains all things. Therefore you must find this completness within yourself."

It is not a belief energy per see, belief is more like a piece that reffers to our polarity and effect on the wroñd through our actions, but when they say "will get you there" seems like a clue that, having this state of awareness, or rather acting in this state of awareness, where we understand this conection, which can be accessible through meditation and. The clues Ra gave, that we will be in a better standing from which we can interact with the world, or understand other's needs. Or that we will have access to this "belief energy" being discussed...

This seems to me like taking another step up the ladder.

Just some thoughts....
I just want to link this discussion which deals with silencing of the mind.,35312.0.html
[quote author= Felipe4]"Our connection to all that IS, and meditation." The C's said.
Two important clues that come up in the session Ra describes as "the mind contains all things. Therefore you must find this completeness within yourself."

It is not a belief energy per see, belief is more like a piece that refers to our polarity and effect on the wroñd through our actions, but when they say "will get you there" seems like a clue that, having this state of awareness, or rather acting in this state of awareness, where we understand this conection[/quote]

''Our connection to all there IS''

I think connection gives it away. What is the most fundamental thing in creation that causes connection?

I think it's Love :

[quote author= September 9, 1995 ]Q: (L) There are many teachings that are promulgated that Love is the key, the answer. They say that illumination and knowledge and what-not can all be achieved through love.

A: The problem is not the term "love," the problem is the interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a tendency to confuse the issue horribly. After all, they confuse many things as love. When the actual definition of love as you know it is not correct either. It is not necessarily a feeling that one has that can also be interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in your environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

To love we must know.

Maybe setting a set of examples and categorizing what Love isn't and what Love is could help?

What is the difference between Self-Love (subjective) and Objective Love?

When do we cause disconnect (Ego) and when connection (Love) with others?

If we work with these burning questions and meditate on it. I think it helps us to keep moving in the right direction.

[quote author= Bringers of the Dawn]Buried deep inside of you are all the answers. The questions that come to the forefronts of your minds are arising so that you can bring the answers from within your own beings. In order to achieve this, you must first believe that the information is stored there.

Humanity is learning a great lesson at this time. The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with Prime Creator and with all that exists. The lesson is to realize that everything is connected and that you are part of it all.[/quote]

Figuring out God (realize our 'godhood' as stated) is about learning our lessons. When we have learned, you can see the lessons within and why they are there. (Than you have figured out God/ realized your 'godhood')

Creation is a school. And everyone is connected through this school. That's why all these 'drama's' between souls play out.

So Believe is about realizing that all are just lessons. And life our lives based on this understanding.


- I don't know if I was of great help. But to me it seems that 'believe' and ''trying to understand all here is IS'' where the most burning questions? And how this can be applied through meditation?
While I was discussing about meditation and various other subjects with some friends and family, I found an opportunity to observe possible connections with various subjects, which, of course, should be approached with plenty of salt, so to speak.

While thinking on some preferred conditions for an ideal meditation such as solitude, darkness or semidarkness, silence and also silencing of overactive thoughts and feelings, I felt that this is kind of a "pseudo-dying" to the "usual" reality, stopping interaction with it, so that you can give your attention to, and interact with, a different or alternative reality. Purpose is not necessarily to escape the ordinary and gloomy-looking world reality forever, but to gradually refill your most critical resources and heal your consciousness, so that you can go on with your life in a more stabilized, confident and joyful way and have better interactions with others and the external world in general.

Numerous engineered conditions of our usual external world has so many ways to effectively keep us under continuous and heavy stress and pressure. And when we are consciously or unconsciously identified with the external world reality at an extreme extent, we are gradually depleted of our vital resources, weakened, traumatized, and controlled.

I believe that we should each have a subjective/inner/personal field of reality to protect ourselves against many certain external instrusive and manipulative influences. Don't we already try to do this all the times naturally and automatically?

But, of course, we have our own "internal" negative thought/belief programs. I try to observe those of mine and try to figure out what exactly they are, how they function and what to do with them. I'm still in the process of questioning these. I feel or believe that as long as I can't create and maintain an inner/subjective reality of profound confidence and joy, I'll not be at peace with myself and with the external world. Interestingly, when I try to extend my concept of "external world" further to include my concept of objective/external Universe, the latter imaginatively tends to curve and blend with my individual/subjective universe. This also intersects with my subjective concept of "I'm the Creator" in connection with the Branch/Tree relationship and/or "I'm All there is. There is nothing but me. I'm existence itself. How can there be anything further than me?"

When I think about these, I'm forced to remind myself that I'm just a 3D STS individual. There are higher level STS and STO beings. Then I say, OK, forget about higher STS beings and think about higher level STO beings; how dare you, as a 3D STS being (an infant!), think that you are the Creator/All there is when you know or believe in the existence higher level STO beings who have incomparibly more love and light than you and who also most probably look after you? Aren't you ashamed at all?! But then I answer myself, hey, it was the C's themselves who exclaimed "You are the Prime Creator" repeatedly in various ways! This also reminds me something they described in a session, something about how to behave a baby or child. I might be making it up or distorting the pieces of my remembrance about it but it was some suggestion like "make the child feel as the center of universe." Is it not already the case that especially parents love, or sometimes just try, to make their baby/child feel like the King of Universe/All there is? Consequently, it seems that higher density STO beings are not annoyed with us when we claim or practice our Godhood even in our dimmed conditions of love and light. The problem seems to be relating to the STO and STS types of understanding of Godhood, and, of course, I use all these concepts as we tend to define them in our 3D STS realm based on the guidance such as provided in this forum and also on our personal intuitions. We are still STS beings but we can be increasing our STO polarity more than our STS polarity and this can hopefully make us STO canditates.

In my daily reality, most of the times, I find myself submerged in negative thoughts and feelings. And, in my efforts for meditation, I mostly lack the patience to silence my active thought process, which is mostly under the influence of daily life experiences, expectations, etc. So, when I feel that I'll not be able to show that patience, for which I'm somehow angry at myself, I try to find the most suitable subject to try to focus on. I'm not sure but this might be a mixture of meditation and contemplation. For a very long time, I had difficulty to find the most suitable, satisfying, healing subject to focus upon and this made me very uneasy, then it became evident that I needed to directly focus on satisfaction, healing, peace, joy, confidence, whatever I feel I critically lack. But how? There was seemingly an unsurpassable distance between these concepts and their actual experience. By the way, when one is overwhelmed by sometimes very insidious negativity for a long time, one can develop an insidious anger against positivity (a "sour grapes" situation I think). Then the vague concepts of confidence and joy do not look attainable or meaningful. This strange and insidious reaction against the good must essentially be the reaction of possessor/controller STS forces, both those prevailing in the external world reality and those from other or higher realities. But when one cannot get aware of this process and develop a strong will to gradually depossess oneself, a kind of negative attachment prevails. In order for an effective depossession/detachment, one needs to know and/or believe in profoundly what to identify with instead.

So I can indirectly observe in myself the existence of such parasitic STS attachments, thoughts, feelings or hidden beliefs, etc. I have also an ongoing resistance against them to the extent possible. Many negative developments in the daily life, heavy and continuous stress and pressure can sometimes effectively feed and maintain those instrusive STS attachments in myself. The status quo outside / environment severely influences and sometimes determines the struggle and balance inside us consciously or unconsciously. When negativity insidiously overwhelm me, I can lose a significant amount of confidence in facing the situation and focusing on "it is never too late to mend" because I get very discouraged. And in my meditation/contemplation opportunities, when I feel the unsurpassable distance between the ambiguous concepts of positivity, confidence, joy and their actual experience, I get very upset and angry. It feels like a paradox. But in some of these opportunities, when I tried to overcome this seeming paradox, I succeeded it. In most of these rare successes, I managed to stop externalizing positivity, confidence and joy and even stopped to look for them anywhere. I somehow contrived to create them afresh, even if at a minute amount, which sufficed to break the spell, so to say, at least for some time. I'm not extremely sure if the word "create" is the right or proper term. I just experimented with the belief that confidence and joy are not the goods of someone. They are everywhere and you either access them or not. And I can very well be their creator. If I want to have them, I'll just have them and nothing can prevent this. This is as natural and even essential as the air I breathe. But our social/environmental programming tends to prevent us from approaching the matter so simply or "primitively" because it looks crazy, illogical, meaningless and even condemnable. Maybe the significance of the concept of "creation" is that it is not easy to impose logical constraints around it. The nature of this concept tends to denounce any strict definition or constraint around it. It opposes control. Also, I feel that creation, both mental/spiritual and material, is how one gets aware of oneself. Everything we create serves as our mirrors to see and measure ourselves in various ways.

The "monoteistic programming" issue also seems very connected with the issue of Creator/creativity. When you accept the biggest Creator to be separated from your very self, you literally allow maybe more than half of your being to be ripped off from your individual being, hence the big gap inside. Those behind this programming want to exclusively attribute creativity to a freaky hypothetical Creator.

Thank you for your patience as I tried to bring various pieces of thoughts and beliefs currently circulating around my mind in writing here. It is still chaotic. I have still many problems in my subjective/inner/individual world. Lastly, for now, I want to thankfully confirm that accumulation of knowledge and/or belief about all inner/outer reality or realities effectively empowers one's mind and being.
bjorn said:
Maybe setting a set of examples and categorizing what Love isn't and what Love is could help?

What is the difference between Self-Love (subjective) and Objective Love?

When do we cause disconnect (Ego) and when connection (Love) with others?

If we work with these burning questions and meditate on it. I think it helps us to keep moving in the right direction.

I think self-love implisitly intells the separation inside the entity from the rest , or maybe a effect of the separation in our minds from the all.
We can't see each other beyond ourselves.

The illusion and the human condition as 3D beings, this illusion that we are separate is sustained within our personality, personality in the esoteric sense not in the comon sense.

Our personality is a structure form by programs, crystalized, and under the influence of the social structure gives this illusion its reality.

I think of dogs, how we do all we do and dogs just are, regardless of what we wish to believe we are supposed to do, a dog is, this is just an observation, and the reality of the dog is built in his instinctive and biological needs corresponding to his body of dog.

We consntantly invest energy in this illusion, and we chose to grow and learn or 3D lessons, but there is other ways. We just need to remind ourselves all the time it seems...

Well, love can be a virtude of knowledge about our connection to the all, maybe..
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