Men's Health

Ouchie waa waa. Healing thoughts, visualisations and prayers are with you T.C.
A :hug: to you...
and to you too KSee, it's always hard on the beloved (for many reasons) who must trust the Universe, and who wants to be supportive, would do anything to take away or lessen their loved one's suffering. And when it's the gonads - oi yoi yoi !
Thank you all so much. I’m just about in a place where I can respond now.

The general anaesthetic was executed perfectly from start to finish. They put me under very slowly and gradually over a period of 5 minutes.

When they brought me around, I had no problem at all in the transition back to wakefulness. Good o2 saturation. No grogginess. The surgeon sat with me and I was conversing really lucidly and freely.

But then I started to feel the pain. The surgeon noticed and asked if it hurt around the incision. I said no, it was from the incision all the way down. He then asked for a scale of 1-10 and at that point, still benefitting from some of the anaesthetic drugs, I said about a 6 or 7.

He was pretty surprised, so he and another member of the team kept putting something into my cannula. He kept conversing with me until he was happy that I was out of the woods and said his goodbye.

But the pain kept increasing, and from that point until they got me back to Ksee, it went through the roof. Even though as I touch the area I can actually still now feel that there’s a large amount of local anaesthetic at work.

It turned into the worst pain I’ve ever had in my life. I was crying in agony, and the hospital staff said they’d got me a bed to stay the night and once on the ward they could focus on managing my pain.

Well, from 8pm until 11pm, my pain was not managed. I’d had 30mg of codeine at 19:17 and thank god I did because all I had for the next three hours was some IV paracetamol and a 400mg ibuprofen. These together took the pain down from a 10 to a 9.

It seems the doctor who the nursing staff had to go through to get something more was AWOL. Both Ksee and I spoke diplomatically but strongly to the nurses throughout these three hours, explaining that the whole reason I’d been transferred to the ward was to manage the pain and that had not happened.

Eventually the staff nurse had to escalate the situation to the site manager to try to find this doctor.

Ksee wanted to stay but at 23:00 I said that whether I got pain relief or not, there’s nothing she could do and she needed her sleep after being here 15.5hrs, that I needed her to sleep because we have another day in store tomorrow.

So she agreed to go home, and as she was leaving, she came back into the room to tell me that the doctor was here to prescribe the morphine.

So around 23:20 I mercifully was given 20 mls of oral morphine sulphate solution.

This didn’t take the pain away completely but it took it down to about a 5, and it enabled me to keep dropping off into short snoozes for a while. I have a real problem sleeping on my back though and I jolt awake in this position at the best of times.

I just got out of bed for the first time because I thought I needed to open my bowel. I used a commode chair and it was just wind, but I managed to urinate as well, an most importantly, I was able to transfer from bed to chair and back, unaided, without too much pain.

So that’s where we’re up to. It’s been a few hours since I had the Ora-morph so I’ve just asked for another dose to keep the pain under control.

Based on the fact that I was told I would be going home today, I never imagined the pain from the operation could possibly be so bad. Frustrated that the pain was seemingly mismanaged by all involved.

But I am very grateful that I was seen so quickly every step of the way since I first went to the doctors about it and was able to have the operation done today.
Thank you all, once again, so very much for the thoughts and prayers.

And I would like to personally thank you again, @flashgordonv, for sharing your own journey with me. I’ve honestly felt like I had you with me, present through the whole journey, Virgil to my Dante. I know that might sound dramatic, but honestly, that’s how it’s felt and that’s how much difference your posts made to me.

Thanks :hug2:
Thank you all, once again, so very much for the thoughts and prayers.

And I would like to personally thank you again, @flashgordonv, for sharing your own journey with me. I’ve honestly felt like I had you with me, present through the whole journey, Virgil to my Dante. I know that might sound dramatic, but honestly, that’s how it’s felt and that’s how much difference your posts made to me.

Thanks :hug2:
Mate, not a problem, it was my pleasure.
Wow TC, I'm very sorry you had to go through that amount of pain. Remember that this too shall pass and that we are praying for you! I prayed for you before sleep last night, and you were the first thing on my mind this morning when I got out of bed. And thanks to you and Ksee for keeping us posted. Hugs to you both!
Once many years ago, they removed a small piece of cartilage from my ear and grafted it onto my eardrum as it was too damaged to regenerate on its own and close. I remember that the pain, despite being such a small area, was unbearably sharp (around a 6-7) and the only peace I could find was while I was on medication (I was like this for about a week)... reading that your pain reached a 10 and is still at 6 has caused me a degree of sadness/empathy. (that you spent a long time waiting for the medicine without knowing when it would arrive must have been terribly painful and distressing!), Reading you, and I say this with all the seriousness that the situation deserves, has made my crotch hurt to the point that I had to stop for a while... I hope the pain goes down a bit by tomorrow, and although what you say sounds harsh, I am partly glad because the matter in general has progressed favorably for you and I hope that it is behind you as soon as possible. I send you my strength and I will pray for you.
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