Men's Health

Woah, T.C., the pain was quite a thing! Thanks to your tenacity, the painkillers, prayers plus flashgordonv' precious help it finally subsided. It reminds me of the C's saying something like we shouldn't fear the consequences of the wave, that it will be like the pain experienced while giving birth only to give then way to an ecstatic state of being.

So good to know you're on your way home. :dance:
If you find the codeine to be insufficient you can try adding an anti-histamine. I had a finger reattached and had to use hydroxizine + codeine for a while to manage the pain. IIRC benadryl will work for this as well.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Thoughts and prayers continue, and your strength to both is beautiful to hear. Keep us posted on developments, please.
With all your friends here... :hug:
Hopefully all is good with you T.C and you are able to return home safely and with much less pain! Thinking on you!
We're happy to hear it went well :bacon: - minus the pain part, of course.
Some people just don't respond well to different painkillers at different times and in different situations. It's weird. But hopefully now it's all sorted.
We're all thinking of you and continuing to pray for a speedy and full recovery!
I'm glad you're on the mend. It's sounded like quite an ordeal. I had a reaction to amoxicillin that I was prescribed for pneumonia many years ago that resulted in a swollen testicle. It only lasted for a few days after I stopped taking it and was nowhere near what you experienced, but I can understand how scary and painful this can be. Take care.
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