Men's Health

For some, the sensation takes weeks or even months to come back. There’s an account of a guy online who had the op 6 months ago and it still feels numb on the surface. Ksee’s boss had a C-section years ago and never regained feeling.

Oh man! Sorry to hear that. Well, at least you are not “in danger” of any tumor now, and it sounds that’s temporary a temporary thing.
Good to know you're back home safe and sound. I'm sorry that the hospital staff didn't managed your pain better or warned you about the possible side effects. I hope you recover quickly, thanks for the updates🙏🏻
Thanks for letting us know TC, I am glad you're back home and I hope you get to rest and recover quickly.

I'm sorry you experienced so much post OP pain, it sounds like a very awful experience.

I do hope it's a matter of time and patience, and that it is all behind you now.
Hi T.C.! I've been keeping you in my thoughts with a prayer or two during this ordeal. Just checking in to see how you are doing. I see you were on-line earlier today but you haven't posted anything since Thursday. No news is good news! I hope you are able to get plenty of easy rest and not need the pain killers as much. :hug: to you and Ksee!
Hi T.C.! I've been keeping you in my thoughts with a prayer or two during this ordeal. Just checking in to see how you are doing. I see you were on-line earlier today but you haven't posted anything since Thursday. No news is good news! I hope you are able to get plenty of easy rest and not need the pain killers as much. :hug: to you and Ksee!

Hi Benjamin. Thanks for checking in!

A few days after the operation, and after not really doing much other than lay in bed, I found that I was feeling a lot less pain. So I decide to get up and go downstairs and not take any painkillers. I had a shower for the first time and did a bit around the house, a few things around the kitchen. I stayed sat up in a chair too.

I felt pretty good. But the next day I got up again and started to do the same and paid for it with a bad stabbing pain in the area of the operation. So it was back to bed.

Since then I’ve taken it more steady and the pain has lessened each day. I can sit up through the day now, I’ve been to the shop in the car a couple of times and I’ve walked around to Ksee’s mum and dad’s house next door to us. I still take something for the pain.

Recovery-wise, I think I’m on schedule to go back to work next Weds/Thurs. Still waiting to hear from the hospital as to what happens next, if anything.
Hi T.C.,
thank you for the update.
That's good news that you can be out of the house and around already. A steady pace and seems to work well for you. Take good care and enough time for recovery before starting to work again.
You are in my thoughts and prayers :flowers:
I just remembered about D-Mannose. I don’t think I’ve had a urinary infection before so it didn’t immediately come to mind.

I’ve ordered it in powder form which will arrive tomorrow. I’ll take a teaspoon of it each day.
I have a bottle of D-Mannose which I keep for when I have difficulty in urinating. I haven't yet had an UTI(urinary tract infection) which is more common in older people.
Hello TC
I hope that your health has improved since your last publication and that your pain is easing?
You and Ksee are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you, Dylou. The numbness in the area has started to wear off, but it’s replaced by a stinging/burning pain now. This is annoying in itself, but the area was shaved for the operation and the hair growing back makes the stinging/burning pain worse.

I took an extra week off work. In fact, my note from the doctor will cover me to the end of the month if I want. I’m undecided as to when I’ll go back.
I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing more pain again. But good for you on taking things steady for your body to heal. You remain in my thoughts and prayers, as well as KSee as a strong force by your side, and hopefully the pain will vanish soon and the healing continue smoothly. :hug2:
Sorry to hear about all the pain TC!

Acupuncture could help too, we frequently see patients with numbness and/or neuropathic pain around surgical scars like c sections. The needles help repair the nerve pathways and the sensory map in the brain.

If I were you I would try Gaby's remedies first since you don't have to go anywhere and you could consider trying acupuncture if the pain doesn't go away.

You could also try acupressure either on yourself or maybe Ksee could do it for you. In case you want to try it these are the points I would try for starters:
LI-4 (good for any kind of pain and the stress of being with pain)
SP-6 (good for the lower abdomen) - find the bump on the inside of your ankle and look for a tender point a hand-width above it on the inside of your calf
LR-5 (helps with problems in the genitals) - this point is a bit higher than SP-6 and it is right along the edge of the tibia bone. There's usually a very tender notch in the bone and it may only be active on the same side as the testicle that was removed.

For all of these points find a tender spot and hold or gently massage them with firm pressure for a few breaths. Most people tend to overdo the pressure, if the points are quite tender you can just rest a finger on it gently for a few deep breaths. You will know its working if the pain becomes more bearable or less intense. You can do this as often as you need to.

If you decide to try it let me know how it goes and I can send you more points to try if you'd like.

How are you doing @T.C. ?
I guess by now you are back in the saddle -no pun intended 😊
Acupuncture could help too, we frequently see patients with numbness and/or neuropathic pain around surgical scars like c sections. The needles help repair the nerve pathways and the sensory map in the brain.
I second this, anything neurological will greatly benefit from acupuncture. Perhaps you can find a good acupuncturist in your area.
Good news. The CT scan has been discussed in a meeting of the uro-oncology multi-disciplinary team (MDT) and there are no signs of cancer in any of my organs.

So my case has been transferred to the germ-cell oncology MDT (the ones who specialise in cancer in the reproductive organs). They will be the ones who discuss the results of the analysis of the testicle itself. Once they’ve had their meeting, I’ll get an appointment to go back to the hospital to discuss everything and see what, if anything, needs to happen next.
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