Men's Health

The hospital just called. Surgery scheduled for Monday :-)

Well, let's not go too crazy now. It's also simply the abbreviation of your name, and it's not like you're a walking cancer or something!

Just keep in mind that the onset of physical disease doesn't always mean you did something "bad" or wrong. Sometimes it happens as you start to resolve some long-standing issue, or because the issue is already resolved and you are sort of "grooving" into a new way of being.

If there is some symbolism, I'd look at when the issue started and then what changed (possibly over a period of many years).

And then of course we have the Covid nonsense and the fact that we're all being genetically engineered against our will... :umm:

You also need to try to be as optimistic and positive in the sense of "I'm gonna move forward!" so you don't live in the past and let it get you down too much as you go through the physical procedure. Anxiety and worry are natural, but too much can be crazy-making.

I think some people need to focus more on their weaknesses because they don't see them, while others focus too much on their weaknesses and beat themselves with them. Balance is good. Otherwise you never get anywhere.

In any case, we're all praying for the best outcome!

Thanks, Scottie. Hope I didn’t come across as melodramatic! They were just things that came to mind that I thought were interesting enough to share in light of the comment from RedFox.

Have you considered visiting a homeopath to find a remedy that can strengthen/prepare you for what is to come? I have seen from personal experience how the right remedy can help with the mental part in challenging times.

It’s not something I’d thought about. I haven’t done any reading on homeopathy so it didn’t come to mind. I have been reading up on other complimentary therapies and protocols, though.
Thanks, Scottie. Hope I didn’t come across as melodramatic! They were just things that came to mind that I thought were interesting enough to share in light of the comment from RedFox.

I'd say you come across as very calm and accepting of the situation, if anything. Remarkably so. Why is this happening? I think what you said makes sense. It can be explored in good time. It might remain a mystery. Right now it doesn't seem to be the most important thing. If you continue to share as openly as you are, network and use the health knowledge you already have, and what you learn as you go, with a positive attitude, all will be well.

It's great that you have an operation date already, and the process has been quick, so very soon we will be hearing about how well everything has gone and you will continue to take it in your stride.
I'm sorry to hear about your health situation, T.C. But good to hear that this will be dealt with soon, and then surely you will be feeling much better. Like others said, it may be a manifestation of you outgrowing (of) something - for the better!

I'm rooting for you, along with everybody else. :hug:
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You’ve had a lot going on and it could just be as Scottie mentioned above, you’re resolving some long-standing issues & this is your body’s way of dealing with them. I’m always curious to see what those issues may relate to, either in Louise Hay’s list from her book You Can Heal Your Life, and also German New Medicine for the underlying biological conflicts of various illnesses. Not saying either have the whole banana, but just a possible different viewpoint.

The German New Medicine gives quite a few ideas that could be spot on, IMO. Yes, to me it sounds like a combination of factors: the reconciliation with your dad (and fears associated with his loss), the loss of your beloved kitty, something about your thoughts are feelings regarding masculinity, AND the new "normal" which involves pretty much all of us having had Covid, which was engineered (thus not THAT different from the vaxx). AND, genetic predispositions. Plus other factors that you'll probably become aware of as time goes by.

So, while it's super good that you process things, the best parts are: a) the doctor's comment about it being the best kind of cancer to be had if you have to have one, b) there is a fast solution, c) you have an amazingly good "alarm system" in your body (other people are symptom-free until it's way too advanced). So, it's something to be grateful for.

At least that's what I thought of when I had my small bladder tumor, and I feel that it helped at least a little. Of course, that means also being proactive about seeing how you can adjust your diet, routines, supplement intake, emotions and negative thoughts going forward (a life-long process). But it is a super hopeful situation. A warning, and something fixable. So, you do what needs to be done, and don't ignore the warning, but also take it as a good learning opportunity and as a process of letting go and growing, even creating.

Speaking of, Laura put it this way on the session from July 6, 2024: "Q: (L) If you can't create without, you create within."

So that's yet another aspect. The list is always long. :-)

Prayers and fingers crossed for Monday!
The hospital just called. Surgery scheduled for Monday :-)

Thanks, Scottie. Hope I didn’t come across as melodramatic! They were just things that came to mind that I thought were interesting enough to share in light of the comment from RedFox.

It’s not something I’d thought about. I haven’t done any reading on homeopathy so it didn’t come to mind. I have been reading up on other complimentary therapies and protocols, though.
Hi T.C wishing you all the very best, youre in my thoughts and prayers .

It’s not something I’d thought about. I haven’t done any reading on homeopathy so it didn’t come to mind. I have been reading up on other complimentary therapies and protocols, though.
I do not know you enough to give any specific advice but If you are interested in reading up on this I think Lycopodium clavatum and Arnica Montana can be a place to start. Both seem to have the potential to help but it is very complex and difficult to say.

Helios Homoeopathy is a good place with skilled and helpful people if you want to order something.
The hospital just called. Surgery scheduled for Monday :-)

My best thoughts and prayers to accompany you in this passage T.C.
I believe that many of us are going through this strange world that you are talking about and I believe that it is also a search for resolution for all of us.
For my part, I thought of the advice of the Cs to Joe, "letting go of burdens"
Please tell us what is happening and when to adjust the prayers if necessary. You are not alone, both of you with K.! :hug:

Session of May 18, 2024 :
(Joe) No. But we notice that there's a difference. So, we're wondering what, you know… others have experienced it as well. So, we're wondering if there's anything tangible to that or what might be the source of that perception?

A: Letting go of burdens.
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