Men's Health

Had my pre-op assessment today. It was pretty straightforward, but I got some more info about what I can expect post-op.

I was wondering, @flashgordonv, if you wouldn’t mind; when you have the time, could you describe how things were for you after the procedure?

Apparently I can expect quite a bit of pain and bruising, and it’ll be at least two weeks before I can go back to work, a month before I should do any sort of lifting.
I do not know you enough to give any specific advice but If you are interested in reading up on this I think Lycopodium clavatum and Arnica Montana can be a place to start. Both seem to have the potential to help but it is very complex and difficult to say.

Helios Homoeopathy is a good place with skilled and helpful people if you want to order something.

Arnica could be good to reduce any bruising after surgery but not sure how else homeopathy could help.

Will your doctor prescribe any pain meds post op? Wishing you a speedy recovery, but that you also take the whole month to slow down and take care of yourself as you've had a tough few months!
Had my pre-op assessment today. It was pretty straightforward, but I got some more info about what I can expect post-op.

I was wondering, @flashgordonv, if you wouldn’t mind; when you have the time, could you describe how things were for you after the procedure?

Apparently I can expect quite a bit of pain and bruising, and it’ll be at least two weeks before I can go back to work, a month before I should do any sort of lifting.
In my case they cut me open above the pubic area, the growth had developed its own blood supply and that all had to be removed as well as the testicle. As far as pain was concerned, sure it was a little painful for a few days, but the discomfort was mainly around the incision. The testicle with the growth was removed and I had no issues with pain in the remaining one. I was back to work within 10 days or so (although I was in IT sales management so no heavy lifting.
In my case they cut me open above the pubic area, the growth had developed its own blood supply and that all had to be removed as well as the testicle. As far as pain was concerned, sure it was a little painful for a few days, but the discomfort was mainly around the incision. The testicle with the growth was removed and I had no issues with pain in the remaining one. I was back to work within 10 days or so (although I was in IT sales management so no heavy lifting.

Thanks for the info, mate. Yes, they’ll make my incision in the same place. I’d imagined they’d just go in through the scrotum but I guess there’s more to take out than just the testicle. Mine’s got the blood supply too.

It’s funny how the idea of a bit of pain is worse than the idea of what’s actually going to happen. Glad yours went smoothly.
It’s funny how the idea of a bit of pain is worse than the idea of what’s actually going to happen. Glad yours went smoothly.
You may be surprised how resilient you are.

I think every procedure i ever had was far worse in my mind and in anticipation than when it actually happened.

Just to lighten it up a bit, as someone who has removed thousands of animal testicles
- this is a routine surgery that can be done with eyes closed.

In dogs it is done the same as in humans through small incision in pubic area. Very low incidence of complications.

First 24 h will be most critical for pain but they will load you with painkillers.
I have noticed much less bruising and postop complications since I introduced homeopathic remedies.
Arnica 30c and Calendula 30c take one granule twice a day, best separated by at least 10 minutes - at least 30 minutes away from meals, coffee or tea - for 5 days starting one day before the surgery.
As someone mentioned in the UK - Helios pharmacy is the best and can deliver it fast to your address. You can order from their website.

You can do this bro and it will be fine!
Will be thinking of you on Monday.
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Dear Tom, all the best for the surgery on Monday. You are in my thoughts and prayers for the best possible outcome. Fwiw, i just wanted to add the literal translation of an old Dutch expression which always works wonders for me: "Men suffers most from the suffering he fears, but which never appears." Keep up the strength, big hugs :hug2:
Tom, I think you have been dealing really well with this situation, sharing your thoughts about both the more practical aspects but also the emotional ones, and I dare say it has prepared you and equipped you with the necessary knowledge and awareness to get through this situation optimally.

Wish you best of luck with the surgery! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome :hug2:
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