Meteor impact in norway wednesday like hiroshima blast!!!

schriss said:
Could IT be falling down making a lot of noise then blow up (so we have the sound waves as evidence) BEFORE reaching the ground, so we would have no crater, just like they report there is none?
From my earlier translation, you can read that at least one eye-witness said that the meteor exploded before it hit the ground:

- Den var sv尮 Litt mindre enn ei m䭥skive, og r
Now that makes sense.
Do pieces of rock explode like that or can we assume it was something else then meteorite?
anart said:
Interesting. From what you've collected, it looks as if Knut saw what he saw, and, one way or another, is trying to stick to his guns about it, while being pressured to downplay the event. At least, this is what it looks like at this point.
Looks like that to me too.

anart said:
About the sound waves being loud enough to register seismically, I believe that is possible, but I have no references for you. I was just thinking of reports of windows rattling from sound alone - my mother has described this from low flying fighter jets from an airforce base, or even at concert events - the sound can reach a level that 'shakes' cars, rib cages, buildings. I could be displaying my ignorance, but it seems to me that the sound associated with this meteor was truly impressive, and that is evidenced by those sound waves actually shaking the ground enough to be picked up by seismometers. FWIW.
I've been reading a bit about it and I believe it's possible too. So, we still don't know what happened, really. Either it impacted, or it didn't and exploded midair. Or it did impact and was really small, and left the rubble in the picture (which shows as much evidence of an impact as the 9-11 pentagon footage shows of a boeing).

Still nothing in the MSM, exept in Norway. This is what the readers of (I believe it is a large newspaper there also) read about it during the last weeks (in Norwegian, but the second has a nice photo):
Record Metiorite:
Knut goes on a field trip:
Bountyhunting for meteorite parts:

This one has interesting poll-results (vote 'vet ikke'):
I believe the question is 'Did you see or hear the meteorite in Nord-Troms?'. But it could also be 'Did you see or hear meteorites in Nord-Troms', I'm not that good at Norwegian.
Read this morning:

Another Meteorite Hits Norway

By Aftenposten News
Jul 10, 2006, 10:44

A meteorite weighing around two kilos landed right in the yard outside Bj

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