MusicMan said:I have heard the sound produced by a meteorite burning up in the atmosphere, and as described earlier in this thread, it was a 'hissing' sound.
There didn't seem to be any time delay such as you would get with an aircraft noise, it was real-time, so may have been electrically induced in my ear.
My hearing is pretty good in the upper registers, and I can hear bats pinging when they are about, as well as the high voltage (EHT) generators in older TV sets.
Have you read Laura's "Comets and the Horns of Moses", or Pierre's "Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection"? Those two books discuss electrophonics that can be emitted on "noisy" meteors. They are radio waves (which travel at the speed of light) that can be heard by people who may be wearing something (like glasses, or even hair), or are close to other things that are capable of receiving radio waves and that is, then, heard by the person wearing , or next, to them. To get a fuller picture of what is happening, reading either one (or both) of these books will help. Plus, there is a whole lot of interesting things to learn from these two books.