I am just starting to learn more about this topic thanks to the site, however in reading the recently recommended article listed below I couldn't help but read through all of the comments. There were 2 that stood out, that were not addressed that I am seeking some insight on. I will quote them below. Also on the chem-trails issue, I live in Springfield Mo, and I see them quite often. Sometimes in ridicules amounts (13+ at one time) I have asked my dad about them, as he has had a pilots license in his pass. And he is sold that they are just water vapor freezing at different temperatures, based on elevation and wind patterns. I still have a hard time swallowing down that they are all nonsense, I have just seen so much online over the years. Please help solidify this new position I am interested in taking on. Thank you. (I do not want to be misunderstood as a rabble-rouser or trying to throw up an argument, I am actually just really interested in the knowledge available here.)
Laura said:
Just think: 4D battles whenever the weather gets nasty... and the Cs did say that this warfare would become more obvious. I'm not sure they meant things like UFOs, unless you count fireballs as UFOs.
The man thing about HAARP to remember is that everything that gets said about it, and chemtrails, for that matter, is smokescreen.
Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering...
By: cassandra
""I live remotely in Northern California where for most of my life there have been only 2-3 commercial jets passing overhead each day. In the last year that has changed dramatically. Now, 5 days out of 7 on average, there are jets passing overhead every 20 minutes. Sometimes 2-3 are visible at once. On the quiet days, 2 jets pass overhead.
My awakening to the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Program began innocently:
My husband had an emergency appendectomy on the 4th of May, 2010. He has a strong constitution. He only took 2 or 3 doses of painkillers, and walked out of the hospital instead of the usual exit in a wheelchair. I expected that the rest of his recovery would be correspondingly swift... but it wasn't. On arriving home, he proceeded to experience an allergy season of unprecedented proportions, despite the fact that it was so rainy that there was little pollen or dust in the air. Nothing could quell the sneezing fits except remaining bed-bound while doped up on 2 different antihistamines.
After awhile I started to notice a pattern that I couldn't help but correlate with the unusual activity in the skies above us. We live on the Lost Coast, in an area where normally only a few commercial jets a day pass over. However, for six weeks through May and 3 weeks into June, I noticed that all of the bad days when Kevin started sneezing before he opened his eyes were the same days when there was dramatically more air activity. On these days, instead of 2-3 jets the sky would be thick with them flying over every 30 minutes, or even more often. Sometimes two or more jets would be visible at once.
These jets would leave many overlapping “contrails” that lingered in the sky, spreading out to form a haze that dimmed the sun and cooled the day by at least 10 degrees. I noticed it usually went like this: 2-3 days of persistent spreading “contrails” building progressively thicker cloud cover, followed by a day or two of rain. Day one would usually just produce a haze and chilly thin sunlight. Day two would be mare's tails, high cloud cover. Day three: either more contrails or rain, with the sound of engines droning overhead every half hour. Then the sun would come out and we would have one clear warm spring day. My husband's allergies would subside. He could get out of bed and function in the vertical plane for the day. Then the next day the jets every half hour would commence, the persistent “contrails” would be there again, spreading and overlapping, and the "allergy" cycle would begin again.
The natural internal resistance to the idea that anyone would actually spray us without our informed consent was fierce but short lived. I could not ignore the fact that my husband was confined to his bed every time the unnatural contrails lingered in the sky.
Many facts, it turned out, had to be faced in the journey of discovery ahead of us:
--Some jets leave persistent trails that spread and turn into clouds that noticeably alter the weather. See photo documentation below. (I will gladly send them to you Laura.)
--Patents exist describing the methods by which such persistent contrails could be created. A timeline of such patents can be found here: [Link]
--The use of persistent contrails to combat global warming and for military purposes has been a topic of research and open discussion for many years now. The words used to describe the persistent contrail phenomena are: Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering.
--The use of cloud seeding and other contrail technology is a long-stated goal of the military. See the document "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" [Link]
--Evergreen Aviation is currently advertising weather modification as something their supertankers are already equipped to do: [Link]
--Respiratory issues are on the rise in my community and nationwide: the old, the young, the in-between. Diagnoses of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, lingering coughs, increased allergies, asthma, fatigue abound. Could there be a link between this and the metallicized nanoparticulates being sprayed on us? Considering the inherent properties of nanoparticles, [Link]how could there not be a link?
--In discussing the metals identified in the "Hughes Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming" patent with a colleague who routinely runs hair tests on clients, we have been seeing spikes in the hair levels of two of those chemicals: aluminum and barium.
--Reports from around the country show elevated levels of aluminum, barium, manganese, arsenic, antimony and more in water, hair, soil, snow and air. See this link for the 2010 air particulate report from Arizona Skywatch: [Link]The numbers range from several times the "allowable limits" to HUNDREDS of times the limit. Where are these particles coming from?
--The US is one of many countries with a long and inglorious history of experimenting on its own citizenry without their knowledge or consent. [Link]
--Because this Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering program is being deployed without our knowledge or informed consent, it is in violation of the Nuremberg Code and constitutes illegal experimentation on US citizens.
Websites that have been useful in researching this ever-present aerial phenomenon include but are not limited to:
[Link] This is Geoengineering researcher Rosalind Peterson's website. She is based in Ukiah, CA, about 2 hours south of where we live.
[Link]Of special interest are the downloadable PDFs of official research and military reports on the subjects of aluminum chaff, weather modification, etc. Also many excellent photo essays that will help train your eyes to recognize the physical characteristics of the increasingly prevalent artificial clouds littering our skies.
[Link]This is an extensive site that provides an overview of what Geoengineering is, breaking news stories, many satellite photos of ongoing aerosol spraying, and links to official patents including the Hughes patent #5,003,186 Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming. The technology is there, the patents have been filed, the metals are showing up in hair and water tests, and the lines are in the sky. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
The above sites all link to other sites that may be useful to you in your research. And I have photo and satellite documentation of the same weather building that you say is "nonsense"... actually happening... over and over and over again.""
And this one
""From Where I Sit I Know I Don't Know
By: earth2chad
I just joined the site, but I have read it with interest for years. I must say, at this point I have become more convinced by the evidence that catastrophism is the most likely and complelling argument for our little blue planet. I am intrigued by the cometary/meteorite phenomena about which we can see more and more evidence. Yet I also am inclined to view the whole idea of magnetic reversals as another cyclical, and possibly catastrophic, set of occurences.
Data from the THEMIS spacecraft in 2009 showed that 'plasma bullets', shoot out of the sun interacting with the broader plasma tail that manifests itself as the auroras, and create explosions. There are video available for anyone interested to observe them yourself. Anyway, the point is, the earth's magnetic field keeps these events at a safe distance from us. However, IF the magnetic field, during a period of fluctuation or multipolarity reduces its strength by some large percent, then perhaps these explosions would occur much closer to the earth and even directly effect events on the ground.
I have to give credit to Robert Felix and his book' Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps' which first led me to these inquiries. He makes a very good argument that magnetic reversals, or perhaps even failed magnetic reversals, at their end stages occur very rapidly, which is outside the standard scientific dogma. If this is the case, then you could have these plasma explosions right above the earth, with the result being very similar to the cometary explosions which Laura has so graciously connected together here. If there is a time of multipolarity or anomalies, then perhaps there could be isolated areas that experience these explosions, while other areas do not. ( Think Clovis).
You know, another fascinating item no one saw coming was just in March of this year reported.. namely that in the search for galactic gamma ray bursts, it was discovered that thunderstorms produce Terrestrial Gamma ray Flashes, all the time. These are measured at over 500,000 electron volts, which indicates collisions of positrons and electrons . The data shows this happens about 500 times a day.
So my point is, we have read evidence of violent events occurring on a daily basis high overhead, with only our magnetic field protecting us. Now what if we can connect the dots and find that there is a periodicity of full or failed magnetic reversals that occurs in conjunction with onset of ice ages, and ( possibly) a visitation by some cometary debris?
And what exactly is up with the petroglyphs all over the world that bear uncanny resemblances to reproducible laboratory plasma discharges? What did the drawers of these petroglyphs witness in the sky?
What if we have a weakened magnetosphere that brings it's own set of problems to us, AND we have the cometary visitations returning at the same time? Either one would make for a bad day... ""
Mod's note: Edited to activate the sott link.