Monkeypox: The new plague?

So sounds like the mpox emergency is being created out of the shingles occurring as a vax side effect.
I know 2 persons who ha shingles due to the vaccines, a man in my neighbour that really suffered a lot of it, because his shingles attacked his intimate parts and my aunt. But… even them are not aware of the link with the vaccine. Me too I am sick of this agenda and the abuse on ignorant people. But it is a genocide. And people do not care about genocides, as we can see.
More light on the Monkeypox agenda:

A different source than infowars - relates Dr. Wodarg saying not only monkeypox is a side effect of the vax, but questions the test that "confirms" it:

Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid Vaccines

A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.
[Dr. Wodarg clip with English subtitles here]
Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.

He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test.

The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from.
“According to Wodarg, the expensive PCR tests that pharmaceutical giant Roche has launched on the market to detect the monkeypox virus are not reliable.
Dr. Wodarg is not the first leading expert to raise the alarm over monkeypox, however.

As Slay News recently reported, world-renowned vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone has called on the public to “rise up” in the face of the “evil” that is pushing “psychological warfare” about monkeypox onto humanity.
[See interview in article or on Rumble. The direction of his remarks were not what I was expecting in that he says souls are being stolen!]

Elsewhere during the interview, Malone described the monkeypox agenda as the “weaponization of fear.”

He explained how infectious diseases are used to scare the public into compliance with unpopular policies.

More Malone comments in article plus those of former U.S. National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn. Happy to see this pushback against this phony infectious disease agenda.
From Pr. Perronne :

Key points :
• Monkeypox/mpox is totally different than human pox.
Human pox killing 30% of human population in the past, it's been totally eradicated in the world in the 70's, thanks to Jenner's vaccination (extracted from bovine pox).
The virus completely disappeared, but has been kept alive in 2 secured chambers, in the USA and USSR.

• The mpox reservoir are monkeys and also rodents, exclusively in Africa.
It's a virus that could infect humans from times to times, in small human epidemics, but a much more benign one that has nothing to do with the mortality of the human version.
Sometimes people die from it, but we must notice that it's in terrible hygiene conditions, with no antibiotics, and nutrients-deficient people.
It can't be considered as a real mortailty rate, with good basic hygiene and adapted general care.

• Symptoms are pustules all over the body.
The disease necessarily IS symptomatic = when you have it, you see it = there's no asymptomatism.
It lasts for about 3 weeks, like a severe chickenpox, but most people will cope with it very well.

• These diseases have always been present in Central Africa.

• The suspicious surge in 2022 only touched homosexual men, because this then probably-artificially created virus only propagated through anal ways.
It couldn't be a natural variant, it didn't give general skin eruptions but essentially only around genital and anal areas (unusual).

• As monkeypox isn't a virus adapated to humans, it's never been transmitted by airways so far.
Those contaminated in Africa were the hunters who carried their catch - monkeys or rodents - in direct skin-contact with it. If the animal was infected, they'd catch it. They'd also process the contaminated meat before cooking.
It really comes from direct contact.

It's very easy to delete a pox disease by isolating the sick ones.

• Let's remind that, with regards to infectious disease, a general lockdown is the worse stupidity to be done, as the data now shows.
We stop a disease by isolating the sick ones, not the healthy ones.

• As Didier Raoult pointed out, the already existing drug Tranilast (antiviral studied in Japan) works very well on all pox viruses in general. It's unavailable in France, and [the PTB] are disinforming about it the same way they've done to Ivermectin, Hydroxichloroquin, vit.D and antibiotics during covid.

• About PCR tests :
as there's no asymptomatic form for the pox :
- Classical african pox = pustules everywhere, thus visible on the face = no PCR needed.
- If homosexualy transmitted pox = on genitals, so non-visible on the face but ANY g.p. can notice it from afar.

So strictly NO need for PCR, but [the PTB] can still create any fake epidemics as with covid.

• No asymptomatic transmission, the delay of effect of the sickness is a few hours until you get high fever.
This concept is a scam to scare people.
Monkeypox? What monkeypox?!!

FDA Admits Theres Zero Scientific Evidence That Monkeypox Virus Exists

Newly unsealed documents have revealed an explosive confession from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the so-called “monkeypox virus.”

The documents were obtained by investigative reporter Christine Massey from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

According to one document published by Massey, the FDA admits that there is “zero scientific evidence” to prove that the “monkeypox virus” even exists.

The FDA has no records authored by anyone, anywhere to support claims of the virus’s existence.

This is despite the fact that the FDA has just approved a new “vaccine” to “prevent monkeypox disease.”
In addition, the FDA has issued “Emergency Use Authorizations” of “in vitro diagnostics… related to monkeypox” and provided “Information for Monkeypox Test Developers.”

The confession emerged shortly after the World Health Organization declared the “monkeypox outbreak” a “public health emergency of international concern.”

Meanwhile, the share prices of monkeypox vaccine makers have been skyrocketing on the news.

This news comes amid increasing warnings about the validity of the official claims about monkeypox.

Read the details in the article. Now, who's going to tell Tedros he's a big, fat liar?!! And also those FDA perps!
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Hmm - the plot thickens . . .

Dr. Anthony Fauci Contracts West Nile Virus On Heels Of COVID-19 Infection
Former NAIAD Director Anthony Fauci - who outsourced risky COVID gain-of-function research to a shoddy Chinese lab, and was then put in charge of handling a COVID pandemic that broke out down the street from said lab - has somehow contracted the ultra-rare West Nile virus right on the heels of a nasty COVID infection.
According to the report, Fauci has no idea how he got West Nile - a mosquito-borne illness that can cause fever, body aches, diarrhea and rash - and for which there is no vaccine or treatment.

Amazingly, there have been just 216 human cases of West Nile reported across 33 states so far this year, according to the CDC. Last year, 1,800 people were sent to the hospital with West Nile, which killed 182 people.

Earlier this month, the 83-year-old revealed that he caught COVID for a third time despite having been "vaccinated and boosted six times."

So now if monkeypox is just an adverse side effect of the Covid vax as proclaimed by Dr. Wodarg, might this "West Nile virus" - fever, body aches, and rash - be the same thing particularly if confirmed only by a PCR test?

And speaking of reinfection:

DeWine announced his latest infection - mild cold-like symptoms including sneezing and a runny nose - confirmed to be Covid by a positive PCR test. It's the 3rd time he's had Covid since 2020, and wouldn't one assume he's gotten all the recommended boosters? And yet, he's ill again! If you read the official press release on this, it isn't that hard to detect that the Covid scam is alive and well and DeWine's "infection" just plays into it:

Well, scams are all they have and isn't it great they're not getting a free pass this time!
Another Biden appointee publicly demonstrating his "authentic self"
He is indeed a "gay health advocate" (indicating bias) and the highest-paid (>$260,000/year [more than the vice president] according to White House) White House appointee other than Science Advisor Francis Collins. Even if not a puppet, human nature suggests he's going to have to do something/anything to justify appointment to that invented office and its salary. Whatever happens regarding mpox controls in the US, this guy will be part of it if not at the center of it (at least publicly).

This is from a Substak post dated August 20th 2024 by Christine Massey FOI newsletter

Most curious given that the WHO has declared it a global health emergency. on August 14th.

FDA confesses: zero scientific evidence of "monkeypox virus" or contagion... not even a "genome" found by anyone... anywhere​

August 20, 2024:
Sarah B. Kotler (“J.D.”) acting as Director, Division of Freedom of Information, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially confessed that the people running the FDA have no records authored by anyone, anywhere:

1. that scientifically prove/provide evidence of the existence of any alleged "monkeypox virus", or

2. that even describe the purification of particles that are alleged to be "monkeypox virus" directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called "hosts", or

3. that describe the purported "genome" of any alleged "monkeypox virus" being found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called "host" (as opposed to fabricated in silico, aka a computer model), or
August 20, 2024:
Sarah B. Kotler (“J.D.”) acting as Director, Division of Freedom of Information, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially confessed that the people running the FDA have no records authored by anyone, anywhere:

1. that scientifically prove/provide evidence of the existence of any alleged "monkeypox virus", or

2. that even describe the purification of particles that are alleged to be "monkeypox virus" directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called "hosts", or

3. that describe the purported "genome" of any alleged "monkeypox virus" being found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called "host" (as opposed to fabricated in silico, aka a computer model), or

4. that scientifically demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms that are allegedly caused by purported "monkeypox viruses" [see pg 6].

“…we have no responsive records.
FDA FOI request response link below:

“The FDA does not regulate or treat viruses. The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. Therefore, we have no responsive records.” (emphasis added)
Twenty Twenty-One recycles again.

Born June 5th, 1965 Died August 6th, 2024
Irish Times
Aidan O’Leary, the Irish director of the World Health Organisation (WHO) polio eradication programme has died suddenly aged 59 while on holidays with his wife and two adult offspring in Portugal.

The Geneva-based international aid worker had a career in the Irish Army before holding key roles in the Organisation for Security Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees, the Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef) and then the WHO.

O’Leary, who was renowned for his collaborative leadership style and his ability to grasp complex problems and find solutions to them, worked in war-torn parts of the world including Gaza, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Although he didn’t seek accolades or a high public profile, he was widely respected in the international aid community.

“Aidan was an outstanding humanitarian. He served tirelessly in the most difficult parts of the world to help the most vulnerable populations to survive and thrive and to end polio. He embodied the ideal of service and solidarity across peoples and borders,” WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said following his death.

“It was with the most remote and vulnerable people on the planet that Aidan worked and it is amongst those people that his legacy of work will be most cherished,” said President Michael D Higgins, who met O’Leary a number of times in Gaza.

O’Leary grew up in the north Dublin suburb of Beaumont, the eldest of four children of Pauline and Bill O’Leary, a Garda superintendent. Following his secondary school education at Ardscoil Rís in Marino, he joined the Irish Army in 1983.

He was a member of the 60th Cadet Class and served initially in the Supply and Transport Corps (which manages the logistics for military operations) in Cork and Dublin. As part of his military service, he took a degree in economics at University College Galway (now University of Galway) in 1986-1989, returning to his unit during academic holidays.

While continuing his work for the Defence Forces, he then completed a master’s in economics on a part-time basis at University College Dublin (UCD) and also took the exams for professional qualifications in chartered accountancy. Identified as a rising star within the Defence Forces, he was seconded to the Department of Finance in 1991 as a policy analyst for a year.

While studying at UCG, he met his wife-to-be, Karen Higgins, an engineering student from Galway. The couple married in 2002 and later settled in Salthill, Galway. When home from his overseas work, O’Leary loved life in Galway.

In July 1992 he was posted as a lieutenant to the planning and research section in the Defence Forces headquarters and later to the strategic planning office. “He quickly became the right-hand man of the chiefs of staff as a strategic planner during the period of public sector reform from 1992 to 2000,” says John Ging, a lifelong friend of O’Leary since their time together as cadets in the Irish Army. During this period, O’Leary also did two six-month tours to Lebanon as part of the UN peacekeeping force and a six-month tour of Yugoslavia as part of the European Union’s monitoring mission during the war there. He was promoted to captain during this period.

[ Irish director of WHO polio programme dies while on holidays with family Opens in new window ]

In 2000, O’Leary was headhunted to work – initially on a secondment from the Defence Forces – for the Administration and Finance Department of the OSCE in Bosnia and Herzegovina. His job was to support human rights programmes, military stabilisation, democratisation and elections as part of the post-war recovery and reconstruction of a state.

In 2006 he was head-hunted again – this time to work as deputy to director John Ging of the UNRWA for Palestinian refugees in Gaza. “It was a tumultuous time of violence and anarchy, with tremendous upheaval in terms of politics and security,” says Ging. O’Leary led the education reform programme in charge of the 250 UNRWA schools in the region. Colleagues acknowledge O’Leary’s commitment to the children of Gaza and his belief that one could – and should – educate children even in the most difficult circumstances. And even though the security and economic situation deteriorated during that time, the academic results began to improve, which was testament to his leadership and ability.

O’Leary, a big man who was physically fit throughout his life, had a soft voice, understated manner and a compassionate approach to those he worked with and for. “He was a great motivator. He had the ability to lead without coercing people and he set ambitious standards and confounded everyone by exceeding them,” says Ging, who is now chief executive of the Famine Relief Fund.

In 2011, O’Leary moved to Afghanistan as head of the OCHA there. For the next few years he mobilised funding and co-ordinated humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen.

His wife and children, who had lived with him while he worked in Bosnia and then in East Jerusalem during his time with the UNRWA, returned to live in Ireland so that the children could start their primary school education here. Although away from home for most of his working life, O’Leary drew strength from his love of his family and was immensely proud of them: everyone who worked with him knew them by name.

In 2015 O’Leary was appointed as the Unicef chief of the polio eradication programme in Pakistan – one of the last places in the world where polio is endemic. For the next few years, he returned to work as head of office for OCHA in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

During this time he was head-hunted to work as director of the WHO polio eradication programme and moved to Geneva for the role in January 2021. He held the position until his death. One of his last tasks was the preparations for two rounds of polio vaccination campaigns in Gaza, targeting 600,000 children under the age of eight. The WHO is sending more than a million polio vaccines to Gaza to be administered in the coming weeks.

Aidan O’Leary is survived by his wife, Karen; his son, Darragh; his daughter, Eimear; his siblings, Art, Mary-Liz and Eoin; and his mother, Pauline. His father, Bill, predeceased him in 2013.

From Copyright © 2024 Massachusetts Medical Society.

The Mpox Global Health Emergency — A Time for Solidarity and Equity
Published August 28, 2024 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2410395
On August 14, 2024, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared mpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring countries to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) under the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) — the WHO’s highest-level alert. The previous day, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) declared a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security (PHECS) — the organization’s first-ever declaration of a regional health emergency. This regional declaration and the WHO’s early response — issued without waiting for mpox to affect high-income countries — could offer a historic opportunity to mobilize lifesaving resources according to the principles of solidarity and equity.

Mpox clade I has been endemic in the DRC for more than a decade, with cases steadily increasing. In 2023, the country saw a sharp increase driven by a genetically distinct and more transmissible subtype, clade Ib. This year, the DRC has already reported more than 15,600 cases and 537 deaths. But because of insufficient surveillance, testing, and contact tracing, many more cases remain undetected.1 Cases have been reported throughout the DRC’s 26 provinces, initially spiking in Équateur Province and then expanding into South Kivu, which has been ravaged by armed conflict and social unrest — conditions that pose major challenges for health workers. Cases have been reported in Kinshasa, a city with more than 17 million inhabitants. Overall, at least 12 African countries have reported cases, including 4 that had had no reported cases before this outbreak.

Human-to-human transmission has primarily occurred within households, in health care settings, and by means of sexual contact, with the greatest risk seen among men who have sex with men (MSM) and sex workers. Evidence suggests that clade Ib is more likely to be lethal than clade IIb2 — the clade that drove the global mpox outbreak in 2022, affecting primarily MSM and causing nearly 100,000 cases and 208 deaths in 116 countries. Tragically, most cases and deaths in the current mpox outbreak have occurred in children, indicating that transmission is occurring by routes other than sexual contact.

The WHO previously declared a PHEIC for the clade IIb mpox global outbreak in 2022. Yet endemic mpox has not garnered the same attention and investment — a disparity that the concurrent regional and global emergency declarations should help to rectify. The rapid international spread of a new mpox subtype is of enormous concern. Though all countries should fortify their preparedness, the priority must be coordinated action and investments focused on response efforts in Africa. In light of deeply inequitable responses to Covid-19, the WHO adopted amendments to the IHR in May 2024, the most consequential of which embedded equity in the regulations as a principle guiding pandemic response. Although the amendments won’t come into effect until next year, the African mpox outbreak will put these legal obligations to their first crucial test.

There are currently two mpox vaccines recommended by the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization. On August 9, the WHO invited mpox vaccine manufacturers to apply for an Emergency Use Listing (EUL), which African countries and supporting partners such as Gavi could rely on in deploying vaccines. The United States and other high-income countries have substantial mpox vaccine supplies, but affected African countries have not had affordable access — an enduring indicator of inequity.

The PHEIC sets in motion binding legal obligations for international cooperation and rapid reporting of data, compliance with any relevant temporary recommendations from the WHO, and mobilization of funding for diagnostics, surveillance, and medical countermeasures. The PHECS empowers Africa CDC to coordinate the continental response. Since this is the first time that regional and international emergency declarations have been in effect concurrently, it is vital to harmonize the global mpox response and give full support to African countries and public health officials leading the response in their communities.

In our own country, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued clinical guidance recommending further investigation in patients with suspected mpox who have recently returned from affected countries; it has also issued a level 2 travel alert.3 The White House has established an interagency response team, indicating heightened domestic concern. CDC modeling suggests that if clade Ib mpox seeded in the United States, household close-contact transmission would not result in a large number of cases.4 A separate modeling study, however, suggested that there would be an elevated risk of transmission among MSM, given relatively low uptake of the JYNNEOS mpox vaccine.5 Overall, low population-level orthopox immunity leaves the U.S. population vulnerable.

The IHR requires countries to avoid imposing unnecessary travel or trade restrictions and to base their response to a public health emergency on science and respect for human rights. Temporary recommendations from the WHO urge affected states to ramp up coordination, diagnostics and surveillance, risk communication, and preparatory vaccination efforts, and standing recommendations urge all countries to make countermeasures available and refrain from targeting African countries with travel-related health measures for mpox, among other advice.

Priorities for an effective global response should include major investments in health systems, including diagnostics, surveillance, and the health workforce; risk communication encouraging culturally appropriate behavior changes; equitable access to lifesaving countermeasures; and sustained financing and action in the region.

First, international financial assistance is urgently needed to support the African response on the ground and provide incentives for the development of safer and more effective countermeasures. The WHO’s Contingency Fund for Emergencies recently released U.S.$1.45 million and plans further allocations under the PHEIC. Yet these funding levels are insufficient to support a robust emergency response. The WHO’s regional response plan estimates that U.S.$15 million will be needed in the initial alert phase, and sustained financing will be required over time.

Second, testing and surveillance to monitor and inform our understanding of the ongoing outbreak are urgently needed. More comprehensive and accurate epidemiologic data are necessary for developing countermeasures, tailoring risk-communication strategies, and enabling a targeted response. Enhanced surveillance capacities will be especially important in border areas to prevent further international spread.

Third, international support is vital to facilitate equitable access to diagnostic kits and vaccines. When the WHO declared a PHEIC, the United States offered 50,000 vaccine doses, and the European Union and Denmark-based Bavarian Nordic agreed to distribute 200,000 doses. Yet these offers pale in comparison to Africa CDC’s assessed needs of 10 million vaccine doses. African regulatory authorities should rely on the WHO’s EULs to authorize vaccines that meet requisite safety and efficacy standards, and coordinate with key vaccine partners such as Gavi.

Fourth, as the epidemiology of mpox has shifted, concerns about human exposure to wild animals have been superseded by a focus on more prevalent behavioral risks among sexual partners and within households. Accurate, nonstigmatizing, and precise risk communication delivered by trusted community members will be important to mitigate further spread, especially for at-risk communities such as sex workers and MSM. Several African countries have enacted laws that criminalize same-sex sexual conduct, which can dissuade people from seeking vaccination or care.

Finally, this mpox PHEIC declaration is the third in 5 years — a clear acknowledgment of ongoing threats to health security. Each declared emergency spurs international action, which then wanes without bringing endemic disease to an end. Bringing sustained attention and investment to the DRC and its neighbors is good for the region and good for the world.

A response with staying power that builds resilient health systems will save countless lives in the DRC and beyond. The DRC has long faced the devastating effects of colonialization, exploitation, armed conflict, and political instability. But ending this mpox epidemic is also very much in the national interests of high-income countries around the world. The August 15 report of a case in Sweden, followed by the first case in Thailand on August 22, underscores the pandemic potential of mpox. The discontinuation of routine smallpox vaccination means that much of the global population has not been exposed to orthopoxviruses. If we remain complacent, we face a real risk of a major global health event.


Africa CDC. Africa CDC declares mpox a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security, mobilizing resources across the continent. 2024 (Africa CDC Declares Mpox A Public Health Emergency of Continental Security, Mobilizing Resources Across the Continent – Africa CDC).
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Kozlov M. Growing mpox outbreak prompts WHO to declare global health emergency. Nature 2024;632:718-719.
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CDC. Health Alert Network. Mpox caused by human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with spread to neighboring countries. 2024 (Health Alert Network (HAN) - 00513 | Mpox Caused by Human-to-Human Transmission of Monkeypox Virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Spread to Neighboring Countries).
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Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics. Modeling household transmission of clade I mpox in the United States. 2024 (Modeling Household Transmission of Clade I Mpox in the United States).
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Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics. Risk of clade 1 mpox outbreaks among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in the United States. 2024 (Risk of Clade 1 Mpox Outbreaks Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States).
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This sounds credible in view of events playing out in US, UK and globally. The real October Surprise that will also serve to prevent the Presidential election:

W.H.O. new pandemic mpox declared my insider sheriff source had alot of details about what was Happening and coming this Must hit the world

As stated in the vid, law enforcement is being used to arrest free speech dissenters in the UK and law enforcement in the US has and is being trained to do the same and worst in opposition to the people's Constitutional rights. These police persons are traitors of the highest degree. I have to think wide exposure of these plans is one way to disrupt and counter what they are planning to do. We've already experienced the first phase of their "pandemic" emergency action attack upon the populace. And we can see they are gearing up for phase two with warnings about monkeypox, West Nile virus and eastern equine encephalitis. Plus, covid's not out of the picture either. He makes a good point about the proliferation of roundabouts, too - natural choke points that can be policed to stop exit of citizens.

Below is another previous youtube by the same person that specifically addresses the monkeypox scenario:

Unfortunately, as the Cs indicated, people haven't suffered enough yet to wake up to the nefarious agendas being perpetrated against them. I suppose what's coming may possibly do the trick, but the collateral damage will be extensive, osit.
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