Morgellons: Controversial disease doctors refuse to treat

Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Saw this in the local paper today:

CDC gives $545,000 to study mysterious skin condition
A mother's battle against son's mystery ailment pays off

When Mary Leitao's 2-year-old son began growing fibers from his skin in 2001, little did she realize the ordeal she faced.

Physicians couldn't explain it. Mrs. Leitao, who was living in Peters, Washington County, at the time, named it Morgellons -- a temporary name, or so she thought, that described a skin condition documented in France in the 1600s.

In 2002, she created the Morgellons Research Foundation, which advocated that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta investigate the mysterious ailment, which features strange skin fibers, rashes, sores, fatigue, mental confusion, joint pain and other symptoms.

Mrs. Leitao said she still doesn't know what causes the ailment, but her seven-year effort finally is paying off.

Yesterday, the CDC announced plans to launch a $545,000 study of Morgellons.

Dr. Michele Pearson, the CDC's principal investigator, said the center has received a number of inquiries that prompted the study.

It will focus on patients of Kaiser Permanente Northern California, a health plan that has documented a number of Morgellons cases.

Dr. Pearson said it will take a year to complete the study, which researchers hope will lead to better understanding of Morgellons' cause and possible treatments. Testing will include interviews with patients, medical evaluations, skin biopsies and mental health assessments.

"What is clear is that those who suffer from this condition and their families and physicians have questions, and we want to help them find meaningful answers," said Dr. Pearson, noting that further studies may be necessary.

The foundation, whose Web site is, has registered more than 11,000 families. In November, it notified the CDC that 37 percent of those families report multiple members afflicted with the illness.

More than 200 Pennsylvania families are registered with the foundation. Residents of Canada, Europe and Australia also have reported having the ailment.

"I'm very pleased that they are taking action," Mrs. Leitao said. "Of course, I would have liked all of this to have happened much faster."

She said she hopes the CDC can identify not only the cause but the best treatment. Some people, she said, have gotten better on antibiotics. Her son Drew, 9, has improved with treatment, and skin fibers no longer are apparent.

"People are suffering in pretty big ways, especially when they feel they are shut out of medicine and can't have their problem recognized," Mrs. Leitao said.

Although many questions remain unanswered, Dr. Pearson said the time has come to recognize Morgellons as a problem. "We can't characterize it as a syndrome, but people clearly are suffering, and what they are experiencing is real," she said.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Lirpa said:
I have no idea on the validity on this source but the part on silicone, silica lab findings made me think of all of the silicone that is in all the mainstream body care products that the masses use. It is in food too. Dimethicone, silicone, dimethicone copyl, cyclopentasiloxane, etc...everyone slathers that stuff daily on their skin and hair. Maybe it is the silicone from body products mixed in with fibers from clothing, other environmental pollution and all the other crappy chemicals the consumers put in their bodies. What a perfect way to poison the masses and weaken their minds. Easier than getting people to go into their doc's office for flu vaccines.
Something I planned to post but always postponed.

A week before you posted this, my wife and I decided to buy our own frying pot. We were tired of waiting in lines amongst people whose mobile phones kept buzzing. Most of all, I was disgusted at the fact that the frying fat spilled was swept back in the pot with … a window wiper !
So once we bought the pot, we still needed some frying oil. Skimming through the plethora of frying oils, and traversing the barely readable ingredients lists, I was at first puzzled to find out that every single type of oil contained a certain E900 as an anti-foaming agent. And on one list I could read what it actually is, E900 (poly dimethyl siloxane): anti-foaming agent. I was shocked.
Most people are actually frying their food in silicone !??
I don't know the concentration of it, but just the thought of it, or the idea of the producers even to put it in food !??

I ended up with a block of totally hardened, 100% saturated fat (Solo), and one litre of peanut oil which was the only one that didn’t contain silicone. I mixed them up at home. The French fries tasted deliciously.

I just found out that it is also an ingredient of certain (ahum) ‘sport’ drinks. Lucozade Sport Recovery Drink contains silicone.

Lirpa said:
I wonder if that is the source of Morgellon's ? Poisoning the body and working its way out through the surface of the skin as the body tries to rid itself of it
Yes that is very well possible. But than, why does it also seem to be an infectious disease, in which it CAN run through a family, and for which an antibiotic cure DOES seem to work, at least for a fraction of morgellon sufferer's.

Maybe we have to look for a bacterium that is able to somehow use silicon as a food source. These do exist. The presence of such bacteria in direct contact with the silicone than elicits an immune response not only against the bacteria but also against the silicone, and once such process ensues, the body decides to encapsulate such fibers, with calcium and other metals, but also and more typically with silica in a process of vitrification. The encapsulated fibers are than slowly but surely evicted from the body (mostly through the skin but also through the intestines).
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

There is a cure...for Morgellons..and its the strongest of the Colloiodal silver thats obtainable. There are videos on youtube of healings from this horrid dease thats man-made via also has a 3 part video by Dr. Hilda Staninger on the whole chemical process of it and the fiber via chemtrails matched..she offers much good advice. Funny I had just read the book of revelations and noticed quit a bit of simalarity there to it and see if you do too?...Rev. 9... 6)And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. 7)And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
8)And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
9)And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
10)And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
Now if you watch the 3 part videos they are explained just like this, they have or are long hairs(like womens)..their called golden heads...the wings and the men could mean the planes and manmade..and the desease they want to die, it tortures them...I dont know if they'll get more power and for 5 mths (but also time in scripture means dif. things..exp..yrs. mean dys.).....but sure sounds the same???....the news story is shocking!
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Yes but it's the same substance in the webs that the chemtrails are can get on the food we eat..but it is manmade. and also it is a substance like battery-acid inside of it thats reflects like a magnet..the hairs move to a magnet or your finger...very weird stuff.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

anddi said:
Yes but it's the same substance in the webs that the chemtrails are can get on the food we eat..but it is manmade. and also it is a substance like battery-acid inside of it thats reflects like a magnet..the hairs move to a magnet or your finger...very weird stuff.
anddi, to whom are you replying? Could you please provide data to back up these assertions you are making? As far as your linking of this disease to the bible and this thread that you started: - It seems you might have 'wandered into the wrong bar'.
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

Seems like someone is running a "this-is-what-morgellons-is-program" back to sleep, its figured out. anddi, if you read this thread then you might see what technique is used for collecting facts and evidence, then maybe there is enough to form a hypothesis, not the other way around.

See first, think later, then test. But always see first. Otherwise you will only see what you were expecting. Most scientists forget that. - Douglas Adams :)
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease seems to me that something makes the body act as a "factory" to produce these fibers. Could this perhaps be some form of nanotechnology prototype escaped from a lab and run amok? Or perhaps intentionally released?
GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food”

GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food”
Just in case you thought it was fine to eat Genetically Modified foods (better identified as “FrankenFoods”), along comes a study which makes it clear that you are eating this make believe non-food at your own peril and, worse yet, you are feeding it to your kids at their peril as well. It is important to note that Codex Alimentarius, which sets standards for the international trade of food, permits genetically modified foods and makes no effort to limit, control or eliminate them. In fact, the US has been trying for years to prevent the labeling of GM foods and seed in international trade to emulate its domestic policy which prohibits any label indication that foods contain GM ingredients, as 75-80% of all foods sold in the US do.

Now it appears that the increasingly prevalent nightmare of a disease called “Morgellon’s Disease” may be a result of GM crops and food.

Morgellon’s Disease was first described when a woman’s 3 year old son developed rashes and intensely itchy sores which produced weird multicolor fibers emerging from his skin. She put up a website about the condition in 2001 and named it “Morgellons Disease” after a 17th century report of a similar affliction.

As it always does, the allopathic community of Western, drug-oriented physicians labeled sufferers as delusional. As a physician, I have a great deal of difficulty explaining how a delusion can produce colored fibers which protrude from the skin and continue to grow in a petri dish. Be that as it may, the multicolored fibers produced by the “delusion” have been analyzed and we now know that Morgellon’s Disease is no longer rare, nor is it mysterious any longer. A study of the fibers shows that they contain DNA from both a fungus and a bacterium which are used in the commercial preparation of genetically modified foods and non-food crops (such as cotton). The fibers themselves are primarily cellulose, which the human body cannot breakdown or manufacture. So GM technology apparently has, like Professor Frankenstein, found a way to animate the non living. These fibers twist and twine, grow and divide. In short, living beneath the skin of people, they form parasitic lesions out of what should be non-living material but which, through the horror of genetic modification, has taken on the characteristics of a living thing.
Re: GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food”

Hi 'notthe1', this was carried on the sott page yesterday -

Did you have any comments concerning this?
Re: GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food”

I have seen that an important comment was added to this article by Rabelais, entitled Caveat Lector regarding the author of the posted article and her husband.

I would like to bring your attention to an equally disturbing article, but with the comment that I personally stopped going to the site where it is published several years ago. I would imagine you have discussed the site before here, so I'll say no more.

However, I feel that the article is covering something extremely important (horrifying, actually) having to do with the involvement of Rima Laibow, General Stubblebine, Natural Solutions Foundation, and Health Freedom USA. It is in regard to PsyTech Warfare developments, which Stubblebine was/is deeply involved in, and which my soon be 'commercially' utilized on a mass scale on the planetary population.
There is more relevant information in some comments following the article too.

Please read this and give your take on it all. Have the Cs spoken about this?

Oh well, I still refuse to live in fear, ha ha! (so if the ptb is crankin it up, it's not workin too good around here ...)

this is the article and link:
The Sound of Silence, by A. True Ott, PhD, ND

It's a good day to die.
Re: GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food”

Yes, we've discussed Rima Laibow and Stubblebine on the forum here in a couple of places. Have a look at this one:

Here, Stubblebine is saying that a 757 did not hit the Pentagon.

Then, in this post:

Rima Laibow is exposed as a fear monger.

In this post:

A thread that shows the association between Laibow/Stubblebine and Jeff Rense. It is pointed out that:

While, IMHO, Stubblebine and Laibow are dangerous operatives, the timeline regarding weaponized vaccines is accurate. I've been hearing/reading about about this stuff from practitioners, researchers and epidemiologists, etc., for decades.

It's certainly clear that the best disinformation is a lot of truth with a lie twisted in there.

Funny thing is, though, the "educateyourself" site that published the expose on Laibow/Stubblebine also published an "expose" on me due to my "expose" on Rense!!! How's that for muddying the waters???

Then, see this:

... where we find a connection between Laibow/Stubblebine and Alex Jones.

Next, there is a mention of Laibow/Stubblebine:

in reference to a disinfo site.

Next, a thread about Codex Alimentarius:

Then here:
we find a link between Stubblebine and John Alexander of "non-lethal weapon" fame.

Another that exposes Rima Laibow and Stubblebine:

So, yeah, I'm aware of Laibow and Stubblebine and their shenanigans. However, the ideas put together in the article about Morgellons were so interesting that I decided to put it on sott anyway. I'm hoping that we will possibly find more data that either confirms or denies the allegations.

One thing is certain, it is definitely possible that this horrifying disease could be caused by genetic meddling. And maybe Laibow and Stubblebine know this to be true and have been tasked with leaking it for the very purpose of inspiring panic. Our objective is, of course, different. If you know about something, you then have a better chance of figuring out how to deal with it.

Finally, there is another thing to consider: I've been made acutely aware of how a person who is sincere and dedicated can be defamed, slandered, etc... and I always take that into consideration when I see such activity. Is it possible that Laibow and Stubblebine were involved in negative activities, realized it, and decided to go the other way, only they aren't really smart enough to figure things out on their own and are just stumbling around more or less in the dark, ending up only making themselves look stupid again and again? Is it possible that once they were "out in the cold," that agents were assigned to them to feed them false information, to work them up about things that would make them look like agents themselves?

We have to keep such possibilities - however small they might be - open.
Re: GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food”

Thank you for the many posts/references. Sorry, I should have searched their names. :-[

I do think it was a good call to post the article on Sott, for the reasons you stated.

Finally, there is another thing to consider: I've been made acutely aware of how a person who is sincere and dedicated can be defamed, slandered, etc... and I always take that into consideration when I see such activity. Is it possible that Laibow and Stubblebine were involved in negative activities, realized it, and decided to go the other way, only they aren't really smart enough to figure things out on their own and are just stumbling around more or less in the dark, ending up only making themselves look stupid again and again? Is it possible that once they were "out in the cold," that agents were assigned to them to feed them false information, to work them up about things that would make them look like agents themselves?

We have to keep such possibilities - however small they might be - open.
True that. What you describe does happen, and the possibility is there. I'm highly suspicious, though, of the areas of psychiatry and military psy-ops being on someone's resume. :scared:

It's a good day to die.

I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at the
center within yourself and I within mine, we shall be as one. -Crazy Horse [crazy, as in holy/mystic]
Re: GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food”

Bholanath said:
I'm highly suspicious, though, of the areas of psychiatry and military psy-ops being on someone's resume. :scared:

I'm with you on that! Red flags and warning sirens all over the place with this couple. I'm not even giving them the benefit of the doubt; I just want to stay open about it.
Re: Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection/Morgellons disease

I think you are right on the money! Been reading a lot of different theories and research, and it DOES seem to be 1) nanotech 2) intentional
But why? Ultimate control, for what reason? Experimentation, trying to develop the "ultimate hybrid" (see: singularity - Kurzweil).
These are very frightening times.
Re: Was Morgellons released into our environment deliberately or by accide

Ark -
Morgellonswatch has shut down as a result of the CDC investigation into Morgellons. The study began Jan '08 and the results are overdue.
Please, please, please believe me - this is very real and every bit as horrible as it sounds.
Billy Koch, former star relief pitcher, became disabled a few years ago when he, his wife, and their children all developed the illness. Recently, singer Joni Mitchell has announced that she is suffering from Morgellons. Two years ago recording artist Karen Stern committed suicide as a result of Morgellons.
For nearly two years, I have been hanging on by the slimmest of threads, if you will pardon the expression. I wish for death constantly, but I won't commit suicide for various reasons.
I don't know the reason for the disinformation efforts aimed at Morgellons. Is it because it is so incredibly unbelievable that people don't believe it? Or is it something more sinister?
Few who are afflicted with this believe that it is a "natural" disease. The vast majority feel convinced that something truly stinks about all of this - is it intentional? Is it bioterrorism experiment inadvertently released? I have even wondered if it has off-planet origins, it is so unbelievably bizzare. Some of the things I have seen and experienced I won't even tell others with Morgellons.
I am 100% sane....though I have no right to be!!!
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