Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

This comes to no surprise of the sub human activity's and malfunctions in history. For those whom became aware of the corruption and made a valiant effort to blow the whistle of the truth of the matter in the gulf, it appears they paid with there lives, sadly to say.

The list seems to be growing and is typical of those that continue to suppress the Truth with the lies, with murder. One can only speculate, and imagine this activity only implicates those at the very top of the failure to up hold the duties and the pledge to guard against, protect the people of the nation, and the world, from Corporate :ninja: terrorist activity.


Dead, Missing, Jailed – BP Whistle Blowers: Submitted by Lois Rain on May 2, 2011 – 3:12 pm

Over the course of the past year, you’ve most likely come across strange stories regarding the tragic fates of those connected with the BP oil disaster. When compiled, the stories are all together shocking and disturbing. Is it possible that the nine deaths and others affected who were involved in different areas of disaster knowledge are just random coincidences? Check into the details and decide for yourself.

Of the 12 high profile people in question, 9 are mysteriously dead, 1 nearly died in a brutal assassination attempt, 1 is imprisoned under questionable charges, and another has simply disappeared. You can watch a video tutorial of the cases while you read the segments. Below that, you can follow the links to all the cases.

Not all of the people listed are directly related to the disaster, however, they are high profile truth tellers with different areas of expertise. Statistically speaking, it is unlikely that this many experts and activists would suddenly wind up dead within a year of the disaster. It is suspected that those who were indirectly connected with the event, may have had more knowledge or pull than originally thought.

If you know of any others, or updates in the current cases, please send them, along with a source to

~Health Freedoms

April 2, 2011 –
Tucker Mendoza, gulf truth activist, still recovering, along with his niece. Shot four times through his front door, niece hit twice. Anyone with information regarding this shooting incident should call St. John the Baptist Parish Detectives at 985-359-8769 or Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111.

February 17, 2011 –
LSU scientist Gregory Stone, 54 – Died of Unknown Illness. Stone was an oft-quoted expert concerning the damage the leaked oil might cause to the coast

January 26, 2011 –
Anthony Nicholas Tremonte, age 31 – Mississippi Department of Marine Resources officer, from Ocean Springs arrested on child porn charge

January 19, 2011 –
Dr. Thomas B. Manton, former President and CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation – imprisonment and subsequent murder while jailed.

November 15, 2010 –
Chitra Chaunhan, age 33, worked in the USF Center for Biological Defense and Global Health Infectious Disease Research – Found dead in an apparent suicide by cyanide at a Temple Terrace hotel. She leaves behind a husband and a young child

Continued for the complete listing, from the link above.

The Mysterious Deaths of Nine Gulf Oil Spill Whistleblowers


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It is definitely suspicious! It reminds me of all the dead microbiologists during the early days of the gulf war.
USF study finds more sick fish in oil spill area than rest of Gulf of Mexico

By Craig Pittman, Times Staff Writer

Craig PittmanTampa Bay Times In Print: Saturday, January 14, 2012


A USF survey of the Gulf of Mexico last summer found more sick fish in the area of the 2010 oil spill than in other areas. The dots show areas where fish with skin lesions were found

A government-funded survey of the entire Gulf of Mexico last summer found more sick fish in the area of the 2010 oil spill than anywhere else, according to the top University of South Florida scientist in charge of the project.

"The area that has the highest frequency of fish diseases is the area where the oil spill was," said Steve Murawski, an oceanographer who previously served as the chief fisheries scientist of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.

That doesn't necessarily mean the red snapper and other fish with nasty skin lesions were victims of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, he said. That same area has lots of oil rigs, leaky pipelines and even natural oil vents in the sea floor that could be the source of any contamination that has affected the fish.

"Even if the disease is from oil," he said, "it's another step to show it's from the oil spill."

But the USF findings, announced at a scientific conference this month, have been hailed as a big step forward by researchers from other institutions pursuing similar studies.

"We still are seeing sick fish offshore and the USF survey confirmed our findings of 2 to 5 percent of red snapper being affected," James Cowan, an oceanography professor at Louisiana State University, said in an email to the Tampa Bay Times.

In addition, Cowan said, laboratory studies of those sick fish "are beginning to trickle out that show that chronic exposure to oil and dispersant causes everything from impacts to the genome to compromised immune systems. Similar findings … are being found in shrimps and crabs in the same locations."

While Murawski is cautious about saying there's a connection, Cowan, who has been studying fish in the gulf for 25 years, said, "I absolutely believe these things are connected to the spill."

There are signs the lesions may be spreading. According to Will Patterson of the University of South Alabama, "they're now showing up in fish being caught in the surf here in Alabama." Patterson said he plans to do some scientific sampling of the surf fish this coming week.

The USF scientists plan a second survey of the gulf next month, and also plan to check whether the sick fish they have caught suffer from immune system and fertility problems. Their goal, according to Ernst Peebles, another USF scientist working on the study, is to be able to report something definite by April 20, the second anniversary of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion.

One problem with the USF study, though, is that nobody made a similar gulf-wide survey of fish health prior to the disaster, Peebles and Murawski said. Without a baseline study, it's hard to say what's normal.

They have found more sick fish than what they would expect based on previous studies, Peebles said, but the earlier studies took place in colder waters.

However, what started the investigation were reports from longtime commercial fishermen that they were pulling in fish with skin problems like they'd never seen before.

The Deepwater Horizon rig explosion killed 11 workers. Two days later oil began spewing from a pipe a mile beneath the surface, and BP and its partners were not able to stop it until July.

Before BP could cap the well, 5 million barrels of oil gushed into the gulf. The company sprayed 1.8 million gallons of chemical dispersant to prevent it from reaching shore, but 2.5 million pounds of it washed up on Florida's beaches and in its marshes. Cleanup crews are still picking up tar balls from the beaches of Alabama and Mississippi.

In late 2010 and early 2011, fishermen working the area the spill had covered reported finding red snapper and sheepshead with lesions, fin rot and parasite infections. On some of them, the lesions had eaten a hole straight through to the muscle tissue.

A few fishermen brought their suspect catch to scientists. When the scientists cut them open, they found the fish also had enlarged livers, gallbladders, and bile ducts — indications their immune systems may have been compromised by oil.

So last summer, with funding from NOAA and cooperation from the state's marine science laboratory in St. Petersburg, the USF scientists chartered fishing boats from Madeira Beach and Panama City and set out to cover the entire gulf. They dropped their lines about 600 feet deep — the spill began at 5,400 feet — and caught about 4,000 fish.

Southern Offshore Fisheries Association president Bob Spaeth helped set up the voyage, and wasn't surprised by its results.

His big worry is not that a percentage of the fish got sick, he said, but that the size of the fish population may have been reduced. That could lead federal regulators to reduce how many fish they're allowed to catch. "If you reduce our quota," he said, "we'll be out of business."

In the meantime, there have been other signs something unusual might be going on in the northern part of the gulf. More than 600 dolphins have stranded along the gulf beaches over the past two years, which in some areas is 10 times more than normal, according to NOAA scientist Erin Fougeres. So far 10 have tested positive for a bacterial infection called Brucella, which the scientists believe may be a sign that the oil spill harmed the dolphins' immune system.

The USF survey included some disquieting results for Florida anglers who think they don't have to worry about the northern gulf where the spill occurred. Peebles' lab examined the ear bones of the fish caught in the gulf, because those bones contain clues to the fish's life.

"I see fish caught off this coast," Peebles said, "who spent the early part of their lives up there."
Dozens of dead marine mammals, turtles in Gulf this year, NOAA says

Published: Monday, February 27, 2012, 9:00 AM

By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune The Times-Picayune

Reports of dozens of stranded dolphins, whales, and sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico continue to pile up in the first two months of 2012, with federal officials tallying 48 marine mammals, mostly dolphins, and 87 sea turtles. Only a handful of marine mammal strandings were of live animals that may have been saved. None of the turtles were alive.

There continues to be concern that the high numbers of dead animals, especially the dolphins and whales, may be linked in some way to health problems either caused or exacerbated by toxic chemicals left behind by the BP Gulf oil spill.

The new tally comes as BP prepares to defend itself in federal court against charges it violated the Oil Pollution Act and the Clean Water Act.

In October, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists announced that tests on five of 21 bottlenose dolphins found dead in Louisiana waters or stranded on beaches since February 2010 showed they were infected with brucellosis, a bacterial infection more often linked to death of cattle, bison and elk in the United States.

But the researchers said it was still unclear whether the spilled oil played a role in the deaths by making the animals more susceptible to the marine strain of the Brucella bacteria, which caused the brucellosis.

There's more evidence that a number of this year's turtle deaths are the result of other causes, especially from being hit by boat propellers or caught in nets or tangled in fishing line.

NOAA Fisheries' Office of Protected Resources has reported 660 marine mammal strandings in the Gulf, including dolphins and whales, since Feb. 1, 2010, which it cites as the beginning of this most recent three-year stranding incident in the Gulf.

But the statistics also show that the number of marine mammal strandings has increased dramatically since the spill. There were 114 strandings between Feb. 1 and April 29, 2010, which was considered to be prior to the response phase of the spill.

Between April 30 and Nov. 2, considered the initial response phase when the most oil was known to be in the water, there were 122 strandings or animals reported dead offshore. Since Nov. 3, 2010, there have been 424 marine mammal strandings.

State officials last week said the most recent statistics may not include two dead dolphins and one turtle that washed up in Louisiana last week with visible signs of oil on them.

Although researchers admit statistics involving strandings before the past two years are less than complete, NOAA has documented an average of about 70 marine mammal strandings a year between 2002 and 2009, much smaller than the numbers recorded during the last three years.
Baby Dolphin Die-Offs Continue in the Gulf


An unusually high number of dead dolphins - including stillborn and infant calves - have washed up along the Gulf of Mexico shores in the two years since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded into flames, unleashing tens of thousands of barrels of oil into the ocean.

More than 100 dolphin strandings already this year add to a pattern of death and disease among the marine mammals. In a normal year before the spill, about 74 strandings would be reported in the area. That number has increased eightfold in the past two years. Since February 2010, more than 600 have been found on the shores between the Louisiana-Texas border and the western coast of Florida.

And many of these dolphins have serious health problems -- lung disease, liver problems and low blood sugar -- according to autopsies on the animals and other research.

Scientists suspect oil as a major culprit, but linking the spill definitively with the dolphin die-offs has been tricky. Decomposition causes tissue to decay, making the animals difficult to study.

"In all of the dolphin deaths... only 17 percent are stranded alive or stranded in fresh-dead conditions," said Jenny Litz, a research fishery biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who is studying the die-offs. Decomposition makes it much harder to study tissues during a necropsy (A necropsy is the animal equivalent of an autopsy).

There's another fact that complicates the picture. The number of deaths began to rise in March 2010, shortly before the spill. After the spill, the number continued to climb, and the period since represents the longest-lasting dolphin die-off in the Gulf of Mexico, at 25 consecutive months. But the increase just before the spill suggests that other factors may also play a role, such as ocean pollution, or a disease some animals tested positive for called brucellosis, a bacterial infection not typically associated with mass dolphin death. This complicates both investigation into the strandings as well as an impending litigation against BP, Litz said.

Still, it certainly appears that oil is at least partly to blame, Michael Jasny, Senior Policy Analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said.

"It's circumstantial evidence, but it's still very, very strong," he said. "The highest number of dolphin strandings have occurred in areas hit hardest by exposure to BP oil."

Historically, dolphin strandings peak between February and May, which is prime calving season. Consider some of these numbers from before and after the spill:

The average number of infant dolphin deaths or stillborns before 2010 was about 14. In 2010, that number jumped to 29. The following year saw 86 dolphins that were either premature, stillborn or stranded infants. Now that it's peak calving season, that number is once again on the rise.

"It's really quite astonishing," said Jasny. "It suggests that something is deeply wrong with fetal or maternal health."

Toxic compounds ingested by dolphins in oil-contaminated water could contribute to the rise in stillbirths, he said.

"Dolphins live very high on the food chain," Jasny added. "Fish are eating smaller fish, and smaller fish are eating plankton. All of those toxins work their way through each of these organisms in the food chain. So it's a bioaccumulation in the tissues of the top-feeders--dolphins."

But Litz maintains that it's still too soon to tell just what effect oil might be having on dolphin babies in the Gulf, stressing that in most populations, there is a higher mortality rate around birth.

While much of the NOAA-led investigation under the Natural Resource Damage Assessment process is ongoing, scientists are studying the effects oil in the water can have on dolphins.

Randall Wells, director of the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program at Mote Marine Laboratory, compared sick or stranded dolphins in Barataria Bay, an area off the coast of Louisiana that was heavily affected by the oil spill, with a healthy population of bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota Bay, an oil-free area.

"Prior to this, there were studies that show dolphins probably can detect oil in the water," Wells said. "Under most circumstances, they mostly avoid it." But, he adds, that would happen only if the dolphins have had previous experience with oil in their environment. "Even if they can detect it, they might not have known to avoid it."

In addition to lung disease and liver problems, Wells and his team found that many of the dolphins were anemic and suffering from low blood sugar and low stress hormones.

He pointed to continuous pollution in the Gulf of Mexico, rather than just the BP oil spill in particular, as a contributing factor to the deteriorating health of these marine mammals.

The nation's track record with the environment and fragile coastlines needs to change, Jasny said: "There are clear lessons to be learned from what is happening in the Gulf. It is obscene that we are not learning them."

I know scientists have to be cautious before reaching any conclusions about what's causing an increase in the die off rate in such an event as this, but I do wish they would just sometimes bloody well call a spade, a spade.
I suppose this discovery of contaminated migratory birds a long way from the gulf was inevitable and no big suprise really.

Gulf oil spill pollutants found in pelicans migrating to Minnesota

By Dan Gunderson
Minnesota Public Radio

Pollutants from the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago are showing up in Minnesota birds that migrate to the gulf.

Researchers for the state Department of Natural Resources have found evidence of petroleum compounds and the chemical used to clean up the oil in the eggs of pelicans nesting in Minnesota, Minnesota Public Radio reports.

Scientists are looking for pollutants on a western Minnesota lake that is home to the largest colony of American white pelicans in North America. About 34,000 adult pelicans will raise some 17,000 chicks this year on islands in Marsh Lake.

The area is a perfect place to look for oil spill effects. Most of the birds spend winters in the Gulf of Mexico, from Cuba to
Texas. Young pelicans spend a full year on the gulf before they start breeding.

Pollutants inside the eggs could be a big problem, said Mark Clark, an ecologist at North Dakota State University who studies pelican eggs. Clark is helping DNR researchers look for oil-related contaminants.

"Even if they're present in small amounts they may have a large impact on the development (of pelican chicks)," he said.

As Clark and researcher Jeff Dimatteo stepped from a boat onto the largest island, thousands of gulls that also nest there protested the intrusion.

The scientists stepped cautiously among the pelican, gull and cormorant nests that cover the ground.

"The first question is, 'Well, are the contaminants there?' and the next step
is, 'What do they do?' " Clark said.

Scientists are most concerned about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons known to cause cancer and birth defects in animals. The other contaminant they're testing for is Corexit, a dispersant used to break up oil slicks on the water that according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency contains cancer-causing chemicals and endocrine-disrupting compounds. Endocrine disruptors can disrupt the hormone balance and affect embryo development.

Clark has collected dozens of unhatched eggs to be tested for petroleum compounds and the chemical dispersant used to break up oil slicks.

Pelicans are big birds -- a bit larger than a Canada goose. They grudgingly fly off their nests at the researchers' approach, exposing eggs or recently hatched naked chicks.

The parents watch carefully from a distance as Dimatteo, a graduate student at North Dakota State University, locates chicks he had tagged earlier that he is tracking. After he measures and weighs them, the scientists quickly gather their data and leave. The birds grunt and grumble as they settle back on the nests.

If pelicans are bothered too much, they've been known to abandon colonies.

Clark said very little research has been done on how petroleum affects developing bird embryos. Scientists don't yet know how the effects might show up in newly hatched birds.

But he said tiny amounts of specialized hormones guide the chick's development in the egg, so there's a good chance adding pollutants to the eggs will increase the risk of damage to the embryos.

"Any contaminant that makes its way into the bird could be bad, but it could be especially bad if it gets into the egg because that's where the developing embryo and chick starts," Clark said. "And when things go wrong at that stage there's usually no recovery."

Researchers are a long way from understanding the potential effect of the oil spill pollutants as they have received only the first preliminary results of lab tests.

Petroleum compounds were present in 90 percent of the first batch of eggs tested. Nearly 80 percent of the eggs contained the chemical dispersant used in the gulf.

"This high percentage really surprised me," said Carroll Henderson, the DNR's Nongame Wildlife Program supervisor.

Henderson cautions that the results are still too preliminary to draw any conclusions as there are no tests of eggs before the spill to compare them to. But he said the results raise a lot of questions.

"I think it gives us a real heads-up here that we may have created a very vital study," he said. "I'm not aware of any other Northern states that are looking at the impact of the gulf oil spill on migratory birds."

Henderson said results are back on 30 of 220 eggs submitted to a lab in Connecticut. The DNR has no results yet on loon eggs or tissue samples from adult loons sent to the lab. Those lab tests will be completed over the next several months, and more samples will be submitted to the lab this summer.

The project is funded through 2014 by a $250,000 grant from the state Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, generated by the state lottery.

DNR officials are asking Minnesotans to notify them of any dead loons so researchers can test the remains.

Researchers will return to the pelican colony, monitoring the success of each year's hatch. They know very little about how petroleum might affect the young birds and it will likely take at least five years to find answers. But so far, there is only enough state money for three years of research.
Thanks for the update treesparrow :) - at least they spend time away from the Gulf.
This guy seems to think that the Gulf oil spill was a conspiracy on the part of the corporations involved to make the Gulf (among other areas) a dead zone in which to harvest algae which will replace oil as the big energy source.


I bring this information to the public with a very heavy heart. Some journalists revel in being able to expose the type of dramatic conspiracy contained in this article. I take no such pleasure in bringing this to your attention. I will receive no awards or accolades, nor do I seek any. I am setting myself up to be criticized as “one of those conspiracy theorists” with too much time on his hands who has nothing better to do with my time than to invent wild tales of corruption in an attempt to draw attention to myself. I will not be invited on Coast to Coast AM, to reveal my findings to an audience of 12 million people. Perhaps, 10-20 thousand people will actually take the time to read the stunning facts contained in the following paragraphs. What I am trying to accomplish is to start a chain reaction that will culminate in waking up a majority of the public in order to rise up against the abject evil that runs our country. Although this article is controversial, and I might not actually believe it myself except that every fact in this article is true.

This article is structured in such a way that if the reader takes the time to follow the evidence trail, there can only be one conclusion that makes any sense. Specifically, this article will detail the following:

The globalists through their government minions are in the process of destroying massive bodies of water including, but not limited to Chesapeake Bay, the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. The destruction is not because of neglect, it is willful destruction with very ulterior motives in mind.
The globalists are using nitrates from fertilizer and Corexit to accomplish their desire to create a dead zone in the aforementioned bodies of water.
The globalists are creating water dead zones which will allow the proliferation of algae growth and the oil companies have initially led the charge to convert our energy usage from oil to algae.
Prominent globalists are involved in this conspiracy and have contributed massive resources to this endeavor.
Prominent globalists are attempting to buy up as much water as possible to exacerbate the destruction of water resources in the aforementioned areas. In other words, Americans are looking at extreme water scarcity from which the globalists can wage wars and force submission to their will while at the same time carry out their stated depopulation agenda.
My instincts tell me that this conspiracy has more breadth and depth than what is revealed here and it is my sincere hope that my fellow researchers will afford some much needed attention to these issues because I strongly believe there is more to learn and we do not have much time because humanity’s fate hangs in the balance.

How many times in the history of the insurance industry, have individuals or businesses been caught setting fire to their homes and businesses in order to receive a lucrative payout of insurance money? This is exactly what BP and Exxon are doing. They are intentionally burning down their own home (oil) in order to construct a behemoth palace (bio-fuels).

From Parts Five and Six of this series, it was conclusively proven that BP, Goldman Sachs, Transocean and Halliburton prepositioned (e.g. BP stock dumping) themselves to make money from the destruction of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. However, there is a lot more going on in the Gulf than a handful of corporations each making hundreds of millions of dollars from their contrived role in the oil spill. The motive to destroy the Gulf holds the promise of making certain entities and individuals multi-trillions of dollars.

The Obama administration and many others (individual billionaires, select politicians, BP, Exxon, Nalco, GM, GE, Goldman Sachs, University of Chicago, and many others including the Department of Defense are all deeply invested in bio-fuels. These billionaire psychopaths will willingly sacrifice the Gulf and all of its residents for this multi Trillion Dollar industry representing a new era of energy applications.
Algae Will Replace Oil As the Nation’s Energy Source

Nitrogen fertilizers and Corexit are being used to systematically create dead zones in large bodies of water in the United States. The use of nitrogen fertilizers and Corexit are accomplishing the same result. This is no coincidence as the tragedy in the Gulf was perpetrated to accomplish this end.

Farmers apply nitrogen fertilizer to crops to increase yield. Farmers are compensated by the government for crop yield. Therefore, farmers overload the soil and plants absorb 30 to 50% of the nitrogen, and as much as 70%, or 87 pounds per acre will end up running off into the nearest body of water. The only thing that grows in this environment is algae. Therefore, nitrogen has a decided evil side as it is creating huge problems with major bodies of water that we are only now beginning to understand. The EPA is aware of the problem, yet remains silent on the issue.

Chesapeake Bay is polluted beyond repair in which massive fish kills, general habitat degradation and bacteria proliferations threatens the health of humans and the damage is rampant. This massive pollution, resulting from the nitrogen runoffs resulting from agricultural endeavors, fills the Chesapeake Bay and, again, the only substance which flourishes in the bay is algae.

Each and every spring, excess fertilizer is deposited into from the Mississippi River which eventually ends up in the Gulf of Mexico, thus causing a massive algae bloom that leads to a giant oxygen-deprived “dead zone” where fish can’t survive. And the same thing is going on in the Great Lakes in places like Lake Erie.

Following the Gulf oil spill, and against all common sense, the most lethal form of dispersant, Corexit, was used to treat the oil spill. Instead, what happened is that the spill has resulted in the creation of the second largest dead zone body of water in the world, second only to the Baltic Ocean. And as the reader will discover, later in this article, the new energy craze among the so-called environmentalists is algae.

In isolation, we seem to only be looking at a pollution problem that the EPA should deal with. Simply put, the use of nitrogen fertilizer and Corexit should be banned. However, when we look at the totality of the Corexit/nitrogen problem being used to destroy our water supplies, one should immediately sit up and take notice.

Once, one understands that Algae proliferates in an otherwise dead zone of water, then one will understand why Corexit was used in the Gulf. And when one understands that fact, one can only conclude that Gulf oil spill was not an accident as it marks the ushering in of a new era in which the bio-fuel, algae, will replace oil and amazingly, the oil companies are among those who are behind this plot to destroy major bodies of water in order to allow for the propagation of algae.

President Obama is also participating in this conspiracy against humanity. On March 15, 2013, President Obama announced that it is his intention to move American vehicles away from oil to bio-fuels. Obama, amazingly in this period of Sequestration, has asked Congress for two billion dollars to expand research in this area. And isn’t it and interesting coincidence that the President’s science advisor, John Holdren, in 2009, advocated for “fertilizing” the oceans? I remember that most people thought Holdren had lost his mind when he proposed this as a solution for global warming. However, in the context of creating dead zones through the use of Corexit and nitrogen fertilizers, his suggestion makes a great deal of sense in light of today’s heightened interest in bio-fuels. This cannot be described as anything but psychopathic thinking in that the EPA would allow nitrogen fertilizers destroy major bodies of water in which only algae can grow and that this administration would even entertain the idea of creating oceanic dead zones through fertilizing these bodies of water is nothing but pure insanity. It is dangerous to the entire well-being of the planet. But of course, we are dealing with psychopaths.

How many brush fires equals an all out forest fire? How many coincidences does it take to make a conspiracy? For those that think that there are some interesting thoughts presented here, but the conspiracy angle of destroying major bodies of water to foster the growth of algae needs more proof, let’s take a look at a variable which will connect all the dots.

Amazingly, the oil companies are attempting to lead the way in the process of converting our energy sources from oil to bio-fuels such as algae.
Burning Down Their Own Houses

As I began to realize that many of our major bodies of water were being destroyed and all that was necessary to reverse the destruction was to halt the use of nitrogen fertilizers. Then I discovered that Corexit creates the same kind of dead zones just like nitrogen which also was unnecessary in its use because a less virulent dispersant could have been used in the Gulf. Did you know that Corexit is banned in 19 countries? It was at that moment that the light went on for me as I realized that we were witnessing the systematic destruction of major bodies of water on a grand scale coupled with my discovery that the oil companies appear to be preparing to transition from oil to algae.

In August of 2009, BP entered into a partnership with Martek Biosciences to study the use of algae to convert sugar into biodiesel. Eight months later, BP’s and Transocean’s “negligence” led to the oil spill which gravely impacted the food chain, poisoned all life forms in the Gulf and dealt an eventual death blow to the Gulf by creating a massive series of dead zones where nothing will grow, except for algae, for generations to come.

4BP is not alone with regard to a major oil company’s foray into the algae business. ExxonMobil entered into a partnership with Synthetic Genomics in order to develop energy’s next king, bio-fuels from algae. From this work, it was discovered that Corexit increases the bioaccumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons into golden-brown algae. For oil companies to involved in algae conversion is the metaphorical equivalent of burning down your own house in order to collect the insurance money and this is precisely what they did to the Gulf.

These facts certainly beg the question as to why BP and Exxon Mobil would be investing in a technology which would threaten their only viable product, namely oil?

Why Algae?

Algae has the potential to avoid most of the problems of conventional bio-fuels production, such as competition with food crops, and in principle can have dramatic effects on carbon dioxide emissions, even consuming emissions from sources such as coal-fired power plants.

The major problem with using algae as the next bio-fuel is that the fuel yields from algae are still too low for it to be a break even proposition. However, if that problem were to be solved, algae would be king because it is such a low maintenance substance. In a related and stunning development, Exxon has partnered with Craig Venter, the pioneer of DNA research. Venter has a stellar record of achievement in his work on the human genome. If anyone can solve the algae yield problem, Venter would the guy. However, if Venter cannot solve the problem of algae yield, OriginOil, Inc. is developing a novel technology which will transform algae into a source of renewable oil. Below is a depiction of the process.

It Is Not a Conspiracy Until You Follow the Money

Readers need to keep in mind, that Exxon and BP began moving into the algae business several months prior to the Gulf oil spill and BP and its partners have been caught per-positioning their stock moves to maximize profits and minimize losses IN ADVANCE of the oil spill event. And now they are leading the way to convert the nation from oil to algae energy use. These twin giant oil companies have had a lot of help in making this massive conversion a reality. George Soros, is involved in “clean energy conversion” away from oil. Readers may recall from Part Six of this series proved that Soros financial interests were among the top five of financial institution which dumped BP stock a few short weeks before the oil spill, thus, making him a co-conspirator. And now Soros is heavily invested in Gulf algae farms as he has invested $1 billion dollars in the endeavor.

The US military invested $35 million dollars in algae jet fuel. Blackstone Group consulted with the Chesapeake Bay region energy provider Constellation Energy to sell company to Warren Buffet and his company Berkshire Hathaway. Buffet is majorly involved in bio-fuels and the algae laden Chesapeake Bay is prime hunting ground for this globalist. Al Gore is also involved in various algae projects as well. The same cast of characters keep rearing their ugly faces in their attempt to subjugate humanity while at the same time make a King’s ransom in the process.


T. Boone Pickens is well on his way to controlling over the vast Oglala Aquifer. Pat Stryker and Koch brothers are involved in garnering Colorado’s water resources in the beta test battleground for Agenda 21. Did you know that that it is illegal, in Colorado, to reuse irrigation water and to catch rain water? We should be asking ourselves why. Additionally, the Bush family control the biggest water aquifer in South America. Meanwhile, the globalists are destroying vast amounts water resources in the United States. It seems that the globalists are hell-bent on creating water scarcity in which water

I do not believe that the globalists only motive is to destroy the Gulf and fresh water supplies so that their new biofuel craze can take hold. I think this is a byproduct to what the central planners are truly after, control over all water which will result in control over who lives and dies. This and more will be covered in the next installment of the Great Gulf Coast Holocaust.
Odyssey said:
This guy seems to think that the Gulf oil spill was a conspiracy on the part of the corporations involved to make the Gulf (among other areas) a dead zone in which to harvest algae which will replace oil as the big energy source.

Nah, although the results are the same: they profit from the crises they create.

They just don't consciously create crises. They do what they're unconsciously programmed to do, and crises naturally result.
Kniall said:
Nah, although the results are the same: they profit from the crises they create.

They just don't consciously create crises. They do what they're unconsciously programmed to do, and crises naturally result.


In this case, from my understanding, Corexit was a quick way of hiding the extent of how bad the oil spill was. To plan the whole event for an algae crop would require an incredible investment in infrastructure to harvest it when they (big oil) can just carrying on extracting oil as they do. The conspiracy seems a bit of a stretch...
Thanks for pointing that out Kniall and Pob. That would require some very strategic, long-term planning. Not really the psychopaths m.o.
Odyssey said:
Thanks for pointing that out Kniall and Pob. That would require some very strategic, long-term planning. Not really the psychopaths m.o.

It's true, psychopaths are generally opportunists vs. patient plotters...but on the other hand, there are a number of events/schemes (e.g. Agenda 21) which reflect strategic, long-term planning-- sometimes longer than a typical human life (e.g. The Protocals of the Elders of Zion).

But that's where 4d STS (aka "the devil" of religion) fit in the plot: 4d STS are extra-dimensional and not limited to the same lifespans or time-lines we in 3d are, so they are the masterminds orchestrating their 3d STS agents/dupes that are manipulated by offers of wealth, power, prestige (the same 3 temptations the devil used in the bible passage about the temptation of Jesus).

And speaking of Agenda 21, have you read that grand plan regarding the U.S. territory? (Google a map to see the scope of this plan!). Basically they propose that 50% of the U.S. be restored to primitive forest where no one is allowed (may be fairly easy after comets scour the country). Then 25% is to be buffer zones around the forest areas, in which people will be allowed to live if they have proper permits, etc. And the remaining 25% is where that remnant (5%?) surviving the comets, etc. will live, likely to be "employed" clearing whatever remains of cities in the forest zone.

Considering such grandiose planning, conversion of the Gulf of Mexico into a dead zone for some new energy technology is not really so hard to imagine. OSIS

Related is the article linked below, which builds a case for the idea that the Gulf incident was designed to depopulate the gulf area as well as the entire southeast of the U.S. (via illness, death, and unemployment) as part of the mass relocations mandated by Agenda 21. (Then, perhaps consider the fact that Fukishima's radioactive waste hitting the west coast, and encroaching glaciers across the northern tier of states will both have similar effects to the gulf incident.)

As evidence of fore-knowledge, he provides information of financial dealings such as these:

Unashamedly, Goldman Sachs and Transocean instituted a “put option” on Transocean’s stock for Transocean insiders the very morning of the explosion. Transocean boldly walked away with a $270 million dollar profit immediately following the explosion because they had doubly indemnified the rig only weeks prior to the explosion through Lloyds of London. This alone should have been enough to trigger a massive investigation.

Within three weeks prior to the oil rig explosion, Goldman Sachs dumped the lion’s share of their BP stock. Just another coincidence, you say? Then explain why BP CEO Tony Hayward sold 40% of his BP holdings in the weeks prior to the spill and paid off his mortgage on his estate in Kent, England, avoided staggering losses. And true to form involving the pattern of perpetuating a false flag event with media complicity, on June 8, 2010, less than six weeks following the oil spill, BP bought Google and Yahoo Search Terms related to the oil spill in an obvious attempt to conceal as much of the truth as possible from the public.


Obama’s only asset holder, Vanguard I and Vanguard II, dramatically sold off BP stock only few weeks before the Gulf oil explosion. Chapman also revealed that “According to this FSB report the largest seller of BP stock in the weeks before this disaster occurred was the American investment company known as Vanguard who through two of their financial arms (Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard Windsor I Investor) unloaded over 1.5 million shares of BP stock saving their investors hundreds of millions of dollars; chief among them was President Obama. The FSB further estimates in this report that through Obama’s three accounts in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund he stands to make another $100 million over the next 10 years as their largest stock holding is in the energy giant Exxon Mobil they believe will eventually acquire BP and all of their assets for what will be essentially a “rock bottom” price and which very predictably BP has hired Goldman Sachs to advise them on.” Watch the entire interview below.

JGeropoulas said:
And speaking of Agenda 21, have you read that grand plan regarding the U.S. territory? (Google a map to see the scope of this plan!). Basically they propose that 50% of the U.S. be restored to primitive forest where no one is allowed (may be fairly easy after comets scour the country). Then 25% is to be buffer zones around the forest areas, in which people will be allowed to live if they have proper permits, etc. And the remaining 25% is where that remnant (5%?) surviving the comets, etc. will live, likely to be "employed" clearing whatever remains of cities in the forest zone.

Well, Agenda 21 is a UN public policy document:

Have you read it, or can you find some quotes about plans for the US or elsewhere?

The way conspiracy folks are talking about it, it has an hysterical flavor to it, along the lines of: 'The UN is saying it. The UN is an NWO plot to destroy America. Therefore anything the UN says is evil.'
Kniall said:
JGeropoulas said:
And speaking of Agenda 21, have you read that grand plan regarding the U.S. territory? (Google a map to see the scope of this plan!). Basically they propose that 50% of the U.S. be restored to primitive forest where no one is allowed (may be fairly easy after comets scour the country). Then 25% is to be buffer zones around the forest areas, in which people will be allowed to live if they have proper permits, etc. And the remaining 25% is where that remnant (5%?) surviving the comets, etc. will live, likely to be "employed" clearing whatever remains of cities in the forest zone.

Well, Agenda 21 is a UN public policy document:

Have you read it, or can you find some quotes about plans for the US or elsewhere?

The way conspiracy folks are talking about it, it has an hysterical flavor to it, along the lines of: 'The UN is saying it. The UN is an NWO plot to destroy America. Therefore anything the UN says is evil.'

I've heard about this for years, but never looked deeply into it. I just happened to read those articles linked above recently, then also happened to come upon an excellent video about population reduction, which mainly is composed of media clips of credible speakers/interviewers documenting the numerous avenues being employed to reduce human population, all of which will be familiar to you, I'm sure.

But one of the speakers featured was an Australian politician named Anne Bressington explaining the origin and aim of Agenda 21. Here's the link

NCF: Agenda 21 The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order

At 1:03:54 begins “Australian politician Anne Bressington exposes Agenda 21”
She cites a document called “The First Global Revolution” written by Alexander King and Bertram Snyder, from which she reads some ominous quotes (e.g. Pres. Bush Sr. speaks of Agenda 21, under the camouflage of environmentalism etc., bringing about a “profound re-orientation of human society”).

Later on, I believe it was she who presented the map I described originally. One site which features that same map is at this link: _ They've broken down the discussion into about 8 "lessons" that seem at first glance to be pretty well written and informative.

Interestingly, just tonight, I watched a segment on TV about how many protected species that have been declared in the US (4,000?) and if any are found on your property, you basically can't use your property due to the legal restrictions. Seems like just one more tactic to strip private property from citizens.

Also, regarding the depopulation/relocation theme here's 3 other articles I saw on that CommonSense website. (FYI I cannot vouch for the credibility of either that site or Activist Post site.)

_ Here's a quote from it:

If the bail out money from QE1 and QE2 had been applied to the totality of America’s home commercial mortgages, every home and business mortgage would have been paid off in full. Instead, the bail out money went to crooked bankers who broke the law in perpetuating the crises in the first place through the Ponzi scheme of the derivatives, which sent our home values plummeting.

The bailouts set the stage for the Federal Reserve to accomplish its two goals of seizing all private property in American and collapsing the dollar as a prelude to the roll out of a new global currency. The bail-outs were the beginning of the end for America and marked the historical shift of the American citizen being transformed into a serf living on the feudal manor.

Our abandonment of the U.S. Constitution in favor of Communitarian law allows the Federal Reserve, through QE3, to purchase $40 billion of mortgage based securities and will continue to purchase $40 billion worth of mortgaged properties each and every month until they own every single piece of real estate in the country. This process began on September 13, 2012 and will continue until all privately owned properties are held by the money changers.

And the Federal Government already owns 30% of the U.S. land area _
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