Music Collaboration

Well that was certainly wonderful! I love that "ambient" kind of music, as long as it's not too generic and elevator-like. That piece was neither. It had character and emotion. Well done!
great idea! :)
I'm not a good guitarist but if you need some electro-accoustic finger-picking guitar, i'm here :)
NE said:
abstract, just wanted to say that when I first heard your piece, I thought it was beautiful. Then, when Nomad "mangled" it, it is twice as beautiful.
I agree. I also think it is just another example - of an infinite amount of examples - of how much better we are in 'symphony', then we are in 'solo'.

Also, Abstract, it is my sincere impression that it would benefit you greatly to lay off the binaural beats - it is time for you to learn to control your own thinking and brainwaves. Enough of the pre-programming - it will corral you. fwiw.
Also, Abstract, it is my sincere impression that it would benefit you greatly to lay off the binaural beats - it is time for you to learn to control your own thinking and brainwaves. Enough of the pre-programming - it will corral you. fwiw.

got bored of them a while back anyway.
anart said:
Also, Abstract, it is my sincere impression that it would benefit you greatly to lay off the binaural beats - it is time for you to learn to control your own thinking and brainwaves. Enough of the pre-programming - it will corral you. fwiw.

I am familiar with the use of binaural in, for instance, Robert Monroe's hypno stuff, but I'm not 100% clear what is being referred to here. Is it the delay effect on the guitar? I am an old-schooler and never intentionally tried to introduce this stuff into a recording, so would also be interested in references if handy. Maybe abstract can fill me in, as he seems to understand.
Apologies, as 'search' is indeed my friend. My confusion stemmed from thinking the reference was to this piece of music specifically, whereas I now believe anart's reference was to abstract's previous comments on another thread.
Thanks guys!

I converted the mov to Mp3 and listened to it a few times on the way to the office today. heh... I sure liked it!
Nomad said:
YouTube wouldn't let me register, so I uploaded it here:

enjoy :cool2:

Wow, that was beautiful! Thanks for posting this.

I've mentioned this before I think, but I used to be heavily involved in techno/dance music production about 10 years ago when I was in college. I was actually pondering the possibility of getting back involved in music production, although it will have to wait for a time when I'm not so busy and actually have money.

When I was writing my own tracks, I would tend to sample movies a lot, especially sci-fi movies as they tended to have more head scratching material. Sometimes the emotion captured in words from certain movie scenes or monologues can light up a song much more so than anything I could ever record myself. However, unless the sample is completely unrecognizable, it is copyright infringement in the legal sense, so most of what I wrote was just for my own amusement or to share with friends.

When I saw this thread and saw the notion of a Cass band, the idea of sampling Laura's voice came to mind. Sometimes if a sample is used at just the right point in a song where there is a build-up of instruments or some crescendo of sorts it can have a powerful effect. It just has to be a simple, but lucid phrase, something that inspires and captures the essence of the song. Sampling Laura speaking out the words to POTS came to mind as something that might be really cool. :cool2:
Sampling Laura speaking out the words to POTS came to mind as something that might be really cool.

perhaps i could give it a shot??? although, there is music behind POTS on the EE audio, yes? it may conflict with the key.
Deedlet said:
So beautiful, very good job! I want the MP3!! :thup:

today's your lucky day, here it is:
The audio quality is increased a bit, so the strings don't sound compressed, and so that you get the full range of notes right down to the deep ones with a little more clarity: (10.6 mb)

I've also got the whole thing saved as a 'GarageBand' file, at full audio resolution, with the strings and guitar on separate stereo tracks, should anyone wish to add their creative spark (but of course, that is a much larger file).

I would like to give a big THANK YOU to abstract and Nomad for this wonderful creation.

It would seem that there will be no shortage of great FOTCM music to listen to.

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