My dog is doing very poorly

Such a beautiful dog, im very sorry to hear about your loss Mariama. It brings back memories of when my dog passed, and it was a very difficult time period. Although the good memories are the ones that are always with me :) My heart is with you :hug2:
So sorry for your loss Mariama. My sweet girl died when I was away from her side too. It's so hard, but I think, like Laura said, sometimes they linger for us--both our pets and our people loved ones. May your wonderful memories comfort you and your family through the grieving process. Take care.
I'm sorry for your loss Mariama. She looks like she was a very sweet dog. You were both very lucky to have each other :) A big hug for you :hug2:
My deepest condolences Mariama. No doubt she will rest in Peace. And will be forever grateful for the life and love that you both have shared. And someday she will thank you and once again gift you, and you will know it, for allowing her to move on in her journey. I am one of those that believes that our furry friends actually fight to stay here for us. Maybe it is a great gift that we can give them, 'permission' (so to speak). My thoughts are with you both.
Thank you for sharing Mariama, my heart goes out to you. My deepest condolences, Safi is a beautiful looking doggy, and I truly feel you did the best in helping her transition. Hugs to you Mariama, look after yourself
:hug2: :hug2:
So sorry that you have lost your most loved Safi, Mariama. It is heartbreaking and my thoughts are with you.

I lost my black mini poodle, George when he was 15 and I swear I could hear him in the house for months afterwards.

Rest assured you did everything you could. I have heard through the years that dogs do like to pass away alone, for some reason that we cannot understand.
Thanks you so much, again, dear people. :flowers:

Yesterday I went to see my chiropractor and when he asked how Safi was doing (I had cancelled two appointments with him) I burst into tears. I didn't see it coming and couldn't stop it (nor did I want to). He was very sweet, got me some water and took some extra time out of his very busy schedule to talk to me.
He also explained that most people hold a lot of tension in their neck, shoulders and diaphragm when they are in mourning, even if they hadn't seen their loved ones for years or even if the passing was peaceful.
So, he worked on my neck , shoulders and diaphragm and I have another appointment with him in ten days.

I am beginning to understand that Safi wanted to transition alone and I am grateful that she could on her own terms more or less. It does feel as if she is still around somehow and indeed I can still hear her.

Thank you so much again, your replies are truly invaluable to me.
Sorry for you loss, Mariama. If you feel you need to read something about it, there is a beautiful book by Gary Kowalski called "Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet".
:hug2: :hug2:
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