My dog Laika died this night


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi everybody, my dog Laika, 11 years old, died suddenly this night but after an agony of 3 hours. At 1 o'clock she had an epileptic attack and another and another till 3 in the morning without stopping. She only had one epileptic attack 8 years ago and it was short. The vet did not give medication and wanted to see if there would be another attack. Since this night Laika never had one. She was ok all day, and then suddenly this. It was so horrible because I was incapable to help her. No vets around here during night, nothing and that's one of the reasons I wanted to leave here. During 3 hours she had spasms and a lot of dribble (white). Can it be poison? I really don't know... When she died few minutes later she was very rigid. Is that normal?

I will bury her today because I don't have money to cremate her. Coincidentally, yesterday I was talking about cremation in another thread... How sad I am. How tired and sad. Laika was very nice, a beautiful Belgian Shepper, always smiling, always happy, always with me. Her death is a big void, so big that I am afraid but what can I do? My love for her was maybe too strong but she was a really friend, she was really my friend in that world of solitude.

Thanks for listening.
My heart goes out to you.
Please, don't overlook the fact that, although you couldn't do anything to reverse the process, you were there, by her side during that shattering experience. Maybe, instead of spending her last moments in a cold vet's office, she spent them in her familiar place and with the person she loved more than anyone.
It does sound a bit as if it was poison - if there were no other symptoms before this night - but someone that knows more about doggies would probably have more info for you.
Please give your mind and body some rest. :hug2:
Loreta so sorry for your loss. :hug2: :hug2:
stay strong, she will go where all dogs go, in to your heart!
loreta said:
Hi everybody, my dog Laika, 11 years old, died suddenly this night but after an agony of 3 hours. At 1 o'clock she had an epileptic attack and another and another till 3 in the morning without stopping. She only had one epileptic attack 8 years ago and it was short. The vet did not give medication and wanted to see if there would be another attack. Since this night Laika never had one. She was ok all day, and then suddenly this. It was so horrible because I was incapable to help her. No vets around here during night, nothing and that's one of the reasons I wanted to leave here. During 3 hours she had spasms and a lot of dribble (white). Can it be poison? I really don't know... When she died few minutes later she was very rigid. Is that normal?

I will bury her today because I don't have money to cremate her. Coincidentally, yesterday I was talking about cremation in another thread... How sad I am. How tired and sad. Laika was very nice, a beautiful Belgian Shepper, always smiling, always happy, always with me. Her death is a big void, so big that I am afraid but what can I do? My love for her was maybe too strong but she was a really friend, she was really my friend in that world of solitude.

Thanks for listening.

Sorry for for your loss Loreta, that's a very sudden shock
. I remember at age 15 watching my dog, a companion since I was born, slowly deteriorate to death, but at least I was allowed time to prepare myself.

It sounds like Laika had a good life with you :)
Loreta, Iam sorry for the lost of your dog laika, and for the love you've shown in the forum to animals mainly dogs.

I found this:

What is epilepsy and how it manifests:
Epilepsy is considered a nervous disorder which is manifested by more or less frequent attacks and are characterized by tonic seizures (as continuous contraction of one or several muscles), clonic seizures (as alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles), vertigo or loss knowledge. These seizures are caused by abnormal electrical disturbances in the brain.

The causes and the factors that may contribute to epilepsy can be of several types: hereditary, infectious (bacterial, viral or fungal), parasitic, trauma, tumor, liver diseases, from renal failure, by poisons, toxins or metals (lead , mercury, copper and aluminum), by vitamin deficiencies or metabolic disorders.

An animal box presents a typical epileptic pass through the following phases:

-Aura: the animal is nervous, restless, shaky.

-Tonic: the animal becomes rigid, falls to the ground from side staying in that position for a few seconds.

-Clonic seizure: the animal loses consciousness, the muscles of the limbs and head are contracted, the pupils remain dilated and stimulates salivation.

-Depression: the animal is relaxed, although their respiration remains agitated.

'An animal box having a typical epileptic pass through the following phases:

-Aura: the animal is nervous, restless, shaky.

-Tonic: the animal becomes rigid, falls to the ground from side staying in that position for a few seconds.

-Clonic seizure: the animal loses consciousness, the muscles of the limbs and head are contracted, the pupils remain dilated and stimulates salivation.

-Depression: the animal is relaxed, although their respiration remains agitated.

-Back to normal: the animal begins to leave his cris. regaining consciousness and reflexes.
I'm so sorry for your loss :( loosing a friend is hard, so, take care of yourself. :hug2:
Dear Loreta I know what you feel, the Void. In my childhood I had a dog, a dachshund, my only mate at home, he had been poisoned. My parents have hidden the truth about him for weeks...
But you are not alone, :hug2:
Thank you for your kind words, my friends. You are the only ones that can understand this sadness. This void.

Finally I can incinerated my friend. I phoned the incinerating facility and they can keep Laika till the end of the month when I will be able to pay for it. It is in Madrid, 3 hours from here. I am going now. I don't know, it is important for me to have her ashes because I will have something from her. If I buried her here and when I will leave I will have the sensation to abandon her. ButI know that her spirit, her marvelous spirit of an intelligent being, will be always in me.

Thanks for your spiritual support, I am very grateful.
loreta, ATM, I don't find anything conclusive about seizures in dogs, so I just offer my condolences.

In life, it seems our most beloved relations, like our best walks, are all too brief, but may be treasured all the more because of it. :flowers:
Loreta I'm very sorry for your loss. A friend's dog also died of the same issue few years ago, it is very sad to see them in such a state and not being able to help them. You cared for him and gave him and did all you could during his life. I send you a lot of hugs :hug2:

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