Psyche said:loreta said:This is Laika, I want to share how a beautiful being she was, how happy she always was, an example of simplicity and beauty.
She was beautiful, loreta. May the love you had for her stay with her forever.
I had a dog named Laika as well. My sister and I named her after the Russian dog Laika who went into space. A pop band called Mecano made a song after her as well. It rhymes in Spanish and here is the English translation:
She was Russian and her name was Laika
She was a very ordinary dog
Pass from being a simple animal
To be a World-Wide star...
Preparing to ignite the rocket to send her
[Mission] Control on Earth says to Laika: goodbye...
In the base everything was silent
Waiting for any signal
All with their helmets on their ears
They heard the dog barking
While on Earth there was a big a party
Shouts, laughs, tears and champagne
Laika looked through the window, [asking]
What could this ball of color be?
And what I´m doing revolving around it?...
One night through a telescope
A new light appeared
Nobody was able to give an explanation
To the appearance of the new sun
And if we rely on the legend
Then we should think
That on Earth there´s one dog less
And in the sky, one more Star
And in the sky, one more Star
Beautiful song! I named Laika for the same reason, in honor of the first astronaut.