My dog Laika died this night

Psyche said:
loreta said:
This is Laika, I want to share how a beautiful being she was, how happy she always was, an example of simplicity and beauty.

She was beautiful, loreta. May the love you had for her stay with her forever.

I had a dog named Laika as well. My sister and I named her after the Russian dog Laika who went into space. A pop band called Mecano made a song after her as well. It rhymes in Spanish and here is the English translation:

She was Russian and her name was Laika
She was a very ordinary dog
Pass from being a simple animal
To be a World-Wide star...
Preparing to ignite the rocket to send her
[Mission] Control on Earth says to Laika: goodbye...

In the base everything was silent
Waiting for any signal
All with their helmets on their ears
They heard the dog barking

While on Earth there was a big a party
Shouts, laughs, tears and champagne
Laika looked through the window, [asking]
What could this ball of color be?
And what I´m doing revolving around it?...

One night through a telescope
A new light appeared
Nobody was able to give an explanation
To the appearance of the new sun

And if we rely on the legend
Then we should think
That on Earth there´s one dog less
And in the sky, one more Star

And in the sky, one more Star


Beautiful song! I named Laika for the same reason, in honor of the first astronaut.
So sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your beautiful dog Laika, Loreta. How truly comforting for both of you that you were with her to the end. :hug2: :hug2: :hug:
I am also very sorry to hear this news, Loreta. I am so glad that you spent these last hours together. It must have been so comforting for her, despite her agony.

Just wanted to report that at least one of our chickens and one of our roosters died and also had these epileptic fits, before dying. It was horrible to witness.
Mariama said:
I am also very sorry to hear this news, Loreta. I am so glad that you spent these last hours together. It must have been so comforting for her, despite her agony.

Just wanted to report that at least one of our chickens and one of our roosters died and also had these epileptic fits, before dying. It was horrible to witness.

Yes, it is horrible to be witness of this death. Maybe this is a message? A message from animals? I really don't know. I am learning a lot with this grief, it is always like that. And now the comets that also are a sign. But before that the accident in front of the Chateau. And the sufferance of some kids from some members of this forum. So the death of Laika is part, a minuscule part, of all of this. All is a lesson.
You are in my thoughts Loreta.
Laika was really beautiful and you have obviously been great companions for each other. She's in dog heaven now, watching over you. :hug2:
(BTW, my stepfather's dog was also named Laika, after the famous Russian dog).
loreta said:
Mariama said:
I am also very sorry to hear this news, Loreta. I am so glad that you spent these last hours together. It must have been so comforting for her, despite her agony.

Just wanted to report that at least one of our chickens and one of our roosters died and also had these epileptic fits, before dying. It was horrible to witness.

Yes, it is horrible to be witness of this death. Maybe this is a message? A message from animals? I really don't know. I am learning a lot with this grief, it is always like that. And now the comets that also are a sign. But before that the accident in front of the Chateau. And the sufferance of some kids from some members of this forum. So the death of Laika is part, a minuscule part, of all of this. All is a lesson.

I also see it as a message. All over the world animals are dying under bizarre circumstances, OSIT. This morning one of our chickens gave me quite a fright. She looked so skinny and not like a chicken at all. The smaller ones are still doing okay, but they had a better start in life.
My eldest son had a dream in which many more of our chickens were to die.
My dog is also getting skinnier. Tomorrow we have an appointment with the vet.

Yes, grief is a powerful lesson. I expect grief and/or agony on our doorstep any minute now. I definitely think that we should pay attention to the animals and our kids, maybe they lead the way?

The other day when I clicked on Laika's photograph and closed it again the picture appeared again a couple of times, when I opened my browser, although I tried to close it each time. I thought that was a beautiful sign.
Mariama said:
I also see it as a message. All over the world animals are dying under bizarre circumstances, OSIT. This morning one of our chickens gave me quite a fright. She looked so skinny and not like a chicken at all. The smaller ones are still doing okay, but they had a better start in life.
My eldest son had a dream in which many more of our chickens were to die.
My dog is also getting skinnier. Tomorrow we have an appointment with the vet.

Yes, grief is a powerful lesson. I expect grief and/or agony on our doorstep any minute now. I definitely think that we should pay attention to the animals and our kids, maybe they lead the way?

The other day when I clicked on Laika's photograph and closed it again the picture appeared again a couple of times, when I opened my browser, although I tried to close it each time. I thought that was a beautiful sign.

Strange that she died when in the skies strange things were happening elsewhere. And the story of your browser too.

I am obsessed by the idea that maybe she was poisoned. These times are full of crazy people. I suspect one young man that the other day gave me a look plain of hate. But evidently I have no proof at all. Just a bad feeling, a feeling that sometimes is too strong that I want to kill. I take Rescue Remedy. This situation makes me wanted to fly from that village and we are making plans to go as soon as possible but we don't have enough money for now. This village, where I felt peace and beauty, is not anymore in my hearth. But maybe time, Time, will repair all of this.
loreta said:
Strange that she died when in the skies strange things were happening elsewhere. And the story of your browser too.

I am obsessed by the idea that maybe she was poisoned. These times are full of crazy people. I suspect one young man that the other day gave me a look plain of hate. But evidently I have no proof at all. Just a bad feeling, a feeling that sometimes is too strong that I want to kill. I take Rescue Remedy. This situation makes me wanted to fly from that village and we are making plans to go as soon as possible but we don't have enough money for now. This village, where I felt peace and beauty, is not anymore in my hearth. But maybe time, Time, will repair all of this.

It is possible that Laika was poisoned. And even if she wasn't you have detected a strong hostility in your village. Worth paying attention to, OSIT.

I found this in one of the other threads, maybe it helps.

Perceval said:
As the neophyte proceeds up the staircase, he will find that he experiences fewer negative emotions. It is at this point that he will discover the obvious utility of those who are hostile to him in the extreme. As long as he is on the Staircase it is in insults, hate, jealousy, treachery and the contempt of other men that the seeker finds the elements which are necessary for him to awaken his emotional center and utilize the "shocks" and "blows" and "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" to power his ascent.

By dominating the mechanical reactions - the programs - that the reality "out there" may produce in him, by separating and rejecting the elements that are parasites on the fine energy of this system, the seeker is able to mobilize the fine energy produced by the negative emotions. This accelerates the growth and development of the magnetic center which then enables the transition to the higher density. It is for this reason that the seeker understands why he should "love his enemies and bless those who curse and persecute him."

The saying: "Knowledge Protects" is wholly applicable to the inner revolution that takes place within the seeker. For all of our lives we are slaves to the programs that are set in motion by our negative emotions. Our intellectual centers steal this energy and produce all kinds of rationalizations, suppressions, fantasies of power or illusions that we have "mastered" the emotion simply because we are able to suppress it, or tell ourselves egotistical things like: "I'm better than that because see! I can suppress my reactions. I can say nice things when I am really boiling mad. That is what makes me superior." With knowledge of the true nature of reality and the programs that run in us, we are enabled to completely halt any such usurpation, to allow the concentration of the emotions - whether negative or positive - which then set our entire being on a higher vibration.
Mariama, oh yes, this will help me very much. This experience is a lesson, I need to learn and continue my evolution. Thank you. I will start the thread to the beginning of it. It makes me cry how hard is to learn but there is no other way. Thank you again.

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