My Ten Day Fast

Sounds like you're not keto adapted, or you wouldn't have had the keto flu. I would highly recommend experiementing with intermittent fasting and keto before you try fasting again.
Prolonged fasting is a very powerful tool, not one to be taken lightly.
My thoughts exactly.
Saturday January 08. Slept well, bacon and eggs, whole grain toast for breakfast (having trouble getting off of bread).
Feel good but very tired, no energy. Maybe I'm just too old for prolonged fasting.
Oh well, maybe next week try intermittent f

don't let the feeling prevent you from reaching your goal man, every fast is a struggle but you get accustomed and the benefits you'll see are cumulative(this is supported by science), it became very noticeable to me in the 3-4th month of doing 5 day fasts(once a month)
when finishing the fast i'd have a window of a few days where i could eat anything without triggering my autoimmune system, then it the end i got a window of almost 2 weeks

alternate day fasting is another option

also mixing carbs and fat is tricky due to the randle cycle

ideally you should choose one or another, when fasting in alternate days or intermittent fasting carbs only may be better

if you really can't give up on that bread you could check these recipes here:

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