Mysterious monolith found in Utah Desert

In another channeled material, a question was asked regarding: Hiker Discovers Mysterious Silver Monolith That Appeared 'Out of Nowhere'.
The answer was roughly; that it is a new series of such events that will be an addition to the already built structures, and for the purpose of energetic influence due to the implementation of the divine plan ( ❗❓) .

This reminded me of acupuncture - a bunch of three-sided needles stuck in earth.

Since the statement from Cass
A: Sequence of program change.
is constantly on my mind: this seemed like an opportunity to change/influence the frequency spectrum on earth.

The article mentioned above mentions Utah and the picture of a "monolith" reminded me that there was talk of one here on the forum, so I found this thread. As there are only three or four cases mentioned in this thread, and the source mentioned above talks about a series of already built structures, I searched a bit and found this.

What "caught my eye" is:

- that a "monolith" in Utah was the first structure observed (Nov. 18, 2020), although it was reportedly erected sometime in 2016.
After that, people began to notice such structures all over the planet, mostly in the first days of December. Sometimes in the same day in different parts of the world.
The question arises: Is it the effect of 100 monkeys? When one structure was noticed, did the others also become visible?

- All in all over 200 such structures (mostly in December 2020).

- In some places, monoliths have been replaced by other structures; spheres (India), in one place with three pillars, in Utah, a tetrahedron remained, and sometimes they just "mysteriously" disappeared.

Whether it's about; advertising, fraud, pranks ... interesting is this "contagion" and the need to build just such structures, often in inaccessible places.
Also interesting to me is the need to quickly remove those same structures (is that good or bad?) after finding them, and also that they are sometimes re-installed.

All in all, I think this should be given a little more attention, so maybe someone smarter than me can come up with a question for Cass.

Best regards.
@Kika , did you get a chance to read the previous three pages on this thread?
Yes, I am;
The article mentioned above mentions Utah and the picture of a "monolith" reminded me that there was talk of one here on the forum, so I found this thread. As there are only three or four cases mentioned in this thread, and the source mentioned above talks about a series of already built structures, I searched a bit and found this.
I thought the previous discussion rather clearly argued that these monoliths were manmade.

Yes, I noticed and I thought: "For God's sake, what kind of argument is this, and on this forum?"
Then I looked at where I was - SOTT. OK, in order not to open a new thread, I joined an already open topic, maybe I ended up in the wrong section? Maybe this topic is more suitable for a Cass experiment? I noticed that different people gravitate to different topics, so I left an invitation there (a request for help with this topic). Now I think I'm in the right place, so SOTT's task is to monitor and record events in the world, and thus the activity of people.

If you noticed, at no point did I suggest that these monoliths were the product of aliens, in fact;
Whether it's about; advertising, fraud, pranks ... interesting is this "contagion" and the need to build just such structures, often in inaccessible places.
But I don't dismiss their influence and here are my thoughts about it:

1. Energy saving
Let's say, if after lunch I want clean dishes again, and I don't want to spend my energy and do the work, I don't do mental exercises and imagine clean dishes, I don't apply telekinesis, I don't invoke; god, spirits, angels and other mom-and-pop rituals, I don't use an interdimensional remolecularizer to create new dishes, I simply inspire :evil: my housemates a little: "I cooked, you clean!"
So, I do not rule out the possibility that this was cooked up (inspiration) by some interdimensional beings.

2. Disparagement
Here in our country, in the second largest city (by population), they are mounting 5G antennas on buildings.
So that people wouldn't protest, the installers masked those antennas as chimneys, so now we have illogically high chimneys on the roofs. A frequent comment is: "What fool built such a big chimney?" But I ask you: is the 5G antenna in the chimney suits less functional/dangerous?
So if you want people to lose interest, throw in some rivets, write a stupid comment, make it look imperfect, (because of people's expectation that everything about aliens must be perfect and made of super unknown substance). Is the monolith decorated in this way less functional?
On the contrary, if the purpose of these constructions is to scatter/focus/reflect/modulate or whatever some kind of waves (HAARP, Satellites, cosmic radiation, the earth's network...), then on Earth in this 3D, 3D materials can play a very good role.

I want to try again to articulate what my intentions and needs are:
If you had a chance to read the content on the provided link, I came to the following conclusions:
The claim that it is a series of placed monoliths is correct. (over 200 recorded/observed structures)
The data refer to the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021.
Since it was said that it is a matter of successive installation (the dynamics depends on the interest and noticing of this activity, so periodic interruptions with imperceptible continuation), I am interested in whether we can find an answer to the question;

1. How many such structures have been installed so far?

It could also be concluded from the above data that the location of the monolith is very important. (Some are behind God's feet, in very secluded places, an art installation without an audience !?! , and there is also a case of a woman who had a monolith appear in her yard, at her request the local authorities removed it, but it reappeared in the immediate vicinity.)

2. Is a meaningful and intentional network of these monoliths being built?
3.Would such a network have an impact on; magnetic field, climate and all kinds of natural phenomena?

Unfortunately, the list of locations does not include coordinates, except for Australia.
4. Can we join forces to create a map and update it over time?

Since the activities of removing and replacing these monoliths are being carried out, and some of these activities have a military connection.
5. Can we find out the true purpose of such a network of monoliths?
Positive version
Are these monoliths (according to the source) for the purpose of raising the frequencies of planet Earth/Gaia and helping to raise it to higher densities? (Which in my opinion would be positive and removal activities would be for the purpose of prevention and stopping.)
Negative version
Are these monoliths for the purpose of breaking the planetary network, creating windows/portals through which uninvited guests would enter more easily? (of any kind; living, non-living, viruses, information...), which would refer more to the enslavement and extermination of the inhabitants of Gaia. (Then the removal and meaningful replacement of other structures in those located points would be positive activities).

I hope I have expressed my interest in the topic better this time.
I think I understand where you're coming from a bit better now. So you're pointing out that there are a lot more monoliths than discussed on Sott and on this thread and are wondering if there is a great meaning or purpose to them beyond human made 'artwork'?

If you check the wikipedia link sources you'll find this useful link that does provide a map for the 200+ monoliths with photos and a brief description of each: Monolith Tracker | Monolith Tracker


I do not think there is any evidence to suggest that these monoliths "scatter/focus/reflect/modulate or whatever some kind of waves", nor "impact magnetic field, climate and all kinds of natural phenomena". If there is evidence, how does it work? How does a 3.5m metal monolith have super advanced technologic abilities when a telephone poll of equal height has none?

As an example, in this below photo, a teacher and student made a monolith for "fun". It is entirely unlikely that this wooden structure would have super advanced technologic abilities that impact the Earth's field or have some mind altering effect.


In another channeled material, a question was asked regarding: Hiker Discovers Mysterious Silver Monolith That Appeared 'Out of Nowhere'.
The answer was roughly; that it is a new series of such events that will be an addition to the already built structures, and for the purpose of energetic influence due to the implementation of the divine plan ( ❗❓) .

Can you share a link to the channeled material where they ask the purpose of these monoliths?
Yes, I am;

Yes, I noticed and I thought: "For God's sake, what kind of argument is this, and on this forum?"
Then I looked at where I was - SOTT. OK, in order not to open a new thread, I joined an already open topic, maybe I ended up in the wrong section? Maybe this topic is more suitable for a Cass experiment? I noticed that different people gravitate to different topics, so I left an invitation there (a request for help with this topic). Now I think I'm in the right place, so SOTT's task is to monitor and record events in the world, and thus the activity of people.

If you noticed, at no point did I suggest that these monoliths were the product of aliens, in fact;

But I don't dismiss their influence and here are my thoughts about it:

1. Energy saving
Let's say, if after lunch I want clean dishes again, and I don't want to spend my energy and do the work, I don't do mental exercises and imagine clean dishes, I don't apply telekinesis, I don't invoke; god, spirits, angels and other mom-and-pop rituals, I don't use an interdimensional remolecularizer to create new dishes, I simply inspire :evil: my housemates a little: "I cooked, you clean!"
So, I do not rule out the possibility that this was cooked up (inspiration) by some interdimensional beings.

2. Disparagement
Here in our country, in the second largest city (by population), they are mounting 5G antennas on buildings.
So that people wouldn't protest, the installers masked those antennas as chimneys, so now we have illogically high chimneys on the roofs. A frequent comment is: "What fool built such a big chimney?" But I ask you: is the 5G antenna in the chimney suits less functional/dangerous?
So if you want people to lose interest, throw in some rivets, write a stupid comment, make it look imperfect, (because of people's expectation that everything about aliens must be perfect and made of super unknown substance). Is the monolith decorated in this way less functional?
On the contrary, if the purpose of these constructions is to scatter/focus/reflect/modulate or whatever some kind of waves (HAARP, Satellites, cosmic radiation, the earth's network...), then on Earth in this 3D, 3D materials can play a very good role.

I want to try again to articulate what my intentions and needs are:
If you had a chance to read the content on the provided link, I came to the following conclusions:
The claim that it is a series of placed monoliths is correct. (over 200 recorded/observed structures)
The data refer to the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021.
Since it was said that it is a matter of successive installation (the dynamics depends on the interest and noticing of this activity, so periodic interruptions with imperceptible continuation), I am interested in whether we can find an answer to the question;

1. How many such structures have been installed so far?

It could also be concluded from the above data that the location of the monolith is very important. (Some are behind God's feet, in very secluded places, an art installation without an audience !?! , and there is also a case of a woman who had a monolith appear in her yard, at her request the local authorities removed it, but it reappeared in the immediate vicinity.)

2. Is a meaningful and intentional network of these monoliths being built?
3.Would such a network have an impact on; magnetic field, climate and all kinds of natural phenomena?

Unfortunately, the list of locations does not include coordinates, except for Australia.
4. Can we join forces to create a map and update it over time?

Since the activities of removing and replacing these monoliths are being carried out, and some of these activities have a military connection.
5. Can we find out the true purpose of such a network of monoliths?
Positive version
Are these monoliths (according to the source) for the purpose of raising the frequencies of planet Earth/Gaia and helping to raise it to higher densities? (Which in my opinion would be positive and removal activities would be for the purpose of prevention and stopping.)
Negative version
Are these monoliths for the purpose of breaking the planetary network, creating windows/portals through which uninvited guests would enter more easily? (of any kind; living, non-living, viruses, information...), which would refer more to the enslavement and extermination of the inhabitants of Gaia. (Then the removal and meaningful replacement of other structures in those located points would be positive activities).

I hope I have expressed my interest in the topic better this time.
Thank you highliting this finding. Reading and looking at the location map, it seems to be a worldwide action of building, installing and removing. What company would have the means/wants to do that without attracting publicity and revenue?
Or is it a government inspiration?
Looking at the map, they seems to be located in the North hemisphere mainly. Why?
Very interesting findings. With Elon sending satellites in the sky and monoliths (of different making) set up on earth, could that be linked? But then why not the whole world? Could it be linked after covid to the vaccines, knowing that the states and Europe where very keen in administering their population.
I agree, very interesting!
Hi Miracle
First of all, I would like to thank you for your good will and time spent on this communication.
I think I understand where you're coming from a bit better now. So you're pointing out that there are a lot more monoliths than discussed on Sott and on this thread and are wondering if there is a great meaning or purpose to them beyond human made 'artwork'?
Yeah, that's about it.

Thanks for the Monlith tracker. So the map exists, but that curious worm still asks; Are there other undetected (Canada, Brazil, Greenland...) or unreported (Russia/Siberia, China, North Korea...) monoliths, or is this a significant arrangement?

I do not think there is any evidence to suggest that these monoliths "scatter/focus/reflect/modulate or whatever some kind of waves", nor "impact magnetic field, climate and all kinds of natural phenomena". If there is evidence, how does it work? How does a 3.5m metal monolith have super advanced technologic abilities when a telephone poll of equal height has none?
Here I refer to;
- Geophysical radiation (Feng shui)
- Cosmic - geomagnetic radiation (Hartmann network and nodes),
- Cosmic radiation (Curry network), Benker's cubic network
As far as I understand the theories in dowsing, the result is conditioned by the location and alignments in relation to; sources, lines, and intersections (points) of such radiations.
So everything that is found within these currents is in interaction (it is under the influence of these energies, but it also affects them in return).
For example, according to the RA instructions, it is enough to precisely assemble the edges of the pyramid (without faces) in order to achieve energy focusing. According to their recommendation, wood is acceptable and iron is not.
To paraphrase your question; "How do a few wooden slats have super advanced technological abilities?"

Can you share a link to the channeled material where they ask the purpose of these monoliths?
I admit that I deliberately did not mention the source because I didn't want you to "shoot the messenger" and lose any chance for a conversation. Those who get used to the communication of Laura and Cass. this looks kind of .. Hmm... fluffy.
Here is the transcript that poked me and sent me hunting for monoliths.

Best regards
Kika, frankly that channeled material isn't "fluffy", it is provably false. In regards to how the monoliths where made:
[Blossom Goodchild (channel)] It seems, as with the other ‘authentic’ structures, that there is no trace of evidence as to how they got there. Are you able to offer knowledge on this?

These structures were ‘compiled’ ‘off world’, in a particular ship that has a vast compartment that was developed specifically for the intention to create them. Their intelligence assisted in their own making.

There is no evidence to suggest these monoliths were built off world or that they posses any technologic ability. There is however, plenty of evidence on this thread suggesting that all of them are human built for the purpose of 'art', pranks or, simply copy cats riding the hype of energy surrounding them when photos of them first started going viral on the internet.

Have you read the Wave series? This Galactic Federation website (What is Channeling?) is full of red flags:
Some people fear channeling because they don’t understand the process, or they think that a negative or dark entity can come in. But the channeler always has the choice of who or what they want to channel. The channeler can insist on knowing the name and origins of any entity who wants to communicate with them.
This is frightening misleading. How would a channeler know if an entity was negative or dark? "The channeler can insist on knowing the name and origins of any entity who wants to communicate with them"... what if that entity is capable of lying?

More from their website (About us):
We don't do this for money (nobody gets paid for it) but because we feel it is necessary to bring clarity and comfort in these times of great changes. We are in the middle of a process called Ascension, which means that planet Earth and all its inhabitants who are open to the Light, will move up into a higher dimension. This process will happen anyway as it is divinely decreed, but we can speed it up or slow it down ourselves because collectively we create our level of consciousness (which creates our reality). As Lightworkers, we see it as our duty to help manifest this new world as swiftly as possible.

This new world is the Golden Era of love, peace and full consciousness of which the Mayan prophecy and many other indigenous people have already spoken for ages, as well as many modern scientists who operate outside the mainstream system. As our cosmic friends and family of the Galactic Federation of Light have a much better view on things than most earthlings, we mainly focus on their messages coming through to us by means of channeling.

These galactic beings have a much higher spiritual level than us and they know our true history, which is mostly not what you will read in school books, the media or the Bible. They know that they are our family and on a deeper energetic level we are all One. That's why these messages are always full of love and support for us down here, in this 3D world of duality, and they constantly remind us not to fear any actions from the dark forces on our planet. Because in higher dimensions (where there's no linear time) we have already created our new world, and it is magnificent. It's just up to us how fast we get there!
On the contrary, if you are familiar with the Wave series, we have plenty to fear about the dark forces on and off our planet.

Their website reads a whole lot like new age disinfo. PopHistorian summarizes the issue of new age channeling nicely here:

The basic messages of these works were variations on "the new age is here, it is now -- everything's going to be fine, your life is not real, it's really more like a dream for your soul, and the earth is a schoolroom. Just think of love and light all the time, beam it around, treat everyone nicely, and remember that you'll be going "home" soon enough. Was this any more of a recipe for changing the world than "tuning in, turning on, and dropping out?" Could it be that the spirits were really promoting nothing more than passivity? How does one learn lessons that way? The PTB loves nothing better a passive flock. Could they have been trying to "capture" truth seekers by making them believe that doing nothing, in essence, was okay? Could they have been attempting to limit the damage that truth-seekers might cause to their carefully crafted illusions by steering them into ineffective activities?
And here we are, the messenger is more important than the message.

This situation reminded me of a movie I watched. It is about a war conflict, where on the battlefield one military unit learns that the enemy has set a trap for them and if they continue with the planned activities it will be disastrous for the entire army. That's why they send a messenger to the headquarters, which he has to reach in a very short time, across the front line and enemy lines, and he also doesn't know the exact location of the headquarters. When he finally breaks through and arrives at his destination, all torn, dirty, bloody/wounded, they don't let him near, because his appearance is not worthy of appearing in front of the general. Nobody cares about the message or that their lives are at stake.
I'm not claiming that this is the situation in this case, I just want to emphasize that I wanted to talk about the message - monoliths, not about the messenger/way of channeling.
Kika, frankly that channeled material isn't "fluffy", it is provably false. In regards to how the monoliths where made:
Fluffy referred to the way of channeling (asking questions and the level of understanding of information received - from Ms. Blossom), not to the answers received / channeled material. (by the way, I find this tendency of yours to ask others for evidence, and you don't offer it yourself, but state that it is "provably false").

There is no evidence to suggest these monoliths were built off world or that they posses any technologic ability. There is however, plenty of evidence on this thread suggesting that all of them are human built for the purpose of 'art', pranks or, simply copy cats riding the hype of energy surrounding them when photos of them first started going viral on the internet.

It seems, as with the other ‘authentic’ structures, that there is no trace of evidence as to how they got there. Are you able to offer knowledge on this?

These structures were ‘compiled’ ‘off world’, in a particular ship that has a vast compartment that was developed specifically for the intention to create them. Their intelligence assisted in their own making.

Hold on. Are you saying they helped to make themselves?

Yes. That is exactly what we are saying.

You see, Blossom … the ‘off world’ scientists designated to design such structures of intelligence, were fully aware that the ‘inner workings’ of these Monoliths would be able to continue certain placements of that which the scientists created, and then co-create them further … of their own accord.
I expanded the quote a bit.
Again, my understanding here is that they are not talking about manufacturing these structures, but about creating a team ("ship that has a vast compartment that was developed specifically for the intention to create them") to design them (layout, dimensions, locations and alignments) in some other dimension or density ( ‘off world’) based on the "compilation" (compilation (lat. compilatio: taken from everywhere), literary, scientific. or any other work composed of materials collected from other authors, most often for the purpose of popularization or instruction; a text or work that lacks originality.) and "their intelligence assisted" (what I called – inspiration) in creating them.
Now, English is not my first language, and by translating it into my native language I got such an understanding, which does not exclude the possibility that I lost the real meaning in the translation.

I am mostly convinced that I have in fact received an answer (to my biggest dilemma), and it reads:
Ignore the monoliths!
Once again (not a platitude), thank you for your time and willingness to talk.
Another Super shiny monolith has popped up.
The thought came to me, while looking at the mirrored surface, have any finger prints been found on these things?

“In a déjà vu moment, a mysterious, mirrored monolith has appeared in the Nevada desert, reminiscent of several that cropped up around the world in 2020.

Las Vegas Search & Rescue volunteers found this blast from the pandemic past — or evidence of alien visitation, take your pick — nonchalantly nestled in a remote mountain range about 20 miles north of Las Vegas, near Gass Peak in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. Normally one would see only the bighorn sheep and desert tortoises that populate the sanctuary.”

Due to public safety and environmental concerns, LVMPD removed the monolith from its desert setting.

Never mind that the deserts in Nevada are one of the biggest dumping grounds for unwanted trash by the local population.

Mysterious monolith gone from Nevada desert
Updated: Jun 21, 2024 / 10:27 AM PDT
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — And just like that … it’s gone. The mysterious monolith that raised eyebrows in the Las Vegas valley and surrounding areas has been removed, according to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officials Friday.

The revelation of the monolith’s removal was published on LVMPD’s X account Friday. Department officials cite “public safety and environmental concerns” as reasons for its removal. The department assisted with the process on Thursday, officials said.

The mysterious monolith is being stored at what police describe as an “undisclosed location” while officials decide how to either dispose of or store it. Police also gave details on the scale of the item, which is described as 77 inches tall, with each face measuring 13 inches wide. Officials say it was made out of “reflective sheet metal folded into a triangle and secured with rebar and concrete.

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19-44-38 GQm9LIqbkAA4fPu.jpeg (WEBP Image 1152 × 1536 pixels) — Scale...png
A photo shows the downed monolith before it was removed from the southern Nevada desert. (LVMPD)

The shiny object was originally discovered over the weekend of June 15 and 16 near Gass Peak just north of the Las Vegas valley. Its discovery was a callback to Nov. 2020 when monoliths were appearing across the world, including in Utah near Moab, Romania, and California among other locations.

Seeing the now-removed monolith in person was not the easiest task for Las Vegans. The process involved an hour-and-a-half drive and then a hike in the triple-degree southern Nevada heat. However, some hikers who spoke to felt up to the task.

“We saw the post, and I really wanted to come see because we missed the one in Utah because they had it taken down so quickly, so I wasn’t going to risk not going to see it this time,” said Alesha Wallace, who set out Tuesday to find the monolith.

It’s still unclear who (or what) placed the monolith in its spot in the Nevada desert.
And...the “New Age/Sewage” word salads begin.
Here is one of the “Channeled” messages, coming through the pipes:


Let’s now talk about the mysterious monoliths appearing in different parts of the world on 🌎Earth. Recently, one was discovered in a 🏜️desert of Las Vegas, Nevada in 🇺🇸United States. It was not put or installed in that place by someone, it appeared from the high energies in that location. There were other monoliths found in the past in Wales, 🇬🇧United Kingdom, Piatra Neamt in 🇷🇴Romania, Utah in 🇺🇸United States and ect.

Their origins are from higher dimensions of 5D and up, they appear here as the veil between the two realities in some places becomes so thin, that it bleeds through in this form. In your 3D reality, they are much smaller in width and height. The monoliths in higher realms can reach up to 1000 feet and higher depending on their purpose. In our 5D or higher existence they have different colors like 🟪purple, 🟩green and 🟨yellow. They have multiple functions, I just want to disclose only a couple of them.

These unusual objects can be used to balance the polarity of the planet, as a security poles by blinking and announcing a 🛸starship entering the orbit, and even as a weapon with a beaming light to stop uninvited guests from 🌌Space. They can’t be too long in your vibrations, eventually the monoliths mysteriously are going disappear, the way they appeared. In your world these pillars don’t perform any functions, as the frequency is too low, except for that it gives you a glimpse into the 5th dimension.

Archangel Michael

Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
Love and Light,
Michelle Price
If you check the wikipedia link sources you'll find this useful link that does provide a map for the 200+ monoliths with photos and a brief description of each: Monolith Tracker | Monolith Tracker

View attachment 94663
The thing that stands out (no pun intended) for me from the above map, is that the vast majority of monoliths are appearing in same countries that constitute the ever-shrinking "international rules-based order".

Given what we know about the psychic hygiene of these countries, is it more likely to be aliens disproportionately distributing their 'gifts' and ignoring the rest of the world, or simply whackos trying to get attention?

Actually, I'll rephrase that to "whacko humans trying to get attention", otherwise it's not two mutually exclusive categories.
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