Near-Earth objects and close calls

Recent & Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters
Miss Distance​
Velocity (km/s)​
Diameter (m)​
2016 LK49
17.4 LD​
2023 MK3
16.5 LD​
2023 MB3
0.4 LD
2023 MJ1
17.5 LD​
2023 LT1
1.8 LD​
2023 MO3
4.3 LD​
2023 HF1
12.5 LD​
2023 MQ3
18.8 LD​
2023 MW2
0.3 LD
2023 MQ
3.1 LD​
2023 MU
18.5 LD​
2023 ML3
0.7 LD
17.4 LD​
2008 LG2
10.5 LD​
2023 MD
7 LD​
2023 MF1
5 LD
2023 MU2
0.6 LD

Geminid meteor mystery
In a NASA blog post on June 14, 2023, Desiree Apodaca at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland described new insights about the annual Geminid meteor shower. She wrote it’s likely that:

… a sudden, powerful event – such as a high-speed collision with another body or a gaseous explosion, among other possibilities – created the Geminid stream.

And that’s interesting! That’s because most meteors in annual showers – like the Delta Aquariid meteors or Perseid meteors, coming up later this summer – are a result of icy comets orbiting the sun. So as comets move through space, they litter their orbits with debris. Thus, we get annual meteor showers when our planet Earth passes through a stream of comet debris.

But the Geminid meteors – which peak each year in December, to the delight of earthly stargazers – are different. For some decades, we’ve known the Geminids’ parent body isn’t a fragile, icy comet. Instead, it’s a more substantial, rocky asteroid: 3200 Phaethon.

Jamey Szalay of Princeton University, one of the authors of a new study, said:
What’s really weird is that we know that Phaethon is an asteroid, but as it flies by the sun, it seems to have some kind of temperature-driven activity. Most asteroids don’t do that.

So, it’s been a mystery: how can a rocky asteroid spawn a meteor shower?

The Parker Solar Probe provides a clue

Each winter, the Geminid meteors light up the sky as they race past Earth, producing one of the most intense meteor showers in the night sky. Now, a recent mission is providing new evidence that a violent, catastrophic event created the Geminids.

The Parker Solar Probe is studying the sun and circling close to our home star. As it does, it passes through clouds of dust grains from asteroid Phaethon that pelt the spacecraft. And these high-speed impacts create unique electrical signals, or plasma clouds. As NASA said:
These impact clouds produce unique electrical signals that several sensors on the probe’s FIELDS instrument pick up. The FIELDS instrument measures electric and magnetic fields near the sun.

Using this Parker Solar Probe data, the scientists modeled different formation scenarios for the Geminid meteor stream. What they found was that the violent scenario, modeling an impact with asteroid Phaethon or sudden gas explosion, best matched their observations. Watch the video below to see how the violent model best fit the data.

Bottom line: Data from the Parker Solar Probe helped scientists discover that the Geminid meteor shower is most likely the result of a violent event on asteroid Phaethon.
Source: Formation, Structure, and Detectability of the Geminids Meteoroid Stream Via NASA
Read more: 2023 Geminid meteor shower: All you need to know

The asteroid will pass between Earth and the moon, but there's no need to worry.
Earth is about to have a close encounter with a space rock.

Tonight (June 25), the near-Earth asteroid 2023 MU2 will pass within 134,000 miles (215,000 kilometers) of Earth, or just about 60% of the average distance from our planet to the moon. While this flyby is fairly close in astronomical terms, the space rock isn't likely to pose any threat to Earth or spacecraft in its orbit. According to the NASA/JPL Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), the asteroid is estimated to be between 13 and 29 feet (3.9 and 8.8 meters) in diameter, roughly the size of a house or three-story building. 2023 MU2 will make its closest approach on June 25 at 7:19 p.m. ET (2319 GMT).

While these types of asteroids can be fairly hard to spot on your own, luckily you can watch the approach live thanks to a free telescope livestream. The Virtual Telescope Project, hosted by Rome-based astronomer Gianluca Masi, will be streaming the flyby of asteroid 2023 MU2 at 7 p.m. ET (2300 GMT) on Sunday. Watch it live here courtesy of the Virtual Telescope Project or on the project's YouTube channel.

Related: What are asteroids
An illustration of the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars along with asteroid 2023 MU2. (Image credit: Gianluca Masi/The Virtual Telescope Project)
Asteroid 2023 MU2 was discovered just days ago on June 16 and confirmed by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center on Thursday (June 22).

It's far from an outlier. Many space rocks pass close by Earth each week without incident; the car-size asteroid 2023 MW2 passed by Earth today, in fact, at a distance of just 77,000 miles (124,000 km).

Despite innumerable headlines making these events out to be dangerous or frightening, you shouldn't worry too much. CNEOS has cataloged over 32,000 near-Earth asteroids to date, and none are known to pose a threat to Earth in the next century, according to NASA.
That's not to say an impact is impossible, given a long enough timeline. In 2013, a near-Earth asteroid exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia in what has been called a "wake up call" for near-Earth object detection and planetary defense.

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After more than 30 days without new entries to the NASA list, a fire ball, the third most powerful this year, with a total impact energy of 1.4 kt TNT entered over the Indian Ocean:
Peak Brightness
Date/Time (UT)
Velocity Components
Radiated Energy
Calculated Total
Impact Energy
2023-06-21 19:39:1312.4N62.8E40.416.5vx7.3:vy-2.0:vz-16.454.3e101.4
AZ, CA, and NV
Five videos
AMS event #3153-2023 caught from Sahuarita US
Jun 24, 2023
This video has been uploaded on the American Meteor Society Website.AMS Event: 3153-2023, Report 311885 (3153h-2023) Sahuarita, AZ, US This video may not be related to a fireball event. More info: not share this video. All rights reserved

Satellite Reentry

#Reentrada satellite for the next few days, nothing dangerous but spectacular to re-enter in the form of a firework ball. Impossible to know where it will take place since the progressive loss of orbital energy depends on many factors...#Reentry #Kwangmyongsong4
Look at the progressive decay in the height of its orbit, today we will have the #reentrada of the #CZB5 !

This may be from Portugal based on the translation
Meteor in Macaws!!!Very low ... I even thought it was a drone giving off sparks, I only realized that it could be a meteor when I entered here on twitter and I had seen all of them from various places too!!I found it strange p was too low ...#meteorologia
AZ, CA, and NV
Five videos AZ, CA, and NV
AMS event #3153-2023 caught from Sahuarita US

Another video of this fireball

Huge fireball illuminates the night sky with an intense blue and loud buzzing sound as it blazes over California

A home security video shows a bluish fireball blazing in the night sky over San Diego, where other cameras also captured views of the apparent meteor. The American Meteor Society received 18 reports of fireball sightings from San Diego, Los Angeles, other parts of California, Nevada and Arizona around 2:30 am on Friday, June 23. People sent in four videos and one photo showing the fireball.

Some observers reported hearing a "buzzing sound" or a "loud pop and then a boom." Others said the fireball looked more greenish to them. It is unclear what caused the fireball , although the society reports three smaller active meteor showers at this time. The next major meteor showers will occur in July and August.

Tonight at around 22:45 CET I was lying in bed reading. Suddenly it got very, very bright and I thought, who's going to walk through the garden with a torch again? So I thought nothing more of it. And when I got up this morning, I saw this… seems that it was a Meteor to see above CZ and Bavaria :nuts:….
A few days ago, comet C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) began to emit an ionic tail in the opposite direction to the Sun, as can be seen in this image I took a few days ago. It looks much better in the "science version" that respects the data more than the aesthetics

Jun 24, 2023

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 09-58-26 Ricardo Sánchez on Twitter.png
Since Pluto lost planet status in 2006 , the solar system has only had eight. However, nine years later, evidence was detected that there was a giant world much further away, which they named Planet 9 , but its existence could not be confirmed visually . Now, a new investigation by two Spanish astronomers has determined its possible location.

The presence of Planet 9 could explain the strange orbits of several small objects in the Kuiper Belt , a region populated by asteroids and comets in the outer solar system. Based on mathematical models and computer simulations, this hypothetical world should have a mass of between four and eight Earths and be 10 times farther from the sun than Pluto. At this distance, it would take more than 10,000 years to go around the star.


Being so far away, its extremely faint brightness would only make it visible to the most powerful telescopes. But it remained to know in what tiny part of the sky to search. Finding out was a daunting task. Until they found an opportunity.

A cosmic "messenger"

A few months ago, Harvard researchers determined that a meteorite ( CNEOS14 ) that fell in the Pacific in 2014 was not a solar system object, since its speed of 60 kilometers per second indicates an interstellar origin. To confirm this hypothesis, they had to rule out that the object accelerated gravitationally as it passed one of the planets in our cosmic neighborhood.

"But, what if CNEOS14 had interacted with a planet not yet known during its journey through the solar system? This was the question we asked ourselves," say Héctor Socas-Navarro and Ignacio Trujillo Cabrera, both researchers at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. , in an article published in The Conversation .

The first thing they did was draw the orbit that Planet 9 should have on a map of the sky and then superimposed it with the trajectory of CNEOS14 before impacting Earth.

Being so far away, its extremely faint brightness would only make it visible to the most powerful telescopes. But it remained to know in what tiny part of the sky to search. Finding out was a daunting task. Until they found an opportunity.

Possible trajectory of Planet 9 in the sky. The red part indicates where you are most likely to find it. The ellipses mark the direction of origin of CNEOS14 (the blue one was calculated by the Spanish authors). Image: Socas-Navarro, 2023

"We found a striking match between the origin of the meteorite and the region where simulations predict Planet 9 is most likely to be found," they said. "The probability that such a coincidence is the result of chance is about 1%."

Likewise, they detected statistical anomalies that make it highly unlikely that CNEOS14 comes from the interstellar medium.

These findings led them to consider CNEOS14 as a "messenger" that brings valuable information about the location of the mysterious world.

The possible location of Planet 9

Based on the trajectory and orbit information, the authors suggest that CNEOS14 may have been deflected towards Earth by a massive object like Planet 9 between 30 and 60 years ago .

"If the guess is correct, by tracing the trajectory of CNEOS14 back in time, we would find the location of Planet 9," they explained.

Using the available data, a preliminary study signed by Socas-Navarro indicates that Planet 9, if it exists, could be very close to the point where the constellations Aries, Taurus and Cetus meet .


Astronomers have already begun the search at the Javalambre Observatory (Teruel, Spain), where an observation campaign is underway. "The task is still difficult and will require time and work, because the field to be scanned is still large and the object sought is very dark, but now it seems feasible," they said.

WE CONFIRM THE RE-ENTRY OF SATELLITE #STARLINK 30061 #ID55698 FLYING OVER #ALMERÍA, #MURCIA AND #ALICANTE TODAY at 2h34m TUC (4h34 CEST). Artificial fireball captured by Vicente Cayuelas @V_Cayuelas from La Aparecida, Alacant/#Alicante🛰️➡️
Jul 3, 2023 Updated Jul 3, 2023
On Friday, the crowd at a little league baseball game in Broomfield were lucky enough to see an incredible sight, as a suspected meteor streaked across the sky.

A video was recently posted to YouTube showing the meteor in broad daylight. According to a graphic on the video, it was recorded at 1:13 p.m. at Clapper Field in Broomfield Industrial Park.

We received 8 reports about a fireball seen over CA and NV on Wednesday, July 5th 2023 around 04:42 UT.
Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 08-51-25 American Meteor Society.png

We received 14 reports about a fireball seen over Bruxelles, England, Friesland, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Vlaams Gewest on Monday, July 3rd, 2023 around 22:19 UT.
Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 08-54-42 American Meteor Society.png

Sydney, New South Wales
It's raining meteors in Hawaii.

A video of best meteors captured by #星空ライブカメラ on Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island from July 3 to 9, 2023 local time. The starry sky live camera is being broadcast live 24 hours a day by the #国立天文台 Hawaii Observatory ( #すばる望遠鏡 ) and the Asahi Shimbun.

Two views of the recent fireball in Bulgaria!

Say what?
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