I have been following this protocol a for a while now. I recorded my own version and listen to it while walking in the park in the morning. I was going to post it but I figured my Aussie accent might be hard to understand for some

fwiw I also recorded myself saying some exerts from Laura’s meditations and Paul’s letter, plus my kinesiologist gives me an affirmation for the month which I also have added. It’s great way to start the day, at night I do POTS before going to sleep. Playing around with different things like this to see what works for you is important I think, as we are all different and life changes from day to day.
I should also add, that, I also use Louise Hays affirmations, at first I thought eh not sure about affirmations, but then I realised (after reading a lot of the character disturbance literature) that by replacing negative thoughts when they come up, with positive affirmations helps to rewire brain, it may not be that the affirmation itself is something that will “manifest” but by replacing the negative thought with something positive, it helps to let the mind know that, I hear you, and thanks for for trying to keep me safe, but it’s not a true statement but rather projection, and I would rather focus on being grateful for what i have in this moment.