Negative Emotions, Thoughts And How to Counteract Them

Thank you for the lovely video, @Renaissance. Your voice sounds different on video somehow! I really like the way you recite the prayer, so I'm all for linking to your video on the Cass YT channel. Laura's voice has special properties if I understand the Cs correctly, but I can imagine that some people like to listen to your voice too, which is calming and soothing.
I should also add, that, I also use Louise Hays affirmations, at first I thought eh not sure about affirmations, but then I realised (after reading a lot of the character disturbance literature) that by replacing negative thoughts when they come up, with positive affirmations helps to rewire brain, it may not be that the affirmation itself is something that will “manifest” but by replacing the negative thought with something positive, it helps to let the mind know that, I hear you, and thanks for for trying to keep me safe, but it’s not a true statement but rather projection, and I would rather focus on being grateful for what i have in this moment.
I have found the above to be very helpful. Also, just by accepting these negative thoughts and listening to what they are trying to tell me, and analysing them by taking a step back has helped me a lot. I feel much more confident now, because I know what to do when they pop up. Sometimes it is projection, sometimes it is plain nonsense, but sometimes these thoughts are some kind of reflection of past events. And when I take myself out of the equation - I put myself in there due to tons of guilt I felt for a large part of my life - I understand what these thoughts are telling me.
I have been following this protocol a for a while now. I recorded my own version and listen to it while walking in the park in the morning. I was going to post it but I figured my Aussie accent might be hard to understand for some 😂 fwiw I also recorded myself saying some exerts from Laura’s meditations and Paul’s letter, plus my kinesiologist gives me an affirmation for the month which I also have added. It’s great way to start the day, at night I do POTS before going to sleep. Playing around with different things like this to see what works for you is important I think, as we are all different and life changes from day to day.

I should also add, that, I also use Louise Hays affirmations, at first I thought eh not sure about affirmations, but then I realised (after reading a lot of the character disturbance literature) that by replacing negative thoughts when they come up, with positive affirmations helps to rewire brain, it may not be that the affirmation itself is something that will “manifest” but by replacing the negative thought with something positive, it helps to let the mind know that, I hear you, and thanks for for trying to keep me safe, but it’s not a true statement but rather projection, and I would rather focus on being grateful for what i have in this moment.
Positive affirmations in an Aussie accent🤣 no matter how hard we try, we just sound like bogans next to every other country and language.
For me the big question is where do these negative emotions come from, what is their origin?

There is a book How Emotions Are Made that discusses this. I haven't finished it yet so I can't offer a good summary but it's pretty interesting so far. It talks about how there is no identifiable fingerprint for any given emotion, how in order to recognize an emotion on a person's face you need the same conceptual understanding of that emotion challenging the notion there are universal emotions, and how interoception, our brains sense of our body, is a core component in the creation of emotions.

If we create our own emotions and if one feels the same emotion on a regular basis, what is inside of them that keeps creating that emotion?

The obvious answer for much of these emotions is unresolved childhood trauma. I haven't gotten far enough yet to know if that book discusses that topic, but I personally have found inner child work to be immensely helpful here.

The idea is that early childhood experiences created certain emotions, but because we could not understand them ourselves, could not articulate them and had no one to understand them with us, they were never destroyed so they just keep on living inside us.

If everything in life is governed by cycles such that everything born dies and everything created is destroyed, the core issue is that these emotional experiences never got to run their course. Emotions are supposed to be born (created through our own understanding of the world and our place in it), live (be experienced), and then die (fade away). Suppressing them for whatever reason means they never got to fully live which means they never die.

There is a book Recovery of Your Inner Child by Lucia C that I have used in the past with great success. It suggests certain excercises you can perform to communicate with your inner child, let his/her voice be heard and allow these locked up feelings to be felt.

A core exercise is a writing exercise where you take the role of your inner child's parent by communicating with him/her using your dominant hand, and then having your inner child respond in writing using your non-dominant hand. Using your non-dominant hand is basically a brain hack to access your subconscious (what she calls your creative center). So you can have a conversation back and forth with your inner child, moving the pen from hand to hand as you talk.

I used this work a few years back and the results were incredible. There is an immense sense of relief that occurs when you finally feel those feelings that have been locked inside of you for years.
That's beautiful. Thank you Renaissance.🙏
In addition to being highly efficient too.

Following the advice given, been listening to at least 4 repetitions in a row per day, for tomorrow 3 weeks now, and the difference in relationship with the self has been immense. The starting effect was such that after about a week into listening to it, coupled with some therapy work, was able to tackle a particularly strong belief which had stretch its tentacles basically into the very core of my being. In short, due to early negative programming and imprinting since infancy, was identifying and equating real love and care with rejection.
In the real sense of that meaning, the truth really sets us free!

My self and my soul, my whole being is chanting, 1000 times (at least) thank you for this compilation! :flowers: × million
A very nice and creative video, thank you @Renaissance ! :perfect:

Do you think it may be a good idea to have a version of the video, but with Laura's voice, to add to our Cass YT channel? And we could link to yours for those who prefer a male voice? Just a thought...

Laura's voice has a very interesting effect on an internal level. I think something about it was mentioned in some session, I don't remember. I hope Laura can do it as a complement. I don't know but it's something that goes beyond the language border. In dreams she sometimes speaks in English or even in Spanish with her own tone of voice! It's really crazy... I don't know if it's the brain's ability to recreate something like that, I don't know, but it's wonderful.
Thank you verymuch @Renaissance. Life is fun, when I have questions it makes me access some readings (by chance!!). I am reading Laura's book at the moment (Stripped to the Bone) and I find so much to pause and reflect.
Thank you for this compilation of phrases. Very good reminder and I find right when needed.
It's funny again that on the FOTCM calendar for March it says exactly what in my situation right now I have to work on
"I NO LONGER HAVE THE NEED to control everything around me. I do not impose my will on how I think the world, others or myself should be. Instead, I trust the universe, and I know that all is as it should be "
Thank you @Renaissance .Your work should be presented to children and teenagers, who will then have a better understanding of the meaning of life in just a few minutes. At the moment I'm having a lot of difficult emotions and every time this happens I find it hard to connect to the forum. And yes, it makes the pain even worse (mirror, mirror). But today this thread is perfect for me. And your work eases my pain.:hug2::-)
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