Negative lyrics


The Force is Strong With This One
A few websites I have been reading say that that negative lyrics in music (like metal, which happens to be may favourite) have an impact on your mind (making you focus on negative orientated). Even some of it is a part of mind programming, which kinda sucks cause most of the music I listen to is metal.
Negative or not, I don't focus on lyrics and singing anyway. I focus on the music.
A lot of people say a lot of things, and each situation and piece of music would have to be looked at seperately. But it does seem that the music of today is generally a reflection of the world - a fruit of pathology.
i am a metal fan too, and I "believe" that metal, well some not all obviously, actually is positive, as it looks at the world from a different view point and tends to have some self reflection in it, sure there is the mindless drivel as is so with any genre but a reasonable amount of metal has content which tends to go against the norm. Well this is all my opinion and as a metal fan and muscian I am undoubtedly biased, just thought i's add my 2 cents
i think it is more than just lyrics, I find the pounding low frequency repetitive sounds joined with negatively suggestive lyrics is the music one should be aware of. the faster/shorter the lower the bass the more sudden and the shorter the sampled sound the more concern it brings to my mind.

back in the "days" the metal was pretty slow. The songs would almost chug along and the sounds were almost always mid to high range. black sabbath, zeppelin, motor head, mountain, deep purple, vanhalen ; anything from those time periods give em a good listen. The songs are not really fast, which gave the guitarists a chance to sound faster with out being complete technicians. The songs changed quite a bit through out their duration, most of those bands were not happy with the typical verse/chorus/bridge format, leaving you with longer songs that weren't hypnotic (with out a lot of drugs involved).

Mettalica's black album was the first metal album where they brought in massive bass, that I heard. And it was hypnotic and I didn't not like that aspect. Even at 16 years old I knew that was bad. Their songs became short Bass trance like quips full of political statements and nightmare imagery.

When I listen to the new metal and the new rap i find them almost the same. One is guitars the other drum machines. All i can hear is short bursts of low low sounds with explicitly sexual or violent lyrics over the top. Gone are the components of music (beat/rhythm/melody) and song structure as a whole. just driving beat and a message.
A lot of the music I used to listen to a while ago before I 'fell down the rabbit hole' if you know what I mean...Actually turns out to have some serious depth and meaning, for example 'Tool' I used to listen to all the time in college, sounded great, didn't pay much attention to the lyrics, now their songs actually give me strength to keep going: Lateralus video and Lyrics<---Needless to say I didn't catch on to what this song was really about in college :rolleyes: Work of art as is all of their material. An example of one of their more negative songs would be Aenema Lyrics Here. I can sense from this song how frustrated the guy is with the world as it is. A negative song or an objective one?

After taking another look at the other metal/loud/shouting type bands I used to listen to there seems to be a common theme among most of the artists...basically their hearts are or were in the right place but all of their creative energy is expressed in anger and hate (righteous anger maybe), a prime example would be 'Rage Against the Machine' though they did support communism so really they totally missed the mark, they could only see the horrors of what the American govt have done.
Diplodocus said:
A lot of the music I used to listen to a while ago before I 'fell down the rabbit hole' if you know what I mean...Actually turns out to have some serious depth and meaning, for example 'Tool' I used to listen to all the time in college, sounded great, didn't pay much attention to the lyrics, now their songs actually give me strength to keep going: Lateralus video and Lyrics<---Needless to say I didn't catch on to what this song was really about in college :rolleyes: Work of art as is all of their material. An example of one of their more negative songs would be Aenema Lyrics Here. I can sense from this song how frustrated the guy is with the world as it is. A negative song or an objective one?

I used to listen to Tool a lot. Still do, in fact more so recently it seems. One of my favorite songs lyric-wise is on Aenema, called "Forty-six two"

My shadows
Shedding skin and
Ive been picking
Scabs again.
Im down
Digging through
My old muscles
Looking for a clue.

Ive been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what couldve been.
Ive been wallowing in my own confused
And insecure delusions
For a piece to cross me over
Or a word to guide me in.
I wanna feel the changes coming down.
I wanna know what Ive been hiding in

My shadow.
Change is coming through my shadow.
My shadows shedding skin
Ive been picking
My scabs again.

Ive been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what couldve been.
Ive been wallowing in my own chaotic
And insecure delusions.

I wanna feel the change consume me,
Feel the outside turning in.
I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
Cleansing Ive endured within

My shadow
Change is coming.
Now is my time.
Listen to my muscle
Contemplate what Ive been clinging to.
Forty-six and two ahead of me.

I choose to live and to
Grow, take and give and to
Move, learn and love and to
Cry, kill and die and to
Be paranoid and to
Lie, hate and fear and to
Do what it takes to move through.
I choose to live and to
Lie, kill and give and to
Die, learn and love and to
Do what it takes to step through.

See my shadow changing,
Stretching up and over me.
Soften this old armor.
Hoping I can clear the way
By stepping through my shadow,
Coming out the other side.
Step into the shadow.
Forty six and two are just ahead of me.

I get the impression he's describing the process of shedding emotional armor or baggage, one's "shadow" if you will. Occasionally when I listen intently to the lyrics I can feel it opening up my own emotional "armor" and I've had some moments where I've really felt a release out of this (a good cry or a shout for instance). I've noticed this effect even more since I started the breathing exercises.

Are the lyrics negative? Yes. Are they objective? Maybe not all of their lyrics, but some of their songs touch upon fairly objective aspects of our reality. The one just mentioned would be one example of a person trying to overcome their emotional armor to see who they truly are on the inside. On their latest album, 10,000 Days, there are a couple of interesting songs too. Vicarious seems to me to describe the same vampiric feeding mechanism that Barbara Hort describes, although in the macro-sense where people feed off the negative images broadcasted in the media - getting a "thrill" out of seeing death and tragedy. Then there is a song, Rosetta Stoned, which describes the classical alien abduction experience, which I don't know if it's totally objective - but I've read enough of these experiences to see the similarities.

There is kind of an interesting question related to this that I have been pondering. Why is it that people tend to like sad music over happy music most of the time? Is there something more "real" about sad music that fits better with the human psyche - or perhaps the ponerized human psyche? Come to think of it, there are few "happy" songs that I enjoy listening to. I would classify some classical pieces as "happy" or uplifting, but even among that genre, the majority that I like are written in a minor key and tend to sound "darker".

Fourty six and two is about the amount of chromosomes we will supposedly have when we evolve, like a 'metamorphosis'. At the moment we have 44 and 2 sex chromosomes, and apparently some tribes have 42 and 2. This idea was put forward by...wait for it...Drunvalo Melchizedek :halo:
I can't find there being any proof for any humans having 2 less chromosomes, for a start they wouldn't be human. Animals have all sorts of chromosome numbers so the theory doesn't really fit into an evolutionary point of view.

From Drunvalos book 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 1' (I have read this and going back over some of it now I can't believe I took this waffle at face value when I first read it):
page 63 and 64.
Harmonic and Disharmonic Levels of Consciousness
The Sanskrit literature talks about how when we approach the lower oval at A [in Fig. 2-40] in the precession, we
become aware of electrical energies. We can fly in the sky. We can do many unusual things. The world becomes
extremely unstable, and in a single day we get rid of the old way of viewing the world and make a huge transformation in
consciousness. But as we approach this transformation, given the particular level of consciousness we have, we tend to
destroy everything we touch. It’s a natural part of who we are. We’re not doing anything wrong; it’s just the way we are.
We’re doing it exactly right. We destroy everything, we cause everything to go into disharmony. I’ll be talking about this
later, but I think it would be appropriate to tell you this much now:
On Earth, according to Thoth, there are five totally different steps or levels of life that each human is going to pass
through. When we reach the fifth level, we will make a transformation that transcends known life itself. That’s the normal
pattern. Each one of these levels of consciousness has many aspects that are different from the other levels. First, they
have different chromosome levels. The first level of human consciousness has 42 + 2 chromosomes; the second level
has 44+2 chromosomes; the third one has 46 + 2; the fourth, 48 + 2; and finally 50 + 2. Each level of human consciousness
has a different body height associated with it. (This might sound kind of funny if you’ve never heard it before.)
The first level of 42 + 2 has a range of height somewhere between four and maybe six feet. The people who fall
into that category specifically are the Aborigines in Australia, and I believe that certain tribes in Africa and South
America also do.
The second level of consciousness has 44+2 chromosomes, and that’s us. Our band of height is about five to seven
feet. We’re a little taller than the first group. The third level’s height goes up considerably. The 46+2 chromosome level
interrupts the Reality through what you could term unity or Christ consciousness. That range of height is from about ten
to sixteen feet tall.

Then there’s another range for the fourth level of consciousness—the 48 + 2s—who have a height of about 30 to 35 feet.
The final band, the perfected human, is between 50 and 60 feet tall. They have 52 chromosomes. I suspect that the
reason there are 52 cards in a deck is related to those 52 chromosomes of the potential of man. For those of you who are
Hebrew, you might remember that Metatron, the perfect man—that which we will become—was blue and 55 feet tall.
(We’ll talk about this again when we get into the subject of Egypt)
There are states between the consciousness levels, like Down syndrome, for example. Down syndrome happens
when a person transitions from this second level of consciousness, which we are on, into the third level, but didn’t quite
make it. The person didn’t get all the instructions right, and where he almost always fails is in the left-brain instructional
aspect of the chromosomes. A Down syndrome person has 45+2 chromosomes—he got one of them, but not the other.
He or she got the emotional one—the heart one—all right. If you know any Down syndrome children, they are pure love,
but they don’t understand how to make the transition into the third level of human consciousness. They are still learning.
The second and fourth levels of consciousness are disharmonic, and the first, third and fifth levels are harmonic.
You’ll understand this when we see it in the geometries. When you look at human consciousness from a geometrical
point of view, you can see the harmonic levels, and you can see that the disharmonic levels are simply out of balance.
That’s where we are right now—out of balance. These disharmonic levels are absolutely necessary. You can’t get from
level one to level three without passing through level two. But two is a totally disharmonic consciousness. Does not chaos
bring change?
Whenever a consciousness gets into the second or fourth level, it knows it can be there for only a short time. These
levels are used as stepping stones—like a stone in the middle of a river, one you jump on and get off of as soon as you
can to get to the other side. You don’t hang out there, because if you do, you fall in. If we were to hang out here on Earth
even just a little bit longer, we would destroy our planet. We would destroy it by just being who we are. Yet we are a sacred
and necessary step in evolution. We are a bridge to another world. And we are living this bridge by just being alive in this
incredible time.

Basically the fruits of this excerpt are that the reason we are destroying the planet and ourselves is because were simply at a disharmonic level of consciousness, so theres nothing we can do about it.
False knowledge certainly can be dangerous!!
Tool were fooled with this one but the song is still great imo, the message is still there that change is needed, to shed ones shadow, rid ourselves of our delusions, for the change to take place. (Whether Tool think were gonna be 16ft tall after I don't know) But It could relate to the wave in a roundabout way, although unintentionally on the bands part.
jelly49 said:
Could you recommend any metal bands for me?? :)
Band: Iron Maiden - Song: Wasted Years (from Somewhere In Time Album) -->
(Adrian Smith)

From the coast of gold, across the seven seas
I'm travellin' on, far and wide
But now it seems, I'm just a stranger to myself
And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but
someone else

I close my eyes, and think of home
Another city goes by in the night
Ain't it funny how it is, you never miss it 'til its
gone away
And my heart is lying there and will be 'til my
dying day


So understand
Don't waste your time always searching for
those wasted years
Face up...make your stand
And realise you're living in the golden years

Too much time on my hands, I got you on
my mind
Can't ease this pain, so easily
When you can't find the words to say it's hard to
make it through another day
And it just makes me wanna cry and throw my
hands up to the sky


So understand
Don't waste your time always searching for
those wasted years
Face up...make your stand
And realise you're living in the golden years
jelly49 said:
Could you recommend any metal bands for me?? :)

Black tide, but if you don't like the negative lyrics... i don't know

But i recommend you this little and young group cause they have good songs as show me the way
jelly49 said:
A few websites I have been reading say that that negative lyrics in music (like metal, which happens to be may favourite) have an impact on your mind (making you focus on negative orientated). Even some of it is a part of mind programming, which kinda sucks cause most of the music I listen to is metal.
Negative or not, I don't focus on lyrics and singing anyway. I focus on the music.

i think thats a bit like the argument that says violent video games affect you. personally i just find those games silly fun (im strongly non-violent). what i really despise is gangsta rappers who glorify violence and degrade women. i think thats probably the worst example i can think of with regards to negative effects (it seems a bit like group conditioning). then again there are some eminem tracks i like, so its a bit confusing (but thats mainly because i like the rhythm and tempo of those tracks)

negative lyrics do come in different guises though. im thinking of the album 'bird seed' by whitehouse. extremely powerful! and can it be described as a blast of light? i suppose that depends! its weird thou. kinda beyond eminem in a way (think about the man)_

its probably a blast of turbulence
I can sense from this song how frustrated the guy is with the world as it is. A negative song or an objective one?

I have the very same feeling while listening to Slayer.
Yes , I know that name of the band and their image says something different but still there are a lot of songs with objective lyrics imo.
I remember old hippie songs about love, peace, more love, Vietnam, rebellion against the man, war, more love, and what not. No swearing... Seems nowadays there are more and more music that I call HATE ROCK. Strange I like some, but nevertheless much rock nowadays is full of HATE. Still more examples of social engineering perhaps? I experienced the flower child - love in days...
The PTB are very good at keeping the masses in a state of confusion, perhaps?
:love: :curse: :love: :curse: :love: :curse:
I think those old mind expanding days also, were part of the experimental engineering to dumb the masses down, bastardize, and ultimately divert all possible from finding out the "truth"...
As always, I'm open to be proven wrong...
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
I've got to start by saying I'm a huge metal fan. I'm not sure what some of you are referring to when talking about negative lyrics. Al, I'm not sure what you are talking about when you say 'hate rock'. Are you simply talking about 'hateful' lyrics such as racist or sexist? Or are you talking about anything that is sung (or screamed as is sometimes the case with metal) agressively and angrily? Are you sure you aren't confusing hate with anger?

For me, I have never had a problem finding metal bands that don't promote hatred. From my experience, most metal bands who've been around for a long time, and have real talent, talk about politics, religion, mythology and personal issues. It seems to be the few who get into racially charged hate speech and these jokers usually don't remain very long. They enter the industry for thier shock value, but that's about it. They exit the industry as quickly as they enter.

In all honesty, I have never found another genre of music that tackles the real issues facing humanity in the same way that heavy metal does. Since the genre is already seen as a fringe style of music, the musicians generally get complete autonomy when writing thier lyrics. They don't have giant corporate interest looking over thier shoulders and trying to water down thier message. Metal bands have often been the very best at talking about the two main issues facing humanity today: the influence of politics and organized religion. Some may see these things as negative, but they are truths regardless of how 'negative' they seem to be to us at this point in time.

Many people, after reading the first volume of the wave, would likely see it as a 'negative book'. Some of the messages contained in it - the hard truths and well thought-out theories is poses, are far from peachy. But the bottom line is that it is a book written in an attempt to find TRUTH in the world, regardless of how uncomfortable it may be. As a side note: Imagine how 'negative' Laura must have thought some of those early messages by the C's were!

Further, look at the front page of the very site we are on: sott.
If you showed that to someone who wasn't searching for answers, as most of us here are, the first thing they would say is how 'negative', 'pessimistic', or 'depressing' it is.
Those of us who read the front page often, would reply, 'yes it can be depressing but that's the TRUTH of our current situation'.

We come here looking for truth regardless of what it is. Sometimes it can make you upset, depressed or angry. I know it has for me in the past. Reading some of the articles about the atrocities around the globe can often make me angry. I don't think any of us are immune to being angry once and awhile when we see what is happening and what has happened on this planet.

I personally see 'negative' metal lyrics as a reflection of the anger that each of us has experienced when we open our eyes to the hard truths of the world. I also see it as the anger that the willfully ignorant hide from each and every day of thier lives.

This is a song that was posted in the 'what are you listening to' thread. It is a great 'negative' song because it touches on the problems facing humanity today. At first glance it seems as though its another typical metal song talking about the negativity of war. But those of us on this site will be able to read between the lines fairly easily and find some other messages.

It brings back memories of how I felt when I first started actively searching out the hidden and not-so hidden truths of our world. This is a newer band and off thier fourth album.

Trivium - Down from the Sky

A chasm grows
In the cavity of serpentine teeth
Hunger pangs strike
For the sweet feast of innocent blood
Of innocent bloodshed
Now here we go

The vampires feed off the wars of mankind
The vampires feed off the wars of mankind

Growing fat on the throne of an empire
Tyrant rules with the threat of a great fire

I've opened up my eyes
Seen the world for what it's worth
Tears rain down from the sky
They'll blow it all to bits
To prove whose God wields all the power
Fire rains down from the sky

The gaping wounds
Hemorrhaging the blood from which they feast
Eat us alive
Consume to feed a hunger with no
A hunger with no end
Let's f***ing go

The vampires feed off the wars of mankind
The vampires feed off the wars of mankind

Growing fat on the throne of an empire
Tyrant rules with the threat of a great fire

I've opened up my eyes
Seen the world for what it's worth
Tears rain down from the sky
They'll blow it all to bits
To prove whose God wields all the power
Fire rains down from the sky

This battle's not the same which they have led us to believe
A synthesis of propaganda, terror, and deceit
We are the cattle
They the slaughter
Our meat: Gasoline

They pump us through the machine's valves
To cleanse the world's "disease"
We are the ammunition
That will cause all life to cease

All those who stand in their way
They'll rain their holocaust down from the sky

Solo: Matt

The vampires feed off the wars of mankind
The vampires feed off the wars of mankind

Solo: Corey
Growing fat on the throne of an empire
Tyrant rules with the threat of a great fire

I've opened up my eyes
Seen the world for what it's worth
Tears rain down from the sky
They'll blow it all to bits
To prove whose god wields all the power
Fire rains down from the sky

All those who stand in their way
They'll rain their holocaust down from the sky

The very low budget video _
Hey Charliebox, did Al touch a nerve with you that might indicate you are overly identified with metal music and maybe you took that post in a personal way?

I ask this because Al's post seemed to set off a quite lengthy defense of heavy metal music and also the whole industry. After reading the forums for a while (and maybe you have already) you can see that there are many instances where people get triggered by some post and respond strongly defensively, and then some of them find out by working through it that they were locked in to a certain viewpoint or overly identified with something.

So, I point this out as something you might look at. To me, Al's post seemed to be an observation of how some areas of popular music have changed over the years and pointing out a different focus "back then".
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