page 63 and 64.
Harmonic and Disharmonic Levels of Consciousness
The Sanskrit literature talks about how when we approach the lower oval at A [in Fig. 2-40] in the precession, we
become aware of electrical energies. We can fly in the sky. We can do many unusual things. The world becomes
extremely unstable, and in a single day we get rid of the old way of viewing the world and make a huge transformation in
consciousness. But as we approach this transformation, given the particular level of consciousness we have, we tend to
destroy everything we touch. It’s a natural part of who we are. We’re not doing anything wrong; it’s just the way we are.
We’re doing it exactly right. We destroy everything, we cause everything to go into disharmony. I’ll be talking about this
later, but I think it would be appropriate to tell you this much now:
On Earth, according to Thoth, there are five totally different steps or levels of life that each human is going to pass
through. When we reach the fifth level, we will make a transformation that transcends known life itself. That’s the normal
pattern. Each one of these levels of consciousness has many aspects that are different from the other levels. First, they
have different chromosome levels. The first level of human consciousness has 42 + 2 chromosomes; the second level
has 44+2 chromosomes; the third one has 46 + 2; the fourth, 48 + 2; and finally 50 + 2. Each level of human consciousness
has a different body height associated with it. (This might sound kind of funny if you’ve never heard it before.)
The first level of 42 + 2 has a range of height somewhere between four and maybe six feet. The people who fall
into that category specifically are the Aborigines in Australia, and I believe that certain tribes in Africa and South
America also do.
The second level of consciousness has 44+2 chromosomes, and that’s us. Our band of height is about five to seven
feet. We’re a little taller than the first group. The third level’s height goes up considerably. The 46+2 chromosome level
interrupts the Reality through what you could term unity or Christ consciousness. That range of height is from about ten
to sixteen feet tall.
Then there’s another range for the fourth level of consciousness—the 48 + 2s—who have a height of about 30 to 35 feet.
The final band, the perfected human, is between 50 and 60 feet tall. They have 52 chromosomes. I suspect that the
reason there are 52 cards in a deck is related to those 52 chromosomes of the potential of man. For those of you who are
Hebrew, you might remember that Metatron, the perfect man—that which we will become—was blue and 55 feet tall.
(We’ll talk about this again when we get into the subject of Egypt)
There are states between the consciousness levels, like Down syndrome, for example. Down syndrome happens
when a person transitions from this second level of consciousness, which we are on, into the third level, but didn’t quite
make it. The person didn’t get all the instructions right, and where he almost always fails is in the left-brain instructional
aspect of the chromosomes. A Down syndrome person has 45+2 chromosomes—he got one of them, but not the other.
He or she got the emotional one—the heart one—all right. If you know any Down syndrome children, they are pure love,
but they don’t understand how to make the transition into the third level of human consciousness. They are still learning.
The second and fourth levels of consciousness are disharmonic, and the first, third and fifth levels are harmonic.
You’ll understand this when we see it in the geometries. When you look at human consciousness from a geometrical
point of view, you can see the harmonic levels, and you can see that the disharmonic levels are simply out of balance.
That’s where we are right now—out of balance. These disharmonic levels are absolutely necessary. You can’t get from
level one to level three without passing through level two. But two is a totally disharmonic consciousness. Does not chaos
bring change?
Whenever a consciousness gets into the second or fourth level, it knows it can be there for only a short time. These
levels are used as stepping stones—like a stone in the middle of a river, one you jump on and get off of as soon as you
can to get to the other side. You don’t hang out there, because if you do, you fall in. If we were to hang out here on Earth
even just a little bit longer, we would destroy our planet. We would destroy it by just being who we are. Yet we are a sacred
and necessary step in evolution. We are a bridge to another world. And we are living this bridge by just being alive in this
incredible time.