John G
The Living Force
Even in Jungian personality models there's a distinction made between the bias you are born with and keep and the idea of maturity/health levels for the personality factors. All things being equal, you tend to mature more for the traits you are biased towards, but the environment, school, job, peer pressure, things you work on, etc. can make you more mature in traits you aren't biased towards. The highest level for all types could be described as all for one and one for all and there's an idea that to get there, you have to do it for all the factors.PepperFritz said:I think the question to be asked is: Are one's "characteristics" simply a part of one's Personality, rather than one's Essence? I think that in order to determine that one must be open to artificially adopting "unfamiliar" characteristics and playing with the concept of "personality".