rylek said:
I wanted to post a sort of update not only about the nightly visits but also about my dreams. I am again going through the different threads on related topics to refresh my memory as well. Any feedback would be appreciated, as always.
First of all I would like to say that this situation looks pretty exhausting, especially cause of the length and insensitivity of those events, happening to you, and because of the good-night-sleep which is interrupted during that time.
I can recognize many familiar factors within, for me having a quality sleep happens once in every few months and usually at the very edge of a serious body exhaustiveness, but I learned to 'trick' that with many different solutions, I found working quite good, for me.
Since I'm 'reading' here, from your posts, that you're probably feeling 'on the edge' sometimes, deeply disturbed with all going on and in effort to understand it and make it stop, I would sincerely recommend you, for the start, to focus on making it easier for yourself.
In a way of focusing on relaxing and reducing the stress level any way you can/know.
That is not a solution for the things bothering you but it's a start in dealing with it all (beside getting knowledge and being a part of this forum, where you can share and gain some assistance and support, for many people had/having similar experiences,) which should give you the strength and improve your situation.
The reason why I'm suggesting to start with relaxing is because when one is stressed out - it's very difficult to deal with even little, everyday things, not to mention a job responsibilities and family demands. That can lead into messing up many parts of one's life, since the very level from which we approach to problems - is messed and stressed up. So, it's obvious that the further it continues it would be expected to get more and more complicated and all 'going down the hill'... but also it could be another way of the attacks - from Cass Glossary about the attacks (http://glossary.cassiopaea.com/glossary.php?id=128):
This may involve an endlessly broad range of circumstances. These will generally not be distinguishable from bad luck or any common adversity. These occur in whichever area one may be most vulnerable. Attack may be evident but its relation to a control system or General Law will almost by definition remain indemonstrable to a third party. This can be akin to a Murphy's law: If it can go wrong, it will.
But, it's hard to tell and anyway, you can hardly know it/prove it, so either way it's best to start to do what you know/can and that's to strengthen yourself in order to eliminate the possibilities of messing things up even worst because of the stress and exhausting factors. ;)
So, create a balance in your life and put some weight on 'the other side of the scale', by doing things which are calming you and feels refreshing,
long walks in the nature will certainly benefit you, maybe try some swimming or long relaxing baths, whatever works for you. There are many things you can try, find out what works the best in what situation and simply do it. Catching up on sleep during the daytime, meditating, all that cold help. Take care of yourself in a way you would treat a troubled love one going through a tough phase, you would focus on making it a bit easier by helping them to relax and get hold of their inner strenght, any way it works for them, right?
Also, continuing the work on yourself, gaining new knowledge and maybe finding some creative way to loose the extra steam, this ALL should help. My daughter had some very intense dreams, similar to yours, about black-robes person without face, trying to kill her, happening through few months period and we had some very ugly and bizarre things happening at that time in our lives, so I think I can connect well with what you're going through... I looked through psychiatric books on how to deal with traumatized kids and there are many good techniques and advices, the ones you can apply to yourself also, cause it transforms the way we deal with those experiences, in a simple language and easy techniques.
hold on and take care of yourself