New meditation music coming soon

The instrumentals plus the reverberating sound of Laura's voice really does do wonders! Thank you guys, it's beautiful, a work of art.

Breton said:
The best trick when excuses arise (tired, no time and so on) has been to tell myself I will just do the 3 stage breathing and that is all, and usually that is the step that allows me to go on and do the whole program anyways. At those times it feels good, because I did what "IT" did not want me to do.

That's how I try to circumvent my laziness (predator) as well! It's funny how the predator falls for these silly tricks!
Burma Jones said:
Corto Malteze said:
holding my breath until the CD is released.

Don't do it, man! BREATHE!!
I am turning blue :)
Any news, is it available for purchase?
I know you have plenty on you plate, just checking in case I missed it.
Beautiful work, achieves a powerful effect. Laura's voice seems to come from heaven. Made me cry a little. :) If somehow we could give back the exhilaration and positive energy experienced during listening to the creators, recharging their energy, creating a positive coupling - and transmitting the effect to everyone receptive in our environment - that would be awesome!
The music sounds great! But to my ears when listening to this sample, I feel that the volume in the musical track is a bit too high in this sample mix. Laura's voice becomes drowned out and muffled in parts. The words are more important then the music. The music should be in the background and not the foreground. One has to fight to hear the Prayer For The Soul over the music. IMHO

P.S.- There is nothing wrong with my ears and I have a very good sound system hooked up to my computer.
Fastwalker said:
The music sounds great! But to my ears when listening to this sample, I feel that the volume in the musical track is a bit too high in this sample mix. Laura's voice becomes drowned out and muffled in parts. The words are more important then the music. The music should be in the background and not the foreground. One has to fight to hear the Prayer For The Soul over the music. IMHO

P.S.- There is nothing wrong with my ears and I have a very good sound system hooked up to my computer.

In my opinion the volume in the musical track is good and the words are important as same as the music. Prayer of the Soul with this music has on me more positive impact than Prayer without this track.

Fastwalker, try using headphones and listen to the entire recording without diminish the importance of anything.

I wonder when the CD will release.
The music is beautiful. I look forward to ordering the CD when it comes out. Thank you Burma and Laura.
OH MY DIVINE COSMIC MIND!!! Burma Jones and Laura. That was absolutely beautiful. My insides had goosebumps!

That is wonderful!

Wow, wave after wave of warmth, felt almost like an internal stretching toward the divine.
Just makes ya want to connect to where that music"comes from".

Excellent presentation. Thanks.
Burma Jones said:
We've got some new meditation music that we will be releasing soon. There will be a CD with two pieces, each about 25 minutes long. I've uploaded a five minute sample of one of them. The CD will be ready very soon. Hope you find it useful.

It seems the link doesn't work anymore. Could anyone refresh it please or at least share the link where the CD can be found? I guess this is something different than EE disks? I feel Laura's voice doing positive things to my mind and it helps to relax quite easy. I have an access to EE material however it is not recommended to listen it while one is driving.

Many thanks,
Hello everyone,
could anyone please share the link where one could find music for meditation (created/valued by the members of the Group) or just songs with Laura's voice (I remember seeing the thread where she was encouraged to do that :))? It's absolutely normal if one need to pay for this.
I'd like to use that for therapy/healing purposes of my family.

Much appreciate.
Yes those old links are dead. What is happening with this particular project can anyone shed some light on it ?
It would be wonderful to hear these.
Hey all,

Here is a new link to the meditation sample:

For future reference, in any URL that contains, just change that part of the URL ( to

Good listening!
I too am very impressed with this and look forward to the final production.
Well done done guys.
Very beautiful peace of art, Burma Jones. Can you tell us about this project's fate? Are you still going to release it?

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